How to get a slack notification when build fails? -

When my build is successful I get a slack notification, when it fails I do not. Looking at the Drone web UI it looks like it stops once the build fails and the slack plugin is never run.
A successful build results in notify happening:
A failed build does not get to the notify stage:
The key parts of the .drone.yml are as follows:
image: propheris/ruby:2.4.0
secrets: [gems_password]
- exit 0
image: plugins/slack
channel: dev
username: drone
icon_emoji: drone
I change exit 0 or exit 1 to simulate a successful or failed build.
Drone 0.7

I've taken a look at the docs and it seems your missing the following line:
status: [ success, failure ]
The docs state:
Example configuration for success and failure messages:
image: plugins/slack
channel: dev
status: [ success, failure ]
You can also add custom messages:
Example configuration with a custom message template:
image: plugins/slack
channel: dev
template: >
{{#success build.status}}
build {{build.number}} succeeded. Good job.
build {{build.number}} failed. Fix me please.


Dotnet Sonarcloud end failed

I trying to integrate my Solution based on .net6 with SonarCloud and Github actions.The problem is that the action build failed on the sonar scanner end.I tried to change working dirs but with the same effect.The project is public HERE
The SonarScanner for MSBuild integration failed: SonarCloud was unable to collect the required information about your projects.
Possible causes:
The project has not been built - the project must be built in between the begin and end steps
An unsupported version of MSBuild has been used to build the project. Currently MSBuild 14.0.25420.1 and higher are supported.
The begin, build and end steps have not all been launched from the same folder
None of the analyzed projects have a valid ProjectGuid and you have not used a solution (.sln) SonarScanner for MSBuild 5.7.2 Using
the .NET Core version of the Scanner for MSBuild Post-processing
started. 10:38:06.016 Generation of the sonar-properties file failed.
Unable to complete the analysis. 10:38:06.024 Post-processing failed.
Exit code: 1 Error: Process completed with exit code 1.
name: build-all
# Controls when the action will run.
- main
# A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel
# This workflow contains a single job called "build"
# The type of runner that the job will run on
runs-on: windows-latest
# Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job
# Checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your job can access it
- uses: actions/checkout#v2
# Disabling shallow clone is recommended for improving relevancy of reporting
fetch-depth: 0
- uses: actions/setup-dotnet#v1
dotnet-version: ${{ env.DOTNET_VERSION }}
- uses: microsoft/setup-msbuild#v1
- uses: actions/setup-java#v2
distribution: 'adopt'
java-version: '11'
- name: Restore NuGet packages
run: |
cd App
nuget restore App.sln
- name: Begin Sonar scan
run: |
cd App
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-sonarscanner
dotnet sonarscanner begin /o:vladimirpetukhov /k:vladimirpetukhov_Musement_CLI /d:sonar.login=${{ secrets.SONAR_TOKEN }} /
- name: Build Api
run: |
cd ./App/App.API
dotnet build App.API.csproj --no-restore
# dotnet test App.API.csproj --no-build --no-restore --verbosity normal -p:CollectCoverage=true -p:CoverletOutputFormat=opencover
- name: Build Main
run: |
cd ./App/App.Main
dotnet build App.Main.csproj --no-restore
# dotnet test App.Main.csproj --no-build --no-restore --verbosity normal -p:CollectCoverage=true -p:CoverletOutputFormat=opencover
- name: End Sonar scan
run: |
cd App
dotnet sonarscanner end /d:sonar.login=${{ secrets.SONAR_TOKEN }}

AttributeError when using Github self-hosted runners to run unit test

Hello~ I am trying to use Github workflow to run the unit test for the code in my repository.
So I wrote a yaml file, its function is when I push my code to my repository, it can let me use my local environment to execute my code on Github, and the purpose of these codes is to run the unit tests.
But I can't run this workflow successfully, this error message always appears. I'm curious why I can execute unit test successfully on the local IDE, but it doesn't work when I use workflow to automatically execute it for me.
============================== warnings summary ===============================
C:\Users\COA\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pyreadline\ DeprecationWarning: Using or importing the ABCs from 'collections' instead of from '' is deprecated since Python 3.3, and in 3.9 it will stop working
return isinstance(x, collections.Callable)
-- Docs:
=========================== short test summary info ===========================
ERROR test/ - AttributeError: type object 'h5py.h5.H5...
ERROR test/ - AttributeError: type object 'h5py.h5.H5PYConfig' has...
ERROR test/ - AttributeError: type object 'h5py.h5.H5PYConfig' ha...
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Interrupted: 3 errors during collection !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
======================== 1 warning, 3 errors in 2.76s =========================
Error: Process completed with exit code 1.
My environment:
Windows 10 OS
Python 3.8.8
Tensorflow-gpu 2.7.0
pytest 6.2.3
h5py 3.6.0
# This is a basic workflow to help you get started with Actions
name: CI
# Controls when the workflow will run
# Triggers the workflow on push or pull request events but only for the master branch
branches: [ main ]
branches: [ main ]
# Allows you to run this workflow manually from the Actions tab
# A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel
# This workflow contains a single job called "build"
# The type of runner that the job will run on
runs-on: self-hosted
# Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job
# Checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your job can access it
- uses: actions/checkout#v3
# Runs a single command using the runners shell
- name: Run a one-line script
run: echo Hello, world!
# Runs a set of commands using the runners shell
- name: Run a multi-line script
run: |
echo Add other actions to build,
echo test, and deploy your project
echo train the fnn

Error: Rollup failed to resolve import "vue-router" when vite build in bitbucket

Error: Rollup failed to resolve import "vue-router" when vite build in bitbucket
image: node:16
- step:
name: install
- node
- npm i
- step:
name: build
- node
- npm run build
artifacts: # defining the artifacts to be passed to each future step
- dist/**
- step:
name: Deploy to Serve
deployment: Production
- pipe: atlassian/sftp-deploy:0.5.5
DEBUG: 'true'
error informations:
vite]: Rollup failed to resolve import "vue-router" from "src/router/index.js".
This is most likely unintended because it can break your application at runtime.
If you do want to externalize this module explicitly add it to
error during build:
Error: [vite]: Rollup failed to resolve import "vue-router" from "src/router/index.js".
This is most likely unintended because it can break your application at runtime.
If you do want to externalize this module explicitly add it to
at onRollupWarning (/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/node_modules/vite/dist/node/chunks/dep-e0fe87f8.js:43253:19)
at onwarn (/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/node_modules/vite/dist/node/chunks/dep-e0fe87f8.js:43037:13)
at Object.onwarn (/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/node_modules/rollup/dist/shared/rollup.js:23003:13)
at ModuleLoader.handleResolveId (/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/node_modules/rollup/dist/shared/rollup.js:22347:26)
at /opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/node_modules/rollup/dist/shared/rollup.js:22319:26

CircleCI deploy looks successful, but exits with code 1?

I have a circleci configuration that runs a script to deploy a storybook site. It's essentially cding into my frontend monorepo packages, running yarn install, builds the storybook and syncs it to an S3 bucket.
(redacting a few things like names of packages and files)
It starts a with job within my circle's config file:
<<: *defaults
working_directory: ~/root
- checkout
- <<: *install_aws
- attach_workspace:
at: ~/
- run:
name: Deploy Storybook
command: |
~/root/bin/ PACKAGE
The script looks like this:
echo "${CYAN}deploying storybook\n"
cd packages/${TAG}
yarn build-storybook
aws s3 sync ./artifacts/storybook s3://${TAG} --delete || slack_alert storybook-deploy-fail
slack_alert "deploy-storybook-success"
When it runs in Circle, it seemingly finishes syncing and even sends a slack alert to my channel that it successfully deploys, but however at the end of it, it shows this:
upload: artifacts/storybook/vendors~main.8c562e1c344f6a5f2073.bundle.js to s3://
Exited with code exit status 1
CircleCI received exit code 1
However I'm not entirely sure why it does this. It's successfully synced, so it should pass, right?
Things I've done:
I've tried adding a --debug flag to aws s3 sync like so:
aws s3 sync ./artifacts/storybook s3://${TAG} --delete --debug
and it returns with something like this:
2020-03-16 13:14:28,349 - ThreadPoolExecutor-0_2 - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event needs-retry.s3.PutObject: calling handler <botocore.retryhandler.RetryHandler object at 0x7fcc35212dd0>
2020-03-16 13:14:28,349 - ThreadPoolExecutor-0_2 - botocore.retryhandler - DEBUG - No retry needed.
2020-03-16 13:14:28,350 - ThreadPoolExecutor-0_2 - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event needs-retry.s3.PutObject: calling handler <bound method S3RegionRedirector.redirect_from_error of <botocore.utils.S3RegionRedirector object at 0x7fcc35212e10>>
2020-03-16 13:14:28,350 - ThreadPoolExecutor-0_2 - botocore.hooks - DEBUG - Event after-call.s3.PutObject: calling handler <function enhance_error_msg at 0x7fcc35c79320>
2020-03-16 13:14:28,350 - ThreadPoolExecutor-0_2 - s3transfer.utils - DEBUG - Releasing acquire 34/None
upload: artifacts/storybook/vendors~main.5f43fbfd82bbe3ed3177.bundle.js to s3://
2020-03-16 13:14:28,365 - Thread-1 - awscli.customizations.s3.results - DEBUG - Shutdown request received in result processing thread, shutting down result thread.
Exited with code exit status 1
CircleCI received exit code 1
This isn't my area of expertise, so I'm really lost on what to do with errors like these. Could someone please help?

Travis pr failed, push passed

The branch was previously functional, then merged to master and the builds on master failed. Master was reverted, then master was merged into this branch and some fixes were made. When attempting to merge back to master, the build failed again with the following error. The push passed, the pr failed.
* What went wrong:
Could not resolve all files for configuration ':app:debugCompileClasspath'.
> Could not find com.squareup.leakcanary:leakcanary-android:1.5.4.
The travis.yml file:
sudo: false
language: android
- build-tools-27.0.2
- android-27
- sys-img-armeabi-v7a-android-27
- oraclejdk8
- yes | sdkmanager "platforms;android-27"
- chmod +x gradlew
#First app is built then unit tests are run
- stage: build
async: true
script: ./gradlew assemble
- stage: test
async: true
script: ./gradlew -w runUnitTests
on_success: always # default: change
on_failure: always # default: always
I felt maven repo outage today and faced the same issue. Hours later, I found that the failed Travis Job is working fine now. Do check it at your side.
Also, For any given scenario when classpath dependencies are missing one should check the build.gradle file rather than the .travis.yml file.
The failure message says that the app:debugCompileClasspath task is failing when looking for the com.squareup.leakcanary:leakcanary-android:1.5.4 (jar or AAR). Gradle allows you to define the repositories at the the root level
repositories {
maven() //Gradle has definition the points to
So it will look into the following places for the class files or jar file.
Name: $ANDROID_HOME/extras/m2repository; url: file:/$ANDROID_HOME/extras/m2repository/
Name: $ANDROID_HOME/extras/google/m2repository; url: $ANDROID_HOME/extras/google/m2repository/
Name: $ANDROID_HOME/extras/android/m2repository; url: file:$ANDROID_HOME/extras/android/m2repository/
Name: BintrayJCenter; url:
If not found the dependency resolution will fail giving the error mentioned above.