Can't access search catalog objects through Square sandbox api - square

I can't access search catalog objects through sandbox api. I am getting error as:
"errors": [
"detail": "This endpoint does not support sandbox calls."
I am not sure if I'm missing something.
Please help if anyone had found the solution.

The Square Catalog API is not supported in sandbox mode at this time. The only way to search catalog objects is through production mode.


PUT request to google cloud storage signed URL generated by Shopify throws error MalformedSecurityHeader

I'm trying to upload a .glb file to a product in a Shopify store through Shopify GraphQL Admin API. For that, it first returns a google cloud storage signed URL, to where I should upload my file through an HTTP PUT request. After uploading, I should attach the same URL to the product with another API call.
This question is about that file uploading to the cloud storage signed URL. I include all these details to make this question easy to be getting answered. So, please read till the end.
What data Shopify provides me with is mentioned below.
"data": {
"stagedUploadsCreate": {
"stagedTargets": [
"parameters": [
"name": "GoogleAccessId",
"value": ""
"name": "key",
"value": "models/a6436c066064bac3/windmill.glb"
"name": "policy",
"value": "eyJleHBpcmF0aW9uIjoiMjAyMC0wNy0yMVQwOToxNjoxMFoiLCJjb25kaXRpb25zIjpbWyJlcSIsIiRidWNrZXQiLCJ0aHJlZWQtbW9kZWxzLXByb2R1Y3Rpb24iXSxbImVxIiwiJGtleSIsIm1vZGVscy9hNjQzNmMwNjYwNjRiYWMzL3dpbmRtaWxsLmdsYiJdLFsiY29udGVudC1sZW5ndGgtcmFuZ2UiLDE5NzE3MiwxOTcxNzJdXX0="
"name": "signature",
"value": "vz+OdcEmD9Kbv2FbXdxWNUk59XO2GmXzhvtDswXbDQNcyZpUufI85z5x2PFGv/XZ+tSBsl/S393pmy0Bu9xG7oVgOZcMIWEbOIm9kXgQunbjKQY3Ff3BBpMocB0xazzlYmckZozdJ8ZZkyox/c/gEe1QaxqW4+419iufuFHy4Bp3LL/aUr+ATNChwn9Dn8+XnHMOckZxDlbiggcF3dx+yBuTFia8FneaVSiU0M5DIWmHqHb2YDCV0KtEP6jfTj/PQVUjS8pn8EGhrRaMx7Q2A5G8Pycgc9H35hqJnnUKCTa3AYeyI45RbhddYnIWw9YrAADXuQYlVCo6LYBHjxsCWA=="
"resourceUrl": "",
"url": ""
"userErrors": []
Using these parameters, I construct a signed URL as follows.
Then I try to make a PUT request to this URL with the .glb file in POSTman as shown in this image -->
with the following headers.
But I don't get a success response. In fact, I get a 400 error with the following message.
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<Message>Your request has a malformed header.</Message>
<Details>Signature was not base64 encoded</Details>
Can someone point me out what I'm doing wrong here? I have been dealing with this error for days and read a lot of questions and articles, but couldn't get this to work. Therefore, any helpful suggestion is highly appreciated.
Few suggestions for you to try:
When generating the initial request (Shopify did this in this case), GCS usually includes HTTP headers of that request and includes them in the request signature and expects the upload request (the one you're trying to do) to match same HTTP header values.
This means you are advised to include only those headers Shopify specified in their request in your signed key upload request and nothing extra. So first try removing all HTTP headers that are not documented by Shopify (e.g. ones added by POSTMAN) and ensure all headers values follow Shopify docs (e.g. Content-Type should match)
You need to ensure signature parameters are in the expected names and formats:
signature value field is named: x-goog-signature and not signature (This is the likely reason for the error you're getting that GCS can't find the expected param)
you likely have to provide a signing algorithm key as well (x-goog-algorithm)
you might need other keys as well depending on other factors like authentication and so
I'd say these should be documented by Shopify SDK and/or examples
One suggestion to simplify/speed up things for you might be to use Google Cloud Utils (gsutil command line tool) to create a signed url request and then try to reproduce the same behaviour in your code
For more information see these links:
Then after familiazing yourself with signed url format, you can check this for some sample code on how to do in your own code:
For your reference when reading the docs, the type of Signed URL you're trying to create is non-resumable upload (which uses a single PUT request) rather than resumable (which uses an initial POST plus a series of PUTs)
Sorry I haven't worked with Shopify but the above is from my experience working with GCS signed urls

Cloudant Search feature in CouchDB Local server

I have a search index like so in Cloudant:
"indexes": {
"search-cloud": {
"analyzer": "standard",
"index": "function(doc) { index(\"keyword\",; }"
The function is a bit more intense but that is the set up.
It appears its using this? org.apache.lucene.queryparser.classic
Right now I have a local Fauxton CouchDB 1.6.1 database that I'm staging the data on but it appears that the search isn't implemented on it.
Is there a way to install this so I can make the following call to the database and get info back?
The search stack behind IBM Cloudant is powered by Apache Lucene and was open sourced awhile back. I think this article on enabling full text search in Apache CouchDB is what you're looking for.

Cannot access SharedWithMe Folders via microsoft graph api

I am trying to download the items of a shared folder following the v1.0 reference guide. I am able to retrieve the basic details by using the /v1.0/me/drive/sharedWithMe request.
sharedWithMe Response
However when I try and request the contents of the folder using the '/drives/remoteItem.driveId/items/id' request I get a 'itemNotFound' error code.
"error": {
"code": "itemNotFound",
"message": "The resource could not be found.",
"innerError": {
"request-id": "2a0591bd-6fdf-4bf8-a5f3-baca24fd1930",
"date": "2016-08-29T14:03:25"
Any ideas what is going on?
I was able to retrieve SharedWithMe folders data by using the '/drives/remoteitem.parentReference.driveId/items/'
It seems also very important to use a scope of Files.Read.All (which seems to be currently undocumented)
It looks like you are almost there. All you need is the /content segment.
Expected: /drives/remoteItem.parentReference.driveId/items/id/content
Your actual: /drives/remoteItem.parentReference.driveId/items/id
You'll get redirected to the resource for download. I think the documentation should be updated
And just to make sure, the base url is a bit different:
To get the shared item content: /v1.0/drives/drive-id/items/item-id/content
To get the list of shared items: /v1.0/me/drive/sharedWithMe

What's a `<script type='application/ld+json'>{jsonObj}</script>` in a `head` section do?

I got this link but didn't understand well. Saw:
<script type="application/ld+json">
"#context": "",
"#type": "WebSite",
"url": "",
"name": "wbs",
"description": "Web Studio"
in a source code.
How a code snippet like above in my website header help me or my site?
In your example, the script element is used as data block, which contains JSON-LD (type="application/ld+json").
JSON-LD is a RDF serialization. It allows you to publish Linked Data (or structured data) using JSON. In your example, the vocabulary is used ("#context": "").
This structured data can be used by any interested consumer. Prominent consumers are the search engines Bing, Google, Yahoo, and Yandex, which support structured data that uses the vocabulary One use case they have is displaying more details in their result snippets.
Your example probably doesn’t lead to such an enhanced snippet. You have to check the search engine’s documentation if you want to know what features they offer and which structured data you have to provide for these. For example, Google uses the WebSite type (that’s used in your example) for their Sitelinks Search Box, but you would have to add a potentialAction in addition (for the search function).
It gives Google and other crawlers structured data about a website. This is used for rich snippets and knowledge graph panels among others. Have a look at this site for more information:
That's one way to include structured data in your site which helps any kind of users/crawlers use the information on the site in an efficient way. The most popular example is Google news cards:
This kind of card data are actually coming from structured data.
Other ways to include structured data is through Microdata
And the time of asking this question, I have no idea about these. Now I worked on structured data for some publishers.
The snippet you got is a script containing JSON-LD data format, a method of encoding Linked Data using JSON. vocabulary is used to mark up web contents so that they can be understood by majors search engines (Google, Microsoft, Yandex and Yahoo!). Search engines use this information to display to display relevant .contents to users. For instance, you a website with a well-known term as it’s brand name e.g. Coder. Search engines will interpret it as someone who writes code for softwares. To help search engines interpret this better, you need to provide the data using vocabulary.
<script type="application/ld+json">
"#context": "",
"#type": "WebSite",
"url": "",
"name": “Coder”,
"description": “Platform to learn code”
<script type="application/ld+json">
"#context": "",
"#type": "WebSite",
"url": "",
"name": "wbs",
"description": "Web Studio"
The snippet above is a JSON-LD based Structured Data Island (or Block) embedded in HTML that provides data to User Agents (Software Apps) for additional processing. This data can take the form of Metadata that informs said User Agents about the nature of the host document.
For instance, you can inform a User Agent such as Google's Crawler about the identity of a person associated with a document by embedding the following structured data island:
## JSON-LD Start ##
"#context": "",
"#type": "Person",
"#id": "",
"mainEntityOfPage": "",
"sameAs": "",
"name": "Kingsley Uyi Idehen",
"description": "#kidehen Identified at Web, relatively"
## JSON-LD End ##
This is possible because the semantics that underly the schema:sameAs property deem it to be uniquely identifying.
You can also add a browser extension (e.g., our Structured Data Sniffer) to your existing browser(s) that understands the power of structured data islands deployed using , producing what's depicted in the attached screenshot.
I wrote this JavaScript code for users to write your brand name on Google.
The search form will be displayed to users.
Users only need to type in your brand name to display this search and it is most commonly used on the homepage.
To use this code copy the JavaScript and paste it at the bottom of the last line of the main content, and don't worry the JavaScript code will not be displayed to users and will only appear in Google results.
<script type="application/Id+json"> {
"#context": "",
"#type": "WebSite", "url": "", "potentialAction": {
"#type": "SearchAction", "target": "{search_term_string}", "query-input": "required name=search_term_string"
} </script>

Error 400 Bad Request when querying for list of projects

I am trying to query the list of projects available to a user with the Asana API as shown in their documentation under the title "Show all projects in a workspace or organization", but I am encountering a 400 Error.
The error message details being returned are:
"errors": [
"message": "Missing required `team` field"
I am using the following endpoint except that I am using my actual workspace ID:
The documentation for this example does not mention a team field, and the only reference to the team field applies to create-only operations. Does anyone have an idea as to what my issue is?
Without having additional information, it sounds like the query might actually be using the wrong HTTP verb - maybe POST? - rather than a GET.
Can you show the exact request you make, how you make it? An example with curl is usually a good common denominator, but code would work as well.