SAP B1 - using stanard dll's in a SOAP web service - sapb1

Currently, I am working with SAP Business One SDK. I took some project from another team. This project is a SOAP web service. It has been written in ASPX technology, anyway another team used standard DI API library. This is the main problem with this solution because it causes a lot of problems with memory leaks.
In source code after every operation when DI API is called I try to use Garbage Collector, but unfortunately, it is not enough.
The web service is hosted on IIS and I had to set an option that for some time restart it. I know it is not the best solution, but it works. Obviously, that way generates many problems.
I have a question about it. Does any reasonable solution exist? Or I will have to rewrite source code using DI Server?
I have read a lot about this, I found some articles on the Internet. Please do not put any links in comments, because I am quite sure that I have read them.

Every time you use a DI API object you have to release it. Otherwise, it will stay in memory and it will cause the memory leak you mentioned.
The correct way to release them is to use ReleaseComObject. Remember that if the object is null you will get an exception so check it first.
if (oDocuments != null)


Express-browserify and Watson Visual Recognition - TypeError: fs.existsSync is not a function

I'm trying to get the Watson Visual Recognition to run client side by using express-browserify with reference to the node-sdk for watson-developer-cloud. The VisualRecognitionV3 makes use of the fs package hence I get the fs.existsSync error when I'm trying to call it from the client-side as the browser doesn't know which filesystem to use. My question is how do I go about creating a so called 'abstraction layer' as I am restricted to using the express-browserify package for cross origin calls.
This thread is pretty helpful in shedding some light but I'm not sure where to start regarding the 'abstraction layer' or if there are any other solutions. Also, would something like work for this? I've linked a clone of the directory here as it seems less clunky than pasting the multiple portions below.
The repository can be cloned and just requires a personal iam_apikey with relevant launch configuration. Appreciate any pointers. Thanks!
I didn't manage to sort this out with express-browserify due to the require(fs) from browser issue but I was able to get it running using the express-ws package

Apache-ODE ProcessManagement

I can access this API/WS through
I would like to get the Process Info of a Process through this service and active it.
The serivce has the matching operations getProcessInfo and activate.
With listAllProcesses I get all Processes of a delpoyed package.
For getProcessInfo/activate I need the Process pid.
I get a <ns:pid>, using this gets me a load of Exceptions.
Using the name of the process and other stuff I receive earlier doesn't work either.
The pid is of type QName, perhaps thats the root of the problem.
However I don't now how to typecast here.
(Tried all with the eclipse Web Services Explorer and soapUI)
question: How does a proper request for both Operations look like?
When I try to consume the webservice with axi2 via eclipse, there is a undeclared variable local in the AnySimpleType class. I'm not keen on using the service this way.
But since I'm already writing a Client for the DeploymentService I thought about this approach.
question: How do I properly access the ProcessManagement?
EDIT: I have a simular problem with the DeploymentService and the undeploy Operation.
EDIT2: I figured the Problem with the DeploymentService undeploy out.
I had to get the Packagename as String. Then a made a javax.xml.namespace.QName out of it. Then I used the setPackageName of said undeploy operation.
Answer to question number 1:
soapUI with listAllProcesses returns
getProcessInfo wants
Now I replaced <pid>?</pid> with
<pid xmlns:odetest="http://ode/bpel/unit-test">odetest:HelloWorld2-1</pid>
and it worked like a charm.
I remember that there was an issue with parameter ordering when using the Axis2 generated WSDL. Could you try if building a request against the original WSDL located at http://localhost:8080/ode/deployment/services/ProcessManagement works?
EDIT: Now that I got the question correctly, the problem is that ODE expects the QName to be serialized differently, i.e. in the XML way instead of the Java way. Thus, instead of <ns:pid>{ode/bpel/unit-test}HelloWorld2-1</ns:pid> the correct notation is <ns:pid xmlns:odetest="ode/bpel/unit-test">odetest:HelloWorld2-1</ns:pid>.

Gaining Root Access w/ Elevated Helper & SMJobBless

I'm working on something that needs to install files periodically into a folder in /Library.
I understand that in the past I could have used one of the Authenticate methods but those have since been deprecated in 10.7.
What I've understood from my reading so far:
I should create a helper that somehow gets authenticated and have that helper do all of the moving tasks. I've taken a look at some of the sample code, including some involving XPC and one called Elevator but I'm a bit confused.
A lot of it seems to deal with setting up some sort of client / server model but I'm not sure how this would translate into me actually installing my files into the correct directories. Most of the examples are just passing strings.
My question simply: How can I create my folder in /Library programmatically and periodically write files to it while only prompting the user for a password ONCE and never again? I'm really not sure how to approach this and there doesn't seem to be much documentation.
You are correct that there isn't much documentation for this. You'll basically write another app, the helper app, which will get installed with SMJobBless(). Not surprisingly,
the tricky part here is the code signing. The least obvious part for me was that the SMAuthorizedClients and SMPrivilegedExecutables entries in the info plist files of each app are dependent on the identity/certificate that you used to sign the app with. There is also a trick with the compiler/linker to getting the info plist file compiled into the helper tool, which will be a single executable file, rather than a bundle.
Once you get the helper app up and running then you have to devise a way to communicate with it since these are two different processes. XPC is one option, perhaps the easiest. XPC is typically used with server processes, but what you are using here is the communication side of XPC only. Basically it passes dictionaries back and forth between the two apps. Create a standard format for the dictionary. I used #"action", #"source", and #"destination" with 3 different action values, #"filemove", #"filecopy", and #"makedirectory". Those are the 3 things that my helper app can do and I can easily add more if necessary.
The helper app will basically setup the XPC connection and event handler stuff and wait for a connection and commands. The commands will just be a dictionary so you check for the appropriate keys/values and do whatever.
I can provide more details and code if you need more help, but this question is 9 months old so I don't want to waste time giving you details you've already figured out.

Integrating with nservicebus

I need to integrate a .net2.0 app with nservicebus. Actually, I just need that this .net2.0 sends a message to a nservicebus queue.
Should I just create it by myself?
Theres any trick I should watch out, so when I upgrade to, lets say, nservicebus4 it wont break ?
using .net 2.0 will be a problem with trying to reference nservicebus. i don't think there is any straightforward way to reference nservicebus from a 2.0 application (outside of using a very old version, which would have problems too).
the shortest path would probably be to upgrade the framework version to 4.0. why not just do this? if you're talking about making changes and sending messages, you must have access to the source code and the ability to change it.
next after that might be to serialize a message yourself and send it with system.messaging. i think this is what you mean by "create it by myself." you'd definitely want to test that your messages still work if updating to another version of nservicebus on the handling side. udi is insistent on backward compatibility in updating versions of software, so i'd expect nservicebus would exhibit this probably and that your messages would still work, but you would want to make sure.
To "integrate" an app with NServiceBus simply include binary references to NServiceBus.dll, NServiceBus.Core.dll, and NServiceBus.Host.exe in your solution.
Try downloading the samples.

MVC3 - Process something every X amount of time

I'm very new to web programming with MVC so i dont know how to call a method, for example, every hour and also on command. (Method is supposed to fetch files from an FTP server, skip the already parsed files, and parse the ones that havent been into objects and insert them in a database)
I know if i were using WindowsForms i'd probably be using Timer.Tick Events, WPF would use the DispatcherTimer class, but a web server is a whole different ball game so could somebody please point me in the right direction?
Ive been reading about Web services, WCF? Some event driven thing?
All i have right now is an MVC3 project, a database, repositories using EF, the whole works..
Thanks in advance!
The simplest way would be to use the Task Scheduler to access a particular URL in your site on a given interval.
I.E. Make use of something that already works very well as a general purpose mechanism on your platform... rather than unnecessarily reinventing for a specific use.