Pandas dataframe values not changing outside of function - pandas

I have a pandas dataframe inside a for loop where I change a value in pandas dataframe like this:
df[item].ix[(e1,e2)] = 1
However when I access the df, the values are still unchanged. Do you know where exactly am I going wrong?
Any suggestions?

You are using chained indexing, which usually causes problems. In your code, df[item] returns a series, and then .ix[(e1,e2)] = 1 modifies that series, leaving the original dataframe untouched. You need to modify the original dataframe instead, like this:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'colA': [5, 6, 1, 2, 3],
'colB': ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']})
print df
df.ix[[1, 2], 'colA'] = 111
print df
That code sets rows 1 and 2 of colA to 111, which I believe is the kind of thing you were looking to do. 1 and 2 could be replaced with variables of course.
colA colB
0 5 a
1 6 b
2 1 c
3 2 d
4 3 e
colA colB
0 5 a
1 111 b
2 111 c
3 2 d
4 3 e
For more information on chained indexing, see the documentation:
Side note: you may also want to rethink your code in general since you mentioned modifying a dataframe in a loop. When using pandas, you usually can and should avoid looping and leverage set-based operations instead. It takes some getting used to, but it's the way to unlock the full power of the library.


In dataframe, merge row by matching multiple id but, condition is different for all id like (full or partial match) [duplicate]

I want to merge several strings in a dataframe based on a groupedby in Pandas.
This is my code so far:
import pandas as pd
from io import StringIO
data = StringIO("""
# load string as stream into dataframe
df = pd.read_csv(data,header=0, names=["name","text","date"],parse_dates=[2])
# add column with month
df["month"] = df["date"].apply(lambda x: x.month)
I want the end result to look like this:
I don't get how I can use groupby and apply some sort of concatenation of the strings in the column "text". Any help appreciated!
You can groupby the 'name' and 'month' columns, then call transform which will return data aligned to the original df and apply a lambda where we join the text entries:
In [119]:
df['text'] = df[['name','text','month']].groupby(['name','month'])['text'].transform(lambda x: ','.join(x))
name text month
0 name1 hej,du 11
2 name1 aj,oj 12
4 name2 fin,katt 11
6 name2 mycket,lite 12
I sub the original df by passing a list of the columns of interest df[['name','text','month']] here and then call drop_duplicates
EDIT actually I can just call apply and then reset_index:
In [124]:
df.groupby(['name','month'])['text'].apply(lambda x: ','.join(x)).reset_index()
name month text
0 name1 11 hej,du
1 name1 12 aj,oj
2 name2 11 fin,katt
3 name2 12 mycket,lite
the lambda is unnecessary here:
name month text
0 name1 11 du
1 name1 12 aj,oj
2 name2 11 fin,katt
3 name2 12 mycket,lite
We can groupby the 'name' and 'month' columns, then call agg() functions of Panda’s DataFrame objects.
The aggregation functionality provided by the agg() function allows multiple statistics to be calculated per group in one calculation.
df.groupby(['name', 'month'], as_index = False).agg({'text': ' '.join})
The answer by EdChum provides you with a lot of flexibility but if you just want to concateate strings into a column of list objects you can also:
output_series = df.groupby(['name','month'])['text'].apply(list)
If you want to concatenate your "text" in a list:
df.groupby(['name', 'month'], as_index = False).agg({'text': list})
For me the above solutions were close but added some unwanted /n's and dtype:object, so here's a modified version:
df.groupby(['name', 'month'])['text'].apply(lambda text: ''.join(text.to_string(index=False))).str.replace('(\\n)', '').reset_index()
Please try this line of code : -
Although, this is an old question. But just in case. I used the below code and it seems to work like a charm.
text = ''.join(df[df['date'].dt.month==8]['text'])
Thanks to all the other answers, the following is probably the most concise and feels more natural. Using df.groupby("X")["A"].agg() aggregates over one or many selected columns.
df = pandas.DataFrame({'A' : ['a', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'c'],
'B' : ['i', 'j', 'k', 'i', 'j'],
'X' : [1, 2, 2, 1, 3]})
a i 1
a j 2
b k 2
c i 1
c j 3
df.groupby("X", as_index=False)["A"].agg(' '.join)
1 a c
2 a b
3 c
df.groupby("X", as_index=False)[["A", "B"]].agg(' '.join)
1 a c i i
2 a b j k
3 c j

How to apply a function on a column of a pandas dataframe? [duplicate]

I have a pandas dataframe with two columns. I need to change the values of the first column without affecting the second one and get back the whole dataframe with just first column values changed. How can I do that using apply() in pandas?
Given a sample dataframe df as:
a b
0 1 2
1 2 3
2 3 4
3 4 5
what you want is:
df['a'] = df['a'].apply(lambda x: x + 1)
that returns:
a b
0 2 2
1 3 3
2 4 4
3 5 5
For a single column better to use map(), like this:
df = pd.DataFrame([{'a': 15, 'b': 15, 'c': 5}, {'a': 20, 'b': 10, 'c': 7}, {'a': 25, 'b': 30, 'c': 9}])
a b c
0 15 15 5
1 20 10 7
2 25 30 9
df['a'] = df['a'].map(lambda a: a / 2.)
a b c
0 7.5 15 5
1 10.0 10 7
2 12.5 30 9
Given the following dataframe df and the function complex_function,
import pandas as pd
def complex_function(x, y=0):
if x > 5 and x > y:
return 1
return 2
df = pd.DataFrame(data={'col1': [1, 4, 6, 2, 7], 'col2': [6, 7, 1, 2, 8]})
col1 col2
0 1 6
1 4 7
2 6 1
3 2 2
4 7 8
there are several solutions to use apply() on only one column. In the following I will explain them in detail.
I. Simple solution
The straightforward solution is the one from #Fabio Lamanna:
df['col1'] = df['col1'].apply(complex_function)
col1 col2
0 2 6
1 2 7
2 1 1
3 2 2
4 1 8
Only the first column is modified, the second column is unchanged. The solution is beautiful. It is just one line of code and it reads almost like english: "Take 'col1' and apply the function complex_function to it."
However, if you need data from another column, e.g. 'col2', it won't work. If you want to pass the values of 'col2' to variable y of the complex_function, you need something else.
II. Solution using the whole dataframe
Alternatively, you could use the whole dataframe as described in this SO post or this one:
df['col1'] = df.apply(lambda x: complex_function(x['col1']), axis=1)
or if you prefer (like me) a solution without a lambda function:
def apply_complex_function(x):
return complex_function(x['col1'])
df['col1'] = df.apply(apply_complex_function, axis=1)
There is a lot going on in this solution that needs to be explained. The apply() function works on pd.Series and pd.DataFrame. But you cannot use df['col1'] = df.apply(complex_function).loc[:, 'col1'], because it would throw a ValueError.
Hence, you need to give the information which column to use. To complicate things, the apply() function does only accept callables. To solve this, you need to define a (lambda) function with the column x['col1'] as argument; i.e. we wrap the column information in another function.
Unfortunately, the default value of the axis parameter is zero (axis=0), which means it will try executing column-wise and not row-wise. This wasn't a problem in the first solution, because we gave apply() a pd.Series. But now the input is a dataframe and we must be explicit (axis=1). (I marvel how often I forget this.)
Whether you prefer the version with the lambda function or without is subjective. In my opinion the line of code is complicated enough to read even without a lambda function thrown in. You only need the (lambda) function as a wrapper. It is just boilerplate code. A reader should not be bothered with it.
Now, you can modify this solution easily to take the second column into account:
def apply_complex_function(x):
return complex_function(x['col1'], x['col2'])
df['col1'] = df.apply(apply_complex_function, axis=1)
col1 col2
0 2 6
1 2 7
2 1 1
3 2 2
4 2 8
At index 4 the value has changed from 1 to 2, because the first condition 7 > 5 is true but the second condition 7 > 8 is false.
Note that you only needed to change the first line of code (i.e. the function) and not the second line.
Side note
Never put the column information into your function.
def bad_idea(x):
return x['col1'] ** 2
By doing this, you make a general function dependent on a column name! This is a bad idea, because the next time you want to use this function, you cannot. Worse: Maybe you rename a column in a different dataframe just to make it work with your existing function. (Been there, done that. It is a slippery slope!)
III. Alternative solutions without using apply()
Although the OP specifically asked for a solution with apply(), alternative solutions were suggested. For example, the answer of #George Petrov suggested to use map(); the answer of #Thibaut Dubernet proposed assign().
I fully agree that apply() is seldom the best solution, because apply() is not vectorized. It is an element-wise operation with expensive function calling and overhead from pd.Series.
One reason to use apply() is that you want to use an existing function and performance is not an issue. Or your function is so complex that no vectorized version exists.
Another reason to use apply() is in combination with groupby(). Please note that DataFrame.apply() and GroupBy.apply() are different functions.
So it does make sense to consider some alternatives:
map() only works on pd.Series, but accepts dict and pd.Series as input. Using map() with a function is almost interchangeable with using apply(). It can be faster than apply(). See this SO post for more details.
df['col1'] = df['col1'].map(complex_function)
applymap() is almost identical for dataframes. It does not support pd.Series and it will always return a dataframe. However, it can be faster. The documentation states: "In the current implementation applymap calls func twice on the first column/row to decide whether it can take a fast or slow code path.". But if performance really counts you should seek an alternative route.
df['col1'] = df.applymap(complex_function).loc[:, 'col1']
assign() is not a feasible replacement for apply(). It has a similar behaviour in only the most basic use cases. It does not work with the complex_function. You still need apply() as you can see in the example below. The main use case for assign() is method chaining, because it gives back the dataframe without changing the original dataframe.
df['col1'] = df.assign(col1=df.col1.apply(complex_function))
Annex: How to speed up apply()?
I only mention it here because it was suggested by other answers, e.g. #durjoy. The list is not exhaustive:
Do not use apply(). This is no joke. For most numeric operations, a vectorized method exists in pandas. If/else blocks can often be refactored with a combination of boolean indexing and .loc. My example complex_function could be refactored in this way.
Refactor to Cython. If you have a complex equation and the parameters of the equation are in your dataframe, this might be a good idea. Check out the official pandas user guide for more information.
Use raw=True parameter. Theoretically, this should improve the performance of apply() if you are just applying a NumPy reduction function, because the overhead of pd.Series is removed. Of course, your function has to accept an ndarray. You have to refactor your function to NumPy. By doing this, you will have a huge performance boost.
Use 3rd party packages. The first thing you should try is Numba. I do not know swifter mentioned by #durjoy; and probably many other packages are worth mentioning here.
Try/Fail/Repeat. As mentioned above, map() and applymap() can be faster - depending on the use case. Just time the different versions and choose the fastest. This approach is the most tedious one with the least performance increase.
You don't need a function at all. You can work on a whole column directly.
Example data:
>>> df = pd.DataFrame({'a': [100, 1000], 'b': [200, 2000], 'c': [300, 3000]})
>>> df
a b c
0 100 200 300
1 1000 2000 3000
Half all the values in column a:
>>> df.a = df.a / 2
>>> df
a b c
0 50 200 300
1 500 2000 3000
Although the given responses are correct, they modify the initial data frame, which is not always desirable (and, given the OP asked for examples "using apply", it might be they wanted a version that returns a new data frame, as apply does).
This is possible using assign: it is valid to assign to existing columns, as the documentation states (emphasis is mine):
Assign new columns to a DataFrame.
Returns a new object with all original columns in addition to new ones. Existing columns that are re-assigned will be overwritten.
In short:
In [1]: import pandas as pd
In [2]: df = pd.DataFrame([{'a': 15, 'b': 15, 'c': 5}, {'a': 20, 'b': 10, 'c': 7}, {'a': 25, 'b': 30, 'c': 9}])
In [3]: df.assign(a=lambda df: df.a / 2)
a b c
0 7.5 15 5
1 10.0 10 7
2 12.5 30 9
In [4]: df
a b c
0 15 15 5
1 20 10 7
2 25 30 9
Note that the function will be passed the whole dataframe, not only the column you want to modify, so you will need to make sure you select the right column in your lambda.
If you are really concerned about the execution speed of your apply function and you have a huge dataset to work on, you could use swifter to make faster execution, here is an example for swifter on pandas dataframe:
import pandas as pd
import swifter
def fnc(m):
return m*3+4
df = pd.DataFrame({"m": [1,2,3,4,5,6], "c": [1,1,1,1,1,1], "x":[5,3,6,2,6,1]})
# apply a self created function to a single column in pandas
df["y"] = df.m.swifter.apply(fnc)
This will enable your all CPU cores to compute the result hence it will be much faster than normal apply functions. Try and let me know if it become useful for you.
Let me try a complex computation using datetime and considering nulls or empty spaces. I am reducing 30 years on a datetime column and using apply method as well as lambda and converting datetime format. Line if x != '' else x will take care of all empty spaces or nulls accordingly.
df['Date'] = df['Date'].fillna('')
df['Date'] = df['Date'].apply(lambda x : ((datetime.datetime.strptime(str(x), '%m/%d/%Y') - datetime.timedelta(days=30*365)).strftime('%Y%m%d')) if x != '' else x)
Make a copy of your dataframe first if you need to modify a column
Many answers here suggest modifying some column and assign the new values to the old column. It is common to get the SettingWithCopyWarning: A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame. warning. This happens when your dataframe was created from another dataframe but is not a proper copy.
To silence this warning, make a copy and assign back.
df = df.copy()
df['a'] = df['a'].apply('add', other=1)
apply() only needs the name of the function
You can invoke a function by simply passing its name to apply() (no need for lambda). If your function needs additional arguments, you can pass them either as keyword arguments or pass the positional arguments as args=. For example, suppose you have file paths in your dataframe and you need to read files in these paths.
def read_data(path, sep=',', usecols=[0]):
return pd.read_csv(path, sep=sep, usecols=usecols)
df = pd.DataFrame({'paths': ['../x/yz.txt', '../u/vw.txt']})
df['paths'].apply(read_data) # you don't need lambda
df['paths'].apply(read_data, args=(',', [0, 1])) # pass the positional arguments to `args=`
df['paths'].apply(read_data, sep=',', usecols=[0, 1]) # pass as keyword arguments
Don't apply a function, call the appropriate method directly
It's almost never ideal to apply a custom function on a column via apply(). Because apply() is a syntactic sugar for a Python loop with a pandas overhead, it's often slower than calling the same function in a list comprehension, never mind, calling optimized pandas methods. Almost all numeric operators can be directly applied on the column and there are corresponding methods for all of them.
# add 1 to every element in column `a`
df['a'] += 1
# for every row, subtract column `a` value from column `b` value
df['c'] = df['b'] - df['a']
If you want to apply a function that has if-else blocks, then you should probably be using numpy.where() or instead. It is much, much faster. If you have anything larger than 10k rows of data, you'll notice the difference right away.
For example, if you have a custom function similar to func() below, then instead of applying it on the column, you could operate directly on the columns and return values using
def func(row):
if row == 'a':
return 1
elif row == 'b':
return 2
return -999
# instead of applying a `func` to each row of a column, use `` as below
import numpy as np
conditions = [df['col'] == 'a', df['col'] == 'b']
choices = [1, 2]
df['new'] =, choices, default=-999)
As you can see, has very minimal syntax difference from an if-else ladder; only need to separate conditions and choices into separate lists. For other options, check out this answer.

Pandas | How to effectively filter a column

I'm looking for a way to quickly and effectively filter through a dataframe column and remove values that don't meet a condition.
Say, I have a column with the numbers 4, 5 and 10. I want to filter the column and replace any numbers above 7 with 0. How would I go about this?
You're talking about two separate things - filtering and value replacement. They both have uses and end up being similar in nature but for filtering I'll point to this great answer.
Let's say our data frame is called df and looks like
1 4 10
2 4 2
3 10 1
4 5 9
5 10 3
Column A fits your statement of a column only having values 4, 5, 10. If you wanted to replace numbers above 7 with 0, this would do it:
df["A"] = [0 if x > 7 else x for x in df["A"]]
If you read through the right-hand side it cleanly explains what it is doing. It helps to include parentheses to separate out the "what to do" with the "what you're doing it over":
df["A"] = [(0 if x > 7 else x) for x in df["A"]]
If you want to do a manipulation over multiple columns, then utilizing zip allows you to do it easily. For example, if you want the sum of columns A and B then:
df["sum"] = [x[0] + x[1] for x in zip(df["A"], df["B"])]
Take care when you overwrite data - this removes information. It's a good practice to have the transformed data in other columns so you can trace back when something inevitably goes wonky.
There is many options. One possibility for if then... is np.where
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame({'x': [1, 200, 4, 5, 6, 11],
'y': [4, 5, 10, 24, 4 , 3]})
df['y'] = np.where(df['y'] > 7, 0, df['y'])

dataframe slicing with loc [duplicate]

How do I select columns a and b from df, and save them into a new dataframe df1?
index a b c
1 2 3 4
2 3 4 5
Unsuccessful attempt:
df1 = df['a':'b']
df1 = df.ix[:, 'a':'b']
The column names (which are strings) cannot be sliced in the manner you tried.
Here you have a couple of options. If you know from context which variables you want to slice out, you can just return a view of only those columns by passing a list into the __getitem__ syntax (the []'s).
df1 = df[['a', 'b']]
Alternatively, if it matters to index them numerically and not by their name (say your code should automatically do this without knowing the names of the first two columns) then you can do this instead:
df1 = df.iloc[:, 0:2] # Remember that Python does not slice inclusive of the ending index.
Additionally, you should familiarize yourself with the idea of a view into a Pandas object vs. a copy of that object. The first of the above methods will return a new copy in memory of the desired sub-object (the desired slices).
Sometimes, however, there are indexing conventions in Pandas that don't do this and instead give you a new variable that just refers to the same chunk of memory as the sub-object or slice in the original object. This will happen with the second way of indexing, so you can modify it with the .copy() method to get a regular copy. When this happens, changing what you think is the sliced object can sometimes alter the original object. Always good to be on the look out for this.
df1 = df.iloc[0, 0:2].copy() # To avoid the case where changing df1 also changes df
To use iloc, you need to know the column positions (or indices). As the column positions may change, instead of hard-coding indices, you can use iloc along with get_loc function of columns method of dataframe object to obtain column indices.
{df.columns.get_loc(c): c for idx, c in enumerate(df.columns)}
Now you can use this dictionary to access columns through names and using iloc.
As of version 0.11.0, columns can be sliced in the manner you tried using the .loc indexer:
df.loc[:, 'C':'E']
is equivalent to
df[['C', 'D', 'E']] # or df.loc[:, ['C', 'D', 'E']]
and returns columns C through E.
A demo on a randomly generated DataFrame:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(100, size=(100, 6)),
index=['R{}'.format(i) for i in range(100)])
R0 99 78 61 16 73 8
R1 62 27 30 80 7 76
R2 15 53 80 27 44 77
R3 75 65 47 30 84 86
R4 18 9 41 62 1 82
To get the columns from C to E (note that unlike integer slicing, E is included in the columns):
df.loc[:, 'C':'E']
R0 61 16 73
R1 30 80 7
R2 80 27 44
R3 47 30 84
R4 41 62 1
R5 5 58 0
The same works for selecting rows based on labels. Get the rows R6 to R10 from those columns:
df.loc['R6':'R10', 'C':'E']
R6 51 27 31
R7 83 19 18
R8 11 67 65
R9 78 27 29
R10 7 16 94
.loc also accepts a Boolean array so you can select the columns whose corresponding entry in the array is True. For example, df.columns.isin(list('BCD')) returns array([False, True, True, True, False, False], dtype=bool) - True if the column name is in the list ['B', 'C', 'D']; False, otherwise.
df.loc[:, df.columns.isin(list('BCD'))]
R0 78 61 16
R1 27 30 80
R2 53 80 27
R3 65 47 30
R4 9 41 62
R5 78 5 58
Assuming your column names (df.columns) are ['index','a','b','c'], then the data you want is in the
third and fourth columns. If you don't know their names when your script runs, you can do this
newdf = df[df.columns[2:4]] # Remember, Python is zero-offset! The "third" entry is at slot two.
As EMS points out in his answer, df.ix slices columns a bit more concisely, but the .columns slicing interface might be more natural, because it uses the vanilla one-dimensional Python list indexing/slicing syntax.
Warning: 'index' is a bad name for a DataFrame column. That same label is also used for the real df.index attribute, an Index array. So your column is returned by df['index'] and the real DataFrame index is returned by df.index. An Index is a special kind of Series optimized for lookup of its elements' values. For df.index it's for looking up rows by their label. That df.columns attribute is also a pd.Index array, for looking up columns by their labels.
In the latest version of Pandas there is an easy way to do exactly this. Column names (which are strings) can be sliced in whatever manner you like.
columns = ['b', 'c']
df1 = pd.DataFrame(df, columns=columns)
In [39]: df
index a b c
0 1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 5
In [40]: df1 = df[['b', 'c']]
In [41]: df1
b c
0 3 4
1 4 5
With Pandas,
wit column names
to select by iloc and specific columns with index number:
with loc column names can be used like
You can use the pandas.DataFrame.filter method to either filter or reorder columns like this:
df1 = df.filter(['a', 'b'])
This is also very useful when you are chaining methods.
You could provide a list of columns to be dropped and return back the DataFrame with only the columns needed using the drop() function on a Pandas DataFrame.
Just saying
colsToDrop = ['a']
df.drop(colsToDrop, axis=1)
would return a DataFrame with just the columns b and c.
The drop method is documented here.
I found this method to be very useful:
# iloc[row slicing, column slicing]
surveys_df.iloc [0:3, 1:4]
More details can be found here.
Starting with 0.21.0, using .loc or [] with a list with one or more missing labels is deprecated in favor of .reindex. So, the answer to your question is:
df1 = df.reindex(columns=['b','c'])
In prior versions, using .loc[list-of-labels] would work as long as at least one of the keys was found (otherwise it would raise a KeyError). This behavior is deprecated and now shows a warning message. The recommended alternative is to use .reindex().
Read more at Indexing and Selecting Data.
You can use Pandas.
I create the DataFrame:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame([[1, 2,5], [5,4, 5], [7,7, 8], [7,6,9]],
index=['Jane', 'Peter','Alex','Ann'],
columns=['Test_1', 'Test_2', 'Test_3'])
The DataFrame:
Test_1 Test_2 Test_3
Jane 1 2 5
Peter 5 4 5
Alex 7 7 8
Ann 7 6 9
To select one or more columns by name:
df[['Test_1', 'Test_3']]
Test_1 Test_3
Jane 1 5
Peter 5 5
Alex 7 8
Ann 7 9
You can also use:
And you get column Test_2:
Jane 2
Peter 4
Alex 7
Ann 6
You can also select columns and rows from these rows using .loc(). This is called "slicing". Notice that I take from column Test_1 to Test_3:
df.loc[:, 'Test_1':'Test_3']
The "Slice" is:
Test_1 Test_2 Test_3
Jane 1 2 5
Peter 5 4 5
Alex 7 7 8
Ann 7 6 9
And if you just want Peter and Ann from columns Test_1 and Test_3:
df.loc[['Peter', 'Ann'], ['Test_1', 'Test_3']]
You get:
Test_1 Test_3
Peter 5 5
Ann 7 9
If you want to get one element by row index and column name, you can do it just like df['b'][0]. It is as simple as you can imagine.
Or you can use df.ix[0,'b'] - mixed usage of index and label.
Note: Since v0.20, ix has been deprecated in favour of loc / iloc.
df[['a', 'b']] # Select all rows of 'a' and 'b'column
df.loc[0:10, ['a', 'b']] # Index 0 to 10 select column 'a' and 'b'
df.loc[0:10, 'a':'b'] # Index 0 to 10 select column 'a' to 'b'
df.iloc[0:10, 3:5] # Index 0 to 10 and column 3 to 5
df.iloc[3, 3:5] # Index 3 of column 3 to 5
Try to use pandas.DataFrame.get (see the documentation):
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
dates = pd.date_range('20200102', periods=6)
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(6, 4), index=dates, columns=list('ABCD'))
df.get(['A', 'C'])
One different and easy approach: iterating rows
Using iterows
df1 = pd.DataFrame() # Creating an empty dataframe
for index,i in df.iterrows():
df1.loc[index, 'A'] = df.loc[index, 'A']
df1.loc[index, 'B'] = df.loc[index, 'B']
The different approaches discussed in the previous answers are based on the assumption that either the user knows column indices to drop or subset on, or the user wishes to subset a dataframe using a range of columns (for instance between 'C' : 'E').
pandas.DataFrame.drop() is certainly an option to subset data based on a list of columns defined by user (though you have to be cautious that you always use copy of dataframe and inplace parameters should not be set to True!!)
Another option is to use pandas.columns.difference(), which does a set difference on column names, and returns an index type of array containing desired columns. Following is the solution:
df = pd.DataFrame([[2,3,4], [3,4,5]], columns=['a','b','c'], index=[1,2])
columns_for_differencing = ['a']
df1 = df.copy()[df.columns.difference(columns_for_differencing)]
The output would be:
b c
1 3 4
2 4 5
You can also use df.pop():
>>> df = pd.DataFrame([('falcon', 'bird', 389.0),
... ('parrot', 'bird', 24.0),
... ('lion', 'mammal', 80.5),
... ('monkey', 'mammal', np.nan)],
... columns=('name', 'class', 'max_speed'))
>>> df
name class max_speed
0 falcon bird 389.0
1 parrot bird 24.0
2 lion mammal 80.5
3 monkey mammal
>>> df.pop('class')
0 bird
1 bird
2 mammal
3 mammal
Name: class, dtype: object
>>> df
name max_speed
0 falcon 389.0
1 parrot 24.0
2 lion 80.5
3 monkey NaN
Please use df.pop(c).
I've seen several answers on that, but one remained unclear to me. How would you select those columns of interest?
The answer to that is that if you have them gathered in a list, you can just reference the columns using the list.
['f000004' 'f000005' 'f000006' 'f000014' 'f000039' 'f000040' 'f000043'
'f000047' 'f000048' 'f000049' 'f000050' 'f000051' 'f000052' 'f000053'
'f000054' 'f000055' 'f000056' 'f000057' 'f000058' 'f000059' 'f000060'
'f000061' 'f000062' 'f000063' 'f000064' 'f000065' 'f000066' 'f000067'
'f000068' 'f000069' 'f000070' 'f000071' 'f000072' 'f000073' 'f000074'
'f000075' 'f000076' 'f000077' 'f000078' 'f000079' 'f000080' 'f000081'
'f000082' 'f000083' 'f000084' 'f000085' 'f000086' 'f000087' 'f000088'
'f000089' 'f000090' 'f000091' 'f000092' 'f000093' 'f000094' 'f000095'
'f000096' 'f000097' 'f000098' 'f000099' 'f000100' 'f000101' 'f000103']
I have the following list/NumPy array extracted_features, specifying 63 columns. The original dataset has 103 columns, and I would like to extract exactly those, then I would use
And you will end up with this
This something you would use quite often in machine learning (more specifically, in feature selection). I would like to discuss other ways too, but I think that has already been covered by other Stack Overflower users.
To exclude some columns you can drop them in the column index. For example:
0 1 10 100 1000
1 2 20 200 2000
Select all except two:
df[df.columns.drop(['B', 'D'])]
0 1 100
1 2 200
You can also use the method truncate to select middle columns:
df.truncate(before='B', after='C', axis=1)
0 10 100
1 20 200
To select multiple columns, extract and view them thereafter: df is the previously named data frame. Then create a new data frame df1, and select the columns A to D which you want to extract and view.
df1 = pd.DataFrame(data_frame, columns=['Column A', 'Column B', 'Column C', 'Column D'])
All required columns will show up!
def get_slize(dataframe, start_row, end_row, start_col, end_col):
assert len(dataframe) > end_row and start_row >= 0
assert len(dataframe.columns) > end_col and start_col >= 0
list_of_indexes = list(dataframe.columns)[start_col:end_col]
ans = dataframe.iloc[start_row:end_row][list_of_indexes]
return ans
Just use this function
I think this is the easiest way to reach your goal.
import pandas as pd
cols = ['a', 'b']
df1 = pd.DataFrame(df, columns=cols)
df1 = df.iloc[:, 0:2]

Pipelining pandas: create columns that depend on freshly created ones

Let's say you have the following DataFrame
df=pd.DataFrame({'A': [1, 2]})
now I want to construct the column B = A+1, then the column C=A+2 and D = B +C. These calculations are only here for simplicity. Typically, I want to use some e.g. nonlinear transformations, normalizations etc.
what one could do is the following:
df.assign(**{'B': lambda x: x['A'] +1, 'C': lambda x :['A']+2})\
.assign(**{'D':lambda x: x['B']+ x['C']})
However, this is obviously a bit annoying, specifically, if you have a large number of preprocessing steps in a pipeline. Putting both dictionaries together (even in an orderedDict) fails.
Is there a way to obtain a similar result faster or more elegantly?
Additionally, the same problem occurs, if you want to add a column that uses e.g. the sum of a just defined column. This, as far as I know, will always require two assign calls.
You can using eval
B= A+1
C= A+2
D = B+C""", inplace=False)
0 1 2 3 5
1 2 3 4 7
If you want the calculation within the query ''
0 1 2
1 2 2