Password protecting with Htaccess results in Error 500 - apache

I have a website hosted with nearlyfreespeech (saying it here so maybe someone who has a website hosted there can help.)
I have two files:
AuthType Basic
AuthName 'Reserved Area'
AuthUserFile /home/public/money/downloads/plugins/.htpasswd
Require valid-user
I am not including anything here, as it's irrelevant.
The problem might be with the directory(?)
Also nearlyfreespeech's dashboard gives me those two things -- Don't know if they can be of any help.
Apache Site Root /fs7d/privacy/
Apache Document Root /fs7d/privacy/public/
The problem as you read from the title is "error 500".
I looked at the server logs and found out that the problem was actually the directory, now, question is, how do I find the proper directory to fix this error?


Blocking a sub directory with .htaccess file in Apache

Disclaimer: I have little to no knowledge of Apache, all the information posted here was pieced together from Google search results only, within 1 night.
I can't seem to get .htaccess to block only the sub-directories of my domain, could someone please help me?
My root domain: (/home/username/domain/)
The directory I'm trying to block is /home/username/domain/files/
In the /domain/ directory, I have modified the .htaccess file accordingly:
# Password Protect Directories #
AuthName "You shall not pass!"
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /home/username/domain/files.htpasswd
require valid-user
# END Password Protect Directories #
The problem is, this seems to password protect my root directory as well as the sub-directory specified.
I've tried moving this .htaccess file entry into a separate .htaccess file in the /domain/files/ directory, but then this doesn't work at all, nothing is password protected.
I'm not quite sure what I'm supposed to be doing here, I've read dozens of tutorials online, but none seem to help me beyond password protecting my entire root directory.
Can someone please explain to me how I can block multiple sub-directories only?
Alternately, if anyone knows a better way to accomplish this, feel free to let me know.
There really is nothing to the authentication. You need to put the code in the .htaccess file in the sub-directory you want to protect. Also I would not put my password file in a publicly accessible location. Put it outside the root like in your home folder. So this code should go in your files folder.
# Password Protect Directories #
AuthName "You shall not pass!"
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /home/username/.htpasswd
require valid-user
# END Password Protect Directories #
Make sure apache can read your .htpasswd file and the correct ownership and permissions. Also try and clear your browser cache to test. I've seen that many times that it appears to not work until I clear the cache and then I get the prompt.

.htaccess file ineffective at password protecting my xampp directory?

I'm totally new to XAMPP and I'm trying to set up the security for it as best as possible. I understand that it is beneficial to create an .htaccess file to password protect certain directories. There is a page/script that is built into xampp available at http://localhost/security/xamppsecurity.php that will generate one for you in the /htdocs/xampp directory. However, after I've gone and done this, I'm still not prompted for a password when I visit my site at http://localhost/xampp. I thought I should've been prompted for a username and password here? This is a difficult problem to search answers for so I apologize if this has been answered already.
I've made sure to close/re-open my browser and delete all history/cache/cookies. I also restarted the Apache service after creating the htaccess file.
the .htaccess file:
AuthName "xampp user"
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile "C:\xampp\security\xampp.users"
require valid-user
C:\xampp\security\xampp.users is a valid file and it contains the username I setup and an encrypted password.
Try to copy your .htaccess file to the htdocs directory:
I hope it works ;)
Looks like .htaccess doesn't work on the htdocs\xampp directory.

.htaccess Password protection keeps asking for password over and over

I've placed this code in the .htaccess file of the folder I want to protect:
AuthName "restricted area"
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /home/#/#/#/#/#/.htpasswd
require valid-user
In the same folder, I placed this .htpasswd:
When I go to the URL of the protected folder, the browser keeps asking me for a password over and over, even though I'm typing the correct one.
I know that the root directory mentioned in AuthUserFile is ok because I've found it out with:
$dir = dirname(__FILE__);
echo "<p>Full path to a .htpasswd file in this dir: " .
$dir . "/.htpasswd" . "</p>";
Where's the problem?
Just add "user" in between require valid-user
For example:
Require user markpanado
But not:
Require markpanado
the problem, so i found for my website, is that the htpasswd file path is not the same as the path provided in the htaccess. I spent weeks trying to find where the problem was, but although you create usernames and passes using the htpasswrd the file is not communicating with the secure folder. You will need to find out why. maybe a spelling mistake or as in my case, the htpasswd was being saved in a completely different folder, and i had 2 htpasswrd in different folders. the two need to communicate htacccess and htpasswrd, hope this saves you time I figured it out after weeks of sleepless nights.
I have just come across this problem. After trying to figure it out for the last couple of days I have found out the source of the problem:
This prompt gets triggered when using AuthType Basic and whenever a 401 message is sent from the website.
Is it possible that you had a 401 HTTP status code message being sent from the server at each request? You can check your developer console to find out.

.htaccess AuthUserFile has no effect or is being ignored

After hours of searching the web and trying dozens of unsuccessful solutions - here is my question.
I'm currently configuring a webserver on RHEL 6.4 and httpd 2.2.15 behind another RHEL 6.4 server using squid 3.1.10 and HTTPS only. I'm also using mod_rpaf to simplify logging and identification of visitors behind the proxy.
My problem is to configure a simple password protected folder. When I try to access the folder, the password dialog pops up with the configured AuthName. So I know that the .htaccess is being parsed. But the dialog does not accept the correct credentials and gives me an error 401.
I messed around with:
different permissions for .htaccess, .htpasswd and parent folders
different absolute locations for the .htpasswd
all activated Apache modules that are available on my system
different encryption algorithms for .htpasswd (crypt, md5, sha, salted sha...)
AllowOverride All on the protected and parent folder
But what I really do not understand that even if I put a wrong location for AuthUserFile there is no error message in Apaches error_log like the well known Permission denied: Could not open password file. Even on LogLevel debug Therefore I think that something is wrong with that Directive AuthUserFile.
I hope there is someone out there knowing better methods to identify the problem.
This is my simple .htaccess I'm using for testing:
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Test123"
#AuthUserFile /var/www/test/.htpasswd
AuthUserFile /notexisting
Require valid-user
Finally I got it to work!
I tracked the error down to the squid reverse proxy by using lynx on my webserver and successfully accessing the protected folder from there.
With my new focus on squid I started googling again. Already the first link took me to the correct answer: squid did not allow the apache to handle user authentication.
Add login=PASS to the cache_peer command in your squid.conf

better way to debug XAMPP authentication issue

I've been working with a simple authentication process on localhost, here is the .htaccess file:
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Admin login page"
AuthUserFile /Application/XAMPP/htdocs/.htpasswd
AuthGroupFile /dev/null
Require User
I have created the related .htpasswd file, the browser can prompt for me to enter the username and password.
However, when I tried to access the protected index.html, after entering the credentials, Firefox only got me a http 500 error.
Tried to use Firebug and curl to inspect the response, only to see the 500 status code, nothing else could give me a clearer idea of what went wrong.
Also check the access.log under XAMPP's Apache logs folder, still just got 500 errors without detailed feedback.
Any thoughts? What would you use to debug in such a case?
Many thanks in advance!
Tried to add another new user to the .htpasswd file, but still cannot get rid of the http 500 error.
The access.log file will only show you info about the requests, not errors. Look for error.log or error_log (or something similar) in the same folder.
If it's not in the same folder, check your virtual host definition and httpd.conf files to see where the error log is stored.