Delete duplicate values within single worksheet, for multiple worksheets in workbook - vba

I have a workbook with 102 worksheets. I want to cycle through each worksheet independently and remove duplicates within that worksheet (not across the workbook as a whole).
I currently have this code:
Sub DeleteDuplicates()
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
For Each X In ws
X.Range("A:B").RemoveDuplicates Columns:=Array(1, 2), Header:=xlYes
End Sub
I believe it is deleting duplicates that appear anywhere in the workbook, not just within a single worksheet. Is there a way to limit this code so that it only removes duplicates from within the specific worksheet it is operating on?

This cycles through each worksheet in your workbook. You can specify worksheets if you need to skip any by adding IF statements.
Public Sub DeleteDuplicates()
Dim ws as Worksheet
Dim wb as Workbook
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
For Each ws In wb.Worksheets
ws.Range("A:B").RemoveDuplicates Columns:=Array(1, 2), Header:=xlYes
Next ws
End Sub


VBA For Loop Only Altering One Sheet

I'm trying to alter the values in a range of cells for specifically named worksheets only.
The workbook I am editing has around 95 sheets, and I only want to change the sheets with the period actual information (named P1W1, P1W2 etc, up to P12W5).
When i execute the below it only alters the first sheet and then exits the macro.
Any help is much appreciated
Option Explicit
Public Sub periodclear()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim r As Range
On Error Resume Next
Set r = Range("c10:i30")
For Each ws In Worksheets
If ws.Name Like ("P#W#") Or ws.Name Like ("P##W#") Then
r.Value = ""
End If
Next ws
End Sub
Try this. Your r was defined only in terms of one sheet so needs to be brought inside the loop.
Public Sub periodclear()
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In Worksheets
If ws.Name Like ("P#W#") Or ws.Name Like ("P##W#") Then
End If
Next ws
End Sub

Excel VBA: Counting Data in Column from Another Workbook and Inputting Counter in Master Workbook

I need to create a macro in my CountResults.xlsm (Master Workbook) that solves the following problem. I have a column of data in another worksheet with either YES or NO. I need to come up with a macro that counts the amount of "YES" in the column. The column is located in Sheet2 of the workbook Test01.xlsx. Then take that count and put it in one cell in my CountResults.xlsm file. Like so:
I have a code that displays a count for a column in the same sheet. But this code does not count when there are 'breaks' in the column (empty spaces) like I have in my picture. This is that code:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
MsgBox Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row
Range("A1").End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0).Select
End Sub
I have another code that helps with accessing another workbook and defining values for each workbook and worksheet:
Dim wbSource As Workbook
Dim wbTarget As Workbook
Dim shSource As Worksheet
Dim shTarget As Worksheet
Set wbSource = Workbooks.Open(Filename:="C:\Users\khanr1\Desktop\Test_Excel\Test03.xlsm", ReadOnly:=True)
Set wbTarget = ThisWorkbook
Set shSource = wbSource.Worksheets("Sheet2")
Set shTarget = wbTarget.Worksheets("Sheet1")
Use COUNTIF. It will give you the total even if the range is in another workbook. i.e. =COUNTIF([Book2.xlsx]Sheet2!$D$2:$D$9, "Yes"). Problem with having COUNTIF within your sheet as a formula is that you will need to open the other workbook if you want the count to be update. Below VBA code will perform an update for you. Assign the sub to a button in your CountResults.xlsm workbook
EDIT: Added row count as per OP's requirement
Sub UpdateResults()
Dim oWBWithColumn As Workbook: Set oWBWithColumn = Application.Workbooks.Open("<your Test01.xlsx address here>")
Dim oWS As Worksheet: Set oWS = oWBWithColumn.Worksheets("Sheet2")
Dim intLastRow as Integer: intLastRow = oWS.Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("<name of the sheet in your CountResults.xlsm workbook>").Range("<cell address>").Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(oWS.Range("B2:B" & intLastRow), "yes")
oWBWithColumn.Close False
Set oWS = Nothing
Set oWBWithColumn = Nothing
End Sub

Make macro run in specific workbook

This seems like such a simple request, but I can't seem to find any answers online.
I have two open workbooks (lets say A and B). All I want to do is run a macro that I have created in Workbook B and run it (by click a shape that I've assigned a macro to) through Workbook A, but the macro running in Workbook B
The macro I created for Workbook B is...
Sub HistoricalDataShift()
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In Sheets
Next ws
End Sub
Then I created a second macro in Workbook B that has...
Sub ApplicationRun()
Application.Run ("WorkbookB.xlsm!HistoricalDataShift")
End Sub
But each time I try the macro keeps running in Workbook A.
If I could get a helping hand that would be appreciated.
All you need to do is rewrite HistoricalDataShift to operate on itself. It should work just fine then.
Sub HistoricalDataShift()
Dim wb As Workbook
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In wb.Worksheets
ws.Activate '
Next ws
End Sub
Also to make your code work better, you can do this:
Sub HistoricalDataShift()
Dim wb As Workbook
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In wb.Worksheets
Call ws.Rows("18:1000").Copy(ws.Range("A19"))
Call ws.Rows("15:15").Copy(ws.Range("A18"))
Next ws
End Sub
Try declaring your workbook object?
Dim wkbkA as workbook
set wkbkA = 'directory here
then run your code in a With... End With
With wkbkA
End With
In this short example, we assume that WorkbookB.xlsm is initially the only open workbook and hosts this macro:
Sub HistoricalDataShift()
Dim wkbB As Workbook
Dim wkbA As Workbook
Set wkbB = ThisWorkbook
Workbooks.Open Filename:="WorkbookA"
Set wkbA = ActiveWorkbook
wkbA.Sheets(1).Range("B9").Value = "whatever"
End Sub
You can use Worksheets("<worksheetname>")
e.g. Worksheets("A").Activate
or cv = Worksheets(Worksheet).Cells(DataSeriesEnd, rc_index)
where Worksheet holds the sheet name.
This snippet will go through the entire collection of worksheets, where w is the current worksheet name :-
For Each w In Worksheets
Next w

Runtime Error Subscript out of range

Basically am trying to copy a sheet from one workbook to another. While doing that i get an error called subscript out of range.
Sub cp()
Dim ws As Worksheet, wb As Workbook
'Target workbook
Set wb = Workbooks("Desktop:\Book2.xlsb")
'Source workbook
For Each ws In Workbooks("Desktop:\Book1.xlsb")
ws.copy After:=wb.Sheets(wb.Sheets.Count)
Next ws
End Sub
If the file is already open, then just do:
Set wb = Workbooks("Book2.xlsb")
And likewise,
For each ws in Workbooks("Book1.xlsb").Worksheets
Note also you need to indicate the .Worksheets collection in the above statement. For each ws in Workbooks("Book1.xlsb") will not work, even though a workbook contains worksheets, there is no implied iteration like this, you need to specify which collection you're looping over.

VBA Macro across multiple worksheets

I am trying to run a single macro which performs functions on multiple worksheets. Let's say I have assigned the macro button on worksheet 4. I have listed the functions I want it to perform step by step:
1) Select certain cells in worksheet 4 and copy to adjacent cells in worksheet 4.
2) delete range of cells in worksheet 3.
3) CUT range of cells in worksheet 2 then paste this range of cells into worksheet 3.
4) Take range of cells from a separate workbook and copy into worksheet 2. (I know this is an entirely different problem as the workbook is automatically published and I will have to find a way to link the two.)
5) Update pivot tables located within Worksheet 4 and Worksheet 3.
I would love help on the first 3 functions of this. I've pasted my current code below.
Dim sh1 As Worksheet
Dim sh2 As Worksheet
Dim sh3 As Worksheet
Dim sh4 As Worksheet
Set sh1 = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Brand")
Set sh2 = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("CurrentWeek")
Set sh3 = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("PriorWeek")
Set sh4 = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Pivot")
End Sub
It works... but it only works when I'm in the right worksheet to perform a specific function.
By removing the select, the selection and the activesheet, you will be able to make this sheet-independent
Dim sh1 As Worksheet
Dim sh2 As Worksheet
Dim sh3 As Worksheet
Dim sh4 As Worksheet
Set sh1 = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Brand")
Set sh2 = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("CurrentWeek")
Set sh3 = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("PriorWeek")
Set sh4 = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Pivot")
sh4.Range("B29:B30").Copy sh4.Range("C29")
sh2.Range("A4:AC1000").Copy sh3.Range("A4")
End Sub
You are off to a great start. Just little more refinement and you'll have it.
Basically, there's no need to .Select your ranges (sheets, workbooks, etc), at least in this case. You can work directly with them and by using the Copy supply the destination where they will be copied.
See code below:
Dim sh1 As Worksheet
Dim sh2 As Worksheet
Dim sh3 As Worksheet
Dim sh4 As Worksheet
Dim wkb As Workbook
Set wkb = Workbooks("wkbName") '-> best to call workbooks by name, as opposed to "ActiveWorkbook", also best to set it to object
With wkb '-> now we can work with this object directly and succinctly
Set sh1 = .Sheets("Brand")
Set sh2 = .Sheets("CurrentWeek")
Set sh3 = .Sheets("PriorWeek")
Set sh4 = .Sheets("Pivot")
sh4.Range("B29:B30").Copy sh4.Range("C29")
'sh3.Range("A4:AC1000").Delete -> you don't need this if you are overwritting it
sh2.Range("A4:AC1000").Copy sh3.Range("A4")
End With
End Sub
sheets("name1").range("B29:B30").copy Destination:=sheets("name2").range("C29")
Will copy from one to another sheet assuming the sheet names are name1 and name2
Sheet("Pivot").Range("B29:B30").Copy Sheet("Pivot").Range("C29")
Sheet("CurrentWeek").Range("A4:AC1000").Copy Sheet("PriorWeek").Range("A4")
End Sub