visual studio code red squiggles -

Gave up trying to solve this by myself. My visual studio code shows red squiggles through everything.
It can't find the System. classes, even though I did not uninstall .net and .net core SDKs and runtimes.
Weird is that it builds the project correctly and even runs it but it becomes impossible to work.


What is the Visual Studio Project setting to prevent an application from launching after a build or rebuild?

I have a home grown project ( that I have been working on since the Visual Studio 2005/2008 days. I just recently put it in Git. Its home is on CodeProject.
I am not sure when this started (maybe 10 years ago...) but when I migrated my application to the latest version of Visual Studio, new/odd behavior injected itself into the code generation step. The IDE has somehow decided that when I build the source that I really wanted to build and run the source. This is somewhat annoying, especially during a batch rebuild all.
I am looking for helpful suggestions on configuring the IDE to prevent this behavior. It never used to do this out of the box.
Is it a show stopper? Absolutely not. Is it annoying? Depends on the side of bed I woke up on.

Cannot compile Visual Studio's template for UMDF USB drivers

The line:
#include "device.tmh"
appears underlined in red, and an error is reported that "the source file cannot be opened" (I'm translating from Spanish here, the wording might be different in English).
Also, words like:
all appear underlined in red. "The identifier is undefined".
What's happening?
I know this question was asked 4 years ago but for anyone who comes across this question in future, even uninstalling and installing the visual studio didn't seem to help.
It worked for me when I installed spectre migrated libs as instructed in this tutorial's step 1.
The new project was built successfully after installing the above mentioned libs and running visual studio as an administrator.
As #arminb stated this is probably a flaw within Visual Studio. After going to Control Panel\Programs\Programs and Features and right-clicking on Microsoft Visual Studio and click on change, a simple Repair can solve this issue.

Can't open project in Visual Studio 2013 Express - Framework issue

So I have a program I've been making in VB for my company through Visual Studio 2013 Express for Desktop and have not worked on it in a couple of months. When I try to open it, I get the following error:
"The VB project "WindowsApplication1" is targeting ".NETFramework,Version=4.5" which is not installed on this machine."
I have all of the .NET frameworks installed including all developer and service packs (even language packs). I uninstalled all .NET frameworks and re-installed each of them without any resolution.
I tried to re-install Visual Studio and even tried changing the Framework (one of the options I have) but I cannot view any code or open designer view if I do so. (
The strange thing is this computer is the same one I have been developing this application on for months, so I'm not sure what happened over the last 60 days since I launched it.
Does anyone have any clues as to how I can resolve this issue?
Thanks in advance,
The path to your project must be Les then 256 Character.
That can be the reason of it.
Make sure the path is short "Copy the project to your c drive "C:\ProjectFolder" and try again".

Visual studio 2013, can't open or create projects

I tried getting Visual Studio 2013 to work today but i couldn't get it to work. This is the error I keep getting when making a c++ window application.
The error message I keep getting:
I tried opening the vcxproj file in the message box, but I couldn't open that either. In fact I am unable to open any vcxproject's. This problem happens with pretty much all languages.
I uninstalled vs 2012 and 2010, and then installed vs2013.
I have tried :
reinstalling the nuget extension.
Reinstalling vs2013 a bunch of time and trying to repair the
Uninstalling all traces of vs2010 and vs2012
one thing that might be important is that I used the november CTP c++ preview compiler for vs2012. I can't seem to uninstall it though
but nothing helped so far. Anybody able to help me?
I decided to bite the bullet and re-install windows 7. Everything works again. In the future I will probably avoid downloading CTP's though or be very careful about uninstalling them.
This happened to me when I installed .NET framework 3.5 manually to install "SQL Server Management Studio" as I recall, Then I found that v. 3.5 is incompatible with VS 2013 as this page mentioned:
VS 2013 Comparability
after I turned the related feature off, The problem with creating c++ projects disappeared ..

mvvm-light : losing intellisense on VS2012

We are using MVVM Light Toolkit (from Galasoft - Laurent Bugnion).
Until now we were using Visual Studio 2010.
Everything was working well (thanks to Laurent).
Two days ago we moved to Visual Studio 2012.
And now Intellisense is no longer working in Xaml files (but still working in code-behind).
After looking on forums and made some tests, it appears that we have an issue with "GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Extras.SL5.dll".
As soon as GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Extras.SL5.dll is removed from project references, intellisense is working again.
Someone already had same problem and/or know a solution ?
We had a similar problem when we migrated from Silverlight 4 to 5. We were using a local copy of GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Extras.SL5.dll copied from another computer.
Once we installed the MvvmLight .msi package and changed the reference in our Silverlight project to C:\Program Files (x86)\[...]\GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Extras.SL5.dll, IntelliSense started working again.
Hope this helps