How to append data to an existing partition in BigQuery table - google-bigquery

We can create a partition on BigQuery table while creating a BigQuery table.
I have some questions on the partition.
How to append data to an existing partition in the BigQuery table.
How to create a new Partition in an existing BigQuery table if there is already partition present in that BiQuery table.
How to do truncate and load data to a partition in the BigQuery table(overwrite data in a partition in the BigQuery table).

How to append data to an existing partition in the BigQuery table.
Either you do this from Web UI or with API or with any client of your choice - the approach is the same - you just set your Destination Table with respective partition decorator, like below as an example
Please note: to append your data - you need to use Append to table for Write Preference
How to create a new Partition in an existing BigQuery table if there is already partition present in that BiQuery table.
If the partition you set in decorator of destination table does not exist yet - it will be added for you
How to do truncate and load data to a partition in the BigQuery table(overwrite data in a partition in the BigQuery table).
To truncate and load to a specific partition - you should use Overwrite table for Write Preference


Is it possible to change partition metadata in HIVE?

This is an extension of a previous question I asked: How to compare two columns with different data type groups
We are exploring the idea of changing the metadata on the table as opposed to performing a CAST operation on the data in SELECT statements. Changing the metadata in the MySQL metastore is easy enough. But, is it possible to have that metadata change applied to partitions (they are daily)? Otherwise, we might be stuck with current and future data being of type BIGINT while the historical is STRING.
Question: Is it possible to change partition meta data in HIVE? If yes, how?
You can change partition column type using this statement:
alter table {table_name} partition column ({column_name} {column_type});
Also you can re-create table definition and change all columns types using these steps:
Make your table external, so it can be dropped without dropping the data
Drop table (only metadata will be removed).
Create EXTERNAL table using updated DDL with types changed and with the same LOCATION.
recover partitions:
MSCK [REPAIR] TABLE tablename;
The equivalent command on Amazon Elastic MapReduce (EMR)'s version of Hive is:
This will add Hive partitions metadata. See manual here: RECOVER PARTITIONS
And finally you can make you table MANAGED again if necessary:
Note: All commands above should be ran in HUE, not MySQL.
You can not change the partition column in hive infact Hive does not support alterting of partitioning columns
Refer : altering partition column type in Hive
You can think of it this way
- Hive stores the data by creating a folder in hdfs with partition column values
- Since if you trying to alter the hive partition it means you are trying to change the whole directory structure and data of hive table which is not possible
exp if you have partitioned on year this is how directory structure looks like
If you want to change the partition column you can perform below steps
Create another hive table with required changes in partition column
Create table new_table ( A int, B String.....)
Load data from previous table
Insert into new_table partition ( B ) select A,B from table Prev_table

Need to change the partition column to another column and reloading the data into new partitions

I am trying to change the already existing partition column to another column.
The current workflow I'm using:
Backup the existing data
Create a new table with new partition column
Reload the data into new partitions
My problem:
Since there is huge data in our existing partition tables, this way will be costly
Is there a way we can do Alter table and change partition column name to another?
You can not avoid 1-time cost of scanning the table as you can see from the error message generated from this CREATE OR REPLACE DML command
CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE `project.dataset.table`
SELECT * FROM `project.dataset.table`
Cannot replace a table with a different partitioning spec. Instead, DROP the table, and then recreate it. New partitioning spec is interval(type:day,field:ts) and existing spec is none
What you can do to save cost is use the WHERE command to limit the number of the partition you move from existing table to the new table
CREATE TABLE project.mydataset.newPartitionTable
description="Table with a new partition"
) AS
SELECT * from `project.dataset.table` WHERE
PARTITIONTIME >= '2019-01-23 00:00:00'
AND _PARTITIONTIME <= '2019-01-23 00:00:00'
You can consider for example not to move your Long-term storage which is data you haven't access for the last 90 days (see this link for more details)
If you want to keep your original table name you can drop/create it with the new partition field, after the copy, and use the copy option from webUI which will be free of charge

how to convert a non-partitioned table into a partitioned one

How to rename a TABLE in Big query using StandardSQL or LegacySQL.
I'm trying with StandardSQL but it is giving following error,
RENAME TABLE dataset.old_table_name TO dataset.new_table_name;
Statement not supported: RenameStatement at [1:1]
Does it mean there is no any method(SQL QUERY) Which can rename a table?
I just want to change from non-partition table to partition-table
You can achieve this in two steps process
Step 1 - Export your table to Google Cloud Storage
Step 2 - Load file from GCS back to GBQ into new table with partitioned column
Both are free of charge
Still, have in mind some limitatins of partitioned tables - like number of partitions for example - it is 4000 per table as of today -
Currently it is not possible to rename table in Bigquery as explained in this document. You will have to create another table by following the steps given by Mikhail. Notice there is still some charge from table storage, but it is minimal. See this doc for detail information.
You can use the below query, it will create a new table with distinct records from old table with partition on given column.
create or replace table `dataset.new_table` PARTITION BY DATE(date_time_column) as select distinct * from `dataset.old_table`

Will hive dynamic partitioning update all partitions?

I want to use the hive dynamic partitioning to overwrite a partitioned table "page_view":
SELECT pvs.viewTime FROM page_view_stg pvs
My question is : If the table "page_view_stg" only has the data of "date=2017-01-01", but the dest table "page_view" has a partition "date=2017-01-02". So after running this query, will the partition "date=2017-01-02" get dropped or not? If not, how should I handle this case using dynamic partitioning?
Query with dynamic partitioning will overwrite only partitions existing in the source dataset. In your case partition "date=2017-01-02" will remain unchanged if the the source table does not contain such date. If you want to drop it, the fastest method is to execute alter table drop partition statement because this is the metadata operation. You select partitions from target table which do not exist in the source and generate drop statements using shell. Or insert into new table, drop old target, then rename.

How to apply Partition on hive table which is already partitioned

How to apply Partition on hive table which is already partitioned. I am not able to fetch the partitioned data into the folder after the data is loaded.
1st rule of partitioning in hive is that the partitionioning column should be the last column in the data. since the data is already partitioned lets say we are partitioning data on gender M/F there will be two directories gender=M and gender=F be created inside each of the directories respective gender data will be available and last column again in this data will be gender.
If you want to partiton data again on partitioned table use insert into select and make sure last column you use is the partition column you want to on the partitioned data.
Did you add a partition manually with the Hdfs command ? In that case metastore will not keep track of partitions being added unless you specify " alter table add partition "...
try this
If that is not the case , then try to drop partitions and create the partitions again . Use alter table command to do this. but you will lose the data . and your partitioning column value should be mentioned as last column in case if you are doing a dynamic partition insert.