Suppose I get a mail from "Lastname, Firstname" Content: "Hi, we wait for your answer" and i want to reply to it.
Is there a way that as soon as i hit the Reply button, instead of
From: "Lastname, Firstname"
Sent: Monday, 14. November 2017 12:23
Subject: Draft
Hi, we wait for you
I would get instead a draft, that i could edit.
Hi firstname,
thank you for your message!
Kind regards
Sent: Monday, 14. November 2017 12:23
Subject: Draft
Hi, we wait for you
From version Excel 2010 onwards you can create a boilerplate template with custom text incorporating many of your desired features using Quick Steps.
In case this link dies here are the edited screenshot highlights:
When calling GetReportsListAsync from my Xero App for a Tennant I'm getting the InnerException "Sequence contains more than one matching element".
I used Xero's API Explorer to call the same Xero Accounting API > Reports Endpoint > Get Reports List Operation for the same Tennant and can see that there is a double-up of the same GST Calculation (ReportType) Activity Statement (ReportName) for the same period of 1 Jan 2022 to 31 Jan 2022 (ReportDate).
How can there be 2 of the same reports for the same Tennant for the same period? Which is the correct one so I can take the ReportID to then call GetReportFromId?
Any help greatly appreciated.
When I manually open an .ics file that I have generated (by double clicking on it from the Desktop), it all seems to work, with the exception of the reminder/alarm. For some reason, this always opens with the default state where Reminder is set to none.
Could you let me know if this is something to do with my code, or something that Outlook (and possibly other software) does?
PRODID:-//Company name//Product name//EN
SUMMARY:Here is a summary.
DESCRIPTION:Here is a description.
Dont know when you last tried the above event but the DTSTART/DTEND are both in the past. As a consequence, I suspect that the client is just ignoring an alarm that it can no longer trigger.
+ You might want to express the TRIGGER in terms of hours (-PT24H).
I am working on following mail data in a file.. (data source:infochimps)
Message-ID: <33025919.1075857594206.JavaMail.evans#thyme>
Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2000 13:09:00 -0800 (PST)
Subject: re:spreads
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-From: John Arnold
X-Folder: \John_Arnold_Dec2000\Notes Folders\'sent mail
X-Origin: Arnold-J
X-FileName: Jarnold.nsf
saw a lot of the bulls sell summer against length in front to mitigate
margins/absolute position limits/var. as these guys are taking off the
front, they are also buying back summer. el paso large buyer of next winter
today taking off spreads. certainly a reason why the spreads were so strong
on the way up and such a piece now. really the only one left with any risk
premium built in is h/j now. it was trading equivalent of 180 on access,
down 40+ from this morning. certainly if we are entering a period of bearish
I am loading above data as:-
A = load '/root/test/enron_mail/maildir/*/*/*' using PigStorage(':') as (f1:chararray,f2:chararray);
but for the message body I am getting separate tuples as message body includes new lines..
how to consolidate last lines into one ?
I want below part in single tuple as:
saw a lot of the bulls sell summer against length in front to mitigate
margins/absolute position limits/var. as these guys are taking off the
front, they are also buying back summer. el paso large buyer of next winter
today taking off spreads. certainly a reason why the spreads were so strong
on the way up and such a piece now. really the only one left with any risk
premium built in is h/j now. it was trading equivalent of 180 on access,
down 40+ from this morning. certainly if we are entering a period of bearish
I am working on creating a report which contains "Defect ID, Defect Name, Creation Date and current state" of the reopened defects. This means all defects that had the state of reopened at some point during the defect cycle, the only way to find if the defect has ever been in reopened state is from the defects revision history.
There isn't any report in Rally that currently supports this. If anyone can help us on how to create one or give us an similar example that would be great.
If you hit the new Lookback API (unreleased when Kyle first answered, now in open preview), you can query directly for snapshots (revisions) where the State was ever set to a value "Reopened". Alternatively, you can look for any instance where OpenedDate changed by querying for "_PreviousValues.OpenedDate": {$exists: true}.
You can find information on the LBAPI here. There is support for querying it in the App SDK 2.0's SnapshotStore. Note that SDK 2.0p6 (releasing soon) has some improvements.
I would use the Defects by Closer App as a starting point. It performs a similar function by searching through the revision history for who closed a defect. You should be able to modify is slightly to search the revision text for "OPENED DATE changed" rather than "CLOSED DATE added":
for (j = 0; j < defect.RevisionHistory.Revisions.length; j++) {
var revision = defect.RevisionHistory.Revisions[j];
if ("OPENED DATE changed") !== -1) {
//Found a reopened defect
For reference here is an example revision history entry from a reopened defect:
OPENED DATE changed from [Fri Jan 27 07:50:36 EST 2012] to [Fri Jan 27 07:51:00 EST 2012], STATE changed from [Closed] to [Open], CLOSED DATE removed [Fri Jan 27 07:50:50 EST 2012]
For more information on writing apps check out the App SDK documentation on Rally's Developer Portal.
NOTE: You can view the source code for Defects by Closer app here
I am working on an application which download Yahoo account emails in the order of down to top using Yahoo Mail API's.
Application sync logic works like below
Lets say Inbox consists of 1000 emails.
1) Initially fetching 100 emails message ID's by using "ListMessages" with parameters startMid = 0 and numMid=100.
2) Processing chunk emails .
3) Now requesting for the next chunk emails by giving the startMid = 100 and numMid=100.
The above logic works fine if user is not deleting any emails during syncing.
Is there any way to retrieve next chunk emails based on the message ID (string unique value) rather than message number.
What is the logic for syncing the emails from the last processed message?
PS:I can not rely on message number (since message number is not meant for unique identifier of a message).
I was looking for the same thing and found "How to get only emails which are arrived from the Client last sync." ( where some guy reply "This feature is not available right now but we do plan to support this in future." date: 3 Nov 2011 11:24 AM
I think you can query mailTables (with YQL) or ListMessage (Api) and get the complete list of messages id (without any info) eg: SELECT * FROM ymail.messages WHERE numInfo="0"
And then "count" the position of the last message you got and then, get mail from that number. Eg: SELECT * FROM ymail.messages WHERE startMid="3" and numMid="100"
What do you think?
Greetings from Argentina
PS: sorry about my horrible english