how to give prompt for yii dependent dropdown once the value is passed from database - yii

I have created a dependent dropdown that shows delivery time for selected area,by default it will show aprompt which i have given at the view page but when i choose an area it directly displays the values with first value as selected ,how can i give a prompt instead the first value get selected .here my action
public function actionGetdeliveryforarea()
array(':area_id'=>(int) $_POST['area_id']));
foreach($data as $value=>$deliverytime)
echo CHtml::tag('option',

Update your action as follows
public function actionGetdeliveryforarea()
array(':area_id'=>(int) $_POST['area_id']));
echo CHtml::tag('option',
array('value'=>'',),CHtml::encode("Select Value"),true);
foreach($data as $value=>$deliverytime)
echo CHtml::tag('option',


What are the possible ways of validating whether all element displayed or not

When I hover the mouse on button, then many options are displayed. Now I want to validate that all the options are displayed or not at single time.
static content = {
timeRangeContainer { $("div.filter-list")[0] }
timeRangeFilterOptions { timeRangeContainer.find ("div.filter-drop li")}
def hovermouse(){
def optionDisplayed(){
In the above example, I can check only one element whether it displayed or not , But I want to check all the options are displayed or not at single line of code such as (timeRangeFilterOptions.isDisplayed()). Is it possible ?
One way to do it would be:
boolean optionsDisplayed(){

Show to be deleted items in popup window

I am using Odoo 10e. I want a simple functionality that whenever i wanted to delete one or more then one item from a list view or from a specific list view only. I want to show all of the items which are selected for deleted to show their name in popup window so that user can have a quick review what's he is going to delete. I know user can see details in list view but i want to give a glimpse to user in shape of model window that this is going to be deleted. Are you sure to delete ?
If user click Confirm then normal delete case should work.
As far i research and worked on it, i have idea that it should be something regarding overriding the do_delete method in the list_view.js in the web module. But i didn't know much about javascript overriding for Odoo.
This is an example how I do it.
I called the name_get for your model and records ids, this names list, I change the text of confirming message with the information of ids selected.
do_delete: function (ids) {
new Model(this.model)
.call('name_get', [ids, this.dataset.get_context()]).done(function (names) {
var text = _t("Do you really want to remove these records?") + ' '+ names.join(' \n')
if (!(ids.length && confirm(text))) {
var self = this;
return $.when(this.dataset.unlink(ids)).done(function () {
_(ids).each(function (id) {
// Hide the table if there is no more record in the dataset
if (self.display_nocontent_helper()) {
} else {
if (self.records.length && self.current_min === 1) {
// Reload the list view if we delete all the records of the first page
} else if (self.records.length && self.dataset.size() > 0) {
// Load previous page if the current one is empty
// Reload the list view if we are not on the last page
if (self.current_min + self._limit - 1 < self.dataset.size()) {

Not Updating The Image Doesn't Update The Record

The problem is if I want to update the other fields and not the image. It passes the validation and doesn't update any of the fields.
But if I update the image and other fields it updates. Or if i update the image it updates.
<?php echo $form->labelEx($model,'pimg'); ?>
<?php echo $form->fileField($model, 'pimg',array('id'=>'imgInput',)); ?>
<?php echo $form->error($model,'pimg'); ?>
public function actionEdit($id)
Model rules:
array('name, category, model, brand, description, price', 'required'),
array('pimg', 'file','types'=>'jpg','on'=>'create', 'allowEmpty'=>false),
array('pimg', 'file','types'=>'jpg','on'=>'update', 'allowEmpty'=>true),
I think the problem is with the controller. I keep getting the error:
Fatal error: Call to a member function saveAs() on a non-object in D:\wamp\www\testfolder\protected\controllers\ProductController.php on line 147
line 147: $model->pimg->saveAs('images/'.$fileName);
Image appears but then image name from db doesn't appear next to the choose file button renders stating no file chosen.
Note that I am new to Yii, and am stuck with this.
The problem is in your actionEdit i.e here
here you should check if the image has been uploaded or not. what happens is that yii is unable to execute this line $model->pimg->saveAs('images/'.$fileName); as no image has been uploaded. so you need to wrap it inside a condition i.e
so your final code should be something like this
//render here
Update 1
If you want that on update null should not be stored in your database then you can do this
$prevImage=$model->pimg; //add this line
and then where you are using this
add this else code

How To Count Views On Click Of A Button Or Web Page Is There Any Extension

I am a newbie interested to know are there any extension to count views on click of a button as to know no. of registered users or visiters to web page to know the view count on click of a image is there any extension.
Plz let me know if any
thanx :)
I think , there is no need of any extension. Make a Ajax call on click button or image you are interested.
I supposed you have Site as controller and index as action. then, please keep this code on views/site/index.php .
Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScript('logo_as_image_script', '$(document).ready(function() {
$("#logo_as_image").click(function() {
clicked: "1"
function(data, status) {
alert("Data: " + data + "\nStatus: " + status);
echo CHtml::image(Yii::app()->baseUrl . '/images/logo.png', 'Logo as Image', array('id' => 'logo_as_image'));
And, keep this code on SiteController.php .
public function actionIndex()
// keep record of data ; do more filtering ; other manupulation
$nextCount = Yii::app()->user->getState('clickCount')+1;
Yii::app()->user->setState('clickCount',$nextCount );
echo $nextCount;
#other codes here.
Lets assume that you want to store how many registered users have accessed the page at :
then visit the controller and add the code like so :
public function actionSomeAction()
$model = new CountDbModel();
$model->page = 'This page name here.';
$model->user_id = Yii::app()->user->id;
$model->count = #Add the value here.
#You other code here....
I hope it helped.

Confirm Message on DropDown Select Change

I need to show a Confirm message when the value Hiring is selected in the dropdown. How can I do that?
if (Status.SelectedValue == "HIRING")
Status.Attributes.Add("onChange", "javascript:return DisplayConfirmation();");
I have the function DisplayConfirmation in aspx page. This does not work.
Alter the DisplayConfirmation() javascript function to include a parameter for the selected value, and handle the logic inside the function.
In the Code behind, replace your code with this:
Status.Attributes.Add("OnChange", string.Format("DisplayConfirmation('{0}');", Status.SelectedValue));
So, you can change your javascript to be
function DisplayConfirmation(Status) {
if(Status == "HIRING")
if (confirm('Are you sure you want to do this?')) { __doPostback('Status', ''); }