change background color Angular 2 dynamicaly - angular2-template

I am trying to change background-color dynamically in the angular template. Can anyone help to do it correctly
[style]="background: {{ Save.get(sectioncode+qno)[1] }}"

Try this
<div [ngStyle]="{'background': yourColorFromComponent}"> </div>


how to perform the flexbox in bootstrap-vue

I am using the flex box in vue.js but the project cannot perform the functionality. the code is
<div class="d-flex">
<div class="p-2"><p>Resturants</p></div>
<div class="ml-auto p-2"><b-icon icon="three-dots-vertical"></b-icon></div>
and the output is the output image is
can you elaborate how to solve this task.
Can't comment, so i'll try to create an answer.
As other have suggested, it's strange that your box looks like this, without any css applied on.
What might be, is that the box is taking css from other components.
In every vue component, write the tag as follows
<style scoped>
this will apply the css only to that certain component.
Regarding your question, you could do something like this
<div class="row row-flex">
<div class="col-6">Content1</div>
<div class="col-6">Content2</div>
And then add your css.
Hope it helped

How to use background-image in inline styles in Nuxt.js

I have a .vue file where I want to use inline styles
<img src="~static/img/info/production/pic4.jpg" class="t22" />
First text
<div class="hr t24"></div>
<h2 class="t25">Second text</h2>
<ul class="services">
<li :style="{ backgroundImage: `url('~static/img/info/production/pic5.jpg')` }" class="sq">
<div class="n">Third text</div>
The image using tag <img> is displayed correctly, but background-image in tag <li> is not.
How do I specify the file path correctly?
EDIT: really did not expect to have to host this one but here it is:
Exact structure, same (ESlinted) template, working solution. Cannot help beyond this point.
I'm not sure that it is the universal solution, but this one is working on my side
<li :style="{ backgroundImage: `url(${require('#/static/japan.jpg')})` }">
The require seems to be required here, not sure why but it works. More in the docs:

How to replace css class name partially in Vue?

Let's say I have this html element
<div class="progress-bar w-90"></div>
and I want to replace 90 with an object from vue. I tried below but syntax
<div :class="progress-bar w-{{ progress.value }}"></div>
You cannot use {{ }} in attribute/props, better to use template literals as below.
<div :class="`progress-bar w-${progress.value}`"></div>
You can achieve text-binding in this way
<div :class="'progress-bar w-'+progress.value"></div>

How do I get text below Icon button with font awesome

I'm attempting to create a button with Bootstrap and Font Awesome, the catch is I want to have descriptive text below the stacked icon itself. All of the examples are left and right is anyone putting text below?
I've begun playing with it at url below, but any jump start suggestions are appreciated.
Didn't really any solution within the BS, Font awesome approach, so I went ahead and wrapped several parts with divs and did the styling that way.
<div class="ecGlobalNavStudentPanelBtnWrapper">
<div class="ecGlobalNavStudentPanelBtn"> <span class="icon-stack floatButton"> <i class="icon-check-empty icon-stack-base"></i> <i class="icon-archive"></i> </span> </div>
<div class="ecGlobalNavStudentPanelBtnTxt hidden-xs">
what happens if you try <i class="icon-book">book</i> ?

Dojo: Select element by tag name inside a div selected by ID

I am looking for an equivalent in Dojo for this jQuery selector
$(">fieldset, #d1") or ("#d1 fieldset")
<div id="d1">
thank you!
The dojo/query module seems to be what you want.