How many white spaces is the best for ssh config - ssh

For Ruby, using 2 spaces is the best.
For Python, using 4 spaces is the best.
But for ssh config file, how many spaces is the best?

I found the originally accepted answer a bit confusing so I thought I'd contribute some additional information.
To the original question, ssh config files allow, but do not require, indentation with whitespace (either tabs or spaces). Blank lines and lines beginning with a hash # are ignored.
The config file consists of stanzas, each beginning with the reserved word Host or Match followed by a list of options until the stanza ends at the next Host, Match or end of file.
The options can be specified as name value or name=value. Looking at the OpenSSH release notes, it appears the developers use the name=value format. Leading whitespace is ignored. Unquoted in-line whitespace is also ignored
The following (mixing with and without equals and whitespace) are equivalent
Host test1
Hostname =
Host test1
Note that the equal sign is significant when parsing options. Values with embedded equals signs need to be quoted. This contrived example demonstrates what happens without quotes.
Host test1
Hostname =
UserKnownHostsFile /tmp/name_with=equals /tmp/name2
Will look for known host in /tmp/name_with and in /tmp/name2 but not in /tmp/name_with=equals.

The configuration files (for ssh or other programs) do not need indentation.
They contain lines of type name=value.
Some programs allow spaces around the equal sign, others are more strict and do not accept them.
ssh accepts spaces around the equal sign but they are ignored. Use how many of them you like but don't abuse them and let the file be readable.
A small fragment from the documentation:
The file contains keyword-argument pairs, one per line. Lines starting with # and empty lines are interpreted as comments. Arguments may optionally be enclosed in double quotes (") in order to represent arguments containing spaces. Configuration options may be separated by whitespace or optional whitespace and exactly one =; the latter format is useful to avoid the need to quote whitespace when specifying configuration options using the ssh, scp, and sftp -o option.


Base64 Encoded String for Filename

I cant think of an OS (Linux, Windows, Unix) where this would cause an issue but maybe someone here can tell me if this approach is undesirable.
I would like to use a base64 encoded string as a filename. Something like gH9JZDP3+UEXeZz3+ng7Lw==. Is this likely to cause issues anywhere?
Edit: I will likely keep this to a max of 24 characters
Edit: It looks like I have a character that will cause issues. My function that generated my string is providing stings like: J2db3/pULejEdNiB+wZRow==
You will notice that this has a / which is going to cause issues.
According to this site the / is a valid base64 character so I will not be able to use a base64 encoded string for a filename.
No. You can not use a base64 encoded string for a filename. This is because the / character is valid for base64 strings which will cause issues with file systems.
You could use base64 and then replace unwanted characters but a better option would be to hex encode your original string using a function like bin2hex().
The official RFC 4648 states:
An alternative alphabet has been suggested that would use "~" as the 63rd character. Since the "~" character has special meaning in some file system environments, the encoding described in this section is recommended instead. The remaining unreserved URI character is ".", but some file system environments do not permit multiple "." in a filename, thus making the "." character unattractive as well.
I also found on the serverfault stackexchange I found this:
There is no such thing as a "Unix" filesystem. Nor a "Windows" filesystem come to that. Do you mean NTFS, FAT16, FAT32, ext2, ext3, ext4, etc. Each have their own limitations on valid characters in names.
Also, your question title and question refer to two totally different concepts? Do you want to know about the subset of legal characters, or do you want to know what wildcard characters can be used in both systems? states "all bytes except NULL and '/'" are allowed in filenames. describes the generic case for valid filenames "regardless of the filesystem". In particular, the following characters are reserved < > : " / \ | ? *
Windows also places restrictions on not using device names for files: CON, PRN, AUX, NUL, COM1, COM2, COM3, etc.
Most commands in Windows and Unix based operating systems accept * as a wildcard. Windows accepts % as a single char wildcards, whereas shells for Unix systems use ? as single char wildcard.
And this other one:
Base64 only contains A–Z, a–z, 0–9, +, / and =. So the list of characters not to be used is: all possible characters minus the ones mentioned above.
For special purposes . and _ are possible, too.
Which means that instead of the standard / base64 character, you should use _ or .; both on UNIX and Windows.
Many programming languages allow you to replace all / with _ or ., as it's only a single character and can be accomplished with a simple loop.
In Windows, you should be fine as long if you conform to the naming conventions of Windows:
As far a I know, any base64 encoded string does not contain any of the reserves characters.
The thing that is probably going to be a problem is the lengte of the file name.

SHA256 generation different for file and content of this file

I use online SHA256 converters to calculate a hash for a given file. There, I have seen an effect I don't understand.
For testing purposes, I wanted to calculate the hash for a very simple file. I named it "test.txt", and its only content is the string "abc", followed by a new line (I just pressed enter).
Now, when I put "abc" and newline into a SHA256 generator, I get the hash
But when I put the complete file into the same generator, I get the hash
Where does the difference come from? I used this generator (in fact, I tried several ones, and they always yield the same result):
Note that this different does not arise without newlines. If the file just contains the string "abc", the hash is
for the file as well as just for the content.
As noted in my comment, the difference is caused by how newline characters are represented across different operating systems (see details here):
On UNIX and UNIX-like systems, newlines are represented by a line feed character (\n).
On DOS and Windows systems, newlines are represented by a carriage return followed by a line feed character (\r\n).
Compare the following two commands and their output, corresponding to the SHA256 values in your question:
echo -en "abc\n" | sha256sum
echo -en "abc\r\n" | sha256sum
The issue you are having could come from the character encoding of the new line.
In windows the new line is escaped with \r\n and in linux is escaped with \n.
These 2 have a different dec value (\r is 13 and \n is 10).
More info you can find here:
Even i faced same issue. but providing the data in hex mode helped to understand the actual behavior.
Canonicalization of data needs to be performed before SHA calculations which will eliminate such issues. Canonicalization needs to be performed both at Generation side and also at verification side.

Character-set of SSH keys (safe delimiter for using sed with public keys)

I am using sed to replace a placeholder in a script with my public ssh key. The character / is definitely present in some SSH keys, how can I find out which character I can use as delimiter for sed?
I am looking for an answer of either the set of all characters that can be part of the string generated by ssh-keygen, or which characters are guaranteed not to.
The public key in opnessh format is base64-encoded as mentioned for example in the manual page for sshd. Therefore you can use any character that is not in the list of base64 characters. The / is there but for example | can be used safely (though in the comment section can be anything).
For information, from the info sed, section 3.5:
The '/' characters may be uniformly replaced by any other single character within any given 's' command.
The '/' character (or whatever other character is used in its stead) can
appear in the REGEXP or REPLACEMENT only if it is preceded by a '\'
So you can chose any suitable character that doesn't appear in your input data.

How do I get scribble to make -- be two short dashes rather than one long dash?

In scribble, when I put two dashes (or even three dashes) together, such as --, it comes out as one long dash. How can I make scribble keep them as two short dashes, such as in this documentation page?
My ultimate goal is to be able to turn them into flags for a command, such as -h and --.
verbatim Does keep the dashes separate, but it also changes the font, and makes a new paragraph, which I don't want.
If your only goal is to add documentation for command line flags such as -h and --, then you can use the commands:
The first will give you -- for longer flags, and the second will give you - for shorter flags. They will also change the font to match the terminal typeface for the docs.

Is there any limitation in giving file name in Unix?

We are using crontab to schedule jobs and it was not picking the files for processing that have [ or ] or ¿ . Is there any limitation in giving file name or these characters means something in UNIX? Is there any other variables like these we shouldnt use in file name?? Thanks in advance.
Following are general rules for both Linux, and Unix (including *BSD) like systems:
All file names are case sensitive. So filename vivek.txt Vivek.txt VIVEK.txt all are three different files.
You can use upper and lowercase letters, numbers, "." (dot), and "_" (underscore) symbols.
You can use other special characters such as blank space, but they are hard to use and it is better to avoid them.
In short, filenames may contain any character except / (root directory), which is reserved as the separator between files and directories in a pathname. You cannot use the null character.
No need to use . (dot) in a filename. Some time dot improves readability of filenames.
And you can use dot based filename extension to identify file. For example:
.sh = Shell file
.tar.gz = Compressed archive
Most modern Linux and UNIX limit filename to 255 characters (255 bytes). However, some older version of UNIX system limits filenames to 14 characters only.
A filename must be unique inside its directory. For example, inside /home/vivek directory you cannot create a demo.txt file and demo.txt directory name. However, other directory may have files with the same names. For example, you can create demo.txt directory in /tmp.
Linux / UNIX: Reserved Characters And Words
Avoid using the following characters from appearing in file names:
Please note that Linux and UNIX allows white spaces, <, >, |, \, :, (, ), &, ;, as well as wildcards such as ? and *, to be quoted or escaped using \ symbol.
It will be good if you can avoid white spaces in your filename. It will make your scripting a lot more easier.
I got the answer from this link. I am just pasting it here so that this info will be available even if that website goes down.
The only characters that are actually illegal in *nix filenames are / (reserved as the directory separator) and NUL (because it's the C string terminator). Everything else is fair game, although various utilities may fail on certain characters - typically characters that have special meaning to the shell. These will need quoting or escaping to be handled correctly.