rebol --do and red --do - rebol

Why rebolview --do "print 1 + 2" doesn't show result in console ?
Why red --do "print 1 +2" generate an error
*** Error: cannot access argument file:
print 1 + 2
--== Red 0.6.3 ==--

Here rebolview shows the result in the console
>> help system
SYSTEM is an object of value:
version tuple!
build date! 6-Jan-2011/22:55:55-8:00
but Red does not know the command --do. So it tries to run the file --do ..
You can see what Red is supporting at this time e.g. on Linux with
./red -h


How do I get input from the console in Red language

I'm writing a console program (target MSDOS) in Red language and I need to ask the user to enter a character or a string, then to press Enter.
I can't seem to find how to do it, I've read the docs here ( to no avail.
I tried something like this:
Red [
print "Please make your choice then press Enter"
x: input
print x
It works in the "Red Console" with red but when I compile with red -r -t MSDOS I get an error:
Compiling C:\apps\red-read\ ...
*** Compilation Error: undefined word input
*** in file: C:\apps\red-read\
*** near: [
How do I ask for input from a Red console program?
I'm using Red version: --== Red 0.6.3 ==--.
Okay, I did some testing and got it working on my end. You need 2 things.
1) You need the latest build, not 0.63. You can grab the automated build from master from the downloads page.
2) You need a reference in your file to use the console. Here is the updated code which will work on Windows with the latest version.
Red [
#include %environment/console/CLI/
print "Please make your choice then press Enter"
x: input
print x
This info was buried away in an article on github. Also, you were right about MSDOS.

Handling SIGPIPE error in snakemake

The following snakemake script:
rule all:
rule pipe:
seq 1 10000 | head > test.done
fails with the following error:
snakemake -s test.snake
Provided cores: 1
Rules claiming more threads will be scaled down.
Job counts:
count jobs
1 all
1 pipe
rule pipe:
output: test.done
jobid: 1
Error in job pipe while creating output file test.done.
CalledProcessError in line 9 of /Users/db291g/Tritume/test.snake:
Command '
seq 1 10000 | head > test.done
' returned non-zero exit status 141.
File "/Users/db291g/Tritume/test.snake", line 9, in __rule_pipe
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/concurrent/futures/", line 55, in run
Removing output files of failed job pipe since they might be corrupted:
Will exit after finishing currently running jobs.
Exiting because a job execution failed. Look above for error message
The explanation returned non-zero exit status 141 seems to say that snakemake has caught the SIGPIPE fail sent by head. I guess strictly speaking snakemake is doing the right thing in catching the fail, but I wonder if it would be possible to ignore some types of errors like this one. I have a snakemake script using the head command and I'm trying to find a workaround this error.
Yes, Snakemake sets pipefail by default, because in most cases this is what people implicitly expect. You can always deactivate it for specific commands by prepending set +o pipefail; to the shell command.
A somehow clunky solution is to append || true to the script. This will make the command always exit cleanly, which is not acceptable. To check whether the script actually succeded you can query the array variable ${PIPESTATUS[#]} to ensure it contains the expected exit codes:
This script is ok:
seq 1 10000 | head | grep 1 > test.done || true
echo ${PIPESTATUS[#]}
141 0 0
This is not ok:
seq 1 10000 | head | FOOBAR > test.done || true
echo ${PIPESTATUS[#]}

How to store a command output in OpenVMS

Im having an issue writing a DCL in OpenVMS in that I need the DCL to call a command and capture its output (but not output the output to the screen) Later on in the DCL I then need to print that output I stored.
Heres an example:
ICE SET FASTER !This command sets my environment to the "Faster" environment.
The above command outputs this if executed directly in OpenVMS:
Initialising TEST Environment to FASTER
Using Test Search rules FASTER
Using Test Search rules FASTER
So I created a DCL in an attempt to wrap this output in order to display a more simplified output. Heres my code so far:
$ !* Wrapper for setting ICE account. Outputs Environment
$ !************************************************************************
$ on error then goto ABORT_PROCESS
$ ice set 'P1'
$ say "Error ICING to: " + P1
$ EXIT 2
[End of file]
In the lines above ICE SET 'P1' is setting the ice environment, but I dont want this output to be echoed to VMS. But what I do want is to write the output of $ICE SHOW into a variable and then echo that out later on in the DCL (most of which ive omitted for simplification purposes)
So what should be outputted should be:
current Test Environment is DISK$DEVELOPERS:[FASTER.DEVELOP]
Instead of:
Initialising TEST Environment to FASTER
Using Test Search rules FASTER
Using Test Search rules FASTER
current Test Environment is DISK$DEVELOPERS:[FASTER.DEVELOP]
Ive had a look through the manual and im getting a bit confused so I figured I tried here. Id appreciate any pointers. Thanks.
Here is what ive come up with after the comments, the problem im having is when I connect to VMS using an emulator such as SecureCRT the correct output is echoed. But when I run the DCL via my SSH2 library in .NET it doesnt output anything. I guess thats because it closes the SYS$OUTPUT stream temporarily or something?
$ !************************************************************************
$ !* Wrapper for setting ICE account. Outputs Environment
$ !************************************************************************
$ on error then goto ABORT_PROCESS
$ ice set 'P1'
$ ice show
$ say "Error ICING to: " + P1
$ EXIT 2
[End of file]
So I guess really I need to clarify what im trying to do here. Blocking the output doesnt so matter so much, im merely trying to capture it into a Symbol for example.
So in C# for example you can have a method that returns a string. So you'd have string myResult = vms.ICETo("FASTER"); and it would return that and store it in the variable.
I guess im looking for a similar thing in VMS so that once ive iced to the environment I can call:
$ environment == $ICE SHOW
But I of course get errors with that statement
The command $ assign/user_mode Thing Sys$Output will cause output to be redirected to Thing until you $ deassign/user_mode Sys$Output or next executable image exits. An assignment without the /USER_MODE qualifier will persist until deassigned.
Thing can be a logical name, a file specification (LOG.TXT) or the null device (NLA0:) if you simply want to flush the output.
When a command procedure is executed the output can be redirected using an /OUTPUT qualifier, e.g. $ #FOO/output=LOG.TXT.
And then there is piping ... .
You can redirect the output to a temp file and then print its content later:
$ pipe write sys$output "hi" > tmp.tmp
$ ty tmp.tmp
VMS is not Unix, DCL is not Bash: you can not easily set a DCL symbol from the output of a command.
Your ICE SHOW prints one line, correct? The first word is always "current", correct?
So you can create a hack.
First let me fake your ICE command:
$ create
$ write sys$output "current Test Environment is DISK$DEVELOPERS:[FASTER.DEVELOP]"
and I define a dcl$path pointing to the directory where this command procedure is
so that I can use/fake the command ICE
$ define dcl$path sys$disk[]
$ ice show
current Test Environment is DISK$DEVELOPERS:[FASTER.DEVELOP]
Now what you need, create a command procedure which sets a job logical
$ cre
$ def/job/nolog mylog "current''p1'"
And I define a command "current" to run that command procedure:
$ current="#deflog """
Yes, you need three of the double quotes at the end of the line!
And finally:
$ pipe (ice show | #sys$pipe) && mysym="''f$log("mylog")'"
$ sh symb mysym
MYSYM = "current Test Environment is DISK$DEVELOPERS:[FASTER.DEVELOP]"
On the other hand, I don't know what you are referring to C# and Java. Can you elaborate on that and tell us what runs where?
You can try using: DEFINE /USER SYS$OUTPUT NL:.
It works only for the next command and you dont need to deassign.
Sharing some of my experience here. I used below methods to redirect outputs to files.
Define/Assign the user output and then execute the required command/script afterwards. Output will be written to .
$define /user sys$output <file_path>
execute your command/script
assign /user <file_path> sys$output
execute your command/script
deassign sys$output
To re-direct in to null device like in Unix (mentioned in above answers), you can use 'nl:' instead of
define /user sys$output nl:
assign /user nl: sys$output

BAT: Parse Output File For Error Handling

I have a process that is kicked off by a scheduled batch file daily. I need to have error handling built in to restart the process if there is an error. All works great most days but I get a time out error once a month or so that is unavoidable. The process does not output an errorlevel to the bat file so I need to be able to parse the output file to determine if the process needs to restart.
I tried using the FOR /F function to pass the contents of line 12 as a variable to use in an IF statement but I have been unsuccessful. I can obviously skip to line 12 but then I am left dealing with the tokens of the remaining lines. Does anyone have any suggestions that I could try?
Output file when all is well:
(Line Numbers Added for Readability)
1 Pricing Script
3 ________________________________________________________________________
5 Retrieve Prices
7 Date of price file: 070912
8 Regular only
9 Connecting to server
10 TCP/IP connection established
12 TySymb Interactive Data
+400 more lines
Output file when there is an error:
1 Pricing Script
3 ________________________________________________________________________
5 Retrieve Prices
7 Date of price file: 071012
8 Regular only
9 Connecting to server
10 TCP/IP connection established
11 Time Out
12 General Time Out. The User ID and/or Password might be incorrect.
I would simply look for the error message in the output using FIND or FINDSTR. I wouldn't worry about the line number.
find "General Time Out. The User ID and/or Password might be incorrect." "yourFile.log" && (
echo Timeout occurred, you must put code here to restart
findstr /c:"General Time Out. The User ID and/or Password might be incorrect." "yourFile.log" && (
echo Timeout occurred, you must put code here to restart
This will test only line 12 of your file for a given string:
#echo off
for /f "skip=11 tokens=*" %%i in (your_log_filename) do (
echo %%i | find "General Time Out" >nul
goto check
if errorlevel 1 (echo No Timeout occured!) else (echo Timeout occured)

Something wrong with some batch file stuff, doesn't do what it should do, cant spot syntax errors

So, I am writing a computer speeder in batch, and I am baffled by this problem:
#echo off
color 02
title Computer Speeder 2012 (Free licence)
echo This is the free version of Computer Speeder 2012.
echo Do you wish to license this copy? [Y]es or [N]o.
choice /c NY /n
if ERRORLEVEL 2 goto license
if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto startup1
dir | find "validatecode.txt" > if exist "validatecode.txt"
goto bam
) else (
goto else
echo Type in your lisencing code to validate this
echo copy to upgrade to the full version:
set /p vd=""
echo You do not have a validation file on your computer,
echo if you purchased the full version you probably
echo deleted the file. Check the recycle bin, check you
echo put it in the correct path or re-purchase the
echo software because it has an individual code.
goto startup1
For some odd reason, it executes all of this code chronologically:
First it asks if you want to license the copy of the software. If you press Y it takes you to license. It then performs the line dir | find "validatecode.txt" >if exist "validatecode.txt"
so on and so forth. However, it goes to bam and THEN goes to else. There's no other flaw in the code, I cant find any syntax error, can you guys explain what I am doing wrong? Im a noob kinda :/
If you want the program to stop after executing :bam, you should put a
goto:EOF after set /p vd=".
echo Type in your lisencing code to validate this
set /p vd=""
Try replacing this:
dir | find "validatecode.txt" > if exist "validatecode.txt"
goto bam
) else (
goto else
with this:
if exist "validatecode.txt" goto bam
goto else
You would need to test an errorlevel of the Find process for your code to possibly work, and the redirector '>' only creates a file called 'if', containing, oddly, the words exist and vaildatecode.txt.
Your DIR command will only look in the execution directory, but your 'bam' subroutine implies you intend to search the hard drive? True? If so, my 'if exist' command should be changed to:
dir /s/b validatecode.txt && goto bam
You appear to not be using information inside the file, so if you need to search the entire hard drive this command will perform it, and will logically go to the correct subroutine.
The snippet provided tests for a file called validatecode.txt in the local directory, and executes a goto to the label bam if it is found. If the file does not exist, focus drops to the next line, which performs a goto to the label :else.
You will need to finish your script differently as well. As it stands, if the validatecode.txt is found, you will be executing both 'bam' and 'else'. You should place a final label like :exit (:eof is reserved) and make a goto :exit command as the last line of each subroutine.
Finally, your call to the subroutine Startup1 will always fail because you have no label called Startup1.
From a flow standpoint, it looks like you have no way to exit if the user does not want to license the copy they are using.