Distinguish between wl_surface, wl_shell_surface and cairo_surface - surface

Could you please help me to make differences among those surface.
What is a top/parent surface ?
How to create and destroy each surface in order ?

A wl_surface is a rectangular area that is displayed on the screen. It has a location, size and pixel contents. The backend compositor (weston) does know it.
A wl_shell is a interface that implemented by a wl_surface, provides a desktop-style user interface.
a cairo_surface is interface (rectangular area) to draw 2D Objects on wayland surface.


Custom Shape in Cocos3d

I am developing an iPhone application that uses cocos3d. My question is: how to draw custom shape in cocos3d? for example a cylinder, a cylinder with an ellipse as its base instead of a circle, a polygone, etc. Can anyone please guide me how to start?
Thanks in advance
There's good support for doing that in Cocos3D.
CC3Mesh has simple property settings for allocating space for vertex content, plus a large family of methods for getting and setting various vertex content. Make sure you understand how to use the vertexContentTypes property.
The source files CC3ParametricMeshes.m and CC3ParametricMeshNodes.m contain a number of examples of creating mesh shapes programmatically. Have a look at the implementations in those files.

Refraction for object { mesh {...}} surface shows artifacts

We want to render a parametrized surface in front of a grid plane and observe the transformation of the grid due to refraction happening at the surface. Our surface is in this simple example a 2D normal distribution which we will view directly from above and the grid plane is placed below:
The surface is given in many triangle directives which we put together in a mesh and used it with
object {
scale <1,1,3>
texture { pigment {color rgbt <0,0,1,0.5> }}
interior {ior 1.4}
The scale here is not necessary and used only to amplify the artifacts. What you see in the image below is, that the refraction seems not to happen smoothly, but creates some sharp artifacts in the underlying grid pattern.
This image was created with Povray 3.6.1 under MacOS X 10.5.6 with the settings +Q9, +A and -J. Can anyone point out a hint? Thanks.
This was a stupid mistake. Since in Mathematica the surface looked really smooth, I assumed that it created a large number of triangle-faces. This assumption was wrong. The rendering engine Mathematica uses, seems to interpolate the normals given for each vertex and therefore the surfaces only looks as it has a high resolution.
A check of the underlying polygons reveals the truth:
Therefore, what looks like refraction artifacts in the rendered image above is actually correct behavior, because the face-normals of neighboring triangles really change that much.
Increasing the resolution of the surface grid solves the problem.

Flipboard style page turn animation

I'm trying to write a fairly simple animation using Core Animation to simulate a book cover being opened. The book cover is an image, and I'm applying the animations to its layer object.
As well as animating a rotation around the y axis (The the anchorPoint property set of the left of the screen), I need to scale the right hand edge of the image up so it appears to "get closer" to the user and create the illusion of depth. Flipboard, for example, does this scaling really well.
I can't find any way of scaling an image like this, so only one edge is scaled and the image ends up nonrectangular.
All help appreciated with this one!
CoreAnimation, by default, "flattens" its 3D hierarchy into a 2D world at z=0. This causes perspective and the like to not work properly. You need to host your layer in a CATransformLayer, which will render its sublayers as a true 3D layer hierarchy.

How to warp an UIImage using Open GL or any other method...?

I am trying to develop an iOS app to make any given image (UIImage) warp on selected locations.
So for this task to be accomplished what should be the rightmost way going forward, for now i'm doing some research on doing this on OpenGL (frankly any heads up on the framework would be nice too).
So finally the requirement is to get the UIImage warp on some given locations. (If x, y coordinates are there)
If you're sufficiently familiar with (or willing to learn) OpenGL, then you could do this:
Create a flat, rectangular grid of points to be a mesh that will be displayed with OpenGL.
Apply the image to the mesh as a texture.
When distorting the image at a particular location, you can just decide which points on the mesh will be affected by the distortion, and move them.
You can push points out from the center, or in toward a center, or shift them all in the same direction. If the distortion affects a large area, then you change a lot of points (possibly changing those in the center by more than those near the edges of the affected area).
Not sure what you mean by 'warp'. Do you mean skew it in 3 dimensions? If so you can adjust the CGAffineTransform for the UIImageView you are displaying it in to get that effect.
If you mean some kind of image processing warp, and you are using iOS 5, you can use Core Image for that.

3D Transformations on a Quartz2D path — Drawing Application

I'm in the planning stage of writing a Cocoa drawing application (for Mac, not iOS), and I'm trying to discern whether one of my features is technically possible via any of the drawing frameworks. Any help or relevant information would be greatly appreciated.
The idea is to apply a 3D transformation to an object drawn with Quartz2D. I've considered capturing the relevant portion of the canvas View (where objects are drawn) as an image and sending it to Core Animation, but that doesn't seem like the best option. Since this is a drawing application, it's less about 3D animation than it is about the transformed shape. This solution is also less than ideal because I assume that if the 2D object were a vector path rather a bitmap image, I would have to rasterize it to apply such a transformation. The ideal implementation would enable the user to dynamically rotate a flat object in 3 dimensions until she found a suitable orientation, lock in this transformation, and still be able to manually adjust the path's vector points.
Is this feasible? Would it require working directly with OpenGL? Help of any kind is most welcome.
Thank you!
Seems to me that anything you'd do with a 3D transform, you should be able to do with multiple affine transforms. See UIBezierPath's -applyTransform method.