Installing specific node version using NVM gives an error - nvm

I want to install node v6.10.3. but when I tried to install it gives the following error. What causes this error?
creating .\config.gypi
creating .\
bash: make: command not found
nvm: install v6.10.3 failed!

(nvm maintainer here) Could you file this on, and fill out the issue template? This kind of question is more appropriate for the repo than for SO.


Mongo-express | Patch file found for package mongodb-query-parser

I am trying to get rid of the following error message.
patch-package 6.2.2
Applying patches...
Error: Patch file found for package mongodb-query-parser which is not present at node_modules/mongodb-query-parser
This message appears when I try to install mongo-express. Locally this is no problem, because npm install keeps progressing after the error message.
But when I try to run it on gitlab-pipeline it exits the job.
Is there any workaround?
Temporary quick fix is to install mongo-express without the postinstall.
npm install mongo-express --ignore-scripts && npm install
That way the patch-package isn't called and at least the CI doesn't break. But I'm not sure how unsecure this is...
Hopefully going to be fix soon! I opened an issue

How can i solve this vue related issue

Am trying to create a vue project using command line but it is showing this error message:
Error unexpected end ofJSON input while parsing near '....67e12ef","tarball":"h'
Using command line, I created a new project in C directory after which, I installed vue using NPM. After that I try installing #vue/CLI globally using NPM but while installing it the above error sprout out.
Have done npm cache clean --force but still the same error..
It is hard to suggest anything because your question lacks details.
However this error often appears as a problem with npm itself.
Consider cleaning npm's cache with following commands:
npm cache clean --force
npm cache verify
If the problem will still occur, please provide more details.

NPM Error: EPERM: operation not permitted. Tarball data for <package> seems to be corrupted

I've been trying to create a new angular app with the cli, but I keep getting this error.
At first I thought it was something related to the version of cli I had installed( the latest one), so I uninstalled it and tried with the same version(6.0.8) that is used in the course I'm following along, but I get the same error :
Do you have any idea how I can figure out what is causing this issue?
Is there any log I can check?
I'm using :
Node: v8.11.3
Npm: 6.4.1
Windows 10 Pro.
I resolved it using this command:
npm install --registry

Error when installing react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view in command prompt

So I want to install react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view because <ScrollView></ScrollView> with <KeyboardAvoidingView></KeyboardAvoidingView> has some bug. But in my case, when I install it in command prompt and reloading my app it gives me error.
This is the error in my app:
This is the error in my command prompt when installing it:
I have had this issue multiple times only in Windows I try these in the order usually.
npm install --force
Check if node_modules is set to read-only and remove if it is
Delete node_modules/
Check if any editor is opened that could have access to the root folder of the project
Reboot :(
Usually trying npm install after one of those steps will resolve it.
If these doesn't solve the issue, comment this solution and I will provide you with other solutions.
Because, this issue will also occur due to node installation error caused by your system antivirus.

html-minifier fails with "ERROR: The specified config file doesn’t exist or is unreadable"

I'm using the npm package "html-minifier" (v1.0.0) and am trying to run the command (from Linux Mint, on the command line):
html-minifier -c html-minifier.cfg -o lib/welcome.html client/welcome.html
However it fails with the error:
ERROR: The specified config file doesn’t exist or is unreadable:
Despite the existence and readability of that file.
Why might that be happening?
I installed v0.8.0:
sudo npm install -g html-minifier#0.8.0
and then the command given in the question worked. Looks like it's a bug specific to v1.0.0. I've logged an issue against the project to get it resolved.