vuejs :src with a v-if condition - vue.js

This code works but is there a way to consolidate these two conditions and outputs into one line of code?
<img v-if="pointshover" :src="pointshover" :key="pointshover" class="leaderimg">
<img v-if="!pointshover" :src="leaderPoints[0].playerimg" :key="pointshover" class="leaderimg">
Basically if 'pointshover' is null then it grabs the image src from leaderPoints[0].playerimg. If 'pointshover' is not null then it is the src.

Option 1
Then as you want to use only one line, going with the solution proposed by #choasia with a small change.
<img :src="pointshover ? pointshover : leaderPoints[0].playerimg" :key="pointshover" class="leaderimg">
You won't need the v-if as this image is shown always, and it will have the pointshover src only when it exists and the leaderPoints[0].playerimg when it doesn't.
Option 2
If you go with the two lines code you probably should use:
<img v-if="pointshover" :src="pointshover" :key="pointshover" class="leaderimg">
<img v-else :src="leaderPoints[0].playerimg" :key="pointshover" class="leaderimg">
It's clearer what you want to accomplish if you use an else.
Option 3
You could use a computed property to bind the src.
<img :src="myImageSource" :key="pointshover" class="leaderimg">
return this.pointshover ? this.pointshover : this.leaderPoints[0].playerimg;

You can use JavaScript expressions in :src.
<img v-if="pointshover" :src="pointshover ? pointshover : leaderPoints[0].playerimg" :key="pointshover" class="leaderimg">


v-else is getting rendered first instead v-if in Vue JS

I have an HTML element like below
<div v-if="showOriginalContent"> original content</div>
<div v-else> default content </div>
initial value of showOriginalContent is false
and from mounted method am calling an another method where i will make the value of showOriginalContent to true based on some conditions . Currently even if the showOriginalContent is true i can see that v-else is getting displayed for a fraction of seconds before v-if is rendered in the DOM . How can i solve this issue ? I tried to move the function call to all other life cycle methods but nothing is working . I have gone through before and after navigation approach in vue js ,Is it possible to apply that logic here?
I think it's normal if I understood correctly what you posed as the problem.
Because the mounted state is called when the view has already been OK and displayed and only once.
So a variable declaring in this method its change will not necessarily have an effect on what should be displayed.
Try to see the lifecycle in Vuejs for more detail.
Put it in computed or watch methods to see.
Use an outer div and control this div with another variable that will be true when you are done with your condition parts in mounted hook.. like this..
<div v-if="conditioncheckdone">
<div v-if="showOriginalContent"> original content</div>
<div v-else> default content </div>
It will resolve your issue of displaying v-else stuff while you are checking your conditions in mounted
turn the default showOriginalContent value to null instead of false

Trying to set a dynamic url as backgroundImage in vuejs in v-for

Currently trying to add a dynamic url to my background image inside select option. But it seems breaking, not sure how that comes and how to fix this. Looking for different combinations like ` or ' and even ". But really confused.
<select v-model.lazy="countryCode" #change="handleChange" class="select-field height-select-input select-width">
<option v-for="(country, index) in checkCountryName"
:selected="index === 0"
:style="{backgroundImage: 'url('' + {{country.country_code}} + '/flat/64.png')'}"
{{ country.country_code }}
:style="`backgroundImage: url('${country.country_code}/flat/64.png')`"
Is that the exact code you are using? If so, it looks like the issue is within the quotation marks on your url request.
You have
:style="{backgroundImage: 'url('{{country.country_code}}/flat/64.png')'}"
Remove the quotes around the url and it should work
:style="{backgroundImage: 'url({{country.country_code}}/flat/64.png)'}"

Using dynamic IDs in a string in a VueJS

I'm using a UIKit library for a tab component that listens to a uk-tab property that targets an id. The problem with this, is that it creates the same ID for every tabbed component. I like the UI, but whoever thought of this, didn't think too far into it. I could fix it by making the id dynamic but I am having trouble calling it in the uk-tab property because it is rendering a string. Coming from a react background, I would do a string literal and some JSX, something like #item-${_id}to show #item-12, #item-13....and so on. But That's not working. How can I do this in Vue?
Here is an example of how it works
<div class="mytrigger">
<ul uk-tab="connect: #component-tab-left; animation: uk-animation-fade">
<div class="mytargetedtab">
<ul id="component-tab-left" class="uk-switcher">
Here is an example of how what I need
<div class="mytrigger">
<ul uk-tab="connect: #_uid+'switcher'; animation: uk-animation-fade">
<div class="mytargetedtab">
<ul :id="_uid+'switcher'" class="uk-switcher">
Check out the dev tools. It should be 810switcher, but instead is taking it as a string
Any ideas? Thanks
I believe what you need is:
<ul :uk-tab="`connect: #${_uid}switcher; animation: uk-animation-fade`">
Or if you prefer not to use backticks:
<ul :uk-tab="'connect: #' + _uid + 'switcher; animation: uk-animation-fade'">
The output will be:
<ul uk-tab="connect: #22switcher; animation: uk-animation-fade">
A few notes:
Using a : is short for v-bind: but don't let the name confuse you. v-bind doesn't necessarily bind anything, it just makes the attribute value a JavaScript expression.
I'd avoid using numbers at the start of element ids, I've seen that cause problems in the past. It'd be better to put the numbers at the end.
The underscore at the start of _uid indicates that it's private to Vue. There are no guarantees about what form it will take or whether it will even exist going forward.
Use data-uk-tab instead of uk-tab like below.
<div class="mytrigger">
<ul data-uk-tab="{connect: `#${_uid}switcher`, animation: 'uk-animation-fade'}">
<div class="mytargetedtab">
<ul :id="_uid+'switcher'" class="uk-switcher">
For more information => Switcher with tabs
You can use any javascript expression in a data binding in vue. So, if you bind a string template to the attribute, it'll populate what you expect.
<ul :uk-tab="`connect: #${uid}switcher`'; animation: uk-animation-fade">

Vuejs adding conditional style fails

I wuld like to add the following style iwhich workss in html
<div style="text-decoration: line-through">
Now am trying this in vuejs2
<div :style="{'text-decoration: line-through':true}">
But the above doesnt work
Where am i going wrong?
Binding an object to the style attribute is done by providing key / value pairs.
I suspect what you want is
<div :style="{'text-decoration': condition ? 'line-through' : 'initial'}">

Using ng-repeat variable inside src attribute in angularjs?

I have the following:
when="{ '0': 'There are no fragments.', 'one': 'There is 1 fragment.', 'other': 'There are {} fragments.'}")
ul.unstyled(ng-repeat='fragment in devices')
h3 {{}}
p {{fragment.dimension}}
ul.unstyled(ng-repeat='component in fragment.components')
li {{ }}
The problem is in src="holder.js/{{fragment.dimension.width}}x{{fragment.dimension.height}}", i.e. even if looking at the resulting html I see a correct src (src="holder.js/300x200") it does not show the image. My guess is this is not how one uses angular variables inside attributes..
How can I make it work?
it seems it does not execute holder.js..
here is the source: in the first call I used angular {{hash}} in the second I manually put holder.js/300x200
<div class="thumbnail">
<img src="holder.js/1678x638">
<img src="...ElFTkSuQmCC" data-src="holder.js/300x200" alt="300x200" style="width: 300px; height: 200px;">
The documentation explains that quite clearly:
Using Angular markup like {{hash}} in a src attribute doesn't work right: The browser will fetch from the URL with the literal text {{hash}} until Angular replaces the expression inside {{hash}}. The ngSrc directive solves this problem.
So you must use:
<img ng-src="holder.js/{{fragment.dimension.width}}x{{fragment.dimension.height}}" />