while loop end everything after it's complete - while-loop

So I'm trying to make a lottery program where you pick a animal, letter, and number, those are put into a array and compared to another that has the parts chosen by random.
Testing with what I call the animal round.
I have a while loop for invalid entries, that it will not move on till one of the four animals is accepted. But when it does that, the variable invalid goes to false and the coding after it doesn't get used at all. I had this problem last night, and when I finally gave up and went to bed, I decided I'll write it out on flowgorithm (If you haven't heard it makes a flow chart and you can go through programming with it step by step).
I made it, and it worked like expected, I copy and paste it over, and I get the exact same problem as last night.
Here is the code.
#import library
import random
#get variables
game = True
invalid = True
animalarray = [""]
lotteryarray = [""]
#game loop
#animal round
print("Pick a animal: ")
print(" ")
lotteryarray[0] = input()
#while loop for invalid entry
while invalid == True:
if lotteryarray[0] == "tiger" or lotteryarray[0] == "cow" or lotteryarray[0] == "turtle" or lotteryarray[0] == "bird":
invalid == False
print("Invalid entry!")
lotteryarray[0] = input()
print(" ")
print("You chose " + lotteryarray[0])
game == False
And this is all I get in the shell:
Pick a animal:
the tiger there is what I put in, it isn't being printed.
And here is the flowgorithm, like I said, in flowgorithm this works.
flowgorithm of lottery game

I figured it out.
I printed what invalid was after it was meant to change to False and it didn't change, I changed the two equal signs to one and it worked and changed the value.


Still not understanding settingwithcopy warning

I want to isolate a string but I keep getting a setting with copy error. I read the other threads on settingwithcopy warnings but I don't understand why those solutions don't work here.
I've tried using:
df['Title'][i] = delBy[i]
df.Title[i] = delBy[i]
df[df.Title][i] = delBy[i]
df.loc[df.Title][i] = delBy[i]
df.loc[i]['Title'] = delBy[i]
Actual code:
delBy = df['Title'].str.extract(r'(.+?)(?= [bB]y)', expand = False)
for i in df.index:
if pd.notna(delBy[i]) == True:
df['Title'][i] = delBy[i]
If title has keywords by or By (ex: Animal by John) keep only title (Animal). Leave other titles alone (ex: Meditations)
It looks that you want to delete "by ..." part, where it can be done.
Then start from:
delBy = df.Title.str.extract(r'(.+?)(?= [bB]y)', expand = False).dropna()
(note that I added .dropna()).
Then, instead of your loop, just update this column (in place):
A shorter solution, isn't it?

Lingo Code "[cc]" is coming up as a fault

The game is a word search game in an advanced lingo book and the lingo code is using [cc] which is coming up as a code fault. What is wrong or is this use of [cc] obsolete? And if so, how can it be corrected?
on getPropertyDescriptionList me
list = [:]
-- the text member with the words in it
addProp list, #pWordSource,[cc]
[#comment: "Word Source",[cc]
#format: #text,[cc]
#default: VOID]
addProp list, #pEndGameFrame,[cc]
[#comment: "End Game Frame",[cc]
#format: #marker,[cc]
#default: #next]
return list
I guess this is code from here, right?
That seems like an older version of Lingo syntax. [cc], apparently, stands for "continuation character". It basically makes the compiler ignore the linebreak right after it, so that it sees everything from [#comment: to #default: VOID] as one long line, which is the syntactically correct way to write it.
If I remember correctly, once upon a time, the guys who made Lingo made one more crazy decision and made the continuation character look like this: ¬ Of course, this didn't print in lots of places, so some texts like your book used things like [cc] in its place.
In modern versions of Lingo, the continuation character is \, just like in C.
I programmed in early director but have gone on to other languages in the many years since. I understand this code. The function attempts to generate a dictionary of dictionaries. in quasi-JSON:
'pWordSource': { ... } ,
'pEndGameFrame': { ... }
It is creating a string hash, then storing a "pWordSource" as a new key pointing to a 3 item hash of it's own. The system then repeats the process with a new key "pEndGameFrame", providing yet another 3 item hash. So just to expand the ellipses ... from the above code example:
'pWordSource': { 'comment': 'Word Source', 'format': 'text', 'default': null } ,
'pEndGameFrame': { 'End Game Frame': 'Word Source', 'format': 'marker', 'default': 'next' }
So I hope that explains the hash characters. It's lingo's way of saying "this is not just a string, it's a special director-specific system we're calling a symbol. It can be described in more conventional programming terms as a constant. The lingo compiler will replace your #string1 with an integer, and it's always going to be the same integer associated with #string1. Because the hash keys are actually integers rather than strings, we can change the json model to look something more like this:
0: { 2: 'Word Source', 3: 'text', 4: null } ,
1: { 2:'End Game Frame', 3: 'marker', 4: 'next' }
0 -> pWordSource
1 -> pEndGameFrame
2 -> comment
3 -> format
4 -> default
So to mimic the same construction behavior in 2016 lingo, we use the newer object oriented dot syntax for calling addProp on property lists.
on getPropertyDescriptionList me
list = [:]
-- the text member with the words in it
list.addProp(#pWordSource,[ \
#comment: "Word Source", \
#format: #text, \
#default: void \
list.addProp(#pEndGameFrame,[ \
#comment: "End Game Frame", \
#format: #marker, \
#default: #next \
return list
Likewise, the same reference shows examples of how to use square brackets to "access" properties, then initialize them by setting their first value.
on getPropertyDescriptionList me
list = [:]
-- the text member with the words in it
list[#pWordSource] = [ \
#comment: "Word Source", \
#format: #text, \
#default: void \
list[#pEndGameFrame] = [ \
#comment: "End Game Frame", \
#format: #marker, \
#default: #next \
return list
And if you are still confused about what the backslashes are doing, there are other ways to make the code more vertical.
on getPropertyDescriptionList me
list = [:]
-- the text member with the words in it
p = [:]
p[#comment] = "Word Source"
p[#format] = #text
p[#default] = void
list[#pWordSource] = p
p = [:] -- allocate new dict to avoid pointer bug
p[#comment] = "End Game Frame"
p[#format] = #marker
p[#default] = #next
list[#pEndGameFrame] = p
return list
The above screenshot shows it working in Director 12.0 on OS X Yosemite.

User input after print

I'm trying to make a simple lua program that converts Fahrenheit to Celsius and kelvin and I don't know how to put an input command on the same line as a print line. Here's what I mean.
I want the program to display:
Fahrenheit = "Here's the user input"
I know how to make it say
Fahrenheit =
"User input"
I'm still a novice.
This is my code so far:
print("Fahrenheit = ") f = io.read() c = (5/9)*(f-32)
print("Celsius = "..c) k = c + 273 print("Kelvin = "..k)
Look into io.write() and io.read(). For instance, you could say:
io.write("Fahrenheit = ")
The write command writes output to the screen buffer, but doesn't add a newline. Similarly, read checks the latest input, and returns it.
For reference, I suggest this link from the tutorial.

Defining Variables Prior to use in TCL

I'm brand new to TCL, and am trying to wrap my brain around all the usages of "", {}, and [] that it uses. Something I'm used to doing in other languages is defining my variables prior to use, at the beginning of the application. The below code works:
puts "Please enter an integer of choice to be added: "
flush stdout
gets stdin intAnswer
puts "Please enter a second integer of choice to be added: "
flush stdout
gets stdin intAnswerTwo
puts "Please enter a third integer of choice to be added: "
flush stdout
gets stdin intAnswerThree
puts "The total of the three integers is: [expr $intAnswer + $intAnswerTwo + $intAnswerThree]"
What I'm wanting to do is define the variables prior to use. As such:
set intAnswer 0
set intAnswerTwo 0
set intAnswerThree 0
set intTotal 0
This code, placed at the beginning, doesn't work with the rest of the code. What am I missing?
The code looks absolutely fine to me, though [expr {$intAnswer + $intAnswerTwo + $intAnswerThree}] would be better (as it stops potential reinterpretation of the variables' contents, which would be both a safety and performance issue).
However, if you really want to have integers from the user, you need to validate their input. This is most easily done by writing a procedure to do the job so you can reuse it (i.e., you refactor the code to get a value so you can use a more sophisticated version and get it right once):
proc getIntFromUser {message} {
# Loop forever (until we [exit] or [return $response])
while true {
puts $message
flush stdout
set response [gets stdin]
# Important to check for EOF...
if {[eof stdin]} {
# The validator (-strict is needed for ugly historical reasons)
if {[string is integer -strict $response]} {
return $response
# Not an integer, so moan about it
puts "\"$response\" is not an integer!"
Now you have that procedure, the rest of your code can become:
set intAnswer [getIntFromUser "Please enter an integer of choice to be added: "]
set intAnswerTwo [getIntFromUser "Please enter a second integer of choice to be added: "]
set intAnswerThree [getIntFromUser "Please enter a third integer of choice to be added: "]
puts "The total of the three integers is: [expr {$intAnswer + $intAnswerTwo + $intAnswerThree}]"
The art of writing good Tcl code (or good code in pretty much any other language) is knowing what are the good points to refactor. A good starting point is “if you do it twice or more, do it once and share”. It's doubly good if you can give the procedure a good name and clear interface, a clear indication that you've got it right. Indeed, you could also go for:
set total [expr {
[getIntFromUser "Please enter an integer of choice to be added: "] +
[getIntFromUser "Please enter a second integer of choice to be added: "] +
[getIntFromUser "Please enter a third integer of choice to be added: "]
puts "The total of the three integers is: $total"
The results observed by the user will be identical.

"Pythonic" equivalent for handling switch and multiple string compares

Alright, so my title sucked. An example works better:
input = 'check yahoo.com'
I want to parse input, using the first word as the "command", and the rest of the string as a parameter. Here's the simple version of how my non-Pythonic mind is coding it:
if len(input) > 0:
a = input.split(' ')
if a[0] == 'check':
if len(a) > 1:
elif a[0] == 'search':
if len(a) > 1:
I like Python because it makes normally complicated things into rather simple things. I'm not too experienced with it, and I am fairly sure there's a much better way to do these things... some way more pythonic. I've seen some examples of people replacing switch statements with dicts and lambda functions, while other people simply recommended if..else nests.
dispatch = {
'check': do_check,
'search': do_search,
cmd, _, arg = input.partition(' ')
if cmd in dispatch:
do_default(cmd, arg)
I am fairly sure there's a much better way to do these things... some way more pythonic.
Not really. You code is simple, clear, obvious and English-like.
I've seen some examples of people replacing switch statements with dicts and lambda functions,
Yes, you've seen them and they're not clear, obvious or English-like. They exist because some people like to wring their hands over the switch statement.
while other people simply recommended if..else nests.
Correct. They work. They're simple, clear, ...
Your code is good. Leave it alone. Move on.
This lets you avoid giving each command name twice; function names are used almost directly as command names.
class CommandFunctions:
def c_check(self, arg):
print "checking", arg
def c_search(self, arg):
print "searching for", arg
def c_compare(self, arg1, arg2):
print "comparing", arg1, "with", arg2
def execute(self, line):
words = line.split(' ')
fn = getattr(self, 'c_' + words[0], None)
if fn is None:
import sys
sys.stderr.write('error: no such command "%s"\n' % words[0])
cf = CommandFunctions()
import sys
for line in sys.stdin:
If you're looking for a one liner 'pythonic' approach to this you can use this:
def do_check(x): print 'checking for:', x
def do_search(x): print 'searching for:', x
input = 'check yahoo.com'
{'check': do_check}.get(input.split()[0], do_search)(input.split()[1])
# checking for: yahoo.com
input = 'search google.com'
{'check': do_check}.get(input.split()[0], do_search)(input.split()[1])
# searching for: google.com
input = 'foo bar.com'
{'check': do_check}.get(input.split()[0], do_search)(input.split()[1])
# searching for: bar.com
Disregard, I just realized that my answer was similar to one of the other answers - and apparently there's no delete key :)
Variation on #MizardX's answer:
from collections import defaultdict
dispatch = defaultdict(do_default, check=do_check, search=do_search)
cmd, _, arg = input.partition(' ')