Tensorflow object-detection package error when change batch size - tensorflow

I am trying the newly released object-detection API for tensorflow.
I used the sample training program in the tutorial, i.e, fine-tuning the FRCNN-Resnet model on the pet dataset. Using only one GPU, an error message always show up when I change the batch size to a value more than 1 (default is 1). The error message looks like this:
InvalidArgumentError (see above for traceback): ConcatOp : Dimensions of inputs should match: shape[0] = [1,750,600,3] vs. shape[1] = [1,600,804,3]

You are likely using the keep_aspect_ratio_resizer which allows each image to be a different size, which means that you can only train with batch size 1. To train with larger batch sizes, the only way to currently handle this in the API is to use the fixed_shape_resizer. See some of the SSD configs for examples of this.


Feed image data without class label

I am trying to implement image super resolution using SRGAN. In the process, I used DIV2K dataset (http://data.vision.ee.ethz.ch/cvl/DIV2K/DIV2K_train_HR.zip) as my source.
I have worked with image classification using CNN (I used keras.layers.convolutional.Conv2D). But in this case we don't have class label in my data source.
I have unzipped the file and kept in D:\Unzipped\DIV2K_train_HR. Then used following command to read the files.
img_dataset = tensorflow.keras.utils.image_dataset_from_directory("D:\\unzipped")
Then created the model as follows
model = Sequential()
model.compile(optimizer='sgd', loss='mse')
model.fit(img_dataset,batch_size=32, epochs=10)
But I am getting error : "Graph execution error". I am unable to find the root cause behind this error. Is this error appearing as the class label is missing (I think as per code DIV2K_train_HR is treated as one class label)? Or is this happening due to images don't have one specific size?
Note: This code does not match with SRGAN architecture. I am new to GAN and trying to move ahead step by step. I got stuck in the first step itself.
Yes, the error message is because you don't have labels in your dataset.
As a first step in GAN network you need to create a discriminator model: given some image it should recognize if it is a real or fake image. You can take images from your dataset and label them as 1 ("real images"). Then generate "fake images" by down-sampling and up-sampling images from your dataset and label them as 0. Train your discriminator model so that it can distinguish between original and processed images.
After that, you create generator model. The generator model takes a down-sampled version of the image as an input and creates an up-sampled version in original resolution. GAN model combines generator and discriminator models by passing output from generator to discriminator. The target label is 1, i.e. we want generator create up-sampled versions of images, which discriminator can't distinguish from the real ones. Now train GAN network (set 'trainable' to false for discriminator model weights).
After your generator manages to produce images, which discriminator can't distinguish from the real, you take them, label as 0 and train discriminator again. Then train generator again etc.
The process continues until discriminator can't distinguish fake images from the real ones anymore (i.e. accuracy doesn't exceed 0.5).
Please see a simple example on ("Generative Adversarial Networks"):
This code is explained in ch. 17 in book "Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras and TensorFlow (3rd edition)" by Aurélien Géron.

TF Yamnet Transfer Learning and Quantization

Short term: Trying to quantize a specific portion of a TF model (recreated from a TFLite model). Skip to pictures below. \
Long term: Transfer Learn on Yamnet and compile for Edge TPU.
Source code to follow along is here
I've been trying to transfer learn on Yamnet and compile for a Coral Edge TPU for a few weeks now.
Started here, but quickly realized that model wouldn't quantize and compile for the Edge TPU because of the dynamic input and out of the box TFLite quantization doesn't work well with the preprocessing of audio before Yamnet's MobileNet.
After tinkering and learning for a few weeks, I found a Yamnet model compiled for the Edge TPU (sadly without source code) and figured my best shot would be to try to recreate it in TF, then quantize, then compile to TFLite, then compile for the edge TPU. I'll also have to figure out how to set the weights - not sure if I have to/can do that pre or post quantization. Anyway, I've effectively recreated the model, but am having a hard time quantizing without a bunch of wacky behavior.
The model currently looks like this:
I want it to look like this:
For quantizing, I tried:
TFLite Model Optimization which puts tfl.quantize ops all over the place and fails to compile for the Edge TPU.
Quantization Aware Training which throws some annoying errors that I've been trying to work through.
If you know a better way to achieve the long term goal than what I proposed, please (please please please) share! Otherwise, help on specific quant ops would be great! Also, reach out for clarity
I've ran into your same issues trying to convert the Yamnet model by tensorflow into full integers in order to compile it for Coral edgetpu and I think I've found a workaround for that.
I've been trying to stick to the tutorials posted in the section tflite-model-maker and finding a solution within this API because, for experience, I found it to be a very powerful tool.
If your goal is to build a model which is fully compiled for the edgetpu (meaning all layers, including input and output ones, being converted to int8 type) I'm afraid this solution won't fit for you. But since you posted you're trying to obtain a custom model with the same structure of:
Yamnet model compiled for the Edge TPU
then I think this workaround would help you.
When you train your custom model following the basic tutorial it is possible to export the custom model both in .tflite format
model.export(models_path, tflite_filename='my_birds_model.tflite')
and full tensorflow model:
model.export(models_path, export_format=[mm.ExportFormat.SAVED_MODEL, mm.ExportFormat.LABEL])
Then it is possible to convert the full tensorflow saved model to tflite format by using the following script:
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import glob
from scipy.io import wavfile
dataset_path = '/path/to/DATASET/testing/*/*.wav'
representative_data = []
saved_model_path = './saved_model'
samples = glob.glob(dataset_path)
input_size = 15600 #Yamnet model's input size
def representative_data_gen():
for input_value in samples:
sample_rate, audio_data = wavfile.read(input_value, 'rb')
audio_data = np.array(audio_data)
splitted_audio_data = tf.signal.frame(audio_data, input_size, input_size, pad_end=True, pad_value=0) / tf.int16.max #normalization in [-1,+1] range
yield [np.float32(splitted_audio_data[0])]
converter = tf.lite.TFLiteConverter.from_saved_model(saved_model_path)
converter.experimental_new_converter = True #if you're using tensorflow<=2.2
converter.optimizations = [tf.lite.Optimize.DEFAULT]
#converter.inference_input_type = tf.uint8 # or tf.uint8
#converter.inference_output_type = tf.uint8 # or tf.uint8
converter.representative_dataset = representative_data_gen
tflite_model = converter.convert()
open(saved_model_path + "converted_model.tflite", "wb").write(tflite_model)
As you can see, the lines which tell the converter to change input/output type are commented. This is because Yamnet model expects in input normalized values of audio sample in the range [-1,+1] and the numerical representation must be float32 type. In fact the compiled model of Yamnet you posted uses the same dtype for input and output layers (float32).
That being said you will end up with a tflite model converted from the full tensorflow model produced by tflite-model-maker. The script will end with the following line:
fully_quantize: 0, inference_type: 6, input_inference_type: 0, output_inference_type: 0
and the inference_type: 6 tells you the inference operations are suitable for being compiled to coral edgetpu.
The last step is to compile the model. If you compile the model with the standard edgetpu_compiler command line :
edgetpu_compiler -s converted_model.tflite
the final model would have only 4 operations which run on the EdgeTPU:
Number of operations that will run on Edge TPU: 4
Number of operations that will run on CPU: 53
You have to add the optional flag -a which enables multiple subgraphs (it is in experimental stage though)
edgetpu_compiler -sa converted_model.tflite
After this you will have:
Number of operations that will run on Edge TPU: 44
Number of operations that will run on CPU: 13
And most of the model operations will be mapped to edgetpu, namely:
Operator Count Status
MUL 1 Mapped to Edge TPU
DEQUANTIZE 4 Operation is working on an unsupported data type
SOFTMAX 1 Mapped to Edge TPU
GATHER 2 Operation not supported
COMPLEX_ABS 1 Operation is working on an unsupported data type
LOG 1 Operation is working on an unsupported data type
CONV_2D 14 Mapped to Edge TPU
RFFT2D 1 Operation is working on an unsupported data type
LOGISTIC 1 Mapped to Edge TPU
QUANTIZE 3 Operation is otherwise supported, but not mapped due to some unspecified limitation
DEPTHWISE_CONV_2D 13 Mapped to Edge TPU
MEAN 1 Mapped to Edge TPU
STRIDED_SLICE 2 Mapped to Edge TPU
PAD 2 Mapped to Edge TPU
RESHAPE 1 Operation is working on an unsupported data type
RESHAPE 6 Mapped to Edge TPU

Set batch size of trained keras model to 1

I am having a keras model trained on my own dataset. However after loading weights the summary shows None as the first dimension(the batch size).
I want to know the process to fix the shape to batch size of 1, as it is compulsory for me to fix it so i can convert the model to tflite with GPU support.
What worked for me was to specify batch size to the Input layer, like this:
input = layers.Input(shape=input_shape, batch_size=1, dtype='float32', name='images')
This then carried through the rest of the layers.
The bad news is that despite this "fix" the tfl runtime still complains about dynamic tensors. I get these non-fatal errors in logcat when it runs:
E/tflite: third_party/tensorflow/lite/core/subgraph.cc:801 tensor.data.raw != nullptr was not true.
E/tflite: Attempting to use a delegate that only supports static-sized tensors with a graph that has dynamic-sized tensors (tensor#26 is a dynamic-sized tensor).
E/tflite: Ignoring failed application of the default TensorFlow Lite delegate indexed at 0.
The good news is that despite these errors it seems to be using the GPU anyway, based on performance testing.
I'm using:
Hopefully, they'll fix the runtime so it doesn't matter whether the batch size is 'None'. It shouldn't matter for doing inference.

Channels dimension index in the input shape while porting Pytorch models to Tensorflow

One of the major problems I've encountered when converting PyTorch models to TensorFlow through ONNX, is slowness, which appears to be related to the input shape, even though I was able to get bit-exact outputs with the two frameworks.
While the PyTorch input shape is B,C,H,W, the Tensorflow input shape is B,H,W,C, where B,C,H,W stand for batch size, channels, height and width, respectively. Technically, I solve the input shape problem easily when working in Tensorflow, using two calls to np.swapaxes:
# Single image, no batch size here yet
image = np.swapaxes(image, 0, 2) # Swapping C and H dimensions - result: C,W,H
image = np.swapaxes(image, 1, 2) # Swapping H and W dimensions - result: C,H,W (like Pytorch)
The slowness problem seems to be related to the differences in the ways the convolutional operations are implemented in PyTorch vs Tensorflow. While PyTorch expects channels first, Tensorflow expects channels last.
As a result, when I visualize the models using Netron, the ONNX model looks abstract and making sense (first image), whereas the Tensorflow .pb formatted model looks like a big mess (second image).
Note: It appears that this problem has already concerned the writers of the onnx2keras library, which supports an experimental feature of changing the C,H,W ordering originated in Pytorch, into H,W,C.
Any idea how to overcome this limitation? Are there other options for more abstractly exporting PyTorch models into Tensorflow?
ONNX (from PyTorch) - you can see the straight flow and the residual blocks:
Tensorflow (imported from the ONNX model) - almost nothing looks like a series of predefined operations:

encounter error during deeplab v3+ training on Cityscapes Semantic Segmentation Dataset

I start the training process using deeplab v3+ following this guide. However, after step 1480, I got the error:
Error reported to Coordinator: Nan in summary histogram for: image_pooling/BatchNorm/moving_variance_2
The detailed train log is here
Could someone suggest how to solve this issue? THX!
Based on the log, it seems that you are training with batch_size = 1, fine_tune_batch_norm = True (default value). Since you are fine-tuning batch norm during training, it is better to set batch size as large as possible (see comments in train.py and Q5 in FAQ). If only limited GPU memory is available, you could fine-tune from the provided pre-trained checkpoint, set smaller learning rate and fine_tune_batch_norm = False (see model_zoo.md for details). Note make sure the flag tf_initial_checkpoint has correct path to the desired pre-trained checkpoint.