How to pass TextInput value from one screen to another in react native? - react-native

I know this question is already asked but i didn't find any proper solution. So here is my question, i want to pass TextInput value to another screen on submit button.So, please tell me How to pass the value and display on another screen. I am new in react native development.

At the top of your component you want to declare your state.
class App extends Component {
state = {text: ""};
Then you want to save whatever text is in your TextInput to that state.
<TextInput onChangeText={text => this.setState({text})} />
Then you would want to pass that state to the other component you would need it in.
Add this to the onPress of your submit button:
onPress={() => navigate('OtherComponent', { text: this.state.text} )}
Then in your "OtherComponent" you can access the state like this:
This is assuming that you are using react-navigation.

At the top of your component you want to declare your state.
class App extends Component {
state = {text: ""};
Then you want to save whatever text is in your TextInput to that state.
this.setState({text})} />
Then you would want to pass that state to the other component you would need it in.
Add this to the onPress of your submit button:
onPress={() => this.props.navigation.navigate('OtherComponent', { text: this.state.text} );
Then in your "OtherComponent" you can access the state like this:
This is assuming that you are using react-navigation.


React Native textInput clear

I have a textinput like this:
onChangeText={val => setClave(val)}
and the component is:
const [clave, setClave] = useState('');
which is just for the password, because it is a login screen.
So i press a button and execute some functions that validates the textInput data, and when is all ready, navigate to another screen,
my final function that navigates to another screen is this:
const goInicio = () => {
and what i tried to do there is to set the state of clave to an empty string but if i navigate back to the login screen the password will still be written, even though its value changed, and it no longer works to log in, it is still showing as if it has something written, how can i fix that?
The internal value state of TextInput and clave are unrelated since you have not set clave to be the value prop of TextInput. You are changing clave in the onChange method of the TextInput but not the other way around. This direction is one directional.
Instead, set the value prop of the TextInput to be equal to clave
onChangeText={val => setClave(val)}

Change SVG component on press with React Native

Pretty simple question: I want to create a "like" button in RN. To do this I have to separate components which are SVG files. One is just the outline of a heart, the other one is filled.
The screen in which I'm trying to build this button is a Function component so I should use hooks. I know about state but don't know how to properly use it.
What I need
A Touchable Opacity component which holds an onPress method which changes the image component when pressed.
Thanks a lot in advance!
import React ,{useState} from 'react';
import {TouchableOpacity } from "react-native";
export default function Like() {
const [isLiked,setIsLiked]=useState(false) ;
const handleLikePress=()=>{
return (
<TouchableOpacity onPress={handleLikePress}>
{isLiked? <FilledHeartSVG/>: <OutlineHeartSVG/> }
by default, we are showing an outline of a heart SVG
when press event trigger we are changing isLiked state value
if isLiked is true then show filled heart SVG
if isLiked is false then show outline of a heart SVG
FilledHeartSVG and OutlineHeartSVG is just example use your SVG there
You can do something like below, here i have made a toggle for the text but you can change it to your image component, also the callback prop can be used if you want to use that outside the LikeButton
const LikeButton = ({callback}) => {
const [liked, setLiked] = React.useState(false);
return (
<TouchableOpacity onPress={()=>{
You can tryout this snack which uses icons

setState() adds a Proxy object to property instead of string value in react native

This is a very weird problem and I'm sure I'm overlooking something very simple.
When I load a new component AddNewCategory, I initially set a an empty string to a text property on this.state. Logging on console shows the text value as empty too.
I update this value using onChange of Button component. I know that the text property is so far updating as expected because the value of the input field changes accordingly.
<Button onChange={text=>this.setState({})}>
But when I try to retrieve the value of text property, I see that instead of a string, the text is now assigned a Proxy object.
I'm only trying to get the value of the input field so I can pass the value on to an action creator.
Here's the entire code,
import React from 'react';
import { View, Text, TextInput, Button} from 'react-native';
class AddNewCategory extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
text: ''
console.log('after initialising constructor');
this.onContinueButtonPress = this.onContinueButtonPress.bind(this);
onContinueButtonPress() {
console.log('after onContinueButtonPress');
this.props.addNewCategory('Random Value');
<Text>Name your new task list</Text>
placeholder="Things to do today.."
onChange={(text)=>this.setState({text: text})}
export default AddNewCategory;
I have no idea why you are giving an onChange prop to a Button component.
Anyway, for a TextInput, you should give the onChangeText property.
<TextInput onChangeText={text => this.setState({ text })}
Other properties have been omitted.
Using just onChange is like handling the usual onChange event when doing web development, where the first parameter to the callback method only gives the event; to get the actual input value you have to say
onChange={(event) => console.log(}

I want to navigate from one scene to another in react native

I have a one autocomplete textinput in react native.This autocomplete textinput shows suggestion below the area of textinput and once the user tap on that value ,that value gets set in textinput.Now i want to navigate to next page once the user selects the suggestion value and it set to textinput.Its like when you search search on google it give you suggestions and when you select any one suggestion,here i want to navigate to next scene once user selects suggestion and set those values to textinput
As I understood, you want to push next component on navigation stack with selected props.
You need to provide navigation for your components, take a look at navigator component:
When navigation is set, you can navigate and pass props with method:
name: 'name_of_your_component',
passProps: {
title: 'Components title',
data: someObject
If you have a listview providing suggestions, than you can wrap every row to TouchableHighligt. That way you are providing function that fires when row is tapped.
renderRow(data) {
return (
onPress={this.rowTapped.bind(this, data)}>
<Text>This is a row.</Text>

How do I get the value in TextInput when onBlur is called?

In React Native, I want to pass the value of the TextInput in the onBlur event handler.
onBlur={(e) => this.validateText(} works for plain React. But, in react-native, is undefined. What is the structure of event args available in React Native?
You should use the 'onEndEditing' method instead of the 'onBlur'
onEndEditing?: function Callback that is called when text input ends.
onBlur is a component function where onEndEditing is specific for TextInput
This approach works for both multiline and single line.
onEndEditing={(e: any) =>
this.setState({textValue: e.nativeEvent.text})
In React Native, you can get the value of the TextInput from e.nativeEvent.text.
Unfortunately, this doesn't work for multiline={true}. One hack around this is to maintain a ref to your TextInput and access the text value through the _lastNativeText property of the component. For example (assuming you've assigned your TextInput component a ref of "textInput"):
onBlur={() => console.log(this.refs.textInput._lastNativeText)}
Simple solution:
This way onBlur your state's email will always have the last value changed by the user.
validate = () => {
const { email } = this.state
console.log('Validating Email Here!', email)
onChangeText={email => this.setState({email})}
onBlur={e => this.validate()}