Sql count and and/or condition in single statement - sql

I am trying to build where clause condition on table having columns “Id”, itemNumber” which can be either 1 or 2 for any row and “date”.
My goal is to write where clause such that i only get “Id’s” where “itemNumber” is 2, and then if count is greater than some value it should filter whole rows to date between today and today+1, otherwise today and today+2.
I tried,
Select Id
from table
where itemNumber=2 And ((count(itemNumber)>2 and date between ‘today’ and ‘today+1’) OR (count(itemNumber)<=2 and date between ‘today’ and ‘today+2’))
I got error saying you need to have sql “having”. Am i doing it wrong?

Try it like this:
WHERE itemNumber = 2
HAVING (COUNT(itemNumber) > 2 AND date BETWEEN 'today' and 'today+1'))
OR (COUNT(itemNumber) <= 2 AND date BETWEEN 'today' and 'today+2'))
Think of HAVING as a WHERE clause after you have grouped your data, which you have to do if you want to count something by group (or id).


How to run a query for multiple independent date ranges?

I would like to run the below query that looks like this for week 1:
Select week(datetime), count(customer_call) from table where week(datetime) = 1 and week(orderdatetime) < 7
... but for weeks 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 all in one query and with the 'week(orderdatetime)' to still be for the 6 weeks following the week(datetime) value.
This means that for 'week(datetime) = 2', 'week(orderdatetime)' would be between 2 and 7 and so on.
'datetime' is a datetime field denoting registration.
'customer_call' is a datetime field denoting when they called.
'orderdatetime' is a datetime field denoting when they ordered.
I think you want group by:
Select week(datetime), count(customer_call)
from table
where week(datetime) = 1 and week(orderdatetime) < 7
group by week(datetime);
I would also point out that week doesn't take the year into account, so you might want to include that in the group by or in a where filter.
If you want 6 weeks of cumulative counts, then use:
Select week(datetime), count(customer_call),
sum(count(customer_call)) over (order by week(datetime)
rows between 5 preceding and current row) as running_sum_6
from table
group by week(datetime);
Note: If you want to filter this to particular weeks, then make this a subquery and filter in the outer query.

SQL Why am I getting the invalid identifier error?

I am trying to use columns that I created in this query to create another column.
Let me first my messy query. The query looks like this:
SELECT tb.team, tb.player, tb.type, tb.date, ToChar(Current Date-1, 'DD-MON-YY') as yesterday,
CASE WHEN to_date(tb.date) = yesterday then 1 else 0 end dateindicator,
where dateindicator = 1
Group by tb.team
What I am trying to do here is:
creating a column with "Yesterday's date"
Using the "Yesterday" column to create another column called dateindicator indicating each row is yesterday's data or not.
then using that dateindicator, I want to count the distinct number of player for each team that has 1 of the dateindicator column.
But I am getting the "invalid identifier" error. I am new to this oracle SQL, and trying to learn here.
You cannot use an Alias in your Select statement.
see here: SQL: Alias Column Name for Use in CASE Statement
you need to use the full toChar(.. in the CASE WHEN.
Your WHERE-condition (Line 5) doesnt belong there.. it should be:
SELECT DISTINCT .>. FROM .>. WHERE. you have to specify the table first. then you can filter it with where.
If I follow your explanation correctly: for each team, you want to count the number of players whose date column is yesterday.
If so, you can just filter and aggregate:
select team, count(*) as cnt
from mytable
where mydate >= trunc(sysdate) - 1 and mydate < trunc(sysdate)
group by team
This assumes that the dates are stored in column mydate, that is of date datatype.
I am unsure what you mean by counting distinct players; presumably, a given player appears just once per team, so I used count(*). If you really need to, you can change that to count(distinct player).
Finally: if you want to allow teams where no player matches, you can move the filtering logic within the aggregate function:
select team,
sum(case when mydate >= trunc(sysdate) - 1 and mydate < trunc(sysdate) then 1 else 0 end) as cnt
from mytable
group by team

SQL minimum date value after today's date Now()

I am writing a query and am having trouble filtering data as I would like. In the table, there is a date field and an ItemCode field. I would like to return one record per ItemCode with the earliest date that is after today.
If today is 6/6/2017 and my data looks like:
ItemCode Date
1 6/1/2017
1 6/7/2017
1 6/10/2017
2 6/2/2017
2 6/8/2017
2 6/15/2017
I would want the result to be
ItemCode Date
1 6/7/2017
2 6/8/2017
My query so far is:
SELECT PO_PurchaseOrderDetail.ItemCode, Min(PO_PurchaseOrderDetail.RequiredDate) AS NextPO
FROM PO_PurchaseOrderDetail
GROUP BY PO_PurchaseOrderDetail.ItemCode
HAVING (((Min(PO_PurchaseOrderDetail.RequiredDate))>=Now()));
The problem is that the Min function fires first and grabs the earliest dates per ItemCode, which are before today. Then the >=Now() is evaluated and because the min dates are before today, the query returns nothing.
I've tried putting the >=Now() inside the min function in the HAVING part of the query but it does not change the result.
My structure is wrong and I would appreciate any advice. Thanks!
I would approach like this for standard SQL, Access approach may vary
select PO_PurchaseOrderDetail.ItemCode,
min(PO_PurchaseOrderDetail.RequiredDate) as NextPO
from PO_PurchaseOrderDetail
where PO_PurchaseOrderDetail.RequiredDate >= Now()
group by PO_PurchaseOrderDetail.ItemCode;
Put the date condition in the where clause (not the having clause):
select ItemCode, min(Date) as NextPO
from PO_PurchaseOrderDetail
where Date > '6/6/2017'
group by ItemCode

TSQL How to make where clause match all 'IN' multiple values

I am using 4 dates in my where clause using IN. For example
...where date in ('2017-01-01', '2017-01-02', '2017-01-03','2017-01-04')
My query will return a result if even one date matches but I want my where clause to match ALL the dates. I'm sure there has to be an easy solution for this.
You want to match your data for a specific column value. Group by that column and take only those groups having all 4 dates
select col
from your_table
where date in ('2017-01-01', '2017-01-02', '2017-01-03','2017-01-04')
group by col
having count(distinct date) = 4

SQL: select datetime values prior to that date based on it's value

I want to select rows for a field MRD which is declared as date where it is prior for that date only.
(case when sum (transPoints) > 4 and MRD is that same date then 4
So if a row has a date of today, I want the case when to be triggered when the transaction points are bigger than 4 against all columns with the same date.
As you can imagine the date field will be different against many rows.
Based on what I can understand from your question, it seems that the GROUP BY clause may be what you're looking for. If your date column is in the correct format then you may have to use something like:
FROM YourTable