Akka.net / Cluster - How to "Heal" the topology when the leader dies? - akka.net

I set up a basic test topology with Petabridge Lighthouse and two simple test actors that communicate with each other. This works well so far, but there is one problem: Lighthouse (or the underlying Akka.Cluster) makes one of my actors the leader, and when not shutting the node down gracefully (e.g. when something crashes badly or I simply hit "Stop" in VS) the Lighthouse is not usable any more. Tons of exceptions scroll by and it must be restarted.
Is it possible to configure Akka.Cluster .net in a way that the rest of the topology elects a new leader and carries on?

There are 2 things to point here. One is that if you have a serious risk of your lighthouse node going down, you probably should have more that one -
akka.cluster.seed-nodes setting can take multiple addresses, the only requirement here is that all nodes, including lighthouses, must have them specified in the same order. This way if one lighthouse is going down, another one still can take its role.
Other thing is that when a node becomes unreachable (either because the process crashed on network connection is unavailable), by default akka.net cluster won't down that node. You need to tell it, how it should behave, when such thing happens:
At any point you can configure your own IDowningProvider interface, that will be triggered after certain period of node inactivity will be reached. Then you can manually decide what to do. To use it add fully qualified type name to followin setting: akka.cluster.downing-provider = "MyNamespace.MyDowningProvider, MyAssembly". Example downing provider implementation can be seen here.
You can specify akka.cluster.auto-down-unreachable-after = 10s (or other time value) to specify some timeout given for an unreachable node to join - if it won't join before the timeout triggers, it will be kicked out from the cluster. Only risk here is when cluster split brain happens: under certain situations a network failure between machines can split your cluster in two, if that happens with auto-down set up, two halves of the cluster may consider each other dead. In this case you could end up having two separate clusters instead of one.
Starting from the next release (Akka.Cluster 1.3.3) a new Split Brain Resolver feature will be available. It will allow you to configure more advanced strategies on how to behave in case of network partitions and machine crashes.


What happens when all baseline nodes stop or disconnect from network except one?

We have 3 ignite server nodes in 3 different server farms, full replicated, persistence enabled, and all servers area baseline nodes. It happens that if 2 server nodes fail (node or connection crash or slow connection), the remainig one also perform a shutdown, perhaps guessing it's disconnected from the network.
Is it possible to make the surviving node not to shutdown?
Is it possible to adjust some timeout to avoid disconnections from slow networks or nodes?
I cannot find any hint into the documentation.
To avoid the problem I've to run only one server node (what we tried to avoid using Ignite...).
You can try to customize StopNodeOrHaltFailureHandler https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/ignite with SEGMENTATION added to ignoredFailureTypes.
But in this case, if all 3 nodes are segmented and remain alive, you need to keep in mind that the cluster may enter the split-brain state.
To decide wich node should be used for cache operations, you can add TopologyValidator https://ignite.apache.org/releases/latest/javadoc/org/apache/ignite/configuration/TopologyValidator.html to cache config. And based on node attributes to decide which node is allowed.

How to setup a Akka.NET cluster when I do not really need persistence?

I have a fairly simple Akka.NET system that tracks in-memory state, but contains only derived data. So any actor can on startup load its up-to-date state from a backend database and then start receiving messages and keep their state from there. So I can just let actors fail and restart the process whenever I want. It will rebuild itself.
But... I would like to run across multiple nodes (mostly for the memory requirements) and I'd like to increase/decrease the number of nodes according to demand. Also for releasing a new version without downtime.
What would be the most lightweight (in terms of Persistence) setup of clustering to achieve this? Can you run Clustering without Persistence?
This not a single question, so let me answer them one by one:
So I can just let actors fail and restart the process whenever I want - yes, but keep in mind, that hard reset of the process is a lot more expensive than graceful shutdown. In distributed systems if your node is going down, it's better for it to communicate that to the rest of the nodes before, than requiring them to detect the dead one - this is a part of node failure detection and can take some time (even sub minute).
I'd like to increase/decrease the number of nodes according to demand - this is a standard behavior of the cluster. In case of Akka.NET depending on which feature set are you going to use, you may sometimes need to specify an upper bound of the cluster size.
Also for releasing a new version without downtime. - most of the cluster features can be scoped to a set of particular nodes using so called roles. Each node can have it's set of roles, that can be used what services it provides and detect if other nodes have required capabilities. For that reason you can use roles for things like versioning.
Can you run Clustering without Persistence? - yes, and this is a default configuration (in Akka, cluster nodes don't need to use any form of persistent backend to work).

Akka.net Cluster Debugging

The title is a bit misleading, so let me explain further.
I have a non thread-safe dll I have no choice but to use as part of my back end
servers. I can't use it directly in my servers as the thread issues it has causes
it to crash. So, I created an akka.net cluster of N nodes each which hosts a single
actor. All of my API calls that were originally to that bad dll are now routed through
messages to these nodes through a round-robin group. As each node only has a single, single
threaded actor, I get safe access, but as I have N of them running I get parallelism, of a sort.
In production, I have things configured with auto-down = false and default timings on heartbeats
and so on. This works perfectly. I can fire up new nodes as needed, they get added to the group,
I can remove them with Cluster.Leave and that is happy as well.
My issue is with debugging. In our development environment we keep a cluster of 20 nodes each
exposing a single actor as described above that wraps this dll. We also have a set of nodes that act as
seed nodes and do nothing else.
When our application is run it joins the cluster. This allows it to direct requests through the round-robin
router to the nodes we keep up in our cluster. When doing development and testing and debugging the app, if I configure things to use auto-down = false
we end up with problems whenever a test run crashes or we stop the application with out going through
proper cluster leaving logic. Such as when we terminate the app with the stop button in the debugger.
With out auto-down, this leaves us with a missing member of the cluster that causes the leader to disallow
additions to the cluster. This means that the next time I run the app to debug, I cant join the cluster and am
It seems that I have to have auto-down set to get debugging to work. If it is set, then when I crash my app
the node is removed from the cluster 5 seconds later. When I next fire up my
app, the cluster is back in a happy state and I can join just fine.
The problem with this is that if I am debugging the application and pause it for any amount of time, it is almost immediately
seen as unreachable and then 5 seconds later is thrown out of the cluster. Basically, I can't debug with these settings.
So, I set failure-detector.acceptable-heartbeat-pause = 600s to give me more time to pause the app
while debugging. I will get shutdown in 10 min, but I don't often sit in the debugger for that long, so its an acceptable
trade-off. The issue with this is of course that when I crash the app, or stop it in the debugger, the cluster thinks it
exists for the next 10 minutes. No one tries to talk to these nodes directly, so in theory that isn't a huge issue, but I keep
running into cases where the test I just ran got itself elected as role leader. So the role leader is now dead, but the cluster
doesn't know it yet. This seems to prevent me from joining anything new to the cluster until my 10 min are up. When I try to leave
the cluster nicely, my dead node gets stuck at the exiting state and doesn't get removed for 10 minutes. And I don't always get
notified of the removal either, forcing me to set a timeout on leaving that will cause it to give up.
There doesn't seem to be any way to say "never let me be the leader". When I have run the app with no role set for the cluster
it seems to often get itself elected as the cluster leader causing the same problem
as when the role leader is dead but unknown to be so, but at a larger level.
So, I don't really see any way around this, but maybe someone has some tricks to pull this off. I want to be able to debug
my cluster member without it being thrown out of the cluster, but I also don't want the cluster to think that leader nodes
are around when they aren't, preventing me from rejoining during my next attempt.
Any ideas?

Couchbase node failure

My understanding could be amiss here. As I understand it, Couchbase uses a smart client to automatically select which node to write to or read from in a cluster. What I DON'T understand is, when this data is written/read, is it also immediately written to all other nodes? If so, in the event of a node failure, how does Couchbase know to use a different node from the one that was 'marked as the master' for the current operation/key? Do you lose data in the event that one of your nodes fails?
This sentence from the Couchbase Server Manual gives me the impression that you do lose data (which would make Couchbase unsuitable for high availability requirements):
With fewer larger nodes, in case of a node failure the impact to the
application will be greater
Thank you in advance for your time :)
By default when data is written into couchbase client returns success just after that data is written to one node's memory. After that couchbase save it to disk and does replication.
If you want to ensure that data is persisted to disk in most client libs there is functions that allow you to do that. With help of those functions you can also enshure that data is replicated to another node. This function is called observe.
When one node goes down, it should be failovered. Couchbase server could do that automatically when Auto failover timeout is set in server settings. I.e. if you have 3 nodes cluster and stored data has 2 replicas and one node goes down, you'll not lose data. If the second node fails you'll also not lose all data - it will be available on last node.
If one node that was Master goes down and failover - other alive node becames Master. In your client you point to all servers in cluster, so if it unable to retreive data from one node, it tries to get it from another.
Also if you have 2 nodes in your disposal you can install 2 separate couchbase servers and configure XDCR (cross datacenter replication) and manually check servers availability with HA proxies or something else. In that way you'll get only one ip to connect (proxy's ip) which will automatically get data from alive server.
Hopefully Couchbase is a good system for HA systems.
Let me explain in few sentence how it works, suppose you have a 5 nodes cluster. The applications, using the Client API/SDK, is always aware of the topology of the cluster (and any change in the topology).
When you set/get a document in the cluster the Client API uses the same algorithm than the server, to chose on which node it should be written. So the client select using a CRC32 hash the node, write on this node. Then asynchronously the cluster will copy 1 or more replicas to the other nodes (depending of your configuration).
Couchbase has only 1 active copy of a document at the time. So it is easy to be consistent. So the applications get and set from this active document.
In case of failure, the server has some work to do, once the failure is discovered (automatically or by a monitoring system), a "fail over" occurs. This means that the replicas are promoted as active and it is know possible to work like before. Usually you do a rebalance of the node to balance the cluster properly.
The sentence you are commenting is simply to say that the less number of node you have, the bigger will be the impact in case of failure/rebalance, since you will have to route the same number of request to a smaller number of nodes. Hopefully you do not lose data ;)
You can find some very detailed information about this way of working on Couchbase CTO blog:
Note: I am working as developer evangelist at Couchbase

How to approach wcf services synchronization?

I have implemented a wcf service and now, my client wants it to have three copies of it, working independently on different machines. A master-slave approach. I need to find a solution that will enable behavior:
the first service that is instantiated "asks" the other two "if they are alive?" - if no, then it becomes a master and it is the one that is active on the net. The other two, once instantiated see that there is already a master alive, so they became slaves and start sleeping. There needs to be some mechanisms to periodically check if master is not dead and if so, choses the next copy that is alive to became a master (until it becomes dead respectively)
This i think should be a kind of an architectural pattern, so I would be more than glad to be given any advices.
I would suggest looking at the WCF peer channel (System.Net.PeerToPeer) to facilitate each node knowing about the other nodes. Here is a link that offers a decent introduction.
As for determining which node should be the master, the trick will be negotiating which node should be the master if two or more nodes come online at about the same time. Once the nodes become aware of each other, there needs to be some deterministic mechanism for establishing the master. For example, you could use the earliest creation time, the lowest value of the last octet of each node's IP address, or anything really. You'll just need to define some scheme that allows the nodes to negotiate this automatically.
Finally, as for checking if the master is still alive, I would suggest using the event-based mechanism described here. The master could send out periodic health-and-status events that the other nodes would register for. I'd put a try/catch/finally block at the code entry point so that if the master were to crash, it could publish one final MasterClosing event to let the slaves know it's going away. What this does not account for is a system crash, e.g., power failure, etc. To handle this, provide a timeout in the slaves so that when the timeout expires, the slaves can query the master to see if it's still there. If not, the slaves can negotiate between themselves using your deterministic algorithm about who should be the next master.