How determining current wxTextCoord line in wxTextCtrl (StyledText etc.) - wxwidgets

When I push button or key i modyfy a text inside wxTextCtrl. For example I read line and meyby modyfing it or put it on the bottom of text.
How propertly read ascii text from current position and modyfing it not using disc.
How determining which line i must read trought GetLineText(nr).
where i can find this nr?

m_curCol is private, You dont using it.
GetInsertionPoint() is usefull but not working on MacOsX now.
Meybe in future.


How to remove all text color attributes from a QTextDocument?

I've got a QTextDocument read from an HTML file; given a QString of HTML data named topicFileData, I do topicFileTextDocument.setHtml(topicFileData);. I then want to strip off all of the color information, making the whole document just use the default foreground and background brush. (I do not want to explicitly set the text to be black text on a white background; I want to remove the color information from the document.) (Background info: the reason I need to do this is that there are spans within the document that are erroneously set with a black foreground color, rather than just having no color information set, and that causes those spans to display as black-on-black when my app is running in "dark mode", when Qt changes the default text background brush to be black instead of white.)
Here's what I tried:
QTextCursor tc(&topicFileTextDocument);;
QTextCharFormat noColorFormat;
This does not work, unfortunately; it looks like mergeCharFormat() does not understand that I want the clearForeground() and clearBackground() actions to be merged in to strip off those attributes.
I can do tc.setCharFormat(noColorFormat); instead, of course, and that does strip off the color attributes correctly; but it also obliterates all of the other character format info (font, etc.), which is not acceptable.
So, ideally I'd like to find an API that lets me explicitly remove a given text attribute from a QTextDocument. Alternatively, I guess I need to loop through all the spans of the QTextDocument one by one, get the char format of the current span, remove the color attributes from the format, and set the modified format back onto the span. That would be fine; but I have no idea how to loop over spans in that way. Thanks for any help.
Instead of creating a new instance of QTextCharFormat, update the current format and reapply it on the QTextEdit;
default = QTextCharFormat()
charFormat = self.textCursor().charFormat()
A sub-optimal solution that I have found as a workaround is to actually edit the HTML data string before I create the QTextDocument, using a regex:
topicFileData.replace(QRegularExpression("(;? ?color: ?#[0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f])"), "");
This works for my situation, because all of the colors in my HTML file are set with color: #XXXXXX style attributes that can be stripped out of the HTML itself. This is fragile, however; colors specified in other ways would not be stripped, and if the body text of the HTML document happened to contain text that matched the regex, the regex would modify it and thus corrupt the content of the document. So I don't recommend this solution, and I won't be accepting it. If somebody can offer a better solution that would be preferable.

ftell/fseek fail when near end of file

Reading a text file (which happens to be a PDS Member FB 80)
hFile = fopen(filename,"r");
and have reached up to the point in the file where there is only an empty line left.
FilePos = ftell(hFile);
Then read the last line, which only contains a '\n' character.
fseek(hFile, FilePos, SEEK_SET);
fails with:-
errno=(27) EDC5027I The position specified to fseek() was invalid.
The position specified to fseek() was returned by ftell() a few lines earlier. It has the value 841 in the specific error case I have seen. Checking through the debugger, this is also the value returned by ftell a few lines earlier. It has not been corrupted.
The same code works at other positions in the file, and only fails at the point where there is a single empty line left to read when the position is remembered.
My understanding of how ftell/fseek should work is succinctly captured by another answer on SO.
The value returned from ftell on a text stream has no predictable relationship to the number of characters you have read so far. The only thing you can rely on is that you can use it subsequently as the offset argument to fseek or fseeko to move back to the same file position.
It would seem that I cannot rely on the one thing I should be able to rely on.
My questions is, why does fseek fail in this way?
As z/OS has some file formats that are unique you might find the answer in this Knowledge Center article.
Given that you are processing a PDS member I would suspect that this is record level I/O which is handled differently than stream I/O which is more common in distributed implementations.
I do not know why fseek fails in this way, but if your common usage pattern is to use ftell to get the position and then fseek to go to that position, I strongly suggest using fgetpos and fsetpos instead for data set I/O. Not only will you avoid this problem that you are finding, but it is also better performing for certain data set characteristics.

How to Keep Velocity Ouput to a Single Line while Spanning Multiple Lines in vm File

I'm using a Velocity template to generate an e-mail. Within that e-mail, I want to create a mailto link that will look like this:
I have this chunk of code that properly creates that link:
That code works, but it's nearly impossible to read. I want to put some line breaks in there so that I'd have something more like this:
<a href="mailto:
#foreach(${person} in ${people})
I find that to be much easier to read, but Velocity will include all the whitespace into the output and causes the link that it produces to break.
Is there any way to format the code the way I want and tell Velocity to ignore all the whitespace throughout that segment?
A first option is to use comments:
<a href="mailto:#*
*##foreach(${person} in ${people})#*
Another option is to add a pre-processing that will remove all indenting spaces and carriage returns.
Yet another is to do it as a post-processing.
The way to add this pre- or post- processing is dependent on the context in which you are using Velocity.

Ellipsize NSTextField?

Is there a way to ellipsize the text content of an NSTextField, instead of truncate?
So instead of:
The quick brown fox jumped over
It would say:
The quick brown fox jumped ...
I can't find anything in the documentation for this. What am I missing?
Is there any way to ellipsize AND wordwrap--in other words, have multiple lines and ellipsize the last?
So this is a great question! Even though its exposed in IB, its not a property on the view or any subview. Instead its buried as a property on the cell used by NSTextField. So if you ask that object for its cell, you can then read or set the value: lineBreakMode.
Look in the class description for NSCell for all the options - truncateCenter is one (to get center ellipsis).
EDIT: the following thoughts were prompted by the updated question. Personally, I think trying to get that google code is way overkill and perhaps you can do something less complex by creating a mini-custom textField.
create a customer NSView object and give it a string and font property and some methods related to the actions below, and perhaps even a width property
essentially the idea is to use the Cocoa NSString category that lets you determine the length of string (and probably its height) from a string/font combo (I use this in UIKit, did use equivalents in Cocoa, but its been a while...)
one of your view's methods will be 'calculate'. When you get this, covert the string to an array of words using a single space as the separator (or make it more complex). Then, start computing the length of the drawn string, taking the first work, append a space and the second, etc, until you find you have exceeded he width. This is your first line string.
continue doing this for the number of lines that you want to draw (2? 3?). Calculate the length of the unicode char that does ... - its option semicolon as I recall - and keep that around.
in the last line, keep adding words until you exceed the length, and then back up a word at a time, verifying that the last appended strings string (minus a trailing space) but with the '...' char will fit in the space.
you can make this fancier by adding padding around the border etc.
once the calculation is finished (and you of course cache all the bits of the answer), your view is prepared when it gets 'drawRect:...'. You position at (0, bounds.size.height - 21) and draw the first segment, then move down 21 points and draw the second line, etc.
If I were to code this I would plan on 2-4 hours - its not trivial, perhaps the logic is a bit complex, but its straightforward. Good luck!
Although the correct answer was not accepted in this old question - scroll to the last answer - it includes the code Truncate the last line of multi-line NSTextField
The solution includes the use of ellipses and line wrapping combined.

Controlling Doxygen's LaTeX output for making PDF documentation

I'm using Doxygen to generate documentation for my code. I need to make a PDF version of this and using Doxygen's LaTeX output appears to be the way to do it.
However I've run into a number of annoying problems, and not knowing anything about LaTeX previously haven't really got much of an idea on how to approach them, and the countless references for LaTeX related things are not much help...
I worked out how to create a custom style thing in a sty file and how to get Doxygen to use it. After a lot of searching I found out how to set the page margins etc. through this, and I'm guessing the perhaps this is the file I want for doing the other things I want, but I cant seem to find any commands for doign what I want :(
The table of contents at the start of the document contains a lot of items Id rather it didn't as it makes the contents very long. Is there some way to limit this contents to just say the first two levels, rather than having entries for every single individual function, variable, etc.? Id quite like to keep all the bookmarks however. I did try the "COMPACT_LATEX" option but as well as removing items on the contents pages, it removed the bookmarks and the member lists at the start of each section, which I do really want to keep.
Is there a way to change the order of things, like putting the full class description at the start of the section, rather than after all the members and attributes?
Wow, that's kind of evil of Doxygen.
Okay, to get around the tocdepth counter problem, add the following line to your .sty file:
\AtBeginDocument{\setcounter{tocdepth}{2}}% or whatever level you want
You can set the PDF bookmarks depth to a separate value:
% requires you \usepackage{hyperref} first
bookmarksdepth = section, % of whatever level you want
Also note that if you have a list of figures/tables, the tocdepth must be at least 2 for them to show up.
I don't see any way of rearranging those items within the LaTeX files---Doxygen just barfs them out there, so we can't do much. You'll have to poke around the Doxygen documentation to see if there's any way to specify the order I guess. (Here's hoping!)
You're so close.
Googling on "latex contents level" brought me to LaTeX - customizing the depth of the table of contents for different parts of the thesis which suggests
where n starts at zero for only the highest level division. This is presumable defined in all the default styles, but is worth a try in doxygen.
You could write a Perl/Awk script to simply delete the unwanted lines from the table of contents. For the file burble.tex, Latex will generate the file burble.toc, which will contain lines such as:
\contentsline {subsection}{Class F rewrites}{38}
\contentsline {subsection}{Class M rewrites}{39}
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {7}Definition and properties of the translation}{44}
\contentsline {paragraph}{Well-formedness}{54}
Simple regexes will identify which levels each line belongs to, and you can filter the file based on that. Once you have the table of contents the way you want it, insert \nofiles in the appropriate place (the style sheet?), which means that Latex will read the auxiliary files but not overwrite them.