How to make ABAP understand "_" as a special character in a global variable value from BODS? - abap

I have one requirement in BODS to execute ABAP dataflows with dynamic global variables. The ABAP code is a custom one with dynamic where clause. I am trying to send the global variable value like Field-name like "%underscroe%". But instead of fetching records with only 'underscore', it is fetching all records from the table.
Do you have any solution for this issue?

Use ESCAPE clause for this. If you wanna search for underscore, set
LIKE '%#_%' ESCAPE '#'.
I am not sure, if it works with BODS though.


Multi-Value Prometheus Query Grafana

I'm using Grafana plus Prometheus queries to create dashboards in Grafana for Kubernetes. I take the name of the nodes (3 in this case) in a variable and then I pass this values to other query to extract the IPs of the machines. The values extracted are correct. I have the multi-value option enabled.
The problem comes with the query sum(rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{id="/", instance=~"$ip_test:10250"}[1m])) and more than one IP because it only takes one of them. In other query it works but I think it is possible because the other query has not the :10250 after the variable.
My question, do you know any way to concatenate all the ip:port? E.g.: X.X.X.X:pppp|X.X.X.X:pppp
Try it like this:
sum(rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{id="/", instance=~"($ip_test):10250"}[1m]))
From multiple values formating documentation, Prometheus variables are expanded as regex:
InfluxDB and Prometheus uses regex expressions, so the same variable
would be interpolated as (host1|host2|host3). Every value would also
be regex escaped if not, a value with a regex control character would
break the regex expression.
Therefore your variable ip_test = ['', '',...] is supposed to be transformed into: (127\.0\.0\.1|127\.0\.0\.2).
This means that your expression =~$ip_test:10250 should be transformed into =~"(127\.0\.0\.1|127\.0\.0\.2):10250" so you don't need the multiple expansion you are asking for.
The reason it is not working is that either the documentation is incorrect or there is a bug in Grafana (tested with version v6.7.2). From my tests, I suspect, the Prometheus expansion doesn't expand with the enclosing () and you end up with the expression =~"127\.0\.0\.1|127\.0\.0\.2:10250" - which is not what you want.
The workaround is to use the regex notation =~"${ip_test:regex}:10250".

Escaping single quotes in the PLACEHOLDER clause of a HANA SQL statement

I noticed an inconsistency in how "HANA SQL" escapes single quotes in the context of the PLACEHOLDER clause. For example, consider the following PLACEHOLDER clause snippet:
('PLACEHOLDER' = ('$$CC_PARAM$$','''foo'',''an escaped single quote \'' '''))
The PLACEHOLDER clause above contains multiple values assigned to the CC_PARAM. parameter. We can see that inside of the second argument we have a single quote that's escaped with a backslash. However, we escape the single quotes outside each argument with another single quote (i.e. we do '' instead of \''. It's possible to use the \'' format for the first case, but it's not possible to use the '' format in the second case.
Why is there this discrepancy? It makes escaping quotes in multi-input input parameters tricky. I'm looking to programmatically craft SQL queries for HANA. Am I missing something here? Is it safe to use \'' over '' in all cases? Or do I need logic that can tell where a single quote occurs and escape as appropriate?
The implicit rule here - given by how the software is implemented - is that for parameter values of calculation views, the backslash \ is used to escape the single quotation mark.
For all standard SQL string occurrences, using the single-quotation mark twice '' is the correct way to differentiate between syntax element and string literal.
As for the why:
the PLACEHOLDER syntax is not SQL, but a HANA-specific command extension. So, there is no general standard that the current implementation violates.
that given, this command extension is embedded into, respectively clamped onto the standard SQL syntax and has to be handled by the same parser.
But the parameters are not only parsed once, by the SQL parser but again by the component that instantiates the calculation scenario based on the calculation view. With a bit of squinting it's not hard to see that the parameters interface is a general key-value interface that allows for all sorts of information to be handed over to the calc. engine.
One might argue that the whole approach of providing parameters via key-value pairs is not consistent with the general SQL syntax approach and be correct. On the flip side, this approach allows for general flexibility for adding new command elements to the HANA-specific parts, without structurally changing the syntax (and with it the parser).
The clear downside of this is that both the key names, as well as the values, are string-typed. To avoid losing the required escaping for the "inner string" an escape string different from the main SQL escape string needs to be used.
And here we are with two different ways of handing over a string value to be used as a filter condition.
Funny enough, both approaches may still lead to the same query execution plan.
As a matter of fact, in many scenarios with input parameters, the string value will be internally converted into a SQL conforming form. This is the case when the input parameter is used for filtering or in expressions in the calc. view that can be converted into SQL expressions.
For example
('PLACEHOLDER' = ('$$IP_TEST$$', 'this is a test\''s test'));
shows the following execution plan on my system
(DETAIL: ([SCAN] TEST.AAA = 'this is a test's test'))
Note how the escape-\' has been removed.
All in all: when using PLACEHOLDER values, the \' escaping needs to be used and in all other cases, the '' escaping.
That should not be terribly difficult to implement for a query builder as you can consider this when dealing with the PLACEHOLDER syntax.

Can you write a sql statement without spaces between keywords

I am trying to do SQL Injection testing but I am currently testing a command line that separates parameters by spaces, so I'm trying to write a sql statement without any spaces. I've gotten it down to:
create table"aab"("id"int,"notes"varchar(100))
But I cannot figure out how to get rid of the space between CREATE and TABLE. The same would apply obviously for DROP and TABLE, etc.
Does anyone have any ideas? This is for Microsoft SQL Server 2014. Thanks!
[Update]: We are evaluating a third party product for vulnerabilities. I am not doing this to test my own code for weaknesses.
You can write comments between lines instead of spaces in many cases. So /**/ instead of spaces.
Sure it is possible to write some pretty elaborate statements without spaces.
Here is one.
You can even do things like execute sp_executesql without spaces.
This is not possible, you have to check every argument to make sure they are as intended.
If they are supposed to be numbers, make sure they are numbers, is they are supposed to be a string that may contain specific caracters (like ' or ,) you should escape them when executing the request.
There should be a dedicated mechanism in your programmation langage to take care of hat (like PreparedStatement in Java)
You can also using brackets () for every functions without spaces

Why should "ordinary string formatting" be used for table/field names in psycopg queries?

From the documentation on properly passing SQL parameters to psycopg2:
"Only variable values should be bound via this method: it shouldn’t be used to set table or field names. For these elements, ordinary string formatting should be used before running execute()."
Why is this? Why would setting a field name not have the same SQL injection problems as setting values?
Because you don't usually receive names of your tables or fields from users, you specify them in your code yourself. If you generate your request based on values got from user input, than yes, you should do some kind of escaping to avoid SQL injections.

Use of CFQUERYPARAM to specify table/column names in SQL

I need to dynamically construct a set of JOIN statements where the table and column names are passed in from another ColdFusion query. When passing the string values to into the statement, CFQUERYPARAM adds single quotes around it - that's part of the point of CFQUERYPARAM. Given that this breaks the SQL statement, is it acceptable not to use CFQUERYPARAM in this case and instead ensure that the incoming query is cleansed, or is there a way round which allows CFQUERYPARAM to be used? (I can lock down these pieces of code using circuit/fuse permissions in Fusebox.)
cfqueryparam does not add single quotes - it uses bind variables.
I am instantly suspicious of the statement "dynamically construct a set of JOIN statements" - it doesn't sound like you're necessarily doing things properly if you're dynamically joining.
However, for table/column names, once you are definitely sanitizing fully - if cfqueryparam doesn't work and you need cf variables - then yes, you can use CF variables directly.
Note: To sanitize safely, you can use rereplacenocase(table_name,'[^a-z_]','','all') to remove everything other than a-z and underscore.
You can escape the single quotes by using two of them. You can also use the preserveSingleQuotes function.