How to I install OpenRefine extensions in OntoRefine - openrefine

Is it possible to use OpenRefine extensions in OntoRefine (part of GraphDB 8.3)? And if yes, how?
What version of OpenRefine is OntoRefine based on?

GraphDB support replied to my e-mail:
OntoRefine is currently (dec 2017) based on OpenRefine 2.5
The implementation is packaged in app/lib/workbench/WEB-INF/lib/graphdb-framework-openrefine-{version}.jar
In my case, GraphDB version is 8.3.1 and the installer placed it into C:\Users\\AppData\Local\GraphDB Free\ (on Windows)
So theoretically, it is possible to unpack the graphdb-framework-openrefine-8.3.1.jar file, add a plugin, repackage and replace.
In practice, it's just too much work and it's probably easier to use a standalone OpenRefine and export from there into GraphDB.


Lua SDK for IntelliJ on a Linux system?

Trying to set up IntelliJ IDEA with the Lua plugin. This requires me to direct it to the location of a Lua SDK. All instructions I have been able to find for this are on a Windows system, pointing to a specific directory in Program Files. I am running a Linux system. I've built and installed Lua 5.3.4 (newest version at time of writing) from source, but as far as I can tell that doesn't include any equivalent to the SDK needed – it just drops a variety of necessary files in /usr/local/{bin,include,lib,man/man1} and creates two empty directories /usr/local/{lib,share}/lua/5.3.
Am I missing something conceptual? Do I need to get something else (the existence of which I have been unable to confirm)? Should I just give up on this and find another IDE? The plugin seems to come with two SDKs, Kahlua and LuaJ, but I don't know how well either of these match up to either standard Lua or LuaJit, which are what I would be using.
This is assuming you are using this Lua plugin for IntelliJ:
If you have installed Lua via DNF or yum simply guide IntelliJ to /urs/bin and it'll find it. (I assume this also works for other installers like apt or brew.)
It looks like the SDK is just looking for two files lua and luac which both live in /usr/bin.

Syslog-ng custom parser

Is it possible to implement custom parsers in syslog-ng ? For example, I want to implement a custom parser which will parse messages in ASN format and write the contents of the message to a file in ASCII format. Would it be possible ?
yes, you can write custom parsers in Python. The Python parser is available in the latest version of the Premium Edition (commercial product), and it will be available in the upcoming 3.10 version of the Open Source Edition.
You can read about it in the documentation of the Premium Edition at
If you compile the current master branch of the Open Source Edition, it should include the Python parser. I think there is also a nightly rpm package somewhere that includes it - I'll check it and get back to you tomorrow.

TestNG XSLT (Saxon) Report Generator Jars

I am trying to generate XSLT file using TestNG + Selenium + Java.
I find out that to do so , we need to have these three jar files
I got those files from separated sources and mostly from someone's personal repository.
Is there any official webpage to download the latest version of those three jar files?
I went to Saxon Page and apparently we need to pay to use Saxon product? Not sure if I am on the right page though.
Are those 3 Jar files mentioned above free of charge? Thanks.
I can answer part of the question.
I don't know if testNG/Selenium really requires Saxon 8.7 specifically (that's a very old version) or whether it will also run with more recent versions. Sometimes when people say the requirement is for version X, they simply mean that's the one that it was tested with. Either way, I think it almost certainly requires only the open source version of Saxon (which was called Saxon-B up to version 9.1, and Saxon-HE from versions 9.2 to the current 9.7). For all the open-source versions, the official distribution is on the Saxon project at Sourceforge, Obviously, for these versions no license (or payment) is required.
The page you cite from is only relevant to commercial versions of Saxon. I guess we should correct it, because we should allow for users landing there from a google search and therefore not assume any context.
I can't help you on the other two JAR files.

Mule - Updating third party library in runtime

I'm using Mule Server 3.8 EE which brings commons-lang 2.4 with it. A third-party library in my project needs commons-lang 2.6, because it uses a method that was introduced in this version.
So when I just start my application, I get a java.lang.NoSuchMethodError
Is there a way to update the dependency in the runtime? What I tried so far:
including commons-lang 2.6 in my app -> no effect, the one from the runtime is picked up first
replacing the jar directly in the runtime -> errors in studio, that the 2.4 jar is missing
so maybe i am late BUT -- this is your answer. Add the libraries that are newer in the jar distribution to the Build Path. Under Java Build Path screen you should see the libraries listed. I needed to use Apache http-client 4.5.6 and that's very interesting because it brings with it a lot of other dependencies, so your question was VERY relevant. The solution is to rely on JAVA (and not mule -- oops Anypoint or whatever) conventions and make sure the JVM loads my class files first. Then, it won't load the old ones from mule's jar. And so I went to the tab Order and Export, and moved Mule to the bottom. This simple, trivial change makes it work. I think if we would work with command line and vim, we would all know this. But all the IDE gui and everything else makes us forget the simplest things. Please use it in good health. :)

Install npgsql for PowerBI

I'm not a programmer and I haven´t Visual Studio installed in my PC but I need npgsql to connect Microsoft PowerBI (Power Query) to a Postgres instance.
Is there a way to install it without having to compile it?
Is it necessary to do special configurations in my PC to make it work?
Thank you very much.
To expand on #Shay's comment, you can use nuget if you want the latest version of Npgsql.
You don't need to install nuget.exe; you can down download the latest nuget package from
Rename the .NUPKG file as .ZIP and unzip it, and you'll find Npgsql.dll in /lib/net45. instructions indicate you'll also need Mono.Security.dll, whcih you can download at
It seems the instructions are slightly out of date, because the latest Npgsql GitHub releases aren't including compiled binary downloads. You can follow the instructions after downloading an older GitHub release.
(It may also work to just run the setup EXE instead of continuing with the instructions.)