can not able to see the category in magento - uiactivitycategory

Magento Category is not showing after login enter image description here
can not able to see the category in magento

Check the developer tool bar it may contain some javascript error if not , try to replace the maento core files with new files, please be sure that the new files is the same version with current installation


Configure an existing theme on Shopify

I'm totally new with Shopify, im trying to Configure an existing theme and fallow the full process form the guideline here ( but when I try to run the command theme download it shows me the error
requested theme was not found
though I setup Private apps and configure everything
so is there anything that I missed out of the box.
First of all try to grab Correct ID of your Store from here:
And run CMD Command from your destination folder path.
This error is showing when you use the wrong theme ID, check it.

Angular 5 / Sentry error reporting shows error source reference in bundled js

I have applied error reporting in an Angular 5 project using Raven-js. Everything works fine and I get the error reports.
The problem is that the reported error location is provided using the bundle.js file references which is very hard to find in the actual project.
For e.g.
TypeError: Cannot read property 'id' of undefined
at e.logOffline (/mem/main.f858f9330b4c0ee7c38e.bundle.js:1:26440)
at e.phoneOffline (/mem/main.f858f9330b4c0ee7c38e.bundle.js:1:25883)
at t.handleEvent_12 (/mem/main.f858f9330b4c0ee7c38e.bundle.js:1:488537)
at HTMLAnchorElement.<anonymous> (/mem/vendor.f8004cbd231f87b295e2.bundle.js:1:311586)
at HTMLAnchorElement.r (/mem/vendor.f8004cbd231f87b295e2.bundle.js:1:666890)
Now this reference is not useful to locate the error.
Is there something that I missed in the sentry setup or this is how it actually shows the error?
Seems like Sentry can't find your source maps. If your site is public, Sentry will try to get the spurce maps automatically. Otherwise you can upload the source maps yourself.
The usage of source maps works out of the box for a deployed app. Sentry tries to fetch the source maps through the public internet and thus cannot fetch them on localhost.
If your source maps aren't public (e.g. out of security concerns), then you need to upload them manually like described here: .

How to integrate Crashlytics with Github?

Did anyone have any success integrating crashlytics with github, I'm not really sure how relevant this question would be here?
I have android app already on github, and I have crashltyics correctly integrated in the app, but I tried to link it to the github repository and I'm always gettings, couldn't access repository (I contacted them so many time but they never replied) I'm 100% sure I generated the token as described (as I already did this for other apps) but Crashlytics is always rejecting this github token.
did anyone have success integrating it?
The error I'm getting is as follows:
Could not access repository for
I followed the steps as per this link:
I also tried to do this with one of my open-source libs
but it didn't work either, I'm not sure if it's me or crashlytics Github integration is not working
Ok, I finally got a reply from them and found out how to do it:
Simply when entering the repository in the corresponding field enter is as follows:
instead of
the integration is not really that powerful, it just creates an issue with just 1 line, without any referral to the code repo in github
I was also facing same problem but i fixed it as follows,
Step1 : Your GitHub repository: Company Name>/Repository Name
e.g cmpanyXYZ/abcd
(Note : 1. do not use .git at end of repository name. 2. You can find this details in repository clone url)
Step 2 : Generate access token from here
Copy generated token in step2 box from image.
Now Click on Verify button
Go to Firebase -> Crashlytics.
Follow the documentation step by step.
There is also a script demonstrating how to force crash and test the app.
Make sure you give the correct path of Google Info pList file in
the AppDelegate.

BB Web Works giving error as "error feature cannot be found in any extension(blackberry. pin .memo)" while packaging the app

I am new to BlackBerry Web Works.I am following the instruction for development given on development site.While packaging the Application I am getting this error in command prompt : "[ERROR] feature cannot be found in any extension(blackberry. pin .memo)".
Before going to this step I have already created project folder with config.xml and index.html and also zip file of application components properly.And now trying to package the application.But I am getting error like:
Please help me to figure out this error.
Finally I got the solution after a lot of searching and analogy.
This error occurs when either we have added some feature in config.xml which we are not using in our application or when we are using same feature but not defined in "feature" tag in config.xml. It is the same case with "spinner" ,"sms" etc.
In my case it was because of "memo" ,which I was defining in config.xml but didn't use any Contact feature in my Application.So it producing error like "feature cannot be found in any extension(blackberry. pin .memo)".

Rails asset pipeline can't find one certain image

I have a certain image called ui-icons_ffffff_256x240.png. In production it can be found, among other places, in public/assets/images/ui-icons_ffffff_256x240.png.
When I try to view this image in production, I get the following error:
ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [GET] "/assets/images/ui-icons_ffffff_256x240.png"):
I find this extremely odd since the image most certainly is there:
$ find . -name ui-icons_ffffff_256x240.png
All the other images in my app work fine and have been forever. I recently upgraded my version of jQuery UI, though, and this one particular image doesn't want to work. (I think it's the only jQuery UI image I'm actually using.)
I'm on Rails 3.2.1. What could be the issue?
Your js plugin requests the image with invalid asset url.
The asset image can be accessed by
But the requested url is
So in your javascript or stylesheet you need to correct asset url manually.