SQL Spatial Subquery Issue - sql

Greetings Benevolent Gods of Stackoverflow,
I am presently struggling to get a spatially enabled query to work for a SQL assignment I am working on. The wording is as follows:
FROM MuffinShop
join (SELECT SUM(PURCHASES.TotalPrice) AS StoreProfit, STORES.StoreName
HAVING (SUM(PURCHASES.TotalPrice) > 600))
What I am trying to do with this query is perform a function query (like avg, sum etc) and get the spatial information back as well. Another example of this would be:
SELECT STORES.StoreName, AVG(REVIEWS.Rating),Stores.Shape
This returns a Column 'STORES.Shape' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause. error message.
I know I require a sub query to perform this task, I am just having endless trouble getting it to work. Any help at all would be wildly appreciated.

There are two parts to this question, I would tackle the first problem with the following logic:
List all the store names and their respective geolocations
Get the profit for each store
With that in mind, you need to use the STORES table as your base, then bolt the profit onto it through a sub query or an apply:
SELECT s.StoreName
SELECT pu.StoreId
,StoreProfit = SUM(pu.TotalPrice)
) p
ON p.StoreID = s.StoreID;
This one is a little more efficient:
SELECT s.StoreName
SELECT StoreProfit = SUM(p.TotalPrice)
WHERE p.StoreID = s.StoreID
) profit;
Now for the second part, the error that you are receiving tells you that you need to GROUP BY all columns in your select statement with the exception of your aggregate function(s).
In your second example, you are asking SQL to take an average rating for each store based on an ID, but you are also trying to return another column without including that inside the grouping. I will try to show you what you are asking SQL to do and where the issue lies with the following examples:
-- Data
Id | Rating | Shape
1 | 1 | Triangle
1 | 4 | Triangle
1 | 1 | Square
2 | 1 | Triangle
2 | 5 | Triangle
2 | 3 | Square
SQL Server, please give me the average rating for each store:
SELECT Id, AVG(Rating)
FROM Store
-- Result
Id | Avg(Rating)
1 | 2
2 | 3
SQL Server, please give me the average rating for each store and show its shape in the result (but don't group by it):
SELECT Id, AVG(Rating), Shape
FROM Store
-- Result
Id | Avg(Rating) | Shape
1 | 2 | Do I show Triangle or Square ...... ERROR!!!!
2 | 3 |
It needs to be told to get the average for each store and shape:
SELECT Id, AVG(Rating), Shape
FROM Store
GROUP BY StoreId, Shape;
-- Result
Id | Avg(Rating) | Shape
1 | 2.5 | Triangle
1 | 1 | Square
2 | 3 | Triangle
2 | 3 | Square

As in any spatial query you need an idea of what your final geometry will be. It looks like you are attempting to group by individual stores but delivering an average rating from the subquery. So if I'm reading it right you are just looking to get the stores shape info associated with the average ratings?
Query the stores table for the shape field and join the query you use to get the average rating
select a.shape
from stores a inner join (your Average rating query with group by here) b
on a.StoreID = b.Storeid


Get total count and first 3 columns

I have the following SQL query:
SELECT TOP 3 accounts.username
,COUNT(accounts.username) AS count
FROM relationships
JOIN accounts ON relationships.account = accounts.id
WHERE relationships.following = 4
AND relationships.account IN (
SELECT relationships.following
FROM relationships
WHERE relationships.account = 8
I want to return the total count of accounts.username and the first 3 accounts.username (in no particular order). Unfortunately accounts.username and COUNT(accounts.username) cannot coexist. The query works fine removing one of the them. I don't want to send the request twice with different select bodies. The count column could span to 1000+ so I would prefer to calculate it in SQL rather in code.
The current query returns the error Column 'accounts.username' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause. which has not led me anywhere and this is different to other questions as I do not want to use the 'group by' clause. Is there a way to do this with FOR JSON AUTO?
The desired output could be:
| count | username |
| 1551 | simon1 |
| 1551 | simon2 |
| 1551 | simon3 |
| JSON_F52E2B61-18A1-11d1-B105-00805F49916B |
| [{"count": 1551, "usernames": ["simon1", "simon2", "simon3"]}] |
If you want to display the total count of rows that satisfy the filter conditions (and where username is not null) in an additional column in your resultset, then you could use window functions:
COUNT(a.username) OVER() AS cnt
FROM relationships r
JOIN accounts a ON r.account = a.id
r.following = 4
SELECT 1 FROM relationships t1 WHERE r1.account = 8 AND r1.following = r.account
Side notes:
if username is not nullable, use COUNT(*) rather than COUNT(a.username): this is more efficient since it does not require the database to check every value for nullity
table aliases make the query easier to write, read and maintain
I usually prefer EXISTS over IN (but here this is mostly a matter of taste, as both techniques should work fine for your use case)

SQL Query to Show When Golfer Not Attached to an Event/Year

I am working on a school assignment that has downright stumped me for days. The task is to, using a view (VAvailableGolfers), populate a list box with Golfers who are not tied to a given event/year selected from a combo box. Here is the data in the tables:
The expected output on the form, then, would be:
2015 shows Goldstein available
2016 shows no one available
2017 shows both Goldstein and Everett available
so, in other words, where there isn't a record in TGolferEventYears for a golfer for a particular year
I have tried left joins, full outer joins, exists, not in, not exists, etc and I cannot seem to nail down the SQL to make it happen.
Here is the VB Form and the SQL backing it. I cannot figure out what to code in the view:
"SELECT intGolferID, strLastName FROM vAvailableGolfers WHERE intEventYearID = " & cboEvents.SelectedValue.ToString
Here is the view, which I know isn't giving correct output:
select tg.intGolferID, strLastName, intEventYearID
from TGolferEventYears TGEY, TGolfers TG
Where tgey.intGolferID = tg.intGolferID
and intEventYearID not IN
(select intEventYearID
from TEventYears
where intEventYearID not in
(select intEventYearID
from TGolferEventYears))
Appreciate any help
I usually approach this type of question by using a cross join to generate all possibly combination and then a left join/where to filter out the ones that already exist:
select g.intGolferID, g.strLastName, ey.intEventYearID
from TEventYears ey cross join
TGolfers g left join
TGolferEventYears gey
on gey.intGolferID = g.intGolferID and
gey.intEventYearID = ey.intEventYearID
where gey.intGolferID is null;
Try this query:
SELECT tg.intGolferID, strLastName, tey.intEventYearID, tey.intEventYear
FROM TGolfers tg, TEventYears tey
WHERE tg.intGolferID NOT IN (
FROM TGolferEventYears tgey
WHERE tgey.intEventYearID = tey.intEventYearID
Since you are trying to get combinations of data that is not in TGolferEventYears, you cannot use it in your outer-most SELECT as any of its columns would be NULL. Therefore, you need to SELECT FROM the tables that are the sources of that data, and going through each joined record, filter out the combinations that are in TGolferEventYears.
Main query
Select the data you need:
SELECT tg.intGolferID, strLastName, tey.intEventYearID, tey.intEventYear
...from TGolfers, cross join with TEventYears:
FROM TGolfers tg, TEventYears tey
...where the golfer ID does not exist in the following collection:
WHERE tg.intGolferID NOT IN ( ... )
Select unique golfer IDs:
...from TGolferEventYears:
FROM TGolferEventYears tgey
...where the year is the current year of the outer query:
WHERE tgey.intEventYearID = tey.intEventYearID
| intGolferID | strLastName | intEventYearID | intEventYear |
| 1 | Goldstein | 1 | 2015 |
| 1 | Goldstein | 3 | 2017 |
| 2 | Everett | 3 | 2017 |

How to create two JOIN-tables so that I can compare attributes within?

I take a Database course in which we have listings of AirBnBs and need to be able to do some SQL queries in the Relationship-Model we made from the data, but I struggle with one in particular :
I have two tables that we are interested in, Billing and Amenities. The first one have the id and price of listings, the second have id and wifi (let's say, to simplify, that it equals 1 if there is Wifi, 0 otherwise). Both have other attributes that we don't really care about here.
So the query is, "What is the difference in the average price of listings with and without Wifi ?"
My idea was to build to JOIN-tables, one with listings that have wifi, the other without, and compare them easily :
SELECT avg(B.price - A.price) as averagePrice
SELECT Billing.price, Billing.id
FROM Billing
INNER JOIN Amenities
ON Billing.id = Amenities.id
WHERE Amenities.wifi = 0
) A, (
SELECT Billing.price, Billing.id
FROM Billing
INNER JOIN Amenities
ON Billing.id = Amenities.id
WHERE Amenities.wifi = 1) B
WHERE A.id = B.id;
Obviously this doesn't work... I am pretty sure that there is a far easier solution to it tho, what do I miss ?
(And by the way, is there a way to compute the absolute between the difference of price ?)
I hope that I was clear enough, thank you for your time !
Edit : As mentionned in the comments, forgot to say that, but both tables have idas their primary key, so that there is one row per listing.
Just use conditional aggregation:
SELECT AVG(CASE WHEN a.wifi = 0 THEN b.price END) as avg_no_wifi,
AVG(CASE WHEN a.wifi = 1 THEN b.price END) as avg_wifi
FROM Billing b JOIN
Amenities a
ON b.id = a.id
WHERE a.wifi IN (0, 1);
You can use a - if you want the difference instead of the specific values.
Let's assume we're working with data like the following (problems with your data model are noted below):
| listing_id | price |
| 1 | 1500.00 |
| 2 | 1700.00 |
| 3 | 1800.00 |
| 4 | 1900.00 |
| listing_id | wifi |
| 1 | 1 |
| 2 | 1 |
| 3 | 0 |
Notice that I changed "id" to "listing_id" to make it clear what it was (using "id" as an attribute name is problematic anyways). Also, note that one listing doesn't have an entry in the Amenities table. Depending on your data, that may or may not be a concern (again, refer to the bottom for a discussion of your data model).
Based on this data, your averages should be as follows:
Listings with wifi average $1600 (Listings 1 and 2)
Listings without wifi (just 3) average 1800).
So the difference would be $200.
To achieve this result in SQL, it may be helpful to first get the average cost per amenity (whether wifi is offered). This would be obtained with the following query:
Amenities.wifi AS has_wifi,
AVG(Billing.price) AS avg_cost
FROM Billing
Amenities.listing_id = Billing.listing_id
GROUP BY Amenities.wifi
which gives you the following results:
| has_wifi | avg_cost |
| 0 | 1800.0000000000000000 |
| 1 | 1600.0000000000000000 |
So far so good. So now we need to calculate the difference between these 2 rows. There are a number of different ways to do this, but one is to use a CASE expression to make one of the values negative, and then simply take the SUM of the result (note that I'm using a CTE, but you can also use a sub-query):
avg_by_wifi(has_wifi, avg_cost) AS
SELECT Amenities.wifi, AVG(Billing.price)
FROM Billing
Amenities.listing_id = Billing.listing_id
GROUP BY Amenities.wifi
WHEN has_wifi = 1 THEN avg_cost
ELSE -1 * avg_cost
FROM avg_by_wifi
which gives us the expected value of 200.
Now regarding your data model:
If both your Billing and Amenities table only have 1 row for each listing, it makes sense to combine them into 1 table. For example: Listings(listing_id, price, wifi)
However, this is still problematic, because you probably have a bunch of other amenities you want to model (pool, sauna, etc.) So you might want to model a many-to-many relationship between listings and amenities using an intermediate table:
Listings(listing_id, price)
Amenities(amenity_id, amenity_name)
ListingsAmenities(listing_id, amenity_id)
This way, you could list multiple amenities for a given listing without having to add additional columns. It also becomes easy to store additional information about an amenity: What's the wifi password? How deep is the pool? etc.
Of course, using this model makes your original query (difference in average cost of listings by wifi) a bit tricker, but definitely still doable.

SQL: SUM of MAX values WHERE date1 <= date2 returns "wrong" results

Hi stackoverflow users
I'm having a bit of a problem trying to combine SUM, MAX and WHERE in one query and after an intense Google search (my search engine skills usually don't fail me) you are my last hope to understand and fix the following issue.
My goal is to count people in a certain period of time and because a person can visit more than once in said period, I'm using MAX. Due to the fact that I'm defining people as male (m) or female (f) using a string (for statistic purposes), CHAR_LENGTH returns the numbers I'm in need of.
SELECT SUM(max_pers) AS "People"
SELECT "guests"."id", MAX(CHAR_LENGTH("guests"."gender")) AS "max_pers"
FROM "guests"
GROUP BY "guests"."id")
So far, so good. But now, as stated before, I'd like to only count the guests which visited in a certain time interval (for statistic purposes as well).
SELECT "statistic"."id", SUM(max_pers) AS "People"
SELECT "guests"."id", MAX(CHAR_LENGTH("guests"."gender")) AS "max_pers"
FROM "guests"
GROUP BY "guests"."id"),
"statistic", "guests"
WHERE ( "guests"."arrival" <= "statistic"."from" AND "guests"."departure" >= "statistic"."to")
GROUP BY "statistic"."id"
This query returns the following, x = desired result:
x * (x+1)
So if the result should be 3, it's 12. If it should be 5, it's 30 etc.
I probably could solve this algebraic but I'd rather understand what I'm doing wrong and learn from it.
Thanks in advance and I'm certainly going to answer all further questions.
PS: I'm using LibreOffice Base.
EDIT: An example
guests table:
ID | arrival | departure | gender |
10 | 1.1.14 | 10.1.14 | mf |
10 | 15.1.14 | 17.1.14 | m |
11 | 5.1.14 | 6.1.14 | m |
12 | 10.2.14 | 24.2.14 | f |
13 | 27.2.14 | 28.2.14 | mmmmmf |
statistic table:
ID | from | to | name |
1 | 1.1.14 | 31.1.14 |January | expected result: 3
2 | 1.2.14 | 28.2.14 |February| expected result: 7
MAX(...) is the wrong function: You want COUNT(DISTINCT ...).
Add proper join syntax, simplify (and remove unnecessary quotes) and this should work:
FROM statistic s
LEFT JOIN guests g ON g.arrival <= s."from" AND g.departure >= s."too"
Note: Using LEFT join means you'll get a result of zero for statistics ids that have no guests. If you would rather no row at all, remove the LEFT keyword.
You have a very strange data structure. In any case, I think you want:
SELECT s.id, sum(numpersons) AS People
FROM (select g.id, max(char_length(g.gender)) as numpersons
from guests g join
statistic s
on g.arrival <= s."from" AND g.departure >= s."too"
group by g.id
) g join
GROUP BY s.id;
Thanks for all your inputs. I wasn't familiar with JOIN but it was necessary to solve my problem.
Since my databank is designed in german, I made quite the big mistake while translating it and I'm sorry if this caused confusion.
Selecting guests.id and later on grouping by guests.id wouldn't make any sense since the id is unique. What I actually wanted to do is select and group the guests.adr_id which links a visiting guest to an adress databank.
The correct solution to my problem is the following code:
SELECT statname, SUM (numpers) FROM (
SELECT statistic.name AS statname, guests.adr_id, MAX( CHAR_LENGTH( guests.gender ) ) AS numpers
FROM guests
JOIN statistics ON (guests.arrival <= statistics.too AND guests.departure >= statistics.from )
GROUP BY guests.adr_id, statistic.name )
GROUP BY statname
I also noted that my database structure is a mess but I created it learning by doing and haven't found any time to rewrite it yet. Next time posting, I'll try better.

Access join on first record

I have two tables in an Access database, tblProducts and tblProductGroups.
I am trying to run a query that joins both of these tables, and brings back a single record for each product. The problem is that the current design allows for a product to be listed in the tblProductGroups table more than 1 - i.e. a product can be a member of more than one group (i didnt design this!)
The query is this:
select tblProducts.intID, tblProducts.strTitle, tblProductGroups.intGroup
from tblProducts
inner join tblProductGroups on tblProducts.intID = tblProductGroups.intProduct
where tblProductGroups.intGroup = 56
and tblProducts.blnActive
order by tblProducts.intSort asc, tblProducts.curPrice asc
At the moment this returns results such as:
intID | strTitle | intGroup
1 | Product 1 | 1
1 | Product 1 | 2
2 | Product 2 | 1
2 | Product 2 | 2
Whereas I only want the join to be based on the first matching record, so that would return:
intID | strTitle | intGroup
1 | Product 1 | 1
2 | Product 2 | 1
Is this possible in Access?
Thanks in advance
This option runs a subquery to find the minimum intGoup for each tblProducts.intID.
SELECT tblProducts.intID
, tblProducts.strTitle
, (SELECT TOP 1 intGroup
FROM tblProductGroups
WHERE intProduct=tblProducts.intID
ORDER BY intGroup ASC) AS intGroup
FROM tblProducts
WHERE tblProducts.blnActive
ORDER BY tblProducts.intSort ASC, tblProducts.curPrice ASC
This works for me. Maybe this helps someone:
FIRST(a.Regal) AS frstRegal,
FIRST(a.Fachboden) AS frstFachboden,
FIRST(a.xOffset) AS frstxOffset,
FIRST(a.yOffset) AS frstyOffset,
FIRST(a.xSize) AS frstxSize,
FIRST(a.ySize) AS frstySize,
FIRST(a.Platzgr) AS frstyPlatzgr,
FIRST(b.Artikel_ID) AS frstArtikel_ID,
FIRST(b.Menge) AS frstMenge,
FIRST(c.Breite) AS frstBreite,
FIRST(c.Tiefe) AS frstTiefe,
FIRST(a.Fachboden_ID) AS frstFachboden_ID,
FIRST(b.BewegungsDatum) AS frstBewegungsDatum,
FIRST(b.ErzeugungsDatum) AS frstErzeugungsDatum
FROM ((Lagerort AS a)
LEFT JOIN LO_zu_ART AS b ON a.Lagerort_ID = b.Lagerort_ID)
LEFT JOIN Regal AS c ON a.Regal = c.Regal
GROUP BY a.Lagerort_ID
ORDER BY FIRST(a.Regal), FIRST(a.Fachboden), FIRST(a.xOffset), FIRST(a.yOffset);
I have non unique entries for Lagerort_ID on the table LO_zu_ART. My goal was to only use the first found entry from LO_zu_ART to match into Lagerort.
The trick is to use FIRST() an any column but the grouped one. This may also work with MIN() or MAX(), but I have not tested it.
Also make sure to call the Fields with the "AS" statement different than the original field. I used frstFIELDNAME. This is important, otherwise I got errors.
Create a new query, qryFirstGroupPerProduct:
SELECT intProduct, Min(intGroup) AS lowest_group
FROM tblProductGroups
GROUP BY intProduct;
Then JOIN qryFirstGroupPerProduct (instead of tblProductsGroups) to tblProducts.
Or you could do it as a subquery instead of a separate saved query, if you prefer.
It's not very optimal, but if you're bringing in a few thousand records this will work:
Create a query that gets the max of tblProducts.intID from one table and call it qry_Temp.
Create another query and join qry_temp to the table you are trying to join against, and you should get your results.