Cannot remove records using MS Access frontend - sql

I'm stuck on a problem with removing a record through MS Access frontend. On the dialog form I've put the button and in the onclick event I've created a sub with VBA command RunCommand acCmdDeleteRecord.
Execution seems to proceed, I receive warning about removing single record from database, and after I hit OK and refresh nothing happens. In fact removed record is still there.
Moreover, I've tried to remove it from the MS Access query (on which the form is based) and still no luck - again the confirmation window appears, and after clicking OK button and refresh the record persists in table.
I've successfully removed record directly from rdbms (Postgresql 9,4 ODBC connected to MS Access frontend by connection string and linking tables). No additional info in Postgresql logs. Seems like everything should work, but it doesn't. And no any error messages. Could you please give me any suggestions on this?
Here is the SQL query:
SELECT inventory.inventory_id, inventory.serial_number, inventory.registry_number,
inventory.year_of_manufacture, inventory.description,
inventory.assortment_id_assortment, inventory.personnel_id_personnel,
inventory.classification_id_classification, inventory.case_series,
inventory.case_id, inventory.comments, inventory.mac_address,
assortment.assortment_id, assortment.vendor, assortment.model,
assortment.type_id_dict_assortment_types, assortment.jim,
dict_assortment_types.type_id, dict_assortment_types.type_name,
personnel.personnel_id, personnel.first_name, personnel.last_name,
personnel.operational_id, personnel.seal_number,
personnel.military_grade, dict_classifications.classification_id,
dict_classifications.classification_name, carrying_cases.description,
carrying_cases.location, inventory_comments.comment_id,
inventory_comments.comment, inventory_comments.inventory_id_inventory,
inventory.sdip_27, inventory.seal_number, inventory.seal_number,
FROM inventory_comments RIGHT JOIN (carrying_cases
RIGHT JOIN ((((inventory INNER JOIN assortment
ON inventory.assortment_id_assortment = assortment.assortment_id)
LEFT JOIN dict_assortment_types
ON assortment.type_id_dict_assortment_types = dict_assortment_types.type_id)
LEFT JOIN personnel ON inventory.personnel_id_personnel = personnel.personnel_id)
LEFT JOIN dict_classifications ON inventory.classification_id_classification
= dict_classifications.classification_id)
ON (carrying_cases.case_id = inventory.case_id)
AND (carrying_cases.case_series = inventory.case_series))
ON inventory_comments.inventory_id_inventory = inventory.inventory_id
ORDER BY inventory.inventory_id;
Thank You

Just to close this question.
I found it most reliable to use delete queries with DoCmd.RunSql "DELETE * FROM table WHERE condition". This approach gives more controll over what happens and clear code (unless you hate SQL).
Thank you for all suggestions


Filter parent data source with a field which is in another table in D365

Some times we need to filter a form grid based on the status of the transaction reference Id. Assume that we want to show purchase orders with confirm document state in arrival overview form. The document state field is located in the purch table. For this aim, I try to outer join WMSArrivalOverviewTmp to purch table and add Range. However the results is not as I expect.
This is the code I have tried in the initialized data source event:
[FormDataSourceEventHandler(formDataSourceStr(WMSArrivalOverview, WMSArrivalOverviewTmp), FormDataSourceEventType::Initialized)]
public static void WMSArrivalOverviewTmp_OnInitialized(FormDataSource sender, FormDataSourceEventArgs e)
QueryBuildDataSource qbds = sender.queryBuildDataSource();
QueryBuildDataSource qbdsPO;
qbdsPO = qbds.addDataSource(tableNum(PurchTable));
qbdsPO.clearRange(fieldNum(PurchTable, DocumentState));
qbdsPO.addLink(fieldNum(WMSArrivalOverviewTmp, InventTransRefId ),fieldNum(PurchTable, PurchId),;
qbdsPO.addRange(fieldNum(PurchTable, DocumentState)).value(SysQuery::value(VersioningDocumentState::Confirmed));
This is the query which has been shown :
SELECT FIRSTFAST * FROM WMSArrivalOverviewTmp(WMSArrivalOverviewTmp)
OUTER JOIN FROM PurchTable(PurchTable_1) ON
WMSArrivalOverviewTmp.InventTransRefId = PurchTable.PurchId AND
((DocumentState = 40))
Also, I have changed the event type to query executing but I get errors:
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server][SQL Server]Error converting
data type nvarchar to bigint.
Cannot select a record in Purchase orders (PurchTable). The SQL
database has issued an error.
P.S. I have noticed that the error comes when I click on the update button after I fill one of the field in the filter section(arrival option). For example when I fill account number or warehouse. And also I have noticed that when I click on the update button while the fields are not filled in the filter section the join operation has not applied correctly, i.e., the purchase orders which have draft status are shown.
Your actual query looks correct to me. I would add that you may want to add the link between the WMSArrivalOverviewTmp.InventTransType == InventTransType::Purch (or set qbds.relations(true) so that you use the table's built in relation), but I doubt that is the root of your problem. Of course it wouldn't hurt to make sure your query works in the manner that you expect it to by converting the results of the info() call you have into SQL code and run it in SSMS to double check the result set.
Also, I'm curious why would you put the event on the datasource you are trying to manipulate? I would recommend investigating to see if it can occur on the OnModified event of the "status of the transaction reference Id". Although perhaps I am misunderstanding - if this situation is more of a "we need to happen all the time when the form loads" than a "some times we need" as you start your question off - the place to change the query is to modify it in a handler of the datasource's OnQueryExecuting event.
There are two ways of modifying the query on an event when an event occurs.
FormRun formRun = sender.formRun() as FormRun;
FormDataSource formDataSource = formRun.dataSource(formDataSourceStr(WMSArrivalOverview, WMSArrivalOverviewTmp));
//First way - get the base query and use executeQuery() to reload changes
Query query = formDataSource.query();
//modified query here.
//Second way - get the current queryRun query and use research() to reload changes
Query query = formDataSource.queryRun.query();
//modified query here.

Joining Two Tables with Different Data types MS ACCESS - 'type mismatch in expression' error

I'm trying to run a query on access using two live CSVs which has a common field with different data types(numbers and short text). I've discovered that you can join different data types using 'CStr'. I've added the 'CStr' to my code on the sql view. Please find the see the code below.
This gives me the output i want on access and i can now see the output when i click on 'datasheet view'. However, when i try to export the data (i'm actually trying create a export specification so that i can export a csv using macro) as a csv i'm getting a 'type mismatch in expression' error message.
Here's my code:
SELECT Sixthform_Reg_Year_Groups.Forename,
Sixthform_Reg_Year_Groups.Reg, Students.objectGUID
FROM Sixthform_Reg_Year_Groups INNER JOIN
ON CStr(Sixthform_Reg_Year_Groups.Person_id) = Students.employeeID
WHERE (((Sixthform_Reg_Year_Groups.Reg)="12E"));`
I've also tried adding 'CStr' on both sides. as below, but experiencing the same issue.
FROM Sixthform_Reg_Year_Groups INNER JOIN
ON CStr(Sixthform_Reg_Year_Groups.Person_id) = CStr (Students.employeeID)
WHERE (((Sixthform_Reg_Year_Groups.Reg) = "12E"));`
And of course, without 'CStr' i can't even view the output on 'datasheet view'. Every time when i click on datasheet view it's giving me the 'type mismatch in expression' error message.
Any help in resolving this would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Additinal info: the data types are EmpoyeeID is 'Short Text' and Person ID is 'Number'
Try the other way round:
ON Sixthform_Reg_Year_Groups.Person_id = Val(Students.employeeID)
and/or prevent Null errors:
ON CStr(Nz(Sixthform_Reg_Year_Groups.Person_id, 0)) = Nz(Students.employeeID)
OK guys, I've managed to resolve this issue, It turned out to be simple in the end. This is what i did.
Basically, I re imported the linked table. This time on the import window i clicked on 'advanced' and changed the data type to 'short text' on the 'person ID' column to match with the 'employeeID' data type. And then all problems solved. (I didn't know you could do this)
Thank you all for your replies. Going through your comments guided me to the right path.
Much appreciated.

MS Access 2010: Automatically Filters all the records depending on the user logged in

I am creating a database in Microsoft Access 2010 where when a user logged in the database, the user will only see records that is related to him or her. I've put a criteria in the record's query specifically in IssuingManager field which is [Forms]![frm_Home]![txtUser] but I always get enter parameter value when I run it. txtUser is an invisible text box in my main form so the records will have a reference on which records to filter. My main goal is to limit the user's data to their own records and hide or block them to others. I am new to access and still learning it. Any help or other ways I can filter the data or limit it to the records that is only related to the current user logged in is a big help.
This is my SQL code:
SELECT AdditionalFields.Status, tbl_NTE.CaseIDNo, tbl_NTE.EmployeeName,
tbl_PAH.DPosition, tbl_NTE.Function, tbl_NTE.IssuingManager,
tbl_NTE.ApprovingManager, tbl_NTE.ObjectOfViolation, tbl_NTE.Offense,
tbl_NTE.ClassPenalty, tbl_NTE.CorrectiveActionPenalty,
tbl_NTE.ObjectOfViolation2, tbl_NTE.Offense2, tbl_NTE.ClassPenalty2,
tbl_NTE.ObjectOfViolation3, tbl_NTE.CorrectiveActionPenalty2,
tbl_NTE.Offense3, tbl_NTE.ClassPenalty3, tbl_NTE.ObjectOfViolation4,
tbl_NTE.CorrectiveActionPenalty3, tbl_NTE.Offense4, tbl_NTE.ClassPenalty4,
tbl_NTE.CorrectiveActionPenalty4, tbl_NTE.DatesWhenActsWasWereCommited,
tbl_NTE.DatesWhenActsWasWereDiscovered, tbl_NTE.NTEDate,
tbl_NTE.NTELastDateModified, tbl_NTE.NTELastTimeModified,
tbl_NTE.NTELastUser, tbl_PAH.PAHDate, tbl_PAH.PAHLastDateModified,
tbl_PAH.PAHLastTimeModified, tbl_PAH.PAHLastUser, tbl_NCA.NCADate,
tbl_NCA.NCALastDateModified, tbl_NCA.NCALastTimeModified,
tbl_NCA.NCALastUser, tbl_NTE.EndorsedNTENoticeToHR,
tbl_NTE.EndorsementOfNTEToIS, tbl_NTE.DateReceivedNTEByTheEmployee,
tbl_NTE.SubmissionOfWEtoIS, tbl_NTE.SubmissionOfWEtoHRER,
tbl_NTE.InitialDecision, tbl_PAH.ScheduleForPAH, tbl_PAH.Recommendation,
tbl_NCA.EndorsementOfDA2ToHRForReview, tbl_NCA.EndorsementOfReviewedDA2ToIS,
AdditionalFields.ApplicableDatesofEffectivity, AdditionalFields.Remarks,
AdditionalFields.RunningTAT, AdditionalFields.TAT, tbl_NTE.EHRID,
tbl_NTE.IssuingManagerEmailAddress, tbl_NTE.WrittenExplanationDueDate,
tbl_NTE.OffenseNo5, tbl_NTE.Offense5, tbl_NTE.ObjectOfViolation5,
tbl_NTE.ClassPenalty5, tbl_NTE.CorrectiveActionPenalty5, tbl_NTE.OffenseNo6,
tbl_NTE.Offense6, tbl_NTE.ObjectOfViolation6, tbl_NTE.ClassPenalty6,
tbl_NTE.CorrectiveActionPenalty6, tbl_NTE.OffenseNo7, tbl_NTE.Offense7,
tbl_NTE.ObjectOfViolation7, tbl_NTE.ClassPenalty7,
FROM (tbl_Worker INNER JOIN ((tbl_PAH INNER JOIN tbl_NCA ON tbl_PAH.
[CaseIDNo] = tbl_NCA.[CaseIDNo]) INNER JOIN AdditionalFields ON
tbl_NCA.CaseIDNo = AdditionalFields.CaseIDNo) ON tbl_Worker.WorkerID =
tbl_NCA.NameOfIssuingManager) INNER JOIN tbl_NTE ON (tbl_NTE.CaseIDNo =
tbl_PAH.CaseIDNo) AND (tbl_Worker.WorkerName = tbl_NTE.IssuingManager)
WHERE (((tbl_NTE.IssuingManager)=[Forms]![frm_Home]![txtUser]));
I would recommend to avoid using form's field references in queries at all. If form closed, the query will request parameter, like most likely in your case.
Replace the reference by global function created in standard module. This function can store the name, for instance, in static/global variable or retrieve it from table. Main or login form can set this variable/table record once, then the form can be closed without affecting queries functionality
Add another column and put the username. So when selecting the records, there's a condition where user='username'. They look all the data base on what the username has.
your method is fine & correct; you just have some sort of cockpit implementation error
the criteria in the query should be: Forms!frm_Home.txtUser
you could have a spelling error in your form name or text box name
make the textbox visible and enter a valid entry and run the query manually
what you are getting appears to be a parameter prompt that means it cannot find the object i.e. form named frm_Home

Access 2007 CInt Query Issue

There is probably a pretty basic answer to this question, but I'm pulling my hair out trying to resolve my issue. I'm using Access 2007.
My query is shown below:
SELECT Pricing.*
FROM OrderReceipt_be
INNER JOIN Pricing ON CInt(OrderReceipt_be.[Pricing Table Option Code]) = Pricing.ID
WHERE OrderReceipt_be.[PO_Number] = PONumber();
For whatever reason, the [PO_Number] field is stored as text against my key which is a long int. This is why I'm trying to convert it to an integer.
However, when I run my query I get the error
"Compile error. in query expression CInt(OrderReceipt_be.[Pricing
Table Option Code]) = Pricing.ID".
I've done some basic research and it seems like the most common issue is that I'm missing a reference library. Howver, having gone through the entire list, I don't see any references that are tagged as "Missing" so it must be something else. I've also tried disabling and re-enabling all enabled reference libraries to see if that helps, but so far nothing.
Any thoughts?
If you can have codes of Null, try:
SELECT Pricing.*
FROM OrderReceipt_be
INNER JOIN Pricing ON Val(Nz(OrderReceipt_be.[Pricing Table Option Code])) = Pricing.ID
WHERE OrderReceipt_be.[PO_Number] = PONumber();
or try the reverse conversion:
SELECT Pricing.*
FROM OrderReceipt_be
INNER JOIN Pricing ON OrderReceipt_be.[Pricing Table Option Code] = CStr(Pricing.ID)
WHERE OrderReceipt_be.[PO_Number] = PONumber();

Syntax error in an Open-SQL statement

What's wrong with this statement?
SELECT aufk~aufnr
zmm_limit_co~vd zmm_limit_co~matkl_code
FROM aufk
JOIN zmm_limit_co ON zmm_limit_co~auart = aufk~auart
left JOIN zmm_limit_matkl
on zmm_limit_matkl~matkl = zmm_limit_matkl~matkl_code
WHERE aufk~aufnr = <lf_new_pos>-aufnr.
When I'm trying to execute program, ABAP gives me an error:
'The elements in the "SELECT LIST" list must be separated using commas.'
I suppose, that the error is somehow connected with JOINs, when I'm removing "left" from it - it's compiling just fine, but with it.
You are (probably inadvertently) mixing the old (now obsolete) and new syntax of the OpenSQL SELECT statement, triggering this rather less-than-helpful error message. Check the release-specific change notes for some details on the changes. However, in the example given, I believe that the second join condition is the problem: You're not joining the contents of zmm_limit_matkl with any of the other two tables, but with itself. That doesn't look right and might confuse the compiler.