Convert string a double in a word macro - vba

I am trying to create a macro for Word 2013 that does the following: the macro should capture the value of a cell of a word table and then add another value and paste the result in another cell of the same table.
My code so far is:
Sub prueba()
Dim a As String, b As String, c As String
Dim entero1 As Double, entero2 As Double
Dim resultado As Double
Dim tabla1 As Table
Set tabla1 = ActiveDocument.Tables(1)
a = tabla1.Cell(Row:=1, Column:=3).Range
entero1 = CDbl(a)
End Sub
But when I run it I get an error 13
To evaluate the error add the following two lines to validate if the data type obtained in "a" was a string
MsgBox (TypeName(a))
MsgBox (a)
And I got the following
I believe that the CDbl function does not finish converting the string to double because as they see the chain has a small square, what is not like to erase it so that the conversion is achieved.
Thank you very much for your help.

One way of extracting just the numeric portion of the Range would be to use the Val function, e.g.
entero1 = Val(a)
If the string a contained, for instance, 123.23XYZ4567 then Val(a) would return the number 123.23.
That should ensure that the non-numeric character that you are getting at the end of your Range is removed.

The answer provided by YowE3K is elegant and has my vote. For further information:
That 'small square' is the end of cell marker which is part of Cell.Range.Text (.Text is the default property returned when returning a range object is inappropriate).
To actually remove the end of cell marker (Chr(13) & Chr(7)) you can use something like this:
?CDbl(Replace$(Selection.Range.Cells(1).Range.Text, Chr(13) & Chr(7), vbNullString))
A possible advantage of this approach is that it may provide better opportunity to trap errors if you are only expecting numeric characters.


convert an integer variable to a string with leading zeros in VBA

For starters, there are LOTS of questions that have been asked with this topic. However all the ones I kept clicking on were in languages other than VBA and I did not understand the syntax of those languages.
When I did a google search I found this answer which seemed promising. AH FIDDLE STICKS! I just realized that answer for VB and probably explains why its not working in my VBA
I have a variable called DimScale that is an integer. I want to create a string called DimName that will start with "mm-" and be following by the integer from DimScale with leading 0s such that there are a minimum of characters after "mm-".
IF DimScale = 25
Then DimName = "mm-0025"
IF DimScale = 235
Then DimName = "mm-0235"
Note Dimscale >=1 and <= 9999
What I have tried
Dim Dimscale as Integer
Dim Dimension_Style_Name as String
String.Format("{0:0000}", DimScale)
Dimension_Style_Name = DimScale$
Dimension_Style_Name.Format("{0:0000}", DimScale)
I have read the gist too that Dimscale get converted to a string and then is sent through a loop of adding a leading zero until the length of the string equals the 4 characters in my case for the integer part.
I have also seen the case with IF statments where IF Dimscale <10 then "000"& If Dimscale <100 then "00"& etc.
Is there a way to do it like like the VB method in VBA?
DimName = "mm-" & format(DimScale,"0000")
As per #MathieuGuindon valuable (as usual) contribution:
Format (fully-qualified VBA.Strings.Format) takes a Variant parameter, and returns a Variant - you can also use its little brother Format$, which takes a String and returns a String, eliminating implicit conversions along the way
I had a similar need to apply leading zeros ( 12 to 00012 ) to a specified range. But everything I'd found thus-far used an iterative cell-by-cell approach. I found an older but still valuable posting from SiddHarth Rout. His posting pertains to case conversion ( lower to upper case ) but I found it adapted nicely to applying leading zeros.
Here is link to SiddHarth's posting:
Convert an entire range to uppercase without looping through all the cells
Here is the adaptation for applying leading zeros to a specified range:
Sub rngLeadingZeros(rng As Range, nbrZeros As Integer)
' Add leading zeros to a specified range.
Dim strZeros As String
Dim x As Integer
'build string as required for text() function:
For x = 1 To nbrZeros
strZeros = strZeros & "0"
'make sure the range is formatted as text:
rng.NumberFormat = "#"
'apply the format to the range:
rng = Evaluate("index(text(" & rng.Address & ", """ & strZeros & """),)")
End Sub
Sub testZ()
With ActiveSheet
rngLeadingZeros .Range("e3:e9"), 5
End With
End Sub

Count characters between two empty space to dashes() in vba

How do I get the length of character between beginning with space and ending with * Here is the image. Column B shows the total len before dasher(-) and my code
Sub xn()
Dim x As Integer
x = 1
If Worksheet("Sheet1").Range("A"& x).len(Right," ") Or _
Worksheet("Sheet1").Range("A"&x)len(Left,"-") Then
End If
x = x + 1
End Sub
The code posted has multiple issues:
Worksheet is not a valid object - you need to use Worksheets.
.len is not a property of a Range object.
Even in .len was a property of a Range, you would need a
de-reference operator (aka '.') in here: Range("A"&x)len(Left,"-")
If you intend to use the function Len(), it only takes one argument.
You apparently are trying to loop, but you need to use either a For
or For Each loop - it won't loop automatically when you increment x
at the bottom of the sub.
Right is a function, but you're calling it without arguments and they are not optional.
Similarly, Left is a function, but you're also calling it without
the required arguments.
totallen is not declared anywhere, so Len(totallen) will assume
that totallen is a Variant (default for undeclared variables), then
cast it to a String, and then always return 0 because it has never
been given a value.
Anything else I may have missed.
The solution is to use the InStr function. It returns the location in a string of a given sub-string.
Sub xn()
Dim x As Long
Dim sheet As Worksheet
Set sheet = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
For x = 1 To sheet.Range("A" & sheet.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
sheet.Cells(x, 2) = InStr(1, sheet.Cells(x, 1), "-") - 1
Next x
End Sub
I'd also recommend taking a look at the MSDN article on Looping Through a Range of Cells (2003 vintage, but still valid), and Error Finding Last Used cell In VBA.

Type mismatch for Application.Average when there is text

I have a bunch of data in column A. Some is text, some is numbers. Application.Average yields a type mismatch because of the text. What is the best way to get around this? I could write all the numeric values to an array then average the array, but that seems like a pain.
If col A has a mixture of numbers and text the following should not generate an error:
Sub dural()
Dim R As Range
Set R = Range("A:A")
MsgBox Application.WorksheetFunction.Average(R)
End Sub
unless there is an error in one of the cells.

How do I delete all characters after the first space in a cell?

I have a list of city names followed by the state in which they are located all in one column in Excel. How can I delete everything after the first space so that the city name is the only thing that's left in the cell?
example: A1 = "johnson TX"
should be just A1= "johnson"
I assume you want a VBA solution since you tagged your question excel-vba.
This works:
Sub KeepCity()
Dim strCityAndState As String
Dim strCityOnly As String
strCityAndState = Range("A1").Value
strCityOnly = Left(strCityAndState, InStr(strCityAndState, " ") - 1)
Range("A2").Value = strCityOnly
End Sub
If you don't want VBA and want a cell formula instead, then #JToland's answer works fine, though this one is more concise and doesn't keep the trailing space character:
=LEFT(A1, FIND(" ",A1)-1)
Well doing something like this
=Mid(A1, 1, Find(" ",A1))
in another column should grab all text before the " ". So you could build another column with just all the city names and then you could use that column for your purposes.
If you are looking for a VBA function, you can use Left and InStr as shown below.
Dim Temp As String: Temp = "Hello_World! This is my first answer here. :D"
Temp = Left(Temp, InStr(Temp, " ")-1)
In which case, Temp will be "Hello_World!"
Use of Split function
An elegant approach is to use the first token of the Split function:
Code Example extracting from cell A1 to A2
Option Explicit
Sub KeepCity()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("MySheet") ' << Change to your sheet name
ws.[A2] = Split(ws.[A1], " ")(0)
End Sub
Alternative Syntax
Instead of cell abbreviations [A2] or [A1] you can also use:
ws.Range("A2").Value = Split(ws.Range("A1").Value, " ")(0)
The resulting split 1-dimensional array is zero based, so you get the first part (or token) of the original string via index (0).
If you are looking for a second part, I recommend adding an additional delimiter value (" ") to the original string, e.g. s: MsgBox split(s & " "," ")(1). By that way you avoid error number 9 "Subscript out of range", if there is no delimiter in between at all, thus no second part at all.

Problems with VLOOKUP in VBA

I'm trying to use vlookup in a simple VBA function, but it is continually returning #VALUE!
Here is the code:
Public Function getAreaName(UBR As Integer) As String
Dim result As String
Dim sheet As Worksheet
Set sheet = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("UBR Report")
' check level 3 then 2 then 4 then 5
result = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(UBR, sheet.Range("UBRLookup"), Application.WorksheetFunction.Column(sheet.Range("UBRLookup[Level 3]")), False)
getAreaName = result
End Function
Any thoughts?
I'm not quite sure what you're trying to do with the "UBRLookup[Level 3]" reference, but as Joseph has pointed out, that's the bit that you're doing wrong.
[ is not a valid character for a named range in Excel.
The column that you're referencing needs to be a numeric value, the offset from the start of the table-array you've defined as your named range.
The below should work, provided the column you want to pull out is the second column in your named range (e.g. what you're referring to as [level 3] is in the second column).
Public Function getAreaName(UBR As Integer) As String
Dim result As String
Dim sheet As Worksheet
Set sheet = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("UBR Report")
result = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(UBR, sheet.Range("UBRLookup"), 2, False)
getAreaName = result
End Function
I've had a look at Excel 2007 and from what I can see the column function isn't exposed as an Application.WorksheetFunction.
You can use it on the sheet with =Column(D4), but when trying to autocomplete within the vba editor, the function isn't there. This may be due to a difference in versions, so I'll ignore that for now.
It still definitely seems like you're mis-using the third argument. If you really don't want to use the number reference we need to find out where the function is going wrong.
A few tests along the lines of
Debug.Print Application.WorksheetFunction.Column(D4)
Debug.Print sheet.Range("UBRLookup[Level 3]")
should hopefully help to show you exactly where it's going wrong - I believe that it will object to both of the above, but if it returns some useful information then we may be a step closer to your solution.
Break you function up into more pieces. Then debug it and make sure every piece is set up the way you expect.
Public Function getAreaName(UBR As Integer) As String
Dim result As String
Dim sheet As Worksheet
Set sheet = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("UBR Report")
Dim range as Range = sheet.Range("UBRLookup")
Dim column as Column = Application.WorksheetFunction
.Column(sheet.Range("UBRLookup[Level 3]"))
result = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(UBR, range, column, False)
getAreaName = result
End Function
In fact, just by doing that I noticed something weird. You use a range in two different places, but in one place you're looking for UBRLookup, and in another you're looking for UBRLookup[Level 3], is that correct?
I am disturbed by
Dim column as Column =
Application.WorksheetFunction.Column(sheet.Range("UBRLookup[Level 3]"))
You should Dim column as long, I think, and maybe use a variable name that's not to be confused with a property, like lngCol.
This part: sheet.Range("UBRLookup[Level 3]") is suspect as "UBRLookup[Level 3]" is not a valid range name.