Issues setting up MXChip, VSCode, Arduino, MX3166 environment on MAC - iot-devkit

Error Presented: #include errors detected. Please update your includePath. IntelliSense features for this translation unit(/Users/x/Documents/Arduino/generated_examples/GetStarted_3/GetStarted.ino)will be provided by the Tag Parser.
For example, the following files are not found:
#include "AZ3166WiFi.h"
#include "AzureIotHub.h"
#include "DevKitMQTTClient.h"
What have I done:
Arduino is installed (and runs), Arduino is added to the path as /Applications in the UserSettings.pref. DevKit was installed, pretty much everything works, except this intellisense/libraries location problem.

Actually this is an issue coming from the Microsoft C/C++ extension.
Here is the solution to fix this issue:
Press F1 and key in 'settings' and select the Preferences: Open User Settings
then add this setting to your user settings
Press F1 and key in 'cpp' and select the C/Cpp: Edit Configurations...
this will open / create the c_cpp_properties.json file, add the path of Arduino package into the include path:
You can get more detail from C/C++ for VS Code.

Although it might seems to work better with Tag Parser, I believe it's not the solution, and actually it should default to Tag Parser.
Comments in Default Settings, C/C++ section say:
// Controls the IntelliSense provider. "Tag Parser" provides "fuzzy"
results that are not context-aware. "Default" provides context-aware
results and is in preview mode - member list, hover tooltips, and
error squiggles are currently implemented. Features not yet
implemented in the new default engine will use the tag parser engine
instead. "C_Cpp.intelliSenseEngine": "Default",
// Controls whether the IntelliSense engine will automatically
switch to the Tag Parser for translation units containing #include
errors. "C_Cpp.intelliSenseEngineFallback": "Enabled",


Xcode cannot find ProductModuleName-Swift.h

I'm attempting to import my "-Swift.h" file into one of my Objective-C .h files but xcode keeps telling me that the file doesn't exist
#import "Aesculus-Swift.h"
If I command click on the file name it will take me to the generated header file so I know it exists. Why is xcode not able to find it?
This seems like just another issue with Xcode and it's complex tool chain of static analysers and compilers.
Openradar lists radar://21362856 - Swift to Objective-C bridging is unreliable. I am sure there are more but I stopped looking after finding one for this example.
The author imarcelv notes in the description:
I asked a Swift engineer at WWDC in a lab and even he didn't know how to fix this issue.
Steps to Reproduce:
Add a ramdom Swift class to an Objective-C project
Add the #import "ModuleName-Swift.h" file that Xcode generates automatically
Try to use it or just try to compile the project
From time to time it simply doesn't work
It's probably best to file a radar on this issue as it seems that others are already calling it out.
One other thing you could try...
Historically, it was possible for Xcode to completely lose it's syntax highlighting and you could always find out what files the static analyser was giving up on by increasing log level of clang.
I'm not sure if it's still relevant but if I was in your position I'd be trying this command:
defaults write IDEIndexingClangInvocationLogLevel 3
This generates logs you can search with using for just xcode to highlight the messages. You'll want to trash the derived data of your project to force it to re-compile things.
Although not the same issue as what you're seeing, I have had this post on the syntax highlighting issue bookmarked for years for the above defaults write command to try in times like these.
I solved this recently by adding the following entry to my .xcconfig (you could add it in Xcode's Build Settings > User Header Search Paths if you prefer).
This tells the compiler to search for headers in the build output directory, which is where Xcode puts the generated header (at least in the case of this framework).
In my case this is a directory like ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyProject-LongCode/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/MyFramework.framework/Headers/MyFramework. You might find your generated header in there too.
Xcode's header and dependency management is a hot mess, and it's not surprising that it doesn't work for you.
I had trouble with this stuff & found that your -Swift file is the Product name of your Target ( not just the name of your Target ) . I found the details here helpful:
When you encounter such situation, just find your kinda "ProductName-Swift.h" file by just cmnd+click on it (even if xcode shows warning about it is not found, the #import "Aesculus-Swift.h" string is still clickable) and then in opened code editor window choose context menu and "Show in Finder" item, then explicitly add it to your project.

Import Box2D : file not found

I'm trying to import Box2D library but I have a compilation error : 'Box2D/Box2D.h' file not found.
I tried lots of things to solve this problem but without any success. I'm not using cocos2d so I don't have any templates.
I just drag and drop Box2D folder in my Xcode project (tried to check and uncheck the 'copy to destination folder).
Tried to check 'Always Search User Path' etc ... No success.
If someone has the solution : god bless you !
Just drag and drop the Box2D.h/Bow2D.h to your project.If it is not as simple as that, I can recommend you this tutorial which explain everything you need to know to set up Box 2D in XCode.
I have just tried the project in the tut I referenced and i believe you didn't set-up your header search path. Box2D files are intended to be included like this: #include so you need to go to Build Settings then add an entry for the Debug and Release key of the Header Search Paths (under Build Settings)
you are looking as something like this: Debug Box2D_v2.1.2/Box2D

Removing a method call from inside a static lib(.a) without recompiling

I'm using a static lib thats giving me a warning when uploading my binary for review by apple.
The method in the static lib that causes the warning(non-public selectors) is never called by me, its corresponding .h is deleted from my proj, but warning still persists.
Given that I know the method name causing the problem, is there a way for me to open/edit this .a and comment/delete the offending piece of code and then use the modified .a in my project.
I don't have access to the .a source to recompile it, and its very old and the creator of it has no contact details for me to track down.
Many Thanks,
Quick and dirty solution: Open the .a file in a hex editor and change all instances of the name. Leave the function name the same length so that offsets in the file don't change, just change a letter or something like that. I did a quick test, adding a dummy function to a subproject we're building as a static library then tweaking the function name in the .a file (there were five instances, for what that's worth) and everything built okay. I don't see any reason it wouldn't pass the App Store check after that.
I'm really surprised the function was still there in the final build, though—I thought Dead Code Stripping was supposed to clean out any unused code. Huh.
I don't presume to get your bounty, because I haven't provided an easy solution. But yes, it in theory is possible. You have your work cut out for you.
There are several solutions, depending on your lib and project.
In your build settings :
Enable "dead code stripping" if possible : If the method is never used (even internally), the symbol will be deleted.
Use "Unexported symbol file" : Simply add the symbol into a file and it will be removed from the binary. This will work even if the symbol is used internally.
Enable "Deployment Postprocessing" and "Strip Linked Product" with "Strip Style" set to "All symbol"
(Not sure) Use "Symbols Hidden by Default". This is related to the code generation and should not affect linking, but just in case everything above failed...
No need to hack the binary files. Just turn off the compiler's "unused selectors" warning: -fno-unused-selectors.

Box2D compile errors

I've added Box2D to a Cocos2D project I'm working on.
I've followed several guides as to how to do this (all of which seem to differ!).
However, none seem to work.
I'm getting these types of errors:
error: Box2D/Collision/b2BroadPhase.h: No such file or directory
I assumed I'd got the Header Search Paths wrong but have tried all sorts of variants with no luck.
Any suggestions?
The easiest way to use Box2d with your project is to follow these lines:
Copy the Box2d files into a subfolder of your project.
Import these files into your project via Xcode.
After in the "Project navigator", select your target and open the “Build Settings” tab.
Set the "Always Search User Paths" to YES.
Then search for the "User Header Search Path" and add this "${PROJECT_DIR}" (think to check the “recursive path“).
That's all!
You just have to be careful when you want to use Box2d. Think to change the extension of your files from .m to .mm to warn the compiler that the class must be compile as Objective-C++ instead of Objective-C.
I have found a good tutorial here (with Xcode 3.2, but the idea is here). I hope it'll help you.
Alternatively ... After a lot of trouble trying to include box2d in my project, I instead used box2d as a static library - takes a minute to setup, but it's much easier to maintain / add to multiple projects. Step by step guide here:

How can I access a user-defined Xcode build setting?

If I added a user-defined setting in my build configuration, how can I read that setting in my Objective-C code?
I have two files in my project, debug.plist and release.plist. I want my MainApp.m file to read one of these files based on which build configuration is running. I set up a user-defined setting named "filename" in both the Debug and Release configurations to point to the appropriate file. But I don't know how my MainApp.m file can read the filename variable from the current running configuration.
Here's what I did, I'm not 100% sure if this is what you're after:
Go into the build Settings panel and choose the gear icon in the bottom left: add User-Defined Setting
Create your user defined setting, for example:
MY_LANG -> en_us
Then, in the Preprocessor Macro's setting, you can reference that value:
Now you can refer to LANGCODE in all your source files, and it will be whatever you filled out in your custom build setting. I realize that there's a level of indirection here, but that is intentional in my case: my XCode project contains a bunch of different targets/configurations with their own preprocessor macro's. I don't want to have to go into all of those, just to change the language code. In fact, I define the language code on the project level. I also use MY_LANG in a couple scripts, so just a preprocessor macro wouldn't do. There may be a smarter way, but this works for me.
You can access your user-defined build setting at run-time (as suggested in a comment by #JWWalker)
Add an entry to your Info.plist file, and set it to your User-defined Build Setting
MySetting -> ${MYSETTING}
Read its value from code
[[NSBundle mainBundle] objectForInfoDictionaryKey:#"MySetting"];
[Edit] Swift
guard let mySetting =
Bundle.main.object(forInfoDictionaryKey: "MySetting") as? String
else { print("MySetting not found") }
Swift 4
Lets say "filename" is the String you need in your app.
Add filename=YOUR_STRING to user-defined setting(for debug and release).
And add filename = $(filename) to info.plist.
Then in Swift code:
if let filename = Bundle.main.infoDictionary?["filename"] as? String {
// do stuff with filename
else {
// filename wasn't able to be casted to String
Your code can't read arbitrary build settings. You need to use preprocessor macros.
EDIT: For example, in the target settings for the Debug configuration, you could add DEBUGGING=1 in the Preprocessor Macros build setting, and not define DEBUGGING in the Release configuration. Then in your source code you could do things like:
use this file
use the other one
I tried zmippie suggestion but it didn't work for me.
I got it working with this:
In case anyone else is still stuck looking for how to do preprocessor macros, look for the Apple LLVM - Preprocessing section in Build Settings. Under it, you will see a section called Preprocessor Macros.
This is where by default, Xcode inserts the DEBUG=1 macro for the debug build configuration.
You can add your own here, and give them different values for debug, release and any custom build configs you may have.
To add one, double-click on the current value list for the config you want, and it'll display a nice little editor with one macro on each line. Just add your own macro name, and give it a value the same way the DEBUG one is done.
These can be checked during the preprocessor build phase using #if, #ifdef etc. to provide conditional code or values.
Hope that helps.