Custom Sendinblue API available for CodeIgniter? - api

I am searching for a SendinBlue API for Codeigniter but not found yet.
In the case that the API does not exists yet, is that hard to code it by myself (I already know HTTP requests but I not have any idea about configs)
Or is that possible to use the PHP one ?

I have a beautiful solution for this and it works fine for me and I hope it will work for you as well.
I am using API-v3.
What I did is:
Downloaded the API through composer on my local PC.
Created a folder named "sendinblue" on the server (where we have
assets folders) and upload the vendor folder from the downloaded API
inside this folder.
Created a library named "Sendinblue.php" and added all the necessary functions here. Now I can use this library like other libraries.
This is my library structure:
<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
class Sendinblue{
public $config;
public $apiInstance;
public function __construct(){
$this->config = SendinBlue\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('api-key', '');
$this->apiInstance = new SendinBlue\Client\Api\ContactsApi(
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
public function get_contact_info($data){
$identifier = $data['email'];
try {
return $result = $this->apiInstance->getContactInfo($identifier);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return 'Exception when calling ContactsApi->getContactInfo: '.$e->getMessage();
public function create_contact($data){
$createContact = new \SendinBlue\Client\Model\CreateContact();
$createContact['email'] = $data['email'];
$createContact['listIds'] = [2];
try {
return $result = $this->apiInstance->createContact($createContact);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getCode();


ABP: Rebuilding Localization Sources from Custom Provider

I am using ABP v4.9.0 (.NET CORE 2.2) with angular client
I built some custom localization providers. These providers get translation dictionaries from an external API.
I add localization sources on startup with these providers.
var customProvider = new CustomLocalizationProvider(...);
var localizationSource = new DictionaryBasedLocalizationSource("SOURCENAME", customProvider );
config.Localization.Sources.Add(localizationSource );
On startup, the providers InitializeDictionaries() is called and localization dictionaries are built.
So far, so good, working as intended.
Now i'd like to manually Reload these translations on demand, but I can't make this working.
Here is what I tried.
Here I trigger the re-synchronize of the language ressources:
foreach (var localizationSource in _localizationConfiguration.Sources)
localizationSource.Initialize(_localizationConfiguration, _iocResolver);
catch (Exception e)
Logger.Warn($"Could not get Localization Data for source '{localizationSource.Name}'", e);
In the custom provider, I first clear the Dictionaries
public class CustomLocalizationProvider : LocalizationDictionaryProviderBase
protected int IterationNo = 0;
protected override void InitializeDictionaries()
IterationNo += 1;
var deDict = new LocalizationDictionary(new CultureInfo("de-DE"));
deDict["HelloWorld"] = $"Hallo Welt Nummer {IterationNo}";
Dictionaries.Add("de-DE", deDict);
var enDict = new LocalizationDictionary(new CultureInfo("en"));
enDict["HelloWorld"] = $"Hello World number {IterationNo}";
Dictionaries.Add("en", enDict);
The provider is executed again as expected.
But when I eventually use the localization clientside (angular), I still get the original translations.
What am I missing?
Thanks for the help.
In the meanwhile I had to go for another approach.
I am now using a XmlEmbeddedFileLocalizationDictionaryProvider wrapped by a MultiTenantLocalizationDictionaryProvider.
This way, I am using db-localizations with xml-sources as fallback
Then I manually load the ressources from my API in some appservice. These localizations are then updated in the database by using LanguageTextManager.UpdateStringAsync().

symfony 4 Upload

How to upload a file in symfony 4.I have done with the symfony document. I don't know where I have missed something. Its throws error while uploading file give me some clues
The file "" does not exist
public function getBrochure()
return $this->brochure;
public function setBrochure($brochure)
$this->brochure = $brochure;
return $this;
File upload Listener
class FileUploader
private $targetDirectory;
public function __construct($targetDirectory)
$this->targetDirectory = $targetDirectory;
public function upload(UploadedFile $file)
$fileName = md5(uniqid()).'.'.$file->guessExtension();
$file->move($this->getTargetDirectory(), $fileName);
return $fileName;
public function getTargetDirectory()
return $this->targetDirectory;
This Symfony tutorial works fine for me so I'll try to explain how and perhaps it will help you or people still looking for an answer, this post getting a bit old.
So first you have to create the FileUploader service in App\Service for better reusability (chapter: Creating an Uploader Service). You can basically copy/paste what they've done here, it works like a charm. Then you need to open your services.yaml in Config folder and explicit your brochure directory:
brochures_directory: '%kernel.project_dir%/public/uploads/brochures'
# ...
# ...
$targetDirectory: '%brochures_directory%'
Now everything is normally ready to use your FileUploader service.
So if you're in your controller (for example), I guess you want to use it in a form. Thus, you just have to do this (don't forget to use your Service in your Controller):
public function myController(FileUploader $fileUploader)
// Create your form and handle it
if ($form isValid() && &form isSubmitted()) {
$file = $myEntity->getBrochure();
$fileName = $this->fileUploader->upload($file);
// Form validation and redirection
// Render your template
One important point I forgot to say. In your FormType, you need to say that the Brochure will be a FileType:
$builder->add('brochure', FileType::class)
But in your entity you have to specify your brochure is stored as a "string":
* #MongoDB\Field(type="string")
protected $brochure;
The reason is your file is getting uploaded and saved in your public/uploads/brochure. But your database is only remembering a string path to reach it.
I hope this will help!

Apache ISIS external link

Let's say I have a domain object Customer. On this object I have an address to an external site.
#PropertyLayout(named = "Link", describedAs = "Clickable link to customer")
public String getLink() {
return "";
In this case this will be shown as just text on the webpage. How do I create a clickable link in the wicket viewer from this?
There is a third-party extension:
This was done by Kevin Meyer, one of our committers.
I've raised to incorporate this into the framework "proper".
Meantime, you can add an action to open the link easily enough
#MemberOrder(named="link", sequence="1")
public openLink() throws MalformedURLException {
return new;
and just to finish it off, you could add this guard:
public String disableOpenLink() {
if(getLink() == null) { return "no link to open."; }
try {
} catch(MalformedURLException ex) {
return "Bad link";
return null;
I don't think there is out of the box solution in Apache Isis for this.
You will need to roll your own Wicket component for it. For example, annotate this property with custom annotation #ExternalLink and then register a ComponentFactory that creates Wicket ExternalLink component for this property. See for example.

Get folder with path ONEDRIVE

I am using this PHP API and I want to check if folder is created if not then create it. So I am using
function folderExists()
return $this->folder = $this->client->fetchObject("me/skydrive/FOLDER_NAME");
But I cannot get the path right. Best I can get is this
Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'The resource
'd3b7bfe6cdaba4b7' doesn't exist.
But that ID is still not enough, I would need this
to access it.
I managed to solve it with this
function folderExists()
$id = $this->client->fetchRoot();
$folders = $id->fetchObjects();
foreach ($folders as $id => $folder) {
if($folder->getName() === $this->config['FOLDER_NAME'])
return $this->folder = $folder;

How do I use Sitecore.Data.Serialization.Manager.LoadItem(path,LoadOptions) to restore a item to Sitecore?

I am trying to use the sitecore API to serialize and restore sitecore items. I have created a WCF app to retrieve an Item name given a ID or sitecore path (/sitecore/content/home), retrieve a list of the names of the items children give an id or path. I can also Serialize the content tree.
public void BackupItemTree(string id)
Database db = Sitecore.Configuration.Factory.GetDatabase("master");
Item itm = db.GetItem(id);
The above code works great. After running it can see that the content tree has been serialized.
However when I try to restore the serialized items useing the following:
public void RestoreItemTree(string path)
using (new Sitecore.SecurityModel.SecurityDisabler())
Database db = Sitecore.Configuration.Factory.GetDatabase("master");
Data.Serialization.LoadOptions opt = new Data.Serialization.LoadOptions(db);
opt.ForceUpdate = true;
Sitecore.Data.Serialization.Manager.LoadItem(path, opt);
//Sitecore.Data.Serialization.Manager.LoadTree(path, opt);
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
With this code I get no errors. It runs, but if I check SiteCore it didn't do anything. I have tested using the Office Core example. The path I sent in, which might be the issue is:
Neither seems to do anything. I changed the teaser title of the item and am trying to restore to before the but every time the change is still present.
Any help would be appreciated as the SiteCore documentation is very limited.
You can always check how the Sitecore code works using Reflector, the following method is called when you click "Revert Item" in back-end:
protected virtual Item LoadItem(Item item, LoadOptions options)
Assert.ArgumentNotNull(item, "item");
return Manager.LoadItem(PathUtils.GetFilePath(new ItemReference(item).ToString()), options);
In LoadOptions you can specify whether you want to overwrite ("Revert Item") or just update ("Update Item") it.
See Sitecore.Shell.Framework.Commands.Serialization.LoadItemCommand for more info.
You have the correct LoadOptions for forcing an overwrite (aka Revert).
I suspect that the path you are using for the .item file wrong. I would suggest modifying your method to take a path to a Sitecore item. Using that path, you should leverage other serialization APIs to determine where the file should be.
public void RestoreItemTree(string itemPath)
Sitecore.Data.Database db = Sitecore.Configuration.Factory.GetDatabase("master");
Sitecore.Data.Serialization.ItemReference itemReference = new Sitecore.Data.Serialization.ItemReference(db.Name, itemPath);
string path = Sitecore.Data.Serialization.PathUtils.GetFilePath(itemReference.ToString());
Sitecore.Data.Serialization.LoadOptions opt = new Sitecore.Data.Serialization.LoadOptions(db);
opt.ForceUpdate = true;
using (new Sitecore.SecurityModel.SecurityDisabler())
Sitecore.Data.Serialization.Manager.LoadItem(path, opt);
Took me a while to work out, but you have to remove .item when restoring the tree
try this
public void RestoreItemTree(string itemPath)
var db = Factory.GetDatabase("master");
var itemReference = new ItemReference(db.Name, itemPath);
var path = PathUtils.GetFilePath(itemReference.ToString());
if (!System.IO.File.Exists(path))
throw new Exception("File not found " + path);
var opt = new LoadOptions(db);
opt.ForceUpdate = true;
using (new SecurityDisabler())
Manager.LoadItem(path, opt);
Manager.LoadTree(path.Replace(".item", ""), opt);