Mattermost web-app connectivity from local(windows machine) to mattermost-server which install on AWS server - mattermost

I am trying to connect Mattermost web-app from local(windows machine) to mattermost-server which install on AWS server.
So my question is...
Is it possible?
which files are used for API call in Mattermost web app?

Can you expand on your question? Are you attempting to run the Mattermost desktop app locally and connect to a Mattermost server that is running within AWS? If so, this is very possible - just make sure that your server is exposed to the internet, and put its URL into the desktop app.


Host Nuxt.js and Express.js On Ubuntu server via putty and run it all the time

I have done a project for BE and FE (Express.js and Nuxt.js), but when it build and run it via putty on ubuntu server, this is what I get
Is that a way to make it live using Putty?
And what happens if I close Putty, will Express and Nuxt still be running on the server?
This is not a conventional way of exposing something to the Internet since it's not publicly facing the Internet (the only way right now to have access to your apps is to know the IP of the server, username + password of the SSH account).
Also, you're running the server in dev mode here, not something optimized in terms of speed.
You will need to use yarn generate (or yarn build) then yarn start on Netlify, Vercel or any platform like that for your Frontend (free service usually if using SSG).
Here is a whole list of places and how to host there for the frontend:
As for your backend, you may host it on Heroku,, Railway or any place of your choice (with a Node.js available).
Even a bare metal SSD can be good for such but it will require more setup overall.

How can I host REST API created by Hyperledger Fabric Composer Rest Server on ubuntu 18.04

I am new to Hyperledger Fabric. Just created a new application by following a tutorial available at
Now I am running the application with http://localhost:8080/ on my local machine, but I need to deploy that application with a public URL/IP.
How can I do that in Ubuntu 18.04?
I am not much familiar with Apache and Ubuntu.
But I tried a way available to host the application I created in Apache from the tutorial available at:
But I am confused in between that how can I accomplish this task.
I need to host this application with a URL or either with an IP so other users on my network can access the API and use that.

Running Parse Server over Intranet

Can I use Parse Server to provision service to my app that runs over intranet (a local server and multiple clients) using WLAN? If yes, how can this be achieved? if no why can't it.
No internet connection is supported yet for the app. It is designed to be used in-house only intranet via WLAN or LAN.
So far all I've seen are ways to host parse-server to one cloud infrastructure or the other.
You can easily host a parse server on your intranet.
Follow the guide and clone the parse server example
Follow the guide below (taken from the github example) for local development to get aquianted with how you set it up
Make sure you have at least Node 4.3. node --version
Clone this repo and change directory to it.
npm install
Install mongo locally using
Run mongo to connect to your database, just to make sure it's working. Once you see a mongo prompt, exit with Control-D
Run the server with: npm start
By default it will use a path of /parse for the API routes. To change this, or use older client SDKs, run export PARSE_MOUNT=/1
before launching the server.
You now have a database named "dev" that contains your Parse data

How to deploy a local eclipse worklight project in cloud server?

I developed an android based hybrid app in the IBM MFP-7.0., My app is fetching the data from the Java service which is running in Tomcat Server. Here the app adapters are running in my local system MFP server to get the data from the Java service, So that I can only run the app in my local system android emulator. Now, we want to deploy the app in the cloud so that we can give this app to our users. Can some body help me how to run our MFP app in the cloud? Is it required to place eclipse in the cloud to run my MFP server like the way I am running in my local system?
Thanks in advance.
It looks to me like your understanding is completely lacking in this subject matter. Also note that this question has got nothing to do with programming.
You need a host machine. On this server you will run an application server (Tomcat, WebSphere Full profile, WebSphere Liberty profile - either single or a farm, depending on your required network topology and security & scalability needs).
On this application server you deploy MobileFirst
You will also need a database
This host machine needs to be accessible (with appropriate security) to the public Internet so that it could serve apps installed in end-users' devices
The application needs to be configured to send requests to the server (or to any front-side server like a Load Balancer, again, depending on your topology)
The generated application needs to be submitted to an App Store so that users could download and install it on their devices
I suggest that you will do some reading before asking any question. Since you're using IBM MobileFirst, start by reading the user documentation:

How to install Laravel app to free web hosting?

I've been serving my Laravel app on my local machine (MAC OSX Maverick) via the php artisan serve command in the terminal.
How do I install it to my a free a hosting for testing? Technically, I only have a free web hosting account. This means I can't perform any command-line commands (SSH). Is there any simple way to install it? Can I just simply copy my Laravel app folder and put it on a web host?
Easiest solution: Deploy it to OpenShift using a Laravel QuickStart. OpenShift is free, gives you SSH access, and basing your app off the Laravel QuickStart should handle the more complicated configuration bits.
"Can I just simply copy my Laravel app folder and put it on a web host?"
Pretty much this is the answer. You can upload your entire Laravel application to your webserver, and it should work.
But I'll warn you now that without command-line access - your going to have issues in the future. Try and find an alternative host for your website that provides command line access