Https soap service in mule - mule

I have a requirement where soap based service needs to be consumed and in order to achieve that I had used WSConsumer component in Mule.
Where we give the service URL in the properties file and refer to it.
<ws:consumer-config name="Web_Service_Consumer" wsdlLocation="serviceApi.wsdl"
service="serviceAPI" port="serviceApiSoap12Port" serviceAddress="${serviceurl}"
doc:name="Web Service Consumer"/>
Now after the development we came to know that QA web service is a HTTPS web service and while hitting the service following exception is received
SSLHandshakeException: General SSLEngine problem
I'm able to hit the service with Http:request connector as following
<http:request-config name="HTTP_Request_Configuration" host="${host}" port="${port}"
doc:name="HTTP Request Configuration" protocol="HTTPS">
<tls:trust-store insecure="true" />
But the issue with above config is it won't work for HTTP configuration.
I should be able to connect to both HTTP & HTTPS as I have different environments.
Is there a way where I can achieve this with ws:consumer??

I assume the HTTP connector configuration shown is the one queried by your WS Consumer connector. A simple solution would be to configure the protocol of your HTTP config via property file but Mule doesn't play well with it because you may end-up with a TLS Context configured with HTTP and your connector won't work. There is a little trick you can do however: create 2 HTTP configurations - one for HTTP and one for HTTPS:
<http:listener-config name="HTTPS_Config"
doc:name="HTTPS Config" >
<tls:key-store type="${keystore.type}"
<http:listener-config name="HTTP_Config"
doc:name="HTTP Config" >
In a property file, define which configuration (i.e. which protocol) should be used:
protocol=HTTPS # or HTTP
And finally in your flow, use your property to reference the proper HTTP(S) config:
<flow name="http-testFlow">
<http:listener config-ref="${protocol}_Config" path="/test" doc:name="HTTP"/>
The trick is to name your configuration ${protocol}_Config such as HTTP_Config and HTTPS_Config so the proper one is used at runtime via config-ref="${protocol}_Config". Mule will then dynamically use the proper configuration when your app is launched. This is entirely transparent for the user as only the protocol (HTTP vs. HTTPS) needs to be configured, and it can be used in any environment.
You can use this differently, the idea is to have Mule pick your HTTP or HTTPS dynamically at runtime.
EDIT: to configure your WS Consumer with HTTPS you'll need to reference a proper HTTP Requester Configuration such as:
<ws:consumer-config name="Web_Service_Consumer"
<http:request-config name="HTTP_Request_Configuration"
See Web Service Consumer documentation for details.
Note: though this solution works I would recommend using HTTPS all the time, for security reasons and to have less differences between your dev/QA/Prod/... environments - among other things.
I faced similar issues, we finally chose to have only an HTTPS config and define via property which keystore to use at runtime. In dev we would use a self-signed certificate and a proper keystore in environments requiring proper security.
Hope this helps.


Mule HTTPS request with Basic authentication

I am trying to make an HTTPS request in Mule with Basic Authentication. For some reason I only have NTML and None as options in the HTTP connector.
So I tried adding the basic-authentication element to my request-config:
<http:request-config name="Req_My" protocol="HTTPS" host="${}" port="${my.port}" doc:name="HTTP Request Configuration">
<http:basic-authentication username="${my.user}" password="${my.password}" preemptive="true" />
But no Authorization header is set in the debug output.
I could always do a set Property (if I find out how to do a Mel Base64 encode) but according to the documentation the Basic authentication is standard functionality

Mule HTTP transport deprecated

I use the new HTTP Connector as mentioned in the online documentation:
<http:listener-config name="HTTP_Listener_Configuration" host="localhost" port="8081"/>
<flow name="test_flow">
<http:listener config-ref="HTTP_Listener_Configuration" path="/" doc:name="NEW HTTP Connector"/>
Yet, when deploying in DEV on Cloudhub, I still get the message:
HTTP transport is deprecated and will be removed in Mule 4.0. Use HTTP
module instead.
I'm not sure what to look for. Is this a known issue?
While deploying to mule cloudhub, please change the host in listener config from local host to the default All interfaces [].
Change your HTTP Connector to use "" instead of your CloudHub domain name and redeploy.

Setting SO_TIMEOUT for Webservice consumer in mule

We are using webservice consumer to hit a service hosted by 3rd party.
While hitting the service, SocketTimeOutException happens after 16 minutes.
Our webservice consumer config is as given below.
<ws:consumer-config name="config_name"
service="Service_name" port="service_portType"
doc:name="Web Service Consumer" />
<ws:consumer config-ref="config_name" operation="test_operation"
doc:name="do_it" />
We have a default response timeout set at top of the configuration file.
<configuration defaultResponseTimeout="1000000" doc:name="Configuration" />
Now, when we asked the 3rd party about the time out, they asked us to set the SO_TIMEOUT of server to 0.
I know we can set it for https:connector with property 'serverSoTimeout="0"'.
My question is how do we set it for Webservice consumer?
This can be set by adding a parameter to your webservice endpoint like this:
This can be set up on the http listener global configuration attached to your wsconsumer config as below:
<ws:consumer-config name="test" wsdlLocation="test.wsdl" service="test" port="testSoap" serviceAddress="${test.endpoint}" doc:name="Web Service Consumer" connectorConfig="HTTP_Request_Config" />
<http:request-config name="HTTP_Request_Config" host="test" port="2000" responseTimeout="30000" doc:name="HTTP Request Configuration">

Dynamically switch http:listener-config configuration in mule

I would like to have the ability to switch listener configuration easily in Mule (CE-3.6.1) from http to https (with basic autentication). I've created a variable in the mule-project.xml 'mule.protocol' and two properties files and with some data like port (the same port in http and https), host, password, etc.
in config.xml I have:
<context:property-placeholder location="${mule.protocol}.properties" />
<http:listener-config name="HTTP_Listener_Configuration" host="${host}" port="${port}" doc:name="HTTP Listener Configuration" protocol="${protocol}">
<tls:key-store type="${keystore.type}" path="${keystore.path}" keyPassword="${keystore.keyPassword}" password="${keystore.password}" />
but I have two problems.
First, I get a message: Value '${protocol}' is not man-valid with respect to enumeration '[HTTP, HTTPS]'
and the second, section 'tls:context' is permitted only in https case, so I would have to hide it dynamically. How to solve these problems or whether there is another way to easily switch between the configuration of http and https? I'm using HTTP_Listener_Configuration in many services.
Unfortunately, this was only added for Mule 3.8.0 (coming soon). In older versions the protocol attribute does not support properties. You could use a Spring profile as a workaround. You can find more data in the JIRA ticket for this.

Mule 2 Way HTTPS Authentication

I have a Mule application which needs to talk an external server over HTTPS using 2 way SSL authentication.
My question is: How to enable Server Certificate verification in Mule ? It seems, by default Mule doesn't verify Server's Cert. I am using Mule v 3.3.0.
For example: '-k' option in curl disables server's cert verification.
In similar way, is there any configuration parameter by which I can enable/disable Server's cert verification ?
For Mule versions before 3.6, the HTTP transport supports configuration of the trust store used by the HTTP outbound endpoint to determine whether the certificate presented by an HTTPS server should be trusted.
To provide a key store that contains the certificates of servers you need to trust, provide the <https:tls-server /> to the <https:connector />, and reference that connector in your <https:outbound-endpoint />:
<https:connector name="myHttpsConnector">
<https:tls-server path="truststore.jks" storePassword="supersecure" />
<flow name="someFlow">
<https:outbound-endpoint host="remote-host" port="443" path="/api" connector-ref="myHttpsConnector" />
The blog post linked in clare's answer explains this a bit, from both the server side and the client side. You can also refer to the HTTPS Transport Reference, although it doesn't explain the use of tls-server vs. tls-client.
You can check out this blogpost. It will show you how you can configure mutual authentication in Mule. HTH.
You can configure the HTTP Request connector in Mule >= 3.6.0 to use a trust store you create that contains the certificate(s) of the server(s) you need to trust using TLS Configuration.
It might look something like this:
<tls:context name="tlsContextForServiceFoo">
<tls:trust-store path="serviceFooServerCertificates.jks" password="supersecure"/>
<tls:key-store path="myClientCertificates.jks" keyPassword="extrasecure" password="ultrasecure"/>
<http:request-config name="twoWayAuthServiceFooConfig"
tlsContext-ref="tlsContextForServiceFoo" />
<flow name="useServiceFoo">
<http:request config-ref="twoWayAuthServiceFooConfig" path="/api/doStuff" method="POST" />