Neo4j scalability and indexing - indexing

An argument in favor of graph dbms with native storage over relational dbms made by neo4j (also in the neo4j graph databases book) is that "index-free adjacency" is the most efficient means of processing data in a graph (due to the 'clustering' of the data/nodes in a graph-based model).
Based on some benchmarking I've performed, where 3 nodes are sequentially connected (A->B<-C) and given the id of A I'm querying for C, the scalability is clearly O(n) when testing the same query on databases with 1M, 5M, 10M and 20M nodes - which is reasonable (with my limited understanding) considering I am not limiting my query to 1 node only hence all nodes need to be checked for matching. HOWEVER, when I index the queried node property, the execution time for the same query, is relatively constant.
Figure shows execution time by database node size before and after indexing. Orange plot is O(N) reference line, while the blue plot is the observed execution times.
Based on these results I'm trying to figure out where the advantage of index-free adjacency comes in. Is this advantageous when querying with a limit of 1 for deep(er) links? E.g. depth of 4 in A->B->C->D->E, and querying for E given A. Because in this case we know that there is only one match for A (hence no need to brute force through all the other nodes not part of this sub-network).
As this is highly dependent on the query, I'm listing an example of the Cypher query below for reference (where I'm matching entity labeled node with id of 1, and returning the associated node (B in the above example) and the secondary-linked node (C in the above example)):
MATCH (:entity{id:1})-[:LINK]->(result_assoc:assoc)<-[:LINK]-(result_entity:entity) RETURN result_entity, result_assoc
This source states: "The key message of index-free adjacency is, that the complexity to traverse the whole graph is O(n), where n is the number of nodes. In contrast, using any index will have complexity O(n log n).". This statement explains the O(n) results before indexing. I guess the O(1) performance after indexing is identical to a hash list performance(?). Not sure why using any other index the complexity is O(n log n) if even using a hash list the worst case is O(n).

From my understanding, the index-free aspect is only pertinent for adjacent nodes (that's why it's called index-free adjacency). What your plots are demonstrating, is that when you find A, the additional time to find C is negligible, and the question of whether to use an index or not, is only to find the initial queried node A.
To find A without an index it takes O(n), because it has to scan through all the nodes in the database, but with an index, it's effectively like a hashlist, and takes O(1) (no clue why the book says O(n log n) either).
Beyond that, finding the adjacent nodes are not that hard for Neo4j, because they are linked to A, whereas in RM the linkage is not as explicit - thus a join, which is expensive, and then scan/filter is required. So to truly see the advantage, one should compare the performance of graph DBs and RM DBs, by varying the depth of the relations/links. It would also be interesting to see how a query would perform when the neighbours of the entity nodes are increased (ie., the graph becomes denser) - does Neo4j rely on the graphs never being too dense? Otherwise the problem of looking through the neighbours to find the right one repeats itself.


Index versus Sequential search performance?

Say I have a database that holds information about books and their dates of publishing. (two attributes, bookName and publicationDate).
Say that the attribute publicationDate has a Hash Index.
If I wanted to display every book that was published in 2010 I would enter this query : select bookName from Books where publicationDate=2010.
In my lecture, it is explained that if there is a big volume of data and that the publication dates are very diverse, the more optimized way is to use the Hash index in order to keep only the books published in 2010.
However, if the vast majority of the books that are in the database were published in 2010 it is better to search the database sequentially in terms of performance.
I really don't understand why? What are the situations where using an index is more optimized and why?
It is surprising that you are learning about hash indexes without understanding this concept. Hash indexing is a pretty advanced database concept; most databases don't even support them.
Although the example is quite misleading. 2010 is not a DATE; it is a YEAR. This is important because a hash index only works on equality comparisons. So the natural way to get a year of data from dates:
where publicationDate >= date '2010-01-01' and
publicationDate < date '2011-01-01'
could not use a hash index because the comparisons are not equality comparisons.
Indexes can be used for several purposes:
To quickly determine which rows match filtering conditions so fewer data pages need to be read.
To identify rows with common key values for aggregations.
To match rows between tables for joins.
To support unique constraints (via unique indexes).
And for b-tree indexes, to support order by.
This is the first purpose, which is to reduce the number of data pages being read. Reading a data page is non-trivial work, because it needs to be fetched from disk. A sequential scan reads all data pages, regardless of whether or not they are needed.
If only one row matches the index conditions, then only one page needs to be read. That is a big win on performance. However, if every page has a row that matches the condition, then you are reading all the pages anyway. The index seems less useful.
And using an index is not free. The index itself needs to be loaded into memory. The keys need to be hashed and processed during the lookup operation. All of this overhead is unnecessary if you just scan the pages (although there is other overhead for the key comparisons for filtering).
Using an index has a performance cost. If the percentage of matches is a small fraction of the whole table, this cost is more than made up for by not having to scan the whole table. But if there's a large percentage of matches, it's faster to simply read the table.
There is the cost of reading the index. A small, frequently used index might be in memory, but a large or infrequently used one might be on disk. That means slow disk access to search the index and get the matching row numbers. If the query matches a small number of rows this overhead is a win over searching the whole table. If the query matches a large number of rows, this overhead is a waste; you're going to have to read the whole table anyway.
Then there is an IO cost. With disks it's much, much faster to read and write sequentially than randomly. We're talking 10 to 100 times faster.
A spinning disk has a physical part, the head, it must move around to read different parts of the disk. The time it takes to move is known as "seek time". When you skip around between rows in a table, possibly out of order, this is random access and induces seek time. In contrast, reading the whole table is likely to be one long continuous read; the head does not have to jump around, there is no seek time.
SSDs are much, much faster, there's no physical parts to move, but they're still much faster for sequential access than random.
In addition, random access has more overhead between the operating system and the disk; it requires more instructions.
So if the database decides a query is going to match most of the rows of a table, it can decide that it's faster to read them sequentially and weed out the non-matches, than to look up rows via the index and using slower random access.
Consider a bank of post office boxes, each numbered in a big grid. It's pretty fast to look up each box by number, but it's much faster to start at a box and open them in sequence. And we have an index of who owns which box and where they live.
You need to get the mail for South Northport. You look up in the index which boxes belong to someone from South Northport, see there's only a few of them, and grab the mail individually. That's an indexed query and random access. It's fast because there's only a few mailboxes to check.
Now I ask you to get the mail for everyone but South Northport. You could use the index in reverse: get the list of boxes for South Northport, subtract those from the list of every box, and then individually get the mail for each box. But this would be slow, random access. Instead, since you're going to have to open nearly every box anyway, it is faster to check every box in sequence and see if it's mail for South Northport.
More formally, the indexed vs table scan performance is something like this.
# Indexed query
C[index] + (C[random] * M)
# Full table scan
(C[sequential] + C[match]) * N
Where C are various constant costs (or near enough constant), M is the number of matching rows, and N is the number of rows in the table.
We know C[sequential] is 10 to 100 times faster than C[random]. Because disk access is so much slower than CPU or memory operations, C[match] (the cost of checking if a row matches) will be relatively small compared to C[sequential]. More formally...
C[random] >> C[sequential] >> C[match]
Using that we can assume that C[sequential] + C[match] is C[sequential].
# Indexed query
C[index] + (C[random] * M)
# Full table scan
C[sequential] * N
When M << N the indexed query wins. As M approaches N, the full table scan wins.
Note that the cost of using the index isn't really constant. C[index] is things like loading the index, looking up a key, and reading the row IDs. This can be quite variable depending on the size of the index, type of index, and whether it is on disk (cold) or in memory (hot). This is why the first few queries are often rather slow when you've first started a database server.
In the real world it's more complicated than that. In reality rows are broken up into data pages and databases have many tricks to optimize queries and disk access. But, generally, if you're matching most of the rows a full table scan will beat an indexed lookup.
Hash indexes are of limited use these days. It is a simple key/value pair and can only be used for equality checks. Most databases use a B-Tree as their standard index. They're a little more costly, but can handle a broader range of operations including equality, ranges, comparisons, and prefix searches such as like 'foo%'.
The Postgres Index Types documentation is pretty good high level run-down of the various advantages and disadvantages of types of indexes.

Why is Hash Table insertion time complexity worst case is not N log N

Looking at the fundamental structure of hash table. We know that it resizes WRT load factor or some other deterministic parameter. I get that if the resizing limit is reached within an insertion we need to create a bigger hash table and insert everything there. Here is the thing which I don't get.
Let's consider a hash table where each bucket contains an AVL - balanced BST. If my hash function returns the same index for every key then I would store everything in the same AVL tree. I know that this hash function would be a really bad function and would not be used but I'm doing a worst case scenario here. So after some time let's say that resizing factor has been reached. So in order to resize I created a new hash table and tried to insert every old elements in my previous table. Since the hash function mapped everything back into one AVL tree, I would need to insert all the N elements into the same AVL. N insertion on an AVL tree is N logN. So why is the worst case of insertion for hash tables considered O(N)?
Here is the proof of adding N elements into Avl three is N logN:
Running time of adding N elements into an empty AVL tree
In short: it depends on how the bucket is implemented. With a linked list, it can be done in O(n) under certain conditions. For an implementation with AVL trees as buckets, this can indeed, wost case, result in O(n log n). In order to calculate the time complexity, the implementation of the buckets should be known.
Frequently a bucket is not implemented with an AVL tree, or a tree in general, but with a linked list. If there is a reference to the last entry of the list, appending can be done in O(1). Otherwise we can still reach O(1) by prepending the linked list (in that case the buckets store data in reversed insertion order).
The idea of using a linked list, is that a dictionary that uses a reasonable hashing function should result in few collisions. Frequently a bucket has zero, or one elements, and sometimes two or three, but not much more. In that case, a simple datastructure can be faster, since a simpler data structure usually requires less cycles per iteration.
Some hash tables use open addressing where buckets are not separated data structures, but in case the bucket is already taken, the next free bucket is used. In that case, a search will thus iterate over the used buckets until it has found a matching entry, or it has reached an empty bucket.
The Wikipedia article on Hash tables discusses how the buckets can be implemented.

Neo4j import tool and querying

I have some very basic conceptual questions related to functioning of neo4j.
1. First questions is about import tool. I am importing around 150 million nodes and a similar amount of relationships. When I do an upload the output on command terminal prints the number of nodes uploaded and then prepare node index. What is this node index? Where is it actually used? I see that the created index information is present in the graph_db=>schema=>label. What is this index and where is it actually used? Running a cypher query with does not show that index is being used anywhere.
2. Second questions is about the heap memory size of neo4j. What I understood that while running cypher queries, results are stored in heap. Once the heap is full, a garbage collection happens. What if I run a cypher statement that produces results that can not be kept in heap i.e. the result of query is bigger than the heap size. Would neo4j switch to disk? or would it produce an error.
Thanks for clearing these questions in advance.
What is this node index? Where is it actually used?
The index is just that - a database index. A database index is what's used to help you look up nodes really quickly. Say you put 1 million :Person nodes into a database, then 1 million :Location nodes in a database. When you MATCH (p:Person { last_name: "Smith" } you want the database to search through only the :Person nodes, and not all 2 million. The index is what makes that happen.
Read up on indexes in neo4j
What is this index and where is it actually used?
The index by label is basically a searchable collection of nodes categorized by label (in this case :Person and :Location) that the database engine uses to speed lookups. This is a greatly simplified answer, but basically accurate. This is a very good thing, you definitely want it. Performance of getting data out of the database would be quite bad without it.
Indexes are all about trading computation time and storage for better performance. Basically, the database pre-orders all of the nodes in a certain way (which costs you up-front computation time, and also a small amount of storage on disk) in exchange for having a nice data structure in place that makes queries very fast. Generally in database terms, you'll find that if you do a lot of read-only queries (fetching data) you really, really want indexes. If your workload is mostly just adding stuff (not lookups), they're not as good.
Running a cypher query with does not show that index is being used anywhere.
Yes, it's invisible, but when you search for something in Cypher using a label, neo4j is exploiting that index. It may be invisible but it's being used to optimize your query.
What I understood that while running cypher queries, results are stored in heap
Well that's only partially true; in some senses everything in java is stored in the heap. But results stream back from the database. If you issue a query that results in 1 million results, it is not the case that all 1 million go into the heap immediately. They get pulled in blocks at a time (I don't know how many at a time, the db engine handles that). At any given time, what's in heap is the set you need right now, not everything.
What if I run a cypher statement that produces results that can not be kept in heap i.e. the result of query is bigger than the heap size
See earlier answer. You can do this without problem, because the entire set generally isn't in the heap. In database terms, we'd say you get a "cursor" back, that lets you iterate through results. You do not get a huge result set back. The gotcha here is that if you have 1million results, you can iterate through them once. Need to run through them a second time? Avoid doing that, or issue the query again.
Would neo4j switch to disk?
No - if/when any swapping to disk happened, in any case that would be an operating system decision dealing with your main memory. It's possible it would happen, but that wouldn't have much to do with neo4j.
or would it produce an error
Nope, neo4j doesn't care how big your result set it. With the "cursor" concept, you can get 1 result or 10 billion results, both will work.

LIST alternative in redis
The main features of Redis Lists from the point of view of time
complexity is the support for constant time insertion and deletion of
elements near the head and tail, even with many millions of inserted
items. Accessing elements is very fast near the extremes of the list
but is slow if you try accessing the middle of a very big list, as it
is an O(N) operation.
what is the LIST alternative when the data is too high and writes are lesser than Reads
This is something I'd definitely benchmark before doing, but if you're really hitting a performance issue accessing items in the middle of the list, there are a couple of alternatives that really depend on your use case.
Don't make a list so big, age out/trim pieces that don't matter any more.
Memoize hot sections of the list. If a particular paginated range is being requested much more often than others, make that it's own list. Check if it exists already, and if it doesn't create a subset of your list in the paginated range.
Bucket your list from the beginning into "manageable sizes" (for whatever your definition of managable is). If a list is purely additive (no removal from the list), you could use the modulus index of an item as part of the key so that your list is stored in smaller buckets. Ex: key = "your_key_name_" + index % 100000

Is O(1) access to a database row is possible?

I have an table which use an auto-increment field (ID) as primary key. The table is append only and no row will be deleted. Table has been designed to have a constant row size.
Hence, I expected to have O(1) access time using any value as ID since it is easy to compute exact position to seek in file (ID*row_size), unfortunately that is not the case.
I'm using SQL Server.
Is it even possible ?
Hence, I expected to have O(1) access
time using any value as ID since it is
easy to compute exact position to seek
in file (ID*row_size),
Ah. No. Autoincrement does not - even without deletions -guarantee no holes. Holes = seek via index. Ergo: your assumption is wrong.
I guess the thing that matters to you is the performance.
Databases use indexes to access records which are written on the disk.
Usually this is done with B+ tree indexes, which are logbn where b for internal nodes is typically between 100 and 200 (optimized to block size, see ref)
This is still strictly speaking logarithmic performance, but given decent number of records, let's say a few million, the leaf nodes can be reached in 3 to 4 steps and that, together with all the overhead for query planning, session initiation, locking, etc (that you would have anyway if you need multiuser, ACID compliant data management system) is certainly for all practical reasons comparable to constant time.
The good news is that an indexed read is O(log(n)) which for large values of n gets pretty close to O(1). That said in this context O notation is not very useful, and actual timings are far more meanigful.
Even if it were possible to address rows directly, your query would still have to go through the client and server protocol stacks and carry out various lookups and memory allocations before it could give the result you want. It seems like you are expecting something that isn't even practical. What is the real problem here? Is SQL Server not fast enough for you? If so there are many options you can use to improve performance but directly seeking an address in a file is not one of them.
Not possible. SQL Server organizes data into a tree-like structure based on key and index values; an "index" in the DB sense is more like a reference book's index and not like an indexed data structure like an array or list. At best, you can get logarithmic performance when searching on an indexed value (PKs are generally treated as an index). Worst-case is a table scan for a non-indexed column, which is linear. Until the database gets very large, the seek time of a well-designed query against a well-designed table will pale in comparison to the time required to send it over the network or even a named pipe.