Simple select from table takes 24 seconds in SQL Server 2014 - sql

I have a table named [cwbOrder] that currently has 1.277.469 rows. I am using SQL Server 2014 and I am doing these tests on a UAT environment, on production this query takes a little bit longer.
If I try selecting all of the rows like using:
SELECT * FROM cwbOrder
It takes 24 seconds to retrieve all of the data from the table. I have read about how it is important to index columns used in the predicates (WHERE), but I still cannot understand how does a simple select take 24 seconds.
Using this table in other more complex queries generates a lot of extra workload for the query, although I have created the JOINs on indexed columns. Additionally I have selected only 2 columns from this table then JOINED it to another table and this operation still takes a significantly long amount of time. As an example please consider the below query:
Below I have attached the index structure of both tables, to illustrate the matter:
PK_cwbOrder is the index on the id_cwbOrder column in the cwbOrder table.
Edit 1: I have added the execution plan for the query in which I join the cwbOrder table with the cwbAction table.
Is there any way, considering the information above, that I can make this query faster?

There are many reasons why such a select could be slow:
The row size or number of rows could be very large, requiring a lot of time to transport or delay.
Other operations on the table could have locks on the table.
The database server or network could be very busy.
The "table" could really be a view that is running a complicated query.
You can test different aspects. For instance:
SELECT TOP 10 <one column here>
FROM cwbOrder o
This returns a very small result set and reads just a small part of the table. This reads the entire table but returns a small result set:
FROM cwbOrder o


Count vs select query performance in PostgreSQL

We have a PosgtreSQL DB table with lots of data. I wonder what type of query is faster / has a better performance and why?
select * from table
select count (*) from table
While both queries do iterate over the entire table, the first query will perform generally much worse at an application level versus the second one. This is because the select * query will need to send the entire table across the network to the application which is executing the query. The count(*) query, on the other hand, only needs to send across a single integer count.

SQL Server Select Query Is Slow

I have approx 820,000 records in my SQL Server table and it is taking 5 seconds to select the data from the table. The table has one clustered index on a time column that could be NULL (as of now it does not contain any NULL value). Why is it taking 5 to 6 seconds to fetch only this much records?
What did you mean by 'select the data'? If you are fetching so many records in management studio (displaying all the records) most of this 6 seconds is consumed by showing you all the rows. If it is the case just insert the records to a temp table. It will be much faster.
I recomend you this:
1.Check if you are using Clustered and Non-Clustered in you columns (best way I think with a sp_help NameTable).
2.When you using comand "select" specific always all name columns (never use Select * From ..... ).
3.If you are using SSMS check in tools SQL Execution Plan , with this tool you can make simple review your TSQL (you can see cost
each query you make.
4.Dont use "convert(...." in clause WHERE , for example .. Where Convert(int,NameColum)=100.

Query is very slow when we put a where clause on the total selected data by query

I am running a query which is selecting data on the basis of joins between 6-7 tables. When I execute the query it is taking 3-4 seconds to complete. But when I put a where clause on the fetched data it's taking more than one minute to execute. My query is fetching large amounts of data so I can't write it here but the situation I faced is explained below:
Select Category,x,y,z
---Sample Query
) as a
it's only taking 3-4 seconds to execute. But
Select Category,x,y,z
---Sample Query
) as a
where category Like 'Spart%'
is taking more than 2-3 minutes to execute.
Why is it taking more time to execute when I use the where clause?
It's impossible to say exactly what the issue is without seeing the full query. It is likely that the optimiser is pushing the WHERE into the "Sample query" in a way that is not performant. Possibly could be resolved by updating statistics on the table, but an easier option would be to insert the whole query into a temporary table, and filter from there.
Select Category,x,y,z
INTO #temp
---Sample Query
) as a
SELECT * FROM #temp WHERE category Like 'Spart%'
This will force the optimiser to tackle it in the logical order of pulling your data together before applying the WHERE to the end result. You might like to consider indexing the temp table's category field also.
If you're using MS SQL by checking the management studio actual execution plan it may already suggest an index creation
In any case, you should add to the index used by the query the column "Category"
If you don't have an index on that table create it composed by column "Category" and all the other columns used in join or where
bear in mind by using like 'text%' clause you could end in index scan and not index seek

how to speed up a clustered index scan while selecting all fields on range of rows or all the rows

I have a table
Books(BookId, Name, ...... , PublishedYear)
I do have about 30 fields in my Books table, where BookId is the primary key (Identity column). I have about 2 million records for this table.
I know select * is evil performance killer..
I have a situation to select range of rows or all the rows having all the columns in it.
Select * from Books;
this query takes more than 2 seconds to scan through the data page and get all the records. On checking the execution it still uses the Clustered index scan.
Obviously 2 seconds my not be that bad, however when this table has to be joined with other tables which is executed in batch is taking time over 15 minutes (There are no duplicate records though on the final result at completion as the count is matching). The join criteria is pretty simple and yields no duplication.
Excluding this table alone has the batch execution completed in sub seconds.
Is there a way to optimize this having said that I will have to select all the columns :(
Thanks in advance.
I've just run a batch against my developer instance, one SELECT specifying all Columns and one using *. There is no evidence (nor should there) that there is any difference aside from the raw parsing of my input. If I remember correctly, that old saying really means: Do not SELECT columns you are not using, they use up resources without benefit.
When you try to improve performance in your code, always check your assumptions, they might only apply to some older version (of sql server etc) or other method.

Index Created but doesn't speed-up on retrieval process

I have created table as bellow
create table T1(num varchar2(20))
then I inserted 3 lac numbers in above table so now it looks like below
Now if I do
select * from T1
then it takes 1min 15sec to completely fetch the records and as I created index on column num and if I use below query then it should be faster to fetch 3 lac records but it takes also 1min15sec for fetch the records
select * from T1 where num between '1' and '300000'
So how the index has improved my retrieval process?
The index does not improve the retrieval process when you are trying to fetch all rows.
The index makes it possible to find a subset of rows much more quickly.
An index can help if you want to retrieve a few rows from a large table. But since you retrieve all rows and since your index contains all the columns of your table, it won't speed up the query.
Furthermore, you don't tell us what tool you use to retrieve the data. I guess you use SQL Developer or Toad. So what you measure is the time it takes SQL Developer or Toad to store 300,000 rows in memory in such a way that they can be easily displayed on screen in a scrollable table. You aren't really measuring how long it takes to retrieve them.
To get a test of the effects of having an index in place you might want to try a query such as
WHERE NUM IN ('288888', '188888', '88888')
both with with the index in place, and again after removing the index. You should also collect statistics on the table prior to running the query with the index in place or you may still get a query which performs a full table scan. Share and enjoy.