SQL Server 2016 vs Internet Explorer - internet-explorer-11

I have several reports created with multi value parameters. They are deployed to the report manager and run fine from chrome. When ran from Internet Explorer 11, when a parameter is chosen, I cannot click on the down arrows or scroll bar of the multi valued param. When I do it closed the param and would not scroll. I can use the scroll wheel but clicking does not work. This only happens in IE 11 which happens to be what 90 percent of our users use. Any ideas on a fix? This is SQL Server 2016.


SSRS 2012 report rendering on IE11

I developed reports in SSRS 2012. Users view reports using IE11 (version 11.0.9600.18537). I set the report columns visible(Column headers) while scrolling. It works fine in the reportviewer but when I deploy it to the report manager header(report column headers) does not scroll anymore. On the IE 11 I tried to change the document mode to 10 and it works fine. But upon refresh it goes away. Now fixing the browser is hard as we may have to make a policy change across the company which is no go.
Please suggest a SSRS server side fix.
Already tried the server side fix. But failed to work.
As a matter of fact I don't even have the suggested meta tag in the "reportviewer.aspx" but I tried to add it anyway with no success of working.
I expect column headers to be visible while scrolling on IE11 on SSRS 2012 report manager. Since we own SSRS 2012 report manager and I have admin access I can try to make changes in that server.
Found the fix, under "ReportManager\Pages\Report.aspx" there is the tag which I modified from content="IE=Edge" to content="IE=5"

SSRS 2016 - Tablix in subgroup fails upon deployment

SQL Server 2016, SSRS: I have an expandable group that works correctly in Report Builder or Visual Studio SSDT, but does not display when run on the server.
My charter was to create a report that didn't rely on pop-ups or new windows to display detail data. I've managed to embed that detail data below each order. A single dataset feeds the entire report. The user views a list of orders and can click an expand control on a given order to see the detail.
There are three groups in the report: District, Date and Order. Each group is expandable. At the bottom most 'Order" level several rows are displayed, including three that have tablixes embedded in them.
Problem: The order number and expand control [+] work fine in development but are not visible when running on the server.
This image shows the report in Development mode in VS 2017. Note the sections starting with 'Order Type' and 'Low Flow Test are Tablixes, each with a single header and a single row of data:
This second image shows the report in preview mode in VS 2017. It's displaying correctly with a single order expanded:
This third image shows the same report running on the server. Note the 'OrderNum' group cannot be expanded - the Order number field isn't even visible:
Both Visual Studio and Report Builder render this report as desired. When running in a browser this fails on IE, Chrome and Edge.
Either this is a bug or there's something I don't know about how this all works.
I had this issue and got it resolved. It was because of the over-flow: hidden that was put on these tablix headers. Under alignment my vertical alignment was set to 'bottom'. After setting it to 'Default' it was fixed. I guess having alignment as bottom made the browser think it was over-flow text.

"Action - Go to report" in VS2008 reportviewer not working

I have an SSRS report which drills through to sub reports via actions. The report functions correctly in the VS environment, and correct once deployed to the server and viewed through a browser.
The report however is also viewed inside our in-house app via a Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportViewer - and while it renders on screen correctly, clicking the element that would normally take me to a sub-report no longer functions.
I have had a look around and there seemed to be an issue around VS2010 SP1 where this stopped working, however I'm currently stuck with VS2008. This seems to be the majority of results I'm getting.
Anyone have any ideas?
Many thanks.
OK have found issue.
The text box in question had three place holders. A reference No, A date and an age. I wanted to trigger the sub report if someone clicked on the reference no. While this worked fine in VS and IE, it failed to work in the Microsoft Report Viewer control.
I have now set the action against the containing text box, rather than against a single placeholder/expression within that box. While this has solved the immediate issue that I have, it would not work if you wanted multiple actions from different placeholders in a single text box.
But for now, I'm all good, and all solved.

SSMS SQL SERVER Management Studio 2012 startup freeze

I have a strange situation. IT installed SSMS on my laptop and it runs well the first time, connected to my SQL servers remotely etc. But then it's frozen. I forced quit and then started SSMS again. Now it's totally frozen, no popup window at all to enter the server-connection text string. Then I did a force quit and got a pop up window (see it here ).
Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio has detected that an operation is blocking user input. This can be caused by an active modal dialog or a task that needs to block user interaction. Would you like to shut down anyway?
Has anyone seen this before? My IT department has no clue.
Often this is due to the new connection dialog being off screen (usually due to changing monitor setup e.g. 1 to 2 monitors or resolution change etc).
If so the really easy fix (if your connection dialog just needed approval without changing fields) is :
Focus on SSMS and Hit Enter/Return
..or the easy fix (if above does not work - as your last connection is not ready to go) is:
Alt Tab to SSMS
Alt + Space - context menu
M - select Move (in offscreen context menu)
Arrow Key(s) - to move it back onto screen
As per answers here from #Eirik Toft and here from #Lee Chetwynd
Fixed an issue which presented the same on my machine today by renaming a entry in my registry:
After some digging there seems to be multiple issues that can produce the same error (Application, settings, registry). This blog entry covers it pretty well:
In my case deleteing the SQL server management studio folder under AppData ( c:\users\%userName%Appdata\raoming\microsoft\ ) didn't work.
However I was successfully after deleting / renaming the regisitry entry:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server]
Worked out the underlying issue on my laptop - was using additional 2 screens with much higher resolutions which caused windows / SSMS to open up the connect to new data source dialog off all of them. If your using multiple screens try returning to just use the native laptop screen to see if you can find the dialog that SSMS is waiting on your input for.
I just had this same situation, with two additional screens connected to my laptop. SQL Server Management Studio was opened on the third screen, with the modal dialog nowhere to be seen.
Two options:
Press tab three times and enter. This cancels the dialog. Now you can move the window to another screen.
Set Windows to only use one or two screens. SSMS opens on the first and should still open there when you move back to using three screens.
When SSMS is on your primary or secondary screen, the modal dialog opens on the first and should be usable.
It was because multi screen display. Turning off multiscreen to single one resolved it. Reenabled multi screen display after ssms started working
In my case, "Run as Administrator" option worked like charm. I was accessing my server screen with the windows RDP. And when I open SQL Server Management Studio and Visual Studio 2010 user hangs at the moment and wont operate unless sign off r disconnected by administrator.
But when I set compatibility mode of both the application to the "run as Administrator", it starts working fine.
the problem also occurs if you have a touch screen. I fixed this by disabling the local thouch screen when I switch to RDP.

Visual Studio Report Viewer 2010 with Internet Explorer 9

My company has a system running in asp.net using the report viewer to display some reports. After upgrading to Internet Explorer 9, the reports are not displayed correctly when using different zoom from 100%. The problem not occurs when the compatibility mode is seted on IE.
The problem is easy to be reproduced and i upload some screenshots at https://picasaweb.google.com/102746433851783529556/ReportViewerScreenCaps#
In the test, I used the examples available in http://archive.msdn.microsoft.com/reportviewer
When viewing with zoom in "Page Width", the top of the report is cut.
When you view with the zoom in "200%", a track is added on top of the blank report. The problem occurs whith the versions 9 and 10 from rv control.
Is there a hotfix or workaround for this?
Thank you.