How to find a value if we have 2 same columns in 2 different tables? - sql

As you can see on the photo. I have 2 tables(A and B). KlantId is common in 2 tables. What I want to achieve is, if I provide the Email then I can get the reservatieNummer.

select b.reservatieID
from tablea as a
inner join tableb as b on a.KlantId = b.KlantId
and you specify the email in the where condition

To use linq:
var ReservatieID = tableA.Join(tableB, ta =>ta.KlantId, tb =>tb.KlantId, (ta,tb) =>new{tableA = ta, tableB = tb})
.Where(a=> == "").Select(a=> new{a.reservatieID});


update multiple rows with joins

I have this query in postgresql:
select *
from A s
join B m on (
where m.key=4 and s.ran=some_input_from_user
This gives me all the rows that I need to update.
I want to set A.value to be 90 for all these rows.
It doesn't look like a standart update query
if I do...
Update A set value=90 where.....
then I can't do the join.
any ideas how to do it?
This is the basic update syntax for PostgreSQL where you are updating based on a join to another table:
update A s
value = 90
from B m
where = and
m.key = 4 and
s.ran = some_input_from_user
The trick is you never use the alias in the lvalue for the set commands. In other words, value = 90 is not s.value = 90. It seems minor, but I'm pretty sure it will prevent your query from working. The rationale is if you are updating table A (alias s) then any fields you are updating are, de-facto, from table A -- no need to alias them, and to allow aliases would almost imply you could update something other than A with this statement, which you cannot.
You can definitely use them in the rvalues, so this would certainly be okay (if it were your desire to update A based on B):
update A s
value = m.salary * s.commission
from B m
where = and
(s.value is null or
s.value != m.salary * s.commission)
Here is the query:
update a set value = 90
where exists (
select 1 from b
where = and b.key=4
and a.ran=some_input_from_user);
The above query will eliminate the requirement of reading table a twice.
Also you can use this query:
update a set value = 90
where in
(select from b
where = and b.key = 4
and a.ran=some_input_from_user);
from A
join B m on (
where m.key=4 and s.ran=some_input_from_user

How to Update Using Join (Linked Server)

I want to match the data between 2 databases.
I have 2 Databases. Aa and Bb, and I want to compare Aa to Bb. Database Bb is in linked server
I have join code like this
B.Employee_Name, B.Employee_NIP, B.DomainName, A.NAMA, A.NIP,
A.StatusEmployee, A.ActiveStatus
[SERVER-B].Bb.dbo.employee_hierar AS B RIGHT OUTER JOIN
Bb AS B ON B.NIP = A.Employee_NIP
and I want update A.StatusEmployee from Y to N if there is NULL data on B.Employee_Name and B.Employee_NIP
Please Advice
You can use a join. Something like:
update a
set StatusEmployee = 'N'
from bb a LEFT JOIN
[SERVER-B].Bb.dbo.employee_hierar b
on B.NIP = A.Employee_NIP
where b.EmployeeName is null and b.Employee_NIP is null and
a.StatusEmployee = 'Y';
This is same to update multi tables in one database. Standard sql should be written like this:
SET StatusEmployee = "N"

Count and return where 2 fields match

I'm trying to write a script that counts results based on 2 fields matching - but not matching like identically, but where the values re-occur throughout the table.
For example, I want to find where Field A and Field B = x & y, respectively (and count those results) however, field A isn't always X and field B isn't always Y. Also, Field A and Field B values are unknown. Here's what I've written so far:
select a.fielda, b.fieldb, count (*)
from tableA a
join tableB b
on a.fieldd = b.fieldd
where a.fielda = b.fieldb --I know this is a problem, just for notes on what I'm trying to accomplish.
group by b.fieldb, a.fielda
order by b.fieldb.
I'm a newb here so any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN a.fielda = b.fieldb THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) AS MatchCount
, SUM(CASE WHEN a.fielda = x and b.fieldb = y THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) AS XYCount
, COUNT(*) AS FieldDMatchCount
FROM tableA a
JOIN tableB b
ON a.fieldd = b.fieldd
Tobsey had it correct for me. I didn't think that by selecting the two fields that I was already finding records where those two fields existed together...brain fart, I guess. Thank you for the help!

Join two tables when the values in two columns don't match

Table 1:
onode_c, dnode_c, dist1
Table 2:
onode_c, dnode_c, dist2
I need a query which returns
onode_c, dnode_c, dist1, dist2
for the records where dist1 and dist2 are not matching in Table 1 and Table 2
select a.onode_c, a.dnode_c, trunc(a.dist1), trunc(b.dist2)
from table1 a, table2 b
where a.onode_c = b.onode_c and a.dnode_c = b.dnode_c and trunc(a.dist1) != trunc(b.dist2);
The above query returns the same records multiple times.
Try this:
select DISTINCT a.onode_c, a.dnode_c, trunc(a.dist1), trunc(b.dist2)
from table1 a, table2 b
where a.onode_c = b.onode_c and a.dnode_c = b.dnode_c and trunc(a.dist1) != trunc(b.dist2);
Try below statement :
select a.onode_c, a.dnode_c, trunc(a.dist), trunc(b.dist2) from table1 a
left join table2 b on a.onode_c = b.onode_c and a.dnode_c = b.dnode_c
where trunc(a.dist1) != trunc(b.dist2);
Try using SELECT DISTINCT perhaps

How can I select a subset of columns from a table when relevant in an outer join?

select a.cust_xref_id, a.est_hour, a.phone_nbr as number, a.credit_calls, a.credit_rpcs, b.sdp_calls
from #temp0 a
full outer join #temp2 b
on a.cust_xref_id = b.sdp_cust_xref_id
and a.est_hour = b.sdp_hour
and a.phone_nbr = b.sdp_phone
Is there a way to get the data from table b with regard to sdp_cust_xref_id, sdp_hour, and sdp_phone when the data does not exist in both tables via the join? If b.sdp_calls does exist, the column values are null.
I read it a few more times and I think I know what you want. Try this. It will give you the values from table b if they are NULL in a:
select COALESCE(a.cust_xref_id, b.sdp_cust_xref_id) as cust_xref_id,
COALESCE(a.est_hour, b.spd_hour) as est_hour,
COALESCE(a.phone_nbr, b.spd_phone) as number,
from #temp0 a
full outer join #temp2 b
on a.cust_xref_id = b.sdp_cust_xref_id
and a.est_hour = b.sdp_hour
and a.phone_nbr = b.sdp_phone