Exact string match in awk - awk

I have a file test.txt with the next lines
1997 100 500 2010TJ
2010TJXML 16 20 59
I'm using the next awk line to get information only about string 2010TJ
awk -v var="2010TJ" '$0 ~ var {print $0}' test.txt
But the code print the two lines. I want to know how to get the line containing the exact string
1997 100 500 2010TJ
the string can be placed in any column of the file.

Several options:
Use a gawk word boundary (not POSIX awk...):
$ gawk '/\<2010TJ\>/' file
An actual space or tab or what is separating the columns:
$ awk '/^2010TJ /' file
Or compare the field directly to the string:
$ awk '$1=="2010TJ"' file
You can loop over the fields to test each field if you wish:
$ awk '{for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) if ($i=="2010TJ") {print; next}}' file
Or, given your example of setting a variable, those same using a variable:
$ gawk -v s=2010TJ '$0~"\\<" s "\\>"'
$ awk -v s=2010TJ '$0~"^" s " "'
$ awk -v s=2010TJ '$1==s'
Note the first is a little different than the second and third. The first is the standalone string 2010TJ anywhere in $0; the second and third is a string that starts with that string.

Try this (for testing only column 1) :
awk '$1 == "2010TJ" {print $0}' test.txt
or grep like (all columns) :
gawk '/\<2010TJ\>/ {print $0}' test.txt
\< \> is word boundarys

another awk with word boundary
awk '/\y2010TJ\y/' file
note \y matches either beginning or end of a word.


capture last line of file as integer variable and use in awk command

I am trying to capture the last line of a file as a variable for use in an awk command.
Here is an example of the file (the end of it) :
cat file.txt
phylum:Chlorophyta 1
phylum:Mucoromycota 1
column 6:
superkingdom:Eukaryota 99
column 7:
I want to use that '99' as an integer in an awk command, saving it as a variable,
tail -n1 file.txt
div=$(tail -n1 file.txt)
echo $div
To be used in a 2nd file (conf.txt), to divide the numbers in the 2nd field:
cat conf.txt
Class 88
Family 78
Genus 44
Species 23
BUT, when I try to use the $div variable in the awk command (using -v flag as suggested here and elsewhere with awk when taking a variable) I get this error:
awk -v a=$div '{print $2/a}' conf.txt
awk: can't open file {print $2/a}
source line number 1
But when saivng 99 as a variable simply on the cmd line, It works just fine:
awk -v a=$num '{print $2/a}' conf.txt
Are there extra spaces/characters in the capture from tail -1? I am missing something simple, but fundamental.
Ultimatey, I don't even want to have to save as a separate variable first If I dont have to, instead, just capture that last line number (99) and put directly into an awk cmd, e.g.:
awk '{print $2/[tail -1 file.txt]}' conf.txt
This is psuedo code (in the brackets) ...but, this would ultimately be what Id want...
Thanks for any help!
There's a space at the beginning of the last line, so the command is becoming
awk -v a= 99 '{print $2/a}' conf.txt
This is setting a to an empty string, treating 99 as the awk script, and the rest as filenames.
Remove the spaces from $div.
div=${div// /}
Use quotes as a habit in the shell.
cat file
blah blah
The command n=$(tail -n1 file) produces leading spaces in front of the 99:
n=$(tail -n1 file)
printf "\"%s\"\n" "$n"
" 99"
It is especially a bug that bites when you think you are checking the value of $n without quotes because the leading spaces are stripped by the shell prior to invoking echo.
echo $n # no quotes - leading spaces stripped
echo "$n" # preserve whitespace...
Now if you try and pass that argument without quotes to awk, the space has meaning to the shell and screws up how the command is interpreted:
awk -v n=$n 'BEGIN{printf "\"%s\", %s\n", n, n+1}'
awk: fatal: cannot open file `BEGIN{printf "\"%s\", %s\n", n, n+1}' for reading: No such file or directory
awk -v n="$n" 'BEGIN{printf "\"%s\", %s\n", n, n+1}'
" 99", 100
If you want to use awk to replace the use of tail you use the idiom of FNR==NR to test if the file is the first file and $1==$1+0 to test if awk is interpreting what it sees as a number:
awk 'FNR==NR {n=$1+0==$1 ? $1+0 : n; next} # n ends up being the last number seen
$2==$2+0{print $2/n}
' file conf.txt
Rather than have shell call some command to get the last line of file.txt then save it in a shell variable, then set an awk variable to that same value populated from the shell variable and passing it to awk, just use one call to awk:
$ awk 'NR==FNR{n=$1; next} {print $2/n}' file.txt conf.txt
Enabling debug mode and running the awk command:
$ set -x
$ awk -v a=$div '{print $2/a}' conf.txt
+ awk -v a= 99 '{print $2/a}'
awk: fatal: cannot open file `{print $2/a}' for reading: No such file or directory
Of interest:
-v a= - define awk variable a as being empty
99 - awk code/script
'{print $2/a}' - first file passed to awk script, and the source of the error message
As others have pointed out you can get around the error by wrapping $div in double quotes:
$ awk -v a="$div" '{print $2/a}' conf.txt
+ awk -v 'a= 99' '{print $2/a}' conf.txt
Of interest:
-v '= 99' - define awk variable a and string ' 99'
in this case awk ignores the spaces when the rest of the variable can be interpreted as a numeric
'{print $2/a}' - awk code/script
conf.txt - file passed to awk script
Barmar and dawg have addressed stripping the blanks from div and using awk for the entire process, respectively.

How to extract word from a string that may/may not start with a single quote

Sample string:
'kernel-rt|kernel-alt|/kernel-' 'headers|xen|firmware|tools|python|utils'
cut -d' ' -f 1 string.txt gives me
But how do we proceed further to get just the 'kernel' from it?
Assuming you want only the 3rd kernel (in bold) and not the others
'kernel-rt|kernel-alt|/kernel-' 'headers|xen|firmware|tools|python|utils'
Here is how you extract it using single command awk (standard Linux gawk).
input="kernel-rt|kernel-alt|/kernel-' 'headers|xen|firmware|tools|python|utils"
echo $input|awk -F"|" '{split($3,a,"-");match(a[1],"[[:alnum:]]+",b);print b[0]}'
-F"|" specify field separator is | so that only is 3rd field required
split($3,a,"-") split 3rd field by -, left part assigned to a[1]
match(a[1],"[[:alnum:]]+",b) from a[1] extract sequence of alphanumeric string into b[0]
print b[0] output the matched string.
If you want to extract kernel from 2nd or 1st fields. Change $3 to $2 or $1.
$ cat file
'kernel-rt|kernel-alt|/kernel-' 'headers|xen|firmware|tools|python|utils'
$ awk '{print $1}' file
$ awk '{gsub(/\047/,"",$1); print $1}' file
$ awk '{gsub(/\047/,""); split($1,f,/[|]/); print f[1]}' file
and just to make you think...
$ awk '{gsub(/\047|\.*/,"")}1' file

How to use awk to find the line starting with a variable

I know 2 things about awk:
awk -v var="$PAT" '$3 ~ var {print $0}' file.txt # will print the line where 3rd field includes the variable $PAT
awk '$3 ~ /^aGeneName/' file.txt # will print the line where 3rd field starts with string "aGeneName"
But what I want is the combination of these two: I want to print the line where the 3rd field starts with the variable $PAT, something like
awk -v var="$PAT" '$3 ~ /^var/ {print $0}' file.txt # but this is wrong, since variable can't be put into //
One way is like this:
awk -v var="$PAT" '$3 ~ "^" var {print $0}' file.txt
And the {print $0} can be saved here, it's implied.
Another way, when the pattern var is a simple string, no RegEX character inside:
awk -v var="$PAT" 'index($3, var)==1' file.txt

How to print the length size of the following line

I would like to modify a file by including the size of following line using awk.
My file is like this:
I am using awk to modify it to have the following format:
I have used awk to modify the first part.
awk -F":" -v i=1 '/>/{print ">Assembly_" $1 "_" val i "_";i++;next} {print length($0)} 1' infile | sed -e "s/_>/_/g" > outfile
I can use print length($0) but how to print it in the same line?
EDIT2: Since OP has changed the sample data again so adding this code now.
awk -v val="Assembly_AAAS_" '/>/{++i;val=">"val i "_";next} {sub(/ +$/,"");print val length($0) ORS $0}' Input_file
awk -v val="Assembly_AAAS_" '/>/{++i;val=">"val i "_";next} {print val length($1) ORS $0;}' Input_file
Above will remove spaces from last of the lines of Input_file, in case you don't need it then remove sub(/ +$/,""); part from above code please.
EDIT: As per OP changed solution now.
awk -v i=1 -v val=">Assembly_GeneName1_" -v val1="_sizeline" '/>/{value="\047" val i val1;i++;next} {print value length($0) ORS $0}' Input_file
awk -v i=1 -v val=">Assembly_GeneName1_" -v val1="_sizeline" '
/>/{ value="\047" val i val1;
print value length($0) ORS $0
' Input_file
Following awk may help you on same.
awk -v i="" -v j=2 '/>/{print "\047>Assembly_GeneName1_"++i"_sizeline"j;j+=2;next} 1' Input_file
Solution 2nd:
awk -v i=1 -v j=2 -v val=">Assembly_GeneName1_" -v val1="_sizeline" '/>/{print "\047" val i val1 j;j+=2;i++;next} 1' Input_file
What you are dealing with is a beautiful example of records which are not lines. awk is a record parser and by default, a record is defined to be a line. With awk you can define a record to be a block of text using the record separator RS.
RS : The first character of the string value of RS shall be the input record separator; a <newline> by default. If RS contains more
than one character, the results are unspecified. If RS is null, then
records are separated by sequences consisting of a <newline> plus one
or more blank lines, leading or trailing blank lines shall not result
in empty records at the beginning or end of the input, and a <newline>
shall always be a field separator, no matter what the value of FS is.
So the goal is to define the record to be
And this can be done by defining the RS="\n<". Furthremore we will use \n as a field separator FS. This way you can get the requested length as length($2) and the count by using the record count NR.
A simple awk script is then:
awk 'BEGIN{RS="\n<"; FS=OFS="\n"}
{print $1,$2}' <file>
This will do exactly what you want.
note: we use print $1,$2 and not print $0 as the last record might have 3 fields (if the last char of the file is a newline). This would imply that you would have an extra empty line at the end of your file.
If you want to pick the AAAS string out of $1 you can use substr($1,1,match($1,":")-1) to pick it up. This results in this:
awk 'BEGIN{RS="\n<"; FS=OFS="\n"}
{print $1,$2}' <file>
Finally, be aware that the above solution only works if there are no spaces in $2, if you want to change that, you can do this :
awk 'BEGIN{RS="\n<"; FS=OFS="\n"}
{ gsub(/[[:blank:]]/,"",$2);
{ print $1,$2 }' <file>

awk printing the second to last record of a file

I have a file set up like
Words on
many line
More Words
on many lines
Even More Words
on many lines
and I would like to output the second to last record of this file where the record is delimited by % after each block of text.
I have used:
awk -v RS=\% ' END{ print NR }' $f
to find the number of records (1136). Then I did
awk -v RS=\% ' { print $(NR-1) }' $f
awk -v RS=\% ' { print $(NR=1135) }' $f
Neither of these worked, and, instead, displayed a record towards the beginning of the file and a many blank lines.
"You know, of course, that the Tasmanians, who never committed adultery, are
now extinct."
-- M. Somerset Maugham
This output had many, many more blank lines and contains a record near the middle of the file.
awk -v RS=\% 'END{ print $(NR-1) }' $f
returns a blank line. The same command with different $(NR-x) values also returns a blank line.
Can someone help me to print the second to last record in this case?
You can do:
awk '{this=last;last=$0} END{print this}' file
Or, if you don't mind having the entire file in memory:
awk '{a[NR]=$0} END{print a[NR-1]}' file
Or, if it is just line count (or record count) based, you can keep a rolling deletion going so you are not too piggish on memory:
$ seq 999999 | tail -2
$ seq 999999 | awk '{a[NR]=$0; delete a[NR-3]} END{print a[NR-1]}'
If they are blocks of text the same method works if you can separate the blocks into delimited records.
$ echo "$txt"
Words on
many line
More Words
on many lines
Even More Words
on many lines
You can do:
$ echo "$txt" | awk -v RS=\% '{a[NR]=$0} END{print a[NR-1]}'
Even More Words
on many lines
$ echo "$txt" | awk -v RS=\% '{a[NR]=$0} END{print a[NR-2]}'
More Words
on many lines
If you want to not print the leading and trailing \n you can do:
$ echo "$txt" | awk 'BEGIN{RS="%\n"} {a[NR]=$0} END{printf a[NR-2]}'
Words on
many line
Finally, if you know the specific record you want to print, do it this way in awk:
$ seq 999999 | awk -v mrk=1135 'NR==mrk{print; exit}'
If you want a random record, you can do:
$ awk -v min=1 -v max=1135 'BEGIN{srand()
NR==tgt{print; exit}' file
Does the solution have to be with awk? Just using head and tail would be simpler.
tail -2 file.txt | head 1 > justthatline.txt
The best way for this would be to use the BEGIN construct.
awk 'BEGIN{RS="%\n"; ORS="%\n"}(NR>=2){print}' file
RS and ORS set the input file and output record separators respectively.