I am trying to navigate to Main Screen and code still work fine if the JS DEBUGGER is ON(running) but the problem is when i try to run my application when JS DEBUGGER is OFF(disable) and try to login at that time "yield put(NavigationActions.navigate({ routeName: 'Main' }));"
this piece code is not redirecting to Main screen.
Given below is my code:
import { NavigationActions } from 'react-navigation';
import { call, put, takeEvery, take } from 'redux-saga/effects';
import { getFirebase } from 'react-redux-firebase';
export function* watchLoginAsync({email, password}) {
try {
const response = yield getFirebase().login({email,password});
if (response.uid) {
// dispatchToMain();
yield put(NavigationActions.navigate({ routeName: 'Main' }));
// yield put({type: LOGIN_SUCCESS });
} else {
yield put({type: LOGIN_FAIL, error: 'Something went wrong seriously!!'});
} catch(err => console.log(err))
export default function* watchLogin() {
yield takeEvery(LOGIN_REQUESTING, watchLoginAsync);
And this the store.js file(where i have integrated redux-saga with react-redux-firebase)
const sagaMiddleware = createSagaMiddleware();
const middleware = [ sagaMiddleware ];
const firebaseConfig = {
apiKey: '******',
authDomain: '****',
databaseURL: '****',
projectId: '****',
storageBucket: '****',
messagingSenderId: '****',
const reduxFirebaseConfig = {
userProfile: 'users',
enableLogging: true,
enableRedirectHandling: false,
// Add redux Firebase to compose
const createStoreWithFirebase = compose(
reactReduxFirebase(fbConfig, reduxFirebaseConfig),
// Add Firebase to reducers
const rootReducer = combineReducers({
firebase: firebaseStateReducer,
// Create store with reducers and initial state
const initialState = {}
export default createStoreWithFirebase(rootReducer, initialState);
// when calling saga, pass getFirebase
sagaMiddleware.run(Sagas, getFirebase)
code is totally working fine if JS DEBUGGER IS ON iOS simulator while app is running.
NOTE: code is totally working fine if JS DEBUGGER IS ON iOS simulator while app is running.
In general debugging mode differs from normal execution by timings - e.g. in debug mode some asynchronous action is performed while you are watching values on breakpoint, and also execution in debug mode is much slower due interception ES262-engine actions. You can try to debug more verbosely by using console.log instructions.
Also, supplied source code
const createStoreWithFirebase = compose(
reactReduxFirebase(fbConfig, reduxFirebaseConfig),
does not include mandatory saga initial invoke operation, like sagaMiddleware.run(rootSaga), what's why maybe nothing is executed.
In original documentation it's present: https://github.com/prescottprue/react-redux-firebase/blob/master/docs/recipes/redux-saga.md
My Code:
export const useMenuStore = defineStore("menuStore", {
state: () => ({
menus: [],
actions: {
async nuxtServerInit() {
const { body } = await fetch("https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts/1").then((response) => response.json());
this.menus = body;
NuxtServerInit is not working on initial page render on nuxt js vuex module mode.Anyone know this error please help me.
NuxtServerInit is not implemented in Pinia, but exists a workaround.
Using Pinia alongside Vuex
// nuxt.config.js
export default {
buildModules: [
['#pinia/nuxt', { disableVuex: false }],
// ... other options
then Include an index.js file inside /stores with a nuxtServerInit action which will be called from the server-side on the initial load.
// store/index.js
import { useSessionStore } from '~/stores/session'
export const actions = {
async nuxtServerInit ({ dispatch }, { req, redirect, $pinia }) {
if (!req.url.includes('/auth/')) {
const store = useSessionStore($pinia)
try {
await store.me() // load user information from the server-side before rendering on client-side
} catch (e) {
redirect('/auth/login') // redirects to login if user is not logged in
In Nuxt2, the Nuxt will run the code in nuxtServerInit() of store/index.js on the server-side to boot the app.
However, in Nuxt3, there is no specific place to write the boot code, you can write the boot code anywhere instead of in nuxtServerInit() of store/index.js.
It might be helpful, especially when you need to send a request before boosting the app.
your pinia file may define like following:
import { defineStore } from 'pinia';
export const useMenuStore = defineStore('menuStore', {
state: () => ({
_menus: [],
getters: {
menus() {
return this._menus;
actions: {
async boot() {
const { data } = await useFetch('https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts/1');
this._menus = data;
Then, create a plugin which named as *.server.[ts|js], for example init.server.js
(.sever.js tail will let the file only run in server side)
import { defineNuxtPlugin } from '#app';
import { useMenuStore } from '~/store/menu.js';
export default defineNuxtPlugin(async (nuxtApp) => {
const menu = useMenuStore(nuxtApp.$pinia);
await menu.boot();
modules: [
There is an entire example of SSR Nuxt3 with authorization that may help
I am trying to determine if my button is disabled but the disabled property keeps returning undefined. I have checked and followed the instruction in https://logaretm.github.io/vee-validate/advanced/testing.html#testing-validationobserver-debounced-state but it does not work accordingly. I think it is the way I implemented the Jest mock timers. Below is my code
import { mount, createLocalVue } from "#vue/test-utils";
import { ValidationObserver, ValidationProvider } from "vee-validate";
import { BootstrapVue } from "bootstrap-vue";
import Login from "#/pages/login.vue";
const localVue = createLocalVue();
localVue.component("ValidationObserver", ValidationObserver);
localVue.component("ValidationProvider", ValidationProvider);
describe("Login", () => {
test("if username is not entered", () => {
const wrapper = mount(Login, { localVue });
const username = wrapper.find("#username");
const password = wrapper.find("#password");
const login = wrapper.find("#login");
username.element.value = "test";
password.element.value = "test";
Basically, the behaviour of my login form is.. The login button is disabled until the user enters a value on the username and password inputs.
I am also using NuxtJS for this
You would still need to wait for pending promises as well as using flush-promises. The docs suggest doing both as a part of a custom flush method.
async function flush() {
await flushPromises();
I am trying to use bugsnagClient and its notify method in plugins/axios.js I have this code in plugins/bugsnag.js
import Vue from "vue"
import bugsnag from "#bugsnag/js"
import bugsnagVue from "#bugsnag/plugin-vue"
// const bugsnagClient = bugsnag(`${process.env.BUGSNAG_API_KEY}`)
var bugsnagClient = bugsnag({
apiKey: "",
notifyReleaseStages: ["production"]
bugsnagClient.use(bugsnagVue, Vue)
I want to attach a method to app or context as
export default ({ app }, inject) => {
function bugsnagNotify(error) {
return bugsnagClient.notify(new Error(error))
// Set the function directly on the context.app object
app.bugsnagNotify = bugsnagNotify
And I want to use it in plugins/axios.js
export default function({ store, app }) {
if (store.getters.token) {
app.$axios.setToken(store.getters.token, "Bearer")
} else {
//app.$bugsnag.notify(new Error("Bearer tooken is missing in Axios request."))
In this file, when I do console.log for just app
I can see bugsnagNotify: ƒ bugsnagNotify(error)
but when I call app.bugsnagNotify("error") I only get error such as VM73165:37 TypeError: app.bugsnagNotify is not a function
I have also tried this in plugins/bugsnag.js
export default (ctx, inject) => {
inject('bugsnag', bugsnagClient)
I only get an error as
app.$bugsnag.notify(new Error("Bearer tooken is missing in Axios request."))
If you are injecting into context inside one plugin and want to use that function inside another, you need to make sure that the plugin in which you are injecting comes first inside nuxt.config.js
plugins: [
Given the example official Nuxt end-to-end test example using Ava:
import test from 'ava'
import { Nuxt, Builder } from 'nuxt'
import { resolve } from 'path'
// We keep a reference to Nuxt so we can close
// the server at the end of the test
let nuxt = null
// Init Nuxt.js and start listening on localhost:4000
test.before('Init Nuxt.js', async t => {
const rootDir = resolve(__dirname, '..')
let config = {}
try { config = require(resolve(rootDir, 'nuxt.config.js')) } catch (e) {}
config.rootDir = rootDir // project folder
config.dev = false // production build
config.mode = 'universal' // Isomorphic application
nuxt = new Nuxt(config)
await new Builder(nuxt).build()
nuxt.listen(4000, 'localhost')
// Example of testing only generated html
test('Route / exits and render HTML', async t => {
let context = {}
const { html } = await nuxt.renderRoute('/', context)
t.true(html.includes('<h1 class="red">Hello world!</h1>'))
// Close the Nuxt server
test.after('Closing server', t => {
How can you use Nuxt or Builder to configure/access the applications Vuex store? The example Vuex store would look like:
import Vuex from "vuex";
const createStore = () => {
return new Vuex.Store({
state: () => ({
todo: null
mutations: {
receiveTodo(state, todo) {
state.todo = todo;
actions: {
async nuxtServerInit({ commit }, { app }) {
const todo = await app.$axios.$get(
commit("receiveTodo", todo);
export default createStore;
Currently trying to run the provided Ava test, leads to an error attempting to access #nuxtjs/axios method $get:
TypeError {
message: 'Cannot read property \'$get\' of undefined',
I'd be able to mock $get and even $axios available on app in Vuex store method nuxtServerInit, I just need to understand how to access app in the test configuration.
Thank you for any help you can provide.
Just encountered this and after digging so many tutorial, I pieced together a solution.
You have essentially import your vuex store into Nuxt when using it programmatically. This is done by:
Importing Nuxt's config file
Adding to the config to turn off everything else but enable store
Load the Nuxt instance and continue your tests
Here's a working code (assuming your ava and dependencies are set up)
// For more info on why this works, check this aweomse guide by this post in getting this working
// https://medium.com/#brandonaaskov/how-to-test-nuxt-stores-with-jest-9a5d55d54b28
import test from 'ava'
import jsdom from 'jsdom'
import { Nuxt, Builder } from 'nuxt'
import nuxtConfig from '../nuxt.config' // your nuxt.config
// these boolean switches turn off the build for all but the store
const resetConfig = {
loading: false,
loadingIndicator: false,
fetch: {
client: false,
server: false
features: {
store: true,
layouts: false,
meta: false,
middleware: false,
transitions: false,
deprecations: false,
validate: false,
asyncData: false,
fetch: false,
clientOnline: false,
clientPrefetch: false,
clientUseUrl: false,
componentAliases: false,
componentClientOnly: false
build: {
indicator: false,
terser: false
// We keep a reference to Nuxt so we can close
// the server at the end of the test
let nuxt = null
// Init Nuxt.js and start listening on localhost:5000 BEFORE running your tests. We are combining our config file with our resetConfig using Object.assign into an empty object {}
test.before('Init Nuxt.js', async (t) => {
const config = Object.assign({}, nuxtConfig, resetConfig, {
srcDir: nuxtConfig.srcDir, // don't worry if its not in your nuxt.config file. it has a default
ignore: ['**/components/**/*', '**/layouts/**/*', '**/pages/**/*']
nuxt = new Nuxt(config)
await new Builder(nuxt).build()
nuxt.listen(5000, 'localhost')
// Then run our tests using the nuxt we defined initially
test.serial('Route / exists and renders correct HTML', async (t) => {
t.timeout(600000) // Sometimes nuxt's response is slow. We increase the timeont to give it time to render
const context = {}
const { html } = await nuxt.renderRoute('/', context)
// t.true(true)
test.serial('Route / exits and renders title', async (t) => {
const { html } = await nuxt.renderRoute('/', {})
const { JSDOM } = jsdom // this was the only way i could get JSDOM to work. normal import threw a functione error
const { document } = (new JSDOM(html)).window
t.true(document.title !== null && document.title !== undefined) // simple test to check if site has a title
Doing this should work. HOWEVER, You may still get some errors
✖ Timed out while running tests. If you get this you're mostly out of luck. I thought the problem was with Ava given that it didn't give a descriptive error (and removing any Nuxt method seemed to fix it), but so far even with the above snippet sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.
My best guess at this time is that there is a delay on Nuxt's side using either renderRouter or renderAndGetWindow that ava doesn't wait for, but on trying any of these methods ava almost immediately "times out" despite the t.timeout being explicitly set for each test. So far my research has lead me to checking the timeout for renderAndGetWindow (if it exists, but the docs doesn't indicate such).
That's all i've got.
This is a react-native application and I am currently writing some end-to-end testing.
A token is stored in the redux store shown below and I am testing the login functionality using detox/jest. I need to detect if the token exists in the store in my login.spec.js . If the token exists I want to wipe it from the store so the user is not logged in automatically when i reload the app to take the user back to another scene. The main function in question is the refreshUserToken() and line:-
const { refresh_token } = yield select(token);
Here is the redux saga file User.js located at:-MyApp/App/Sagas/User.js
import { call, put, takeEvery, select } from "redux-saga/effects";
import Config from "MyApp/App/Config";
import API from "MyApp/App/Services/API";
import { when } from "MyApp/App/Helpers/Predicate";
import Credentials from "MyApp/App/Helpers/Credentials";
import ActionCreator from "MyApp/App/Actions";
const appendPayload = payload => {
return {
// Removed because no longer needed unless for testing purposes.
// username: Config.TEST_USERNAME,
// password: Config.TEST_PASSWORD,
client_id: Config.CLIENT_ID,
client_secret: Config.CLIENT_SECRET,
const token = state => state.token;
const user = state => state.user;
const attemptUserLogin = function*(action) {
const { payload } = action;
const login = "/oauth/token";
const grant_type = "password";
const loginPayload = appendPayload(payload);
action.payload = {
yield attemptUserAuthorisation(login, action);
const attemptUserRegister = function*(action) {
const register = "/api/signup";
const { payload } = action;
yield Credentials.save(payload);
yield put(ActionCreator.saveUserCredentials(payload));
yield attemptUserAuthorisation(register, action);
const refreshUserToken = function*(action) {
const login = "/oauth/token";
const grant_type = "refresh_token";
const { refresh_token } = yield select(token);
action.payload = {
yield attemptUserAuthorisation(login, action);
const watchExampleSaga = function*() {
yield takeEvery(ActionCreator.AUTO_USER_LOGIN, autoUserLogin);
yield takeEvery(ActionCreator.USER_LOGIN, attemptUserLogin);
yield takeEvery(ActionCreator.USER_REGISTER, attemptUserRegister);
yield takeEvery(ActionCreator.USER_REFRESH_TOKEN, refreshUserToken);
export default watchExampleSaga;
Here is my detox/jest spec file located at:-MyApp/App/e2e/login.spec.js
describe('Login Actions', () => {
it('Should be able to enter an email address', async () => {
await element(by.id('landing-login-btn')).tap()
const email = 'banker#dovu.io'
await element(by.id('login-email')).tap()
await element(by.id('login-email')).replaceText(email)
it('Should be able to enter a password', async () => {
const password = 'secret'
await element(by.id('login-password')).tap()
await element(by.id('login-password')).replaceText(password)
it('Should be able to click the continue button and login', async () => {
await element(by.id('login-continue-btn')).tap()
await waitFor(element(by.id('dashboard-logo'))).toBeVisible().withTimeout(500)
// If token exists destroy it and relaunch app. This is where I need to grab the token from the redux saga!
await device.launchApp({newInstance: true});
This is how I handled a similar scenario:
in package.json scripts:
"start:detox": "RN_SRC_EXT=e2e.tsx,e2e.ts node node_modules/react-native/local-cli/cli.js start",
In my detox config:
"build": "ENVFILE=.env.dev;RN_SRC_EXT=e2e.tsx,e2e,ts npx react-native run-ios --simulator='iPhone 7'",
That lets me write MyFile.e2e.tsx which replaces MyFile.tsx whilst detox is running
In the test version of that component I have buttons which are tapped in the tests and the buttons dispatch redux actions
Looks like this actually cant be done unless someone can give me a solution other than mocking the state which still wouldn't work in this case my app checks for real states to auto login.
I did get to the stage of creating a new action getUserToken and exporting that into my jest file. However the action returns undefined because the jest file requires a dispatch method like in containers.js. If anyone could provide me with a method of this using jest I would be very happy.