In iOS 10, it looks OK but in iOS 11, the statusbar overlap badge label when push navigation. Can anyone help me? Thanks
Please see my image:
I'm trying to style the scene of drawer, like this image:
but I cant find any method to do that, only to style the Container: sceneContainerStyle method.
anyone can help me?
i'm using CameraRoll.getPhotos for get photos from gallery.
import {
} from 'react-native';
CameraRoll.getPhotos(fetchParams).then((data) => {
I have a problem with the orientation of the images on some android phones. I have been able to detect what happens in most SAMSUNGs.
It has an orientation depending on the way you take the picture.
portrait with home button in bottom position: 90º
landscape with home button left position: 180º
portrait with home button in top position: 270º
landscape with home button right position: 0º
Related with this issue
Base on CameraRoll Documentation the orientation value is not returned by getPhotos.
I'm try with:
transform: [{ rotateX: '0deg' }, { rotateY: '0deg' }] or rotate: '0deg'
Using react-native-media-meta for get metadata info (not works)
Use another image component instead native Image
but notting works. :(
The problem is that the images appear rotated in my application, but in the native gallery ignores the degree of rotation they have and shows them correctly with 0º.
In this case the image appear with 90º and it's showed perfectly by native gallery but bad in my app.
- Is there any way to detect the current rotation of the image?
- Can the <Image> component be forced in some way to place the orientation at 0º?
i found a library this module and its possible get the orientation of image and with that can fix this problem. But this process is very delayed and affect considerably the perfomance.
In iOS 11 the system apps all compress the navigation bar as you scroll down if you enable prefersLargeTitles:
I can't figure out how to implement this in my own apps though, the bar stays the same by default:
The only thing I can see is Hide Bars On Swipe, but that hides the whole bar rather than compressing it:
This is just an empty project created in Xcode 9 beta and with a new storyboard added.
What do I need to do to get the same behaviour as the system apps?
Don't set anything regarding Large Titles in Interface Builder / Storyboard, only in code. That worked for me.
So in the navigation bar in storyboards, Prefers Large Titles unchecked.
In your view controller:
self.navigationController?.navigationBar.prefersLargeTitles = true
It seems like this issue is happening to people for different reasons. None of the above answers helped me, but here's what DID work...
I deconstructed my app to find the cause, which was the view hierarchy in the storyboard. It appears that the UITableView view HAS to the the first view in your view controller. I had a UITableView with two UIImageViews behind it and that's what was causing the issue. Once I removed those UIImageViews everything worked correctly.
My fix: I ended up creating a UIView in code, adding my two image views to that, THEN adding that UIView to the UITableview.backgroundView.
Hope this helps someone.
If you have to target older iOS versions, you’ll also have to wrap the assignment in an availability check:
if #available(iOS 11, *) {
self.navigationController?.navigationBar.prefersLargeTitles = true
if #available(iOS 11.0, *) {
navigationController?.navigationBar.prefersLargeTitles = true
navigationController?.navigationBar.topItem?.title = "Hello"
navigationController?.navigationItem.largeTitleDisplayMode = .automatic
let attributes = [
NSAttributedStringKey.foregroundColor :,
navigationController?.navigationBar.largeTitleTextAttributes = attributes
} else {
// Fallback on earlier versions
Consider this simple ScrollView.
On iOS, clicking on the text will but the text to the top because scrollTo({ y: 250 }) scrolls even if end of scrollView is reached.
On Android, the text doesn't move.
How to get on Android the same behavior we have on iOS?
You can work around this by adding padding to the contentContainerStyle of the ScrollView. A good starting point would be to add padding equal to the height of the device's screen.
import { Dimensions } from 'react-native';
const ANDROID_SCREEN_HEIGHT_PADDING = Dimensions.get('window').height;
then, when rendering:
contentContainerStyle={{paddingBottom: ANDROID_SCREEN_HEIGHT_PADDING}}>
You could use this for necessary extra Android padding in every direction. If you are using horizontal={true}, for example, you could add padding equal to the width of the screen and add it to the paddingLeft style property to get the intended scrolling behavior on Android.
This behavior is due to the underlying implementation of ScrollView on Android in React-Native. See also:
React native Android ScrollView scrollTo not working
I am using react-native-navbar, am I doing something wrong? the statusbar color is not changing. It works on iphone but not on android. My code below
title={{title:'Notifications', tintColor:'yellow'}}
statusBar={{style: 'light-content',tintColor:'#ef5350'}}
You have to set this prop to the StatusBar component: backgroundColor='#ef5350'
As per the docs
[Android] backgroundColor?: $FlowFixMe
The background color of the status bar.