Image classification / detection - Objects being used in real life vs. stock photo images? - tensorflow

When training detection models, are images that are used in real life better (i.e. higher accuracy / mAP) than images of the same object but in the form of stock photo?

The more variety the better. If you train a network on images that all have a white background and expect it to perform under conditions with noisy backgrounds you should expect the results on unseen data to perform worse because the network never had a chance to learn distinguiting features of target object vs. background objects.
If you have images with transparent backgrounds one form of data augmentation that would be expected to improve results would be to place that image against many random backgrounds. The closer you come to realistic renderings of an image the better you can expect your results to be.
The more realistic examples you can augment your training dataset with, the better. Note that it generally does not help to add random noise to your data to generate larger training datasets, it only improves results when your expanded dataset contains realistic variants of the original images in the dataset.
My motto when training neural networks is this: The network will cheat any chance it gets. It will learn impressively well, but given the opportunity, it will take shortcuts. Don't let it take shortcuts. That often translates to: Make the problem harder such that no shortcut exists for it to take. Neural networks often perform better under more difficult conditions because the simplest solution it can arrive at is also the most general purpose. Read up on multi-task learning for some exciting examples that provide great food-for-thought.


How to train your own(w/o YOLO etc.) object detector in tf/keras

I successfully trained multi-classificator model, that was really easy with simple class related folder structure and keras.preprocessing.image.ImageDataGenerator with flow_from_directory (no one-hot encoding by hand btw!) after i just compile fit and evaluate - extremely well done pipeline by Keras!
BUT! when i decided to make my own (not cats, not dogs, not you_named) object detector - this is became a nightmare...
TFRecord and tf.Example are just madness! but ok, i almost get it (my dataset is small, i have plenty of ram, but who cares, write f. boilerplate, so much meh...)
The main thing - i just can't find any docs/tutorial how to make it with plain simple tf/keras, everyone just want to build up it on top of someone model, YOLO SSD FRCNN, even if they trying to detect completely new objects!!!
There two links about OD in official docs, and they both using some models underneath.
So my main question WHY ??? or i just blind..? -__-
It becomes a nightmare because Object Detection is way way harder than classification. The most simple object detector is this: first train a classifier on all your objects. Then when you want to detect objects in your image, slide a window over your image, and classify each window. Then, if your classifier is certain that a certain window is one of the objects, mark it as a successful detection.
But this approach has a lot of problems, mainly it's way (like waaaay) too slow. So, researcher improved it and invented RCNNs. That had it problems, so they invented Faster-RCNN, YOLO and SSD, all to make it faster and more accurate.
You won't find any tutorials online on how to implement the sliding window technique because it's not useful anyway, and you won't find any tutorials on how to implement the more advanced stuff because, well, the networks get complicated pretty quick.
Also note that using YOLO doesn't mean you should use the same weights as in YOLO. You can always train YOLO from scratch on your own data if you want by randomly initiliazing all the weights in the network layers. So the even if they trying to detect completely new objects!!! you mentioned isn't really valid. Also also note that I still would advise you to do use the weights they used in Yolo network. Transfer Learning is generally looked at as being a good idea, especially when starting out and especially in the image processing world, as many images share common features (like edges, for example).
I am having pretty much the same problem as my images are B/W diagrams, quite different from regular pictures, I want to train a custom model on just only diagrams.
I have found this documentation section in Tensorflow models repo:
It has a couple of sections explaining how to bring your own model and dataset in "extras" that could be a starting point.

Deep Learning Model for Complicated Pattern REcognition

I am using transfer learning using ResNet50 for snack packets recognition.
They are one and another similar in dominant color and shape. Those like in images below.
I have about 33 items to recognize.
I used FasterRCNN and SSD for ResNet50.
Not doing well and a lot of items are confused each other.
Which Deep Learning Architecture is suitable to recognize such objects?
Or are there any special tricks to have better recognition for such objects?
I think we need to have architecture to recognize detail pattern.
Make sure you are linking the original pre-trained network in caffe, or you're starting from the beginning with network training!
If you're looking to increase your dataset size, ill frequently take the same image set and rotate each image a few times.
Definitely decrease your image size, and consider giving your images less background noise to work with (people, variable backgrounds etc.)
In the past I have used Alexnet for similar issues with small feature differences.
best of luck!

What's the value of random scale / crop / brightness in image classifier

When we retrain the image classifier layer in Mobilenet, the retrain script allows us to specific several parameters to preprocess the input images:
I would like to know how to determine these values? I saw in some articles they set random_brightness and random_scale to 30, and random_crop to 0.
Can someone help me to understand these parameters?
Found the answer from this link:
A common way of improving the results of image training is by deforming, cropping, or brightening the training inputs in random ways. This has the advantage of expanding the effective size of the training data thanks to all the possible variations of the same images, and tends to help the network learn to cope with all the distortions that will occur in real-life uses of the classifier. The biggest disadvantage of enabling these distortions in our script is that the bottleneck caching is no longer useful, since input images are never reused exactly. This means the training process takes a lot longer (many hours), so it's recommended you try this as a way of polishing your model only after you have one that you're reasonably happy with.

How to fix incorrect guess in image recognition

I'm very new to this stuff so please bear with me. I followed a quick simple video about image recognition/classification in YT and the program indeed could classify the image with a high percentage. But then I do have some other images that was incorrectly classified.
On tensorflow site:
However, one should generally avoid point-fixing individual errors in
the test set, since they are likely to merely reflect more general
problems in the (much larger) training set.
so here are my questions:
What would be the best way to correct the program's guess? eg. image is B but the app returned with the results "A - 70%, B - 30%"
If the answer to one would be to retrain again, how do I go about retraining the program again without deleting the previous bottlenecks files created? ie. I want the program to keep learning while retaining previous data I already trained it to recognize.
Unfortunately there is often no easy fix, because the model you are training is highly complex and very hard for a human to interpret.
However, there are techniques you can use to try and reduce your test error. First make sure your model isn't overfitting or underfitting by observing the difference between train and test errors. If either is the case then try applying standard techniques, such as choosing a deeper model and/or using more filters if underfitting or adding regularization if overfitting.
Since you say you are already classifying correctly a high percentage of the time, I would start inspecting misclassified examples directly to try and gain insight into what you might be able to improve.
If possible, try and observe what your misclassified images have in common. If you are lucky they will all fall into one or a small number of categories. Here are some examples of what you might see and possible solutions:
Problem: Dogs facing left are misclassified as cats
Solution: Try augmenting your training set with rotations
Problem: Darker images are being misclassified
Solution: Make sure you are normalizing your images properly
It is also possible that you have reached the limits of your current approach. If you still need to do better consider trying a different approach like using a pretrained network for image recognition, such as VGG.

How to make a model of 10000 Unique items using tensorflow? Will it scale?

I have a use case where I have around 100 images each of 10000 unique items. I have 10 items with me which are all from the 10000 set and I know which 10 items too but only at the time of testing on live data. I have to now match the 10 items with their names. What would be an efficient way to recognise these items? I have full control of training environment background and the testing environment background. If I make one model of all 10000 items, will it scale? Or should I make 10000 different models and run the 10 items on the 10 models I have pretrained.
Your question is regarding something called "one-vs-all classification" you can do a google search for that, the first hit is a video lecture by Andrew Ng that's almost certainly worth watching.
The question has been long studied and in a plethora of contexts. The answer to your question does very much depend on what model you use. But I'll assume that, if you're doing image classification, you are using convolutional neural networks, because, after all, they're state of the art for most such image classification tasks.
In the context of convolutional networks, there is something called "Multi task learning" that you should read up on. Boiled down to a single sentence, the concept is that the more you ask the network to learn the better it is at the individual tasks. So, in this case, you're almost certain to perform better training 1 model on 10,000 classes than 10,000 classes each performing a one-vs-all classification scheme.
Take for example the 1,000 class Imagenet dataset, and CIFAR-10's 10 class dataset. It has been demonstrated in numerous papers that first training against Imagenet's 1,000 class dataset, and then simply replacing the last layer with a 10 class output and re-training on CIFAR-10's dataset will produce a better result than just training on CIFAR-10's dataset alone. There are admittedly multiple reasons for this result, Imagenet is a larger dataset. But the richness of class labels, multi-task learning, in the Imagenet dataset is certainly among the reasons for this result.
So that was a long winded way of saying, use one model with 10,000 classes.
An aside:
If you want to get really, really interesting, and jump into the realm of research level thinking, you might consider a 1-hot vector of 10,000 classes rather sparse and start thinking about whether you could reduce the dimensionality of your output layer using an embedding. An embedding would be a dense vector, let's say size 100 as a good starting point. Now class labels turn into clusters of points in your 100 dimensional space. I bet your network will perform even better under these conditions.
If this little aside didn't make sense, it's completely safe to ignore it, your 10,000 class output is fine. But if it did peek your interest look up information on Word2Vec, and read this really nice post on how face recognition is achieved using embeddings: You might also consider using an Auto Encoder to generate an embedding for the images (though I favor triplet embeddings as typically used in face recognition myself).