How can I select an element which appears in popup window using Selenium? - selenium

I have selected the popup window using cssSelector
WebElement a = TestApp.getInstance().getDriver().findElement(By.cssSelector("#PopupWindow0")) ;
now I want to select an element which is inside this popup.

After you retrieved WebElement 'a' you can call .findElement on it, for example:
This will search for all elements inside the pop-up window


Element locator not found

I use Selenium2Library with Robotframework. With my code source, I go to a web browser and after 2 windows open. Then I close one window after I try to click on an element locator on the window but the element isn't found. I have error : 'id=ggroup1Mon' did not match any elements after 5 seconds.
Open Browser
Wait Until Element Is Visible id=j_username
Click Element id=j_username
Input Text id=j_username 452
Wait Until Element Is Visible id=j_password
Click Element id=j_password
Input Text id=j_password 463425
Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=//button[#type='submit']
Click Element xpath=//button[#type='submit']
${az}= List Windows
Select Window #{az}[1]
Close Window
Select Window #{az}[0]
Wait Until Element Is Visible id=ggroup1Mon
#Click Element id=ggroup1Mon

Unable to right click and select a value using Selenium Webdriver

I need to right click using selenium webdriver. When I right click on the date highlighted in red,I will have a menu opened from where I have to select "Show CTR Impressions Label".
I am able to right click and select "Show Impressions Label" but unable to click it.
Here is my code:
string xpath = "//div[#class='highcharts-axis-labels highcharts-xaxis-labels']/span[2]/div";
WebElement element=driver.findElement(By.xpath(xpath));
Actions action= new Actions(driver);
Kindly suggest.Also, how can I select "Show Impressions Label" based on the text and not the arrow keys?
Any help will be appreciated.
Possible Solution Only , Based on my previous observations :: You are doing it in 2 lines. Combine this and you should be able to do so. Second perform takes focus away from element. And thus the continuity is broken.

How to traverse all the element of dropdown in Selenium WebDriver?

I have a drop down on my web page and I have to traverse this drop down and select the specific one.But its not so simple, In this the traversing should be show by the hover and at last the specific element or item should be selected.(The mouse hover action should start from the first element till the required element and then select the element).
You need to look into Select, there are a couple of different ways of selecting elements from the dropdown, below is one example.
Select dropdown = new Select(<WebElement>);

Having issue in selecting drop down element under makemytrip website

Having issue in selecting drop down element under the following website
I'm unable to select any one of the cities listed below.
Please help me out resolving the same.
Scenarios Tried
This works:
WebElement leavingFrom = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[#id='fromcity_chzn']/a"));
WebElement goingTo = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[#id='tocity_chzn']/a"));;
Here is working sample:
//First get main dropDowns
var leavingFromDropDown = driver.FindElement(By.Css("#fromcity_chzn"));
var goingToDropDown = driver.FindElement(By.Css("#tocity_chzn"));
//Select value from first dropDown using dropDown items index
//First click on dropDown to open it;
//Now find items in it and click on any item using it's index (also can be used method to access this elements using their names
//this dropDown closes automatically, but if not you need to click on it again to close
//Same perform with second element;
If you want to use input box to enter any value from DropDown you need to find that element and using sendKeys set it's value. E.g.:;
var input = leavingFromDropDown.FindElement(By.Css(".chzn-search > input"));
input.sendKeys(Keys.Enter);//or tab

Selenium WebDriver and xpath locating inside WebElement

I have a page containing multiple forms with their own submit buttons and other elements. While testing the page, I locate the second form
WebElement form = getDriver().findElement("form2"));
and then field and submit button
form.findElement("text")).sendKeys("Adding some text here");
However these xpath locations take effect on the first form. Is it really so that the xpath doesn't work inside a specified element?
Try a relative path:
In fact Selenium works with the first found by xpath element. If you know exact order number you can add such a number to your xpath //input[#type='submit'][2]. Please note that numbering in xpath starts from 1 but not 0. So given xpath will found for you the second input with #type='submit'.