Fabric - App could not be install error iOS - google-fabric

I have recently updated Fabric and I am getting an issue where users can no longer install the beta apps I send out. I keep getting the error saying - app could not be installed at this time. Has anyone encountered this issue since updating Fabric? Up until the update, I have had no issues sending out beta builds.
Edit: I just tried installing old version of app sent out with old fabric, it installed fine and works. I then get an alert saying there is a new version you can update to (the one I sen out recently), when it finishes installing that, it then shows error saying could not be installed again.
Edit 2 Confirmed it is an issue with updated Fabric. My have a git branch that was last updated on Monday, this was prior to the Fabric update. So I tested on that branch, archived app, sent out, can download just fine. I then updated Fabric, and sent out again, then I got the error message saying unable to download app.

Found the problem. It seems installing the new Fabric through the manual install process is the problem. I had installed Fabric following these instructions
After trying multiple reinstalls without any success, I tried to install the new Fabric via Cocoapods and now it seems to work fine. Hope this helps anyone else having the same issue


Expo React Native building apk

I have been trying to build my apk today but I always face this problem. After completing the build, i download it to my phone and i cannot open it. However, this was not the case 2-3 days ago. I had no difficulties or errors in Run expo doctor. I was able to download the apk to my device and test my app.
I am not really sure what to do and any help would be appreciated.
This is what I got after running npx expo doctor:
I managed to solve my problem. I used Android Studio's logcat feature and when I ran the app on the emulator I found the issue - it was related to admob. At this point, I dont need admob, so I deleted its folder from my project and everything was fine after this.
Running expo doctor usually ends up in flagging what dependency needs to be upgraded if the jump to automatically update it goes into the majors like in your case from 4 to 5.
Maybe try upgrading #expo/config-plugins by using expo upgrade or commands from your preferred package manager.
If that’s impossible due to other packages depending on the specific version, maybe consider adding overrides in your package.json. Here is a helpful article about that.
In my experience this may not be the only reason for the crash of the app. Try running the app consecutively about 3 or 4 times even if it crashes and I believe Android will prompt you to submit a bug report and maybe show you the call stack it failed at.
Let us know how it goes.

app is not building recently it working properly but as i add other package it stop

**app is not building recently it working properly but as I add other package it stop **
I had the same issue yesterday. The issue is not related to any new library installation directly although I had the same assumption initially.
Upgrade react-native version to the relevant patch number mentioned in the Github issue which I believe in your case it would be 0.70.5

iOS app crash in TestFlight after some weeks working fine

have you had the following error in TestFlight? Basically, we have test versions in TestFlight that when we launch them to external testers work. But it has happened to us 2 times that after a week or two, that version stops working.
Basically, the app won't open, won't even show the splash, and crashes.
Last week the app stopped working for all testers, we updated to a new version and it started working fine for them again. But yesterday the version that already works previously began to fail them again.
Today, I just generated a new version with no code changes and it works. But I'm afraid it will eventually start to fail.
When I say that it fails, it is that the app icon is touched, it tries to open, but it does not open and it crashes.
For example, now the new version works fine for me, but if I go to TestFlight and install a previous version that worked fine on my phone 2 days ago, it no longer works for me.
Any idea what could be going on, guys?
Maybe some certificate expires or I don't know, any idea is welcome.
I'm using expo managed workflow and eas build to generate the iOS app.
Something that happens with the versions that start to fail is that when they are installed, the first time it does not fail. But if I completely close the app and reopen it again, it doesn't open anymore, and the crash occurs.
We're using Sentry, but we don't have any issues. But I have this crash in TestFlight errors.
Thank you in advance for all your comments or ideas.

react-native create app hangs while create

I use react-native with actual version and have tried to create a simple project. But while trying to create it by using
expo init AwesomeProject
the whole process hangs.
I have tried to look for a solution by searching on the internet but without any luck.
The error could be seen in the following screenshot:
That error generally means that a file is being accessed by two different things at 'around' the same time. And 90% of those times it is because of an anti-virus or similar.
Its a permission error, so my advice, try to do it after a fresh reboot and boot the powershell as admin, disable antivirus etc..
If still does not work reinstall nodejs/npm.
I had the same experience. The project gets created using React-native. When you try to run it, the 'Metro' interface comes up. There is an android phone on the USB drive which has previously been used to run Android Studio created projects successfully. However, on the command shell the app hangs in Metro.
While trying to run the project from Android Studio snow cat, there are build errors (red) in the App manifest file and there is this exception.
Build failed due to java.lang.NullPointerException
Installed expo-cli (C:\Reactive-native>npm install -g expo-cli). The app fails to run and hangs on the connected Android phone(Samsung 21) using the Expo Go client. This client has no problem having been tested in Snackbar.
I have a question in the Expo forum and probably someone will answer!

React-Native Fresh Install Compile Error

I've created a few react-native projects, and since updating to Sierra OSX and Xcode 8, upon opening each project, I get the error:
Application AppName has not been registered. This is either to due to a require() error during initialisation or a failure to call AppRegistry.registerComponent.
I've gone back to basics, uninstalled and reinstalled node, reinstalled latest react-native, created a fresh init, and still get the error. I've looked up and removed the custom-compiler-flags, as suggested here.
This is a real problem, if anyone has any insights I would be very appreciative!
I was having this error last night! All I did was to remove the node_modules, install then again and run the app again, it worked. – Crysfel