I am unable to test a custom Action in Kaizala app - kaizala

I was able test custom Actions developed by my team. But after the latest update, I am unable to find these custom Actions in Discover.

After recent update in Kaizala, testing of an Action has been restricted to flat groups (with less than 6 members) and group must have managed Action Palette for the user.
You can read more about the Testing of custom Action here. Currently, development of custom Actions is in preview mode. Hence to access this page, you must already be added to the GitHub project.


Application History is not getting generated in formsflow.ai

I am using Opensource formsflow.ai version v4.0.2. This is the Repo Link. I could get the Repo up and Running using docker deployment as instructed.
I had created a form and BPMN workflow for a specific use-case in formsflow.ai. The BPMN workflow is similar to the examples provided in the formsflow.ai opensource. This workflow consists of 4 statuses eg: New, Approved, Rejected, and Completed as shown Below. But when I am submitting the application from the client the application history is not getting created.
I am not sure what went wrong here, can anyone please help me with a solution. Could see the sample workflows they provided created history but not my custom Workflow.
You should use Application Audit Listener as mentioned in the document here.
This component can be used on any event of task or execution. Upon configuration, this send value from cam variables: "applicationStatus" and "formUrl" to formsflow.ai system for capturing audit.

Can we implement a custom ambari actions for upload/download purpose

Right now, we are using ambari to manager some custom serveices. we have followed the rules,like "add custom service/stacks" in ambari. we also read the info: "how to add custom actions" beside the routined life cycle actions, such as: "install, configure, start and stop"
However, our design need some special actions, for examples, Dowloading log/thread dumps from the server, or upload special key files to use in ssh/key auth. Have seached the web many days ,but find no clues.
Is it possible to do so?
It sounds like some of the functionality you are describing could be done with a custom Ambari View. For example, the hdfs/files view allows uploading files to hdfs. You should investigate Ambari Views. The Smartsense view would be good one to take a look at as an example.
It would be also possible to create a custom service which provides a UI on top of ambari. You can then build the functionality you are looking for in the custom service's UI. Those actions would be outside of the scope of ambari UI, in other words, not found in ambari drop downs, tabs, etc.
It is possible to add some custom functions into ambari service Action menus. But you may find those are simple interaction triggers, not feature ads.

In Rally, how to get initiative, feature and user story in a .CSV export?

How do I use the Rally UI or Excel "CA Agile Central" add-in to get the initiative, feature and user story? I need to know the features under each initiative. I also need the user stories under each feature. (Initiative -> Feature -> User Story). Once this data is in a .CSV I can use Excel to pivot and filter.
Also, I'd prefer not to write code and call the API since this should be an easy set of data to extract.
There are a handful of apps that already do most of this. Custom List, which is already in the app catalog should make it easy to set up lists of features under a specific initiative and stories under a specific feature (or even all stories under features under a specific initiative). You can also export directly from the app.
There is also a community app called Custom Chart that allows for some basic charting and uses the same filtering component as Custom List. You can also export from this app. It is available here: https://github.com/RallyCommunity/CustomChart and is installed using the Custom HTML app.
Does that get you closer?

IBM Worklight - Can we create a custom dialog for Direct Update?

How can we use custom dialog box for direct update in worklight 6.0?
Is there any option in wlclient.js? I don't know where it should be customized in the application.
Worklight 6.0 does not provide developers the ability to create a "custom dialog box" for Direct Update.
You can submit a feature request: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/mobile/worklight/connect.html
So Idan already answered, but I did a lot of digging prior to his answer and I thought I'd share my findings just because I spent so much time on it.
Sifting through the code, through all the checks it does to see if a Direct Update is needed, it calls an update method for the app. It utilizes a Cordova plugin called 'WebResourcesDownloader'. In turn it calls the necessary native components and that's how you get a native handler for the downloader (it is in the worklight-android.jar for Android). So, long story short, you can't customize the box itself because its rendered via the plugin/native components and you can't modify the plugin directly (not that I know of at least).
However, you can at least update all the notification messages surrounding the update in the messages.js within the wlclient folders. =)

Sitefinity, intercepting page events

Sitefinity has some documentation on how to create a page programmatically, but what I really want to do is to perform some additional logic when the "Create Page" event is fired.
From a high-level, how would one go about doing this? Is there certain interface to implement, or a class to extend?
I'm using SiteFinity 4 (4.4)
If you download SDK, you will find Utilities class which contains sample code for creating pages, templates etc.
You can create pages by using PageManager or a fluent API - everything is in the SDK.
Disclaimer: I work on the Sitefinity team at Telerik.
I'm talking from memory here, but usually you can subscribe to the Executed event of each manager in Sitefinity. It is fired on each action you perform from that manager and passes you arguments about the current command being executed. You'll have to debug and inspect what is the name of the command when creating pages, and if so do what you need.
Another alternative is to implement custom workflow and include your coded step somewhere. More info here: http://www.sitefinity.com/documentation/documentationarticles/developers-guide/sitefinity-essentials/modules/workflow-for-content-modules/custom-workflow
If you open a support ticket or write in the forums with more details, we would be glad to help.
Maybe this post "Automatically create other language versions of the page using Sitefinity API" will help...