b-input name attribute not working buefy - vue.js

I want to put a name="name" attribute in a buefy input control. I have so far, not managed to make it work.
<b-field label="Fullname">
It sends empty values and I get an error in laravel:
"Column 'name' cannot be null"
It worked when I tried using a native html input control.
I have also tried using developer tools to inspect the DOM, it appears, the b-input control does not have a name.
How do I solve this?
I had vue#2.1.10 and for buefy you need 2.4, that's why I got this bug. Sorry, my bad.

Use v-model to bind your component to your data.
In your <template>...</template>:
<b-field label="Fullname">
In your <script>...</script>:
data () {
fullname: null,
//some more state...


Validate vue-select with vee-validate

I'm new to VueJS.
I'm trying to validate vue-select using vee-validate.
I've tried to validate it manually but of course its not a good approach.
So, I tried to use vuelidate but couldn't get the desired result.
Now i'm trying to use vee-validate. Validation works fine as desired
but the issue is v-model.
I created a global variable product, to calculate the length of array, and passed it in v-model. So that when Its empty product's value will be zero and i can return desired result from vee-validation.
Here's the .vue html part.
<form #submit.prevent="add">
<div class="row row-xs mx-0">
<label class="col-sm-4 form-control-label">
<span class="tx-danger">*</span> Add product(s):
<div class="col-sm-8 mg-t-10 mg-sm-t-0">
<ValidationProvider rules="required" v-slot="{ errors }">
placeholder="Add product(s)"
:options="availableProducts" <-- here is the options array
:reduce="name => name"
v-model="product" <-- this calculates length and pass it to vee **extends**
<div v-for="error in errors" :key="error"> {{ error }} </div>
<!-- col-8 -->
Here's validation.js file
import { extend } from 'vee-validate';
extend('required', value => {
return value > 0;
I don't want this product value there. I know its not a good approach as well. I can't pass whole array to v-model because then I can't push options in it. I can't pass a single option to v-model as well then I won't get desired result.
All I want to validate v-select when options array is empty. Any suggestions?
Veevalidate doesn't validate directly on select elements. This is my workaround.
You should create a v-field "hidden" input and a visible select v-model element. The veevalidate will take place on the v-field.
Here is an example.
<v-field type="text" class="form-control disabled" name="expirationMonth" v-model="expirationMonth" :rules="isRequired" style="display:none;"></v-field>
<select v-model="expirationMonthUI" class="form-control" #click="synchExpirationMonthUI">
<option value="January">January</option>
<option value="February">February</option>
<option value="March">March</option>
<option value="April">April</option>
<option value="May">May</option>
<option value="June">June</option>
<option value="July">July</option>
<option value="August">August</option>
<option value="September">September</option>
<option value="October">October</option>
<option value="November">November</option>
<option value="December">December</option>
<error-message name="expirationMonth"></error-message>
Then add this to your methods to synch both together.
synchExpirationMonthUI() {
this.expirationMonth = this.expirationMonthUI;
I have found a way of doing this, with the Rendering Complex Fields with Scoped Slots from the Vee-Validate documentation. And using the bindings from Vue Select, it looks something like this:
<Field name="supportType" v-slot="{ field }" v-model="supportType">
<v-select :options="mediaTypes" label="name" :reduce="mediaType => mediaType.id" v-bind="field">
As you can see, I am using here the name, v-slot and v-model for the Field from Vee-Validate, as normal. But the v-slot is very important as it carries the information from Vue Select to Vee-Validate, or at least I think so.
On the other hand I use the options, label, reduce and v-bind from Vue Select, these I use to handle the information. So with the :options I select my dataset, with label I tell Vue Select which label to select and show from the dataset, with :reduce I tell Vue Select what will be the value of the select tag and finally use v-bind to bind the value of the select to the Vee-Validate field. So the information used on the :reduce property will be displayed on the v-model="supportType".
I tested it with a button and it worked. And I liked this way so it is not that messy and I can use the validation and other things as usual.
Hope this helps anyone.
PD: I am using Vue 3, and the latest package of both Vee-Validate and Vue Select, as of today.

b-field value is getting updated only #select and not #input?

I am using the Buefy UI components in my VueJS project. I have a drop-down in a page:
<b-field label="Business Unit">
placeholder="select a business unit..."
#select="(option) => {updateValue(option.id,'businessUnit')}"
<template slot-scope="props">
<div class="container">
<template slot="empty">No results found</template>
As you can see from the above code, the updateValue function is responsible for updating the value, but it will currently be called only when the user selects something from the drop-down suggestions. I want the value to be updated even when the user starts to type something. Example: #input="(newValue)=>{updateValue(newValue,'businessUnit')}". However, there is already a debounce function called getAsyncDataBusinessUnit that I am calling to fetch the filtered autocomplete results based on what the user has typed during the #typing event.
According to the Buefy Autocomplete API documentation found here, you could probably use v-model instead of using value directly.
Alternatively you could actually implement the #input like you wrote yourself, the #typing event shouldn't interfere with it.
Or you could just handle the value updating in #typing:
// then later in JS...
methods: {
onTyping(value) {
this.updateValue(value, 'businessUnit')

Vue bootstrap on blur event

I am not able to use vue on blur event,
In my component I have a #change directive
<b-input :value="value" #change="validateEmail($event)" #input="$emit('input', $event)" ref="input" :state="state"/>
This is because #blur doesn't seem to work.
Bootstrap vue on:blur handler is not been called
This works partially when I am changing the input and hit tab, then works, but if I focus on the input and click tab without changing the input, it doesn't work.
I want to show a message that email is required in this case but I cannot.
You may use #blur.native with Bootstrap Vue inputs.
#input="$emit('input', $event)"
you can use #blur.native="function"

v-on:change does not work for vue-multiselect

I am using vue-multiselect component in my vue.js project, I am using v-on directive to execute a function on the change event ,
<multiselect v-model="selected" :options="projects" :searchable="false" :custom-label="customLabel" track-by="name" v-on:change="executeLoader">
<template slot="customLabel" slot-scope="{ customLabel }"><strong>{{ option.name }}</strong></template>
I have example full code here: https://codesandbox.io/s/yjjon0vzxj
the v-on:change was working with <select> component but it stopped workigng with vue-multiselect ! I tried with v-on:click="executeLoader" but that too didnt worked either..
#click will not trigger the method executeLoader with vue multiselect. You can use #input - which is similar to v-on:change, #close, #select as in example below:
<multiselect placeholder="Pick at least one"
select-label="Enter doesn’t work here!"
:block-keys="['Tab', 'Enter']"
In your case I would try #input="executeLoader"
In vue-multiselect, since it is a component you can't treat it to behave like a simple <select> element.
In components, when you expect them to behave and "listen" to click events just like other html tag, then you should add an event modifier called: .native.
So, you can do on any component:
<... #click.native="executeLoader" />
But that is not what you are looking for I think. You want to trigger a function when you add more and more tags, or in short: when the selected items increase.
for that, vue-multiselect exposes the #input event, so you can handle using:
<... #input="executeLoader" />
And now just call executeLoader and accept the arguments as:
methods: {
executeLoader(selectedItems) {}

vuejs - dynamic input 'types'

I would like to be able to dynamically change the type of an input field between text and password. I tried doing the following:
<input :type="dynamicInputType">
data() {
return {
dynamicInputType: 'password'
But apparently this doesn't work; vuejs displays the error: v-model does not support dynamic input types. Use v-if branches instead.
It's not clear to me how I can fix this with v-if.
This kind of thing is what's being suggested.
<input v-if="'text' === dynamicInputType" type="text">
<input v-else type="password">