Use JMeter Variable in Groovy Code - variables

I have an Config Element in JMeter, Especially User Defined Variables.
I have the variable "user" with the value "Justin", How can I use this variable in the groovy code (of an JSR223 Assertion)?

There are several of getting it:
Given you pass the variable to the JSR223 Assertion script via "Parameters" section you can access it as Parameters which contains the full string passed in the "Parameters" section
Given you pass the variable to the JSR223 Assertion script via "Parameters" section you can access it as args[0] (if you pass more than one variable separated by spaces you will be able to refer 2nd variable as args[1], 3rd as args[2], etc.
You can access it as vars.get('user') where vars stands for JMeterVariables class instance
You can access it as vars['user'] - basically the same as point 3 but uses some Groovy Syntax Sugar
You can access it as ctx.getVariables().get('user') - where ctx stands for JMeterContextService class instance just in case (in some test elements vars shorthand is not available)

Any JSR223 element including Assertion have few variables it can use out of the box.
One of the variable is vars which is basically a map of JMeter stored variables.
User Defined Variables row is creating a JMeter variable, so you can get your value Justin in JSR223 using vars.get("user")


In jsr352 batch job xml, how to read/inject a environmental variable from system

I have environmental variable called ENV, which holds the DEV,QA OR PROD region as value. When the server.xml loaded it includes the corresponding db configuration using this variable. For ex: db-config-${env.GAH_ENV}.xml
I would like to pass the same value to the batch job xml as a job parameter or properties to any of the class. How Can I do that.
below code snippet not working
<property name="environment" value="${env.GAH_ENV}"/>
The short answer is that using a batch property may not be a good solution and you might consider something else like MicroProfile's #ConfigProperty.
The reason is there's not a built-in way to access environmental variables through JSL substitution. There is also not a convenient way for one artifact to set a property value to be used by a second artifact running later within the job execution.
In the special case that you are starting the job from within the same JVM it will execute, of course, you could pass the env var value as a job parameter.
But in the general case, if you can change the Java code and you don't really need a batch property I would use a MicroProfile Config property instead, injected via #Inject #ConfigProperty.
By doing so you lose the batch-specific substitution precedence, including the override available via job parameters passed with the submit/start. You also give up the ability to use this property in other JSL substitutions (to "compose" its value into other batch properties via other substitutions).
But you at least get a property with its own various levels of precedence/override (e.g. server config, env var,, which is more flexible than just always reading the env var via System.getenv( ).
This is certainly an area to consider for the next version of the (now-Jakarta) Batch spec.

How to pass values from variable in setProperty of jmeter

I have a setup thread group which sets the property value and in Thread group i am using the variable in csv data set configure
it is working if i am giving values like
${__setProperty(${name},_id.csv)} but if i take _id.csv from an array it is not reading the value.
Don't inline JMeter Functions or Variables into Groovy scripts as:
It may resolve into something causing script compilation failure
It may conflict with Groovy GString templates
It conflicts with compilation caching feature
As per JSR223 Sampler documentation:
JMeter processes function and variable references before passing the script field to the interpreter, so the references will only be resolved once. Variable and function references in script files will be passed verbatim to the interpreter, which is likely to cause a syntax error. In order to use runtime variables, please use the appropriate props methods, e.g.
So you need to amend your code as follows:
def name = 'file'
def files = ['_id.csv']
props.put(name, files[0])
Check out Apache Groovy - Why and How You Should Use It article for more information on Groovy scripting in JMeter.

Using Beanshell sampler return value in JMeter while condition

I am trying to use the return value from beanshell sampler, later in the while condition ${__javaScript(${homeState}<6)}.
When i run and check logs, ${homeState} is not getting replaced with the beanshell sampler homeState integer value.
Can any one suggest what's wrong going on?
however, when i check the response of beanshell sampler in view results tree, it is returing integer as expected.
return keyword in Beanshell defines Beanshell sampler response data. If you need to store the value into a JMeter Variable you should replace the line return homeState with the following expression:
vars.put("homeState", String.valueOf(homeState));
vars is a shorthand to JMeterVariables class instance, it provides read/write access to the JMeter Variables in scope.
See How to Use BeanShell: JMeter's Favorite Built-in Component article for comprehensive information on using Beanshell scripting in JMeter tests

Deleting unnecessary symbols from variable in Jmeter

I have variable as string in this view:
I need the script that deletes unnecessary symbols [ ] " and put it to another variable . (something like trim method)
I assume it should be made in BeanShell pre-processor.
It can be done via Beanshell PreProcessor as follows:
Add Beanshell PreProcessor as a child of the request which needs "another variable"
Put the following code into the PreProcessor's "Script" area:
String yourvar = vars.get("yourvar");
String anothervar = yourvar.replace("[","").replace("]","").replaceAll("\\\"","");
Change "yourvar" and "anothervar" according to your variables reference names.
yourvar - source variable name
anothervar - result variable name
vars is a shorthand to JMeterVariables class instance which provides access to JMeter variables in current context. See JavaDoc for the class for all available methods and How to use BeanShell: JMeter's favorite built-in component guide for advanced information on Beanshell scripting in JMeter.

Can I use e.parameter in conjunction with a global variable to retrieve an external variable in Google Apps Scripts?

I realize the question is confusing. I'm trying to reference many widgets that were created in the main loop of my script from a secondary function using e.parameter.
Instead of referencing each e.parameter separately, by its name, I'd like to be able to make one reference to e.parameter and have the parameter name portion be a globally defined variable.
As in:
Would be the same as:
var test=[]
Or some other syntax. I'm trying to reference the parameters in a loop, and using the array means I can increment a for loop counter instead doing if tests for each parameter individually.
I'm certain there's an easier way to do this, but I'm still new to java.
Use e.parameter[test[0]] . It is not java but JavaScript