How to launch a readonly "copy" of a VB Windows Form application -

I'm developping a simple application in Visual Studio in VB.NET language. I say simple because it doesn't need any install, it's a standalone exec file. This programm is stored into a network location to make it available to all employees of my company, but I'm working regularly on it, and the problem is that if anyone is using this app (launched from network), I can't replace file because it is currently used.
Is there any way in VB to launch a Windows Form application with its .exe and make this file still available for any modification?

I've solved a similar problem like this:
each user has it's own copy of exe
when the program is launched (or in a timer loop) compare network file modified date (or version number or some other flag) with local copy
if network file is newer, notify user that there's a new version available to download
(conditionally) start a small helper program which copies new files to local folder, close current exe and launch it from downloader (helper) again after it copies all new files


Test VB.Net Application as if Vb were not installed

I have created a VB.Net application that I plan to distribute using the .exe file in the Release folder. Upon sending this to a user, I was informed that it would not run on their system. The exe runs fine on my system no matter the location of the file so it's not a folder dependency. I don't have easy access to another computer, so is there an easy way to test my file as if visual basic were not installed on my system?
Edit: By "does not run" I mean nothing occurs when the exe is clicked

VB.NET program Behaves Differently When Run From Shortcut vs Program Folder

I created a application that, among other things, uses two DLLs to update the firmware on a microprocessor. It works perfectly during debugging.
To distribute it, I used InstallShield LE to create an installer. If I install the program and run from the Start Menu or Desktop icon, the program works - except for that part that uses the DLLs... that fails part of the way through.
The kicker is that if I go to C:\Program Files (x86)\programName\ and run the .exe from there everything works perfectly.
When I run from the shortcuts or from the actual directory and go to Task Manager and view the process properties, it lists the same directory. So I am under the assumption that the shortcuts are properly referencing the correct location.
So, how can running from a shortcut affect the running of the .exe?!
Thank you for your help.

Distribute my VB.Net App

I've made a simple calculator. My VB.Net (WinForm) App is inside Bin\Debug.
I have some files. These are the files:
What I want to do is to run my app on another computer. I've installed the right
Framework, in this case is 4.0
Could anybody help me telling me if I've got to copy all files (to the other computer) to run my app, or just the AppName.exe is enough?
Build your application in Release mode and then copy the contents of bin\Release to the other computer. Create a shortcut on the new computer to AppName.exe and rename it to an appropriate name if you wish.
Note: Building in Release mode does not include the .pdb files, which are necessary for proper debugging and it also optimizes the compiled code.

Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 (

I'm doing my project in my project name is "Bellows". My front end is Back end is Ms Access.
i Create My project in Windows Application
i complete my project. i copy the .exe file from "E:\BellowNet(new)\Bellows\obj\Debug" and put the shortcut into my desktop. now it's running.
similarly i copied my Bellows.exe from another system desktop but it not running.
How i want to run my Bellows.exe from another systems (maximum 10 systems).
Note : In my system only having Microsoft Visual Studio 2005. Remaining system doesn't have.
I put bellows.exe from another system. in that system doesn't having E Drive. it showing this error
The application Filed to initialize properly(0xc0000135). Click Ok to terminate the application
Similarly I put bellows.exe from another system. in that system having E Drive.
if i click that Bellows.exe the login form is open.. and main form is open. in that main form wen i click button it show the error.
Unhandled exception has occurred in your application. If u click continue the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If u click Quit, the application will close immediately. Could not load file or assembly ‘ADODB, Version=7.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublickeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a’ or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified
Good practice to run your project on another systems is to create its setup file and then install it on to another systems on which you want to run your project and of course you need to install .NetFramework as well with the same version which you used to developed your project. How to create setup and how to add Serial Key for those steps refer my blog
It sounds like either the .Net Framework is not installed on your target system or that there's an app.config file ( that you need to copy over as well.
Another thing that concerns me is what your expectations are for the access database. Do you want all the workstations to share a common database? If so, I highly recommend you convert your app to use Sql Server Express Edition (free). Access is an in-process database engine, and like all such engines it doesn't behave well when shared. If you don't expect them to share the database, you probably want to make sure you copy that *.mdb file over to your target machines as well.
Finally, let me re-iterate the advice in other answers about using a Release build and/or deployment project.
What errors do you see?
It could be:
The other system does not have .Net
framework 2.0 installed
You copied only the exe from the dev machine without other required files from the Debug directory (e.g., app.config, supporting DLLs).
If you are going to copy and paste the exe file then the all Prerequiest should be installed on that machine like framework.So make a setup file which is easy and add all Prerequiest on the setup after that do setup on new machine..
I can only guess, but try this suggestions.
The application Filed to initialize
properly(0xc0000135). Click Ok to
terminate the application
.NET framework is not installed on this machine. Install the runtime.
Could not load file or
assembly ‘ADODB, Version=7.0.3300.0,
PublickeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a’ or
one of its dependencies. The system
cannot find the file specified
ADO.NET drivers are missing. You need to install Microsoft Data Access Components
You can avoid this problems if you make an install procedure and do the proper install on every machine.
The appropriate .NET framework must be installed in each machine as well as the appropriate MDAC. You can add them as part of the installation package.
And if you want to make it even more easier for your clients to get hold of it; use ClickOnce to distribute it from a central server.

I am looking for information to make my windows form app self updating

I would like to make my windows form app self updating when it starts. Where can I find good information for that?
I am using Visual Studio 2008 VB.NET.
I like the click once approach. With this application I have an access db as the backend datastore. When the application self updates how can I be sure the mdb file is not overwritten?
What is the best way to self upgrade the mdb if their is a change to the mdb file but not loose the data?
If you deploy using ClickOnce, you get this functionality for free. I do not have any experience with this (yet), but I can point you to an article.
I have been using Click Once for years with very little problems.
I've written a custom automatic updater and basically, the way it works is this:
The whole application is essentially 3 parts:
A launcher .exe that's essentially like a bootstrapper
The launcher .exe has an embedded .exe resource that is used if the launcher .exe itself needs to be updated
The application dll's
When you start the application, the launcher app starts and checks via webservices if the dll's are up to date. If they are not, it downloads them to a temporary directory and then makes sure the checksums are all correct and overwrites the existing app libraries with the new ones. It's then loading the application's core assembly and calls a "Run" method via reflection.
Now, in our app we sometimes have the need to update the launcher itself and the way we achieved this is by embedding an .exe in the launcher .exe resources. If the launcher detects that there is a new launcher .exe available, it downloads it to a temp directory, then extracts the .exe and launches it. This extracted .exe simply shuts down the launcher process, copies the new launcher .exe over the old one and then starts the launcher process again.