Split SparkR dataframe into list of dataframes - apache-spark-sql

I am new to sparkR and trying to split the sparkR dataframe in to list of Dataframes based on columns.
The data has a billion records of Sls_D(date), mdse_item_i(item id), co_loc_i(location id), traffic_ti_8_00, traffic_ti_9_00, traffic_ti_10_00, traffic_ti_11_00 (each has no of traffic in the specific hour).
Data Snapshot:
sls_d co_loc_i mdse_item_i traffic_ti_8_00 traffic_ti_9_00 traffic_ti_10_00 traffic_ti_11_00
1 2016-10-21 1592 4694620 1 113 156 209
2 2016-10-21 1273 4694620 1 64 152 249
3 2016-10-21 1273 15281024 1 64 152 249
4 2016-10-21 1498 4694620 2 54 124 184
5 2016-10-21 1498 15281024 2 54 124 184
Desired Output:
sls_d co_loc_i mdse_item_i traffic_ti_8_00 traffic_ti_9_00 traffic_ti_10_00 traffic_ti_11_00
2016-10-21 4 4694620 3 67 145 283
A list of Dataframes.
d.2 = split(data.2.2,list(data.2.2$mdse_item_i,data.2.2$co_loc_i,data.2.2$sls_d))
Error in x[ind[[k]]] : Expressions other than filtering predicates
are not supported in the first parameter of extract operator [ or
subset() method.
Is there any way around to do this in sparkR apart from converting the sparkDataframe to base R.
As converting the sparkdataframe to base R results in memory error and defeats the problem of parallel processing.
Any help is greatly appreciated.

Your question is somewhat unclear; if you mean to split the columns of a Spark dataframe, you should use select. Here is an example using the iris data in SparkR 2.2:
df <- as.DataFrame(iris) # Spark dataframe
# SparkDataFrame[Sepal_Length:double, Sepal_Width:double, Petal_Length:double, Petal_Width:double, Species:string]
# separate the length-related & width-related columns into 2 Spark dataframes:
df_length = select(df, 'Sepal_Length', 'Petal_Length')
df_width = select(df, 'Sepal_Width', 'Petal_Width')
head(collect(df_width)) # for demonstration purposes only
# Sepal_Width Petal_Width
# 1 3.5 0.2
# 2 3.0 0.2
# 3 3.2 0.2
# 4 3.1 0.2
# 5 3.6 0.2
# 6 3.9 0.4
Now, you can put these 2 Spark dataframes into an R list, but I'm not sure how useful this will be - any list operations that may make sense are not usable [EDIT after comment]:
my_list = c(df_length, df_width)
# Sepal_Length Petal_Length
# 1 5.1 1.4
# 2 4.9 1.4
# 3 4.7 1.3
# 4 4.6 1.5
# 5 5.0 1.4
# 6 5.4 1.7


How to convert large .csv file with "too many columns" into SQL database

I was given a large .csv file (around 6.5 Gb) with 25k rows and 20k columns. Let's call first column ID1 and then each additional column is a value for each of these ID1s in different conditions. Let's call these ID2s.
This is the first time I work with such large files. I wanted to process the .csv file in R and summarize the values, mean, standard deviation and coefficient of variation for each ID1.
My idea was to read the file directly (with datatable fread), convert it into "long" data (with dplyr) so I have three columns: ID1, ID2 and value. Then group them by ID1,ID2 and summarize. However, I do not seem to have enough memory to read the file (I assume R uses more memory than the file's size to store it).
I think it would be more efficient to first convert the file into a SQL database and then process it from there. I have tried to convert it using sqlite3 but it gives me an error message stating that the maximum number of columns to read are 4096.
I have no experience with SQL, so I was wondering what would be the best way of converting the .csv file into a database. I guess reading each column and storing them as a table or something like that would work.
I have searched for similar questions but most of them just say that having so many columns is a bad db design. I cannot generate the .csv file with a proper structure.
Any suggestions for an efficient way of processing the .csv file?
Edit: I was able to read the initial file in R, but I still find some problems:
1- I cannot write into a sqlite db because of the "too many columns" limit.
2- I cannot pivot it inside R because I get the error:
Error: cannot allocate vector of size 7.8 Gb
Eventhough my memory limit is high enough. I have 8.5 Gb of free memory and:
> memory.limit()
[1] 16222
I have used #danlooo 's code but the data is not in the format I would like it to be. Probably I was not clear enough explaining its structure.
Here is an example of how I would like the data to look like (ID1 = Sample, ID2 = name, value = value)
> test = input[1:5,1:5]
> test
Sample DRX007662 DRX007663 DRX007664 DRX014481
1: AT1G01010 12.141565 16.281420 14.482322 35.19884
2: AT1G01020 12.166693 18.054251 12.075236 37.14983
3: AT1G01030 9.396695 9.704697 8.211935 4.36051
4: AT1G01040 25.278412 24.429031 22.484845 17.51553
5: AT1G01050 64.082870 66.022141 62.268711 58.06854
> test2 = pivot_longer(test, -Sample)
> test2
# A tibble: 20 x 3
Sample name value
<chr> <chr> <dbl>
1 AT1G01010 DRX007662 12.1
2 AT1G01010 DRX007663 16.3
3 AT1G01010 DRX007664 14.5
4 AT1G01010 DRX014481 35.2
5 AT1G01020 DRX007662 12.2
6 AT1G01020 DRX007663 18.1
7 AT1G01020 DRX007664 12.1
8 AT1G01020 DRX014481 37.1
9 AT1G01030 DRX007662 9.40
10 AT1G01030 DRX007663 9.70
11 AT1G01030 DRX007664 8.21
12 AT1G01030 DRX014481 4.36
13 AT1G01040 DRX007662 25.3
14 AT1G01040 DRX007663 24.4
15 AT1G01040 DRX007664 22.5
16 AT1G01040 DRX014481 17.5
17 AT1G01050 DRX007662 64.1
18 AT1G01050 DRX007663 66.0
19 AT1G01050 DRX007664 62.3
20 AT1G01050 DRX014481 58.1
> test3 = test2 %>% group_by(Sample) %>% summarize(mean(value))
> test3
# A tibble: 5 x 2
Sample `mean(value)`
<chr> <dbl>
1 AT1G01010 19.5
2 AT1G01020 19.9
3 AT1G01030 7.92
4 AT1G01040 22.4
5 AT1G01050 62.6
How should I change the code to make it look that way?
Thanks a lot!
Pivoting in SQL is very tedious and often requires writing nested queries for each column. SQLite3 is indeed the way to go if the data can not live in the RAM. This code will read the text file in chunks, pivot the data in long format and puts it into the SQL database. Then you can access the database with dplyr verbs for summarizing. This uses another example dataset, because I have no idea which column types ID1 and ID2 have. You might want to do pivot_longer(-ID2) to have two name columns.
conn <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), "my-db.sqlite")
dbCreateTable(conn, "data", tibble(name = character(), value = character()))
file <- "https://github.com/r-lib/vroom/raw/main/inst/extdata/mtcars.csv"
chunk_size <- 10 # read this many lines of the text file at once
n_chunks <- 5
# start with offset 1 to ignore header
for(chunk_offset in seq(1, chunk_size * n_chunks, by = chunk_size)) {
# everything must be character to allow pivoting numeric and text columns
vroom(file, skip = chunk_offset, n_max = chunk_size,
col_names = FALSE, col_types = cols(.default = col_character())
) %>%
pivot_longer(everything()) %>%
dbAppendTable(conn, "data", value = .)
data <- conn %>% tbl("data")
#> # Source: table<data> [?? x 2]
#> # Database: sqlite 3.37.0 [my-db.sqlite]
#> name value
#> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 X1 Mazda RX4
#> 2 X2 21
#> 3 X3 6
#> 4 X4 160
#> 5 X5 110
#> 6 X6 3.9
#> 7 X7 2.62
#> 8 X8 16.46
#> 9 X9 0
#> 10 X10 1
#> # … with more rows
data %>%
# summarise only the 3rd column
filter(name == "X3") %>%
group_by(value) %>%
count() %>%
arrange(-n) %>%
#> # A tibble: 3 × 2
#> value n
#> <chr> <int>
#> 1 8 14
#> 2 4 11
#> 3 6 7
Created on 2022-04-15 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

How to read all tables from a SQLite database and store as datasets/variables in R?

I have a large SQLite database with many tables. I have established a connection to this database in RStudio using RSQLite and DBI packages. (I have named this database db)
At the moment I have to read in all the tables and assign them a name manually. For example:
country <- dbReadTable(db, "country")
date <- dbReadTable(db, "date")
#...and so on
You can see this can be a very time-consuming process if you were to have many tables.
So I was wondering if it is possible to create a new function or using existing functions (e.g. lapply() ?) to complete this more efficiently and essentially speed up this process?
Any suggestions are much appreciated :)
Two mindsets:
All tables/data into one named-list:
alldat <- lapply(setNames(nm = dbListTables(db)), dbReadTable, conn = db)
The benefit of this is that if the tables have similar meaning, then you can use lapply to apply the same function to each. Another benefit is that all data from one database are stored together.
See How do I make a list of data frames? for working on a list-of-frames.
If you want them as actual variables in the global (or enclosing) environment, then take the previous alldat, and
ign <- list2env(alldat, envir = .GlobalEnv)
The return value from list2env is the environment that we passed to list2env, so it's not incredibly useful in this context (though it is useful other times). The only reason I capture it into ign is to reduce the clutter on the console ... which is minor. list2env works primarily in side-effect, so the return value in this case is not critical.
You can use dbListTables() to generate a character vector of all your table names in your SQLite database and use lapply() to import them into R efficiently. I would first check you are able to import all the tables in your database into memory.
Below is an reproducible example of this:
db <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), ":memory:")
dbWriteTable(db, "mtcars", mtcars)
dbWriteTable(db, "iris", iris)
db_tbls <- dbListTables(db)
tbl_list <- lapply(db_tbls, dbReadTable, conn = db)
tbl_list <- setNames(tbl_list, db_tbls)
> lapply(tbl_list, head)
Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species
1 5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2 setosa
2 4.9 3.0 1.4 0.2 setosa
3 4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2 setosa
4 4.6 3.1 1.5 0.2 setosa
5 5.0 3.6 1.4 0.2 setosa
6 5.4 3.9 1.7 0.4 setosa
mpg cyl disp hp drat wt qsec vs am gear carb
1 21.0 6 160 110 3.90 2.620 16.46 0 1 4 4
2 21.0 6 160 110 3.90 2.875 17.02 0 1 4 4
3 22.8 4 108 93 3.85 2.320 18.61 1 1 4 1
4 21.4 6 258 110 3.08 3.215 19.44 1 0 3 1
5 18.7 8 360 175 3.15 3.440 17.02 0 0 3 2
6 18.1 6 225 105 2.76 3.460 20.22 1 0 3 1

pandas MultiIndex assign multiple columns

I have created a dataframe with a MultiIndex like below:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
column_index= [np.array(['OPEN','OPEN','CLOSE','CLOSE']),np.array(['IBM','AAPL','IBM','AAPL'])]
df = pd.DataFrame(np.transpose(np.array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9],[10,11,12]])),index=['20190101','20190102','20190103'],columns=column_index)
The result is like this:
20190101 1 4 7 10
20190102 2 5 8 11
20190103 3 6 9 12
Now I'd like to create a new set of columns by doing something like:
df['RTN'] = df.CLOSE / df.OPEN
To get:
20190101 1 4 7 10 7.0 2.5
20190102 2 5 8 11 4.0 2.2
20190103 3 6 9 12 3.0 2.0
That does not work. The nicest way I've been able to do this is like so:
rtn = df.CLOSE / df.OPEN
rtn = pd.concat([rtn],keys=['RTN'],axis=1)
df = pd.concat([df,rtn],axis=1)
Is there a way to do this as an assignment without the other steps?
One way is to rename the columns prior to the operations. Then it's a simple concat:
u = df.loc[:, ['CLOSE']].rename(columns={'CLOSE': 'RTN'}, level=0).divide(
df.loc[:, ['OPEN']].rename(columns={'OPEN': 'RTN'}, level=0))
# [] DataFrame selection keeps MultiIndex
pd.concat([df, u], axis=1)
Alternatively, you can stack + eval + unstack. It's concise, but perhaps not super performant for large datasets.
df.stack().eval('RTN = CLOSE/OPEN').unstack()
#df.stack().assign(RTN = lambda x: x.CLOSE/x.OPEN).unstack()
Without eval:
df.stack().assign(RTN = lambda x: x.CLOSE/x.OPEN).unstack()
df = df.stack()
df['RTN'] = df.CLOSE/df.OPEN
df = df.unstack()
Output in all cases:
20190101 1 4 7 10 7.0 2.5
20190102 2 5 8 11 4.0 2.2
20190103 3 6 9 12 3.0 2.0

Panda: multiindex vs groupby [duplicate]

So I learned that I can use DataFrame.groupby without having a MultiIndex to do subsampling/cross-sections.
On the other hand, when I have a MultiIndex on a DataFrame, I still need to use DataFrame.groupby to do sub-sampling/cross-sections.
So what is a MultiIndex good for apart from the quite helpful and pretty display of the hierarchies when printing?
Hierarchical indexing (also referred to as “multi-level” indexing) was introduced in the pandas 0.4 release.
This opens the door to some quite sophisticated data analysis and manipulation, especially for working with higher dimensional data. In essence, it enables you to effectively store and manipulate arbitrarily high dimension data in a 2-dimensional tabular structure (DataFrame), for example.
Imagine constructing a dataframe using MultiIndex like this:-
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
np.arrays = [['one','one','one','two','two','two'],[1,2,3,1,2,3]]
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(6,2),index=pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(list(zip(*np.arrays))),columns=['A','B'])
df # This is the dataframe we have generated
one 1 -0.732470 -0.313871
2 -0.031109 -2.068794
3 1.520652 0.471764
two 1 -0.101713 -1.204458
2 0.958008 -0.455419
3 -0.191702 -0.915983
This df is simply a data structure of two dimensions
But we can imagine it, looking at the output, as a 3 dimensional data structure.
one with 1 with data -0.732470 -0.313871.
one with 2 with data -0.031109 -2.068794.
one with 3 with data 1.520652 0.471764.
A.k.a.: "effectively store and manipulate arbitrarily high dimension data in a 2-dimensional tabular structure"
This is not just a "pretty display". It has the benefit of easy retrieval of data since we now have a hierarchal index.
For example.
In [44]: df.ix["one"]
1 -0.732470 -0.313871
2 -0.031109 -2.068794
3 1.520652 0.471764
will give us a new data frame only for the group of data belonging to "one".
And we can narrow down our data selection further by doing this:-
In [45]: df.ix["one"].ix[1]
A -0.732470
B -0.313871
Name: 1
And of course, if we want a specific value, here's an example:-
In [46]: df.ix["one"].ix[1]["A"]
Out[46]: -0.73247029752040727
So if we have even more indexes (besides the 2 indexes shown in the example above), we can essentially drill down and select the data set we are really interested in without a need for groupby.
We can even grab a cross-section (either rows or columns) from our dataframe...
By rows:-
In [47]: df.xs('one')
1 -0.732470 -0.313871
2 -0.031109 -2.068794
3 1.520652 0.471764
By columns:-
In [48]: df.xs('B', axis=1)
one 1 -0.313871
2 -2.068794
3 0.471764
two 1 -1.204458
2 -0.455419
3 -0.915983
Name: B
Great post by #Calvin Cheng, but thought I'd take a stab at this as well.
When to use a MultiIndex:
When a single column’s value isn’t enough to uniquely identify a row.
When data is logically hierarchical - meaning that it has multiple dimensions or “levels.”
Why (your core question) - at least these are the biggest benefits IMO:
Easy manipulation via stack() and unstack()
Easy math when there are multiple column levels
Syntactic sugar for slicing/filtering
Dollars Units
Date Store Category Subcategory UPC EAN
2018-07-10 Store 1 Alcohol Liqour 80480280024 154.77 7
Store 2 Alcohol Liqour 80480280024 82.08 4
Store 3 Alcohol Liqour 80480280024 259.38 9
Store 1 Alcohol Liquor 80432400630 477.68 14
674545000001 139.68 4
Store 2 Alcohol Liquor 80432400630 203.88 6
674545000001 377.13 13
Store 3 Alcohol Liquor 80432400630 239.19 7
674545000001 432.32 14
Store 1 Beer Ales 94922755711 65.17 7
702770082018 174.44 14
736920111112 50.70 5
Store 2 Beer Ales 94922755711 129.60 12
702770082018 107.40 10
736920111112 59.65 5
Store 3 Beer Ales 94922755711 154.00 14
702770082018 137.40 10
736920111112 107.88 12
Store 1 Beer Lagers 702770081011 156.24 12
Store 2 Beer Lagers 702770081011 137.06 11
Store 3 Beer Lagers 702770081011 119.52 8
1) If we want to easily compare sales across stores, we can use df.unstack('Store') to line everything up side-by-side:
Dollars Units
Store Store 1 Store 2 Store 3 Store 1 Store 2 Store 3
Date Category Subcategory UPC EAN
2018-07-10 Alcohol Liqour 80480280024 154.77 82.08 259.38 7 4 9
Liquor 80432400630 477.68 203.88 239.19 14 6 7
674545000001 139.68 377.13 432.32 4 13 14
Beer Ales 94922755711 65.17 129.60 154.00 7 12 14
702770082018 174.44 107.40 137.40 14 10 10
736920111112 50.70 59.65 107.88 5 5 12
Lagers 702770081011 156.24 137.06 119.52 12 11 8
2) We can also easily do math on multiple columns. For example, df['Dollars'] / df['Units'] will then divide each store's dollars by its units, for every store without multiple operations:
Store Store 1 Store 2 Store 3
Date Category Subcategory UPC EAN
2018-07-10 Alcohol Liqour 80480280024 22.11 20.52 28.82
Liquor 80432400630 34.12 33.98 34.17
674545000001 34.92 29.01 30.88
Beer Ales 94922755711 9.31 10.80 11.00
702770082018 12.46 10.74 13.74
736920111112 10.14 11.93 8.99
Lagers 702770081011 13.02 12.46 14.94
3) If we then want to filter to just specific rows, instead of using the
df[(df[col1] == val1) and (df[col2] == val2) and (df[col3] == val3)]
format, we can instead .xs or .query (yes these work for regular dfs, but it's not very useful). The syntax would instead be:
df.xs((val1, val2, val3), level=(col1, col2, col3))
More examples can be found in this tutorial notebook I put together.
The alternative to using a multiindex is to store your data using multiple columns of a dataframe. One would expect multiindex to provide a performance boost over naive column storage, but as of Pandas v 1.1.4, that appears not to be the case.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
inv = pd.DataFrame({
'store_id': np.random.choice(10000, size=10**7),
'product_id': np.random.choice(1000, size=10**7),
'stock': np.random.choice(100, size=10**7),
# Create a DataFrame with a multiindex
inv_multi = inv.groupby(['store_id', 'product_id'])[['stock']].agg('sum')
store_id product_id
0 2 48
4 18
5 58
7 149
8 158
... ...
9999 992 132
995 121
996 105
998 99
999 16
[6321869 rows x 1 columns]
# Create a DataFrame without a multiindex
inv_cols = inv_multi.reset_index()
store_id product_id stock
0 0 2 48
1 0 4 18
2 0 5 58
3 0 7 149
4 0 8 158
... ... ... ...
6321864 9999 992 132
6321865 9999 995 121
6321866 9999 996 105
6321867 9999 998 99
6321868 9999 999 16
[6321869 rows x 3 columns]
inv_multi.xs(key=100, level='store_id')
10 loops, best of 3: 20.2 ms per loop
inv_cols.loc[inv_cols.store_id == 100]
The slowest run took 8.79 times longer than the fastest. This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached.
100 loops, best of 3: 11.5 ms per loop
inv_multi.xs(key=100, level='product_id')
100 loops, best of 3: 9.08 ms per loop
inv_cols.loc[inv_cols.product_id == 100]
100 loops, best of 3: 12.2 ms per loop
inv_multi.xs(key=(100, 100), level=('store_id', 'product_id'))
10 loops, best of 3: 29.8 ms per loop
inv_cols.loc[(inv_cols.store_id == 100) & (inv_cols.product_id == 100)]
10 loops, best of 3: 28.8 ms per loop
The benefits from using a MultiIndex are about syntactic sugar, self-documenting data, and small conveniences from functions like unstack() as mentioned in #ZaxR's answer; Performance is not a benefit, which seems like a real missed opportunity.
Based on the comment on this
answer it seems the
experiment was flawed. Here is my attempt at a correct experiment.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from timeit import timeit
random_data = np.random.randn(16, 4)
multiindex_lists = [["A", "B", "C", "D"], [1, 2, 3, 4]]
multiindex = pd.MultiIndex.from_product(multiindex_lists)
dfm = pd.DataFrame(random_data, multiindex)
df = dfm.reset_index()
print("dfm:\n", dfm, "\n")
print("df\n", df, "\n")
dfm_selection = dfm.loc[("B", 4), 3]
print("dfm_selection:", dfm_selection, type(dfm_selection))
df_selection = df[(df["level_0"] == "B") & (df["level_1"] == 4)][3].iat[0]
print("df_selection: ", df_selection, type(df_selection), "\n")
print("dfm_selection timeit:",
timeit(lambda: dfm.loc[("B", 4), 3], number=int(1e6)))
print("df_selection timeit: ",
lambda: df[(df["level_0"] == "B") & (df["level_1"] == 4)][3].iat[0],
0 1 2 3
A 1 -1.055128 -0.845019 -2.853027 0.521738
2 0.397804 0.385045 -0.121294 -0.696215
3 -0.551836 -0.666953 -0.956578 1.929732
4 -0.154780 1.778150 0.183104 -0.013989
B 1 -0.315476 0.564419 0.492496 -1.052432
2 -0.695300 0.085265 0.701724 -0.974168
3 -0.879915 -0.206499 1.597701 1.294885
4 0.653261 0.279641 -0.800613 1.050241
C 1 1.004199 -1.377520 -0.672913 1.491793
2 -0.453452 0.367264 -0.002362 0.411193
3 2.271958 0.240864 -0.923934 -0.572957
4 0.737893 -0.523488 0.485497 -2.371977
D 1 1.133661 -0.584973 -0.713320 -0.656315
2 -1.173231 -0.490667 0.634677 1.711015
3 -0.050371 -0.175644 0.124797 0.703672
4 1.349595 0.122202 -1.498178 0.013391
level_0 level_1 0 1 2 3
0 A 1 -1.055128 -0.845019 -2.853027 0.521738
1 A 2 0.397804 0.385045 -0.121294 -0.696215
2 A 3 -0.551836 -0.666953 -0.956578 1.929732
3 A 4 -0.154780 1.778150 0.183104 -0.013989
4 B 1 -0.315476 0.564419 0.492496 -1.052432
5 B 2 -0.695300 0.085265 0.701724 -0.974168
6 B 3 -0.879915 -0.206499 1.597701 1.294885
7 B 4 0.653261 0.279641 -0.800613 1.050241
8 C 1 1.004199 -1.377520 -0.672913 1.491793
9 C 2 -0.453452 0.367264 -0.002362 0.411193
10 C 3 2.271958 0.240864 -0.923934 -0.572957
11 C 4 0.737893 -0.523488 0.485497 -2.371977
12 D 1 1.133661 -0.584973 -0.713320 -0.656315
13 D 2 -1.173231 -0.490667 0.634677 1.711015
14 D 3 -0.050371 -0.175644 0.124797 0.703672
15 D 4 1.349595 0.122202 -1.498178 0.013391
dfm_selection: 1.0502406808918188 <class 'numpy.float64'>
df_selection: 1.0502406808918188 <class 'numpy.float64'>
dfm_selection timeit: 63.92458086000079
df_selection timeit: 450.4555013199997
MultiIndex single-value retrieval is over 7 times faster than conventional
dataframe single-value retrieval.
The syntax for MultiIndex retrieval is much cleaner.

pandas dataframe transformation partial sums

I have a pandas dataframe
index A
1 3.4
2 4.5
3 5.3
4 2.1
5 4.0
6 5.3
95 3.4
96 1.2
97 8.9
98 3.4
99 2.7
100 7.6
from this I would like to create a dataframe B
1-5 sum(1-5)
6-10 sum(6-10)
96-100 sum(96-100)
Any ideas how to do this elegantly rather than brute-force?
Cheers, Mike
This will give you a series with the partial sums:
df['bin'] = df.index / 5
bin_sums = df.groupby('bin')['A'].sum()
Then, if you want to rename the index:
bin_sums.index = ['%s - %s' % (5*i, 5*(i+1)) for i in bin_sums.index]