Oddity with _.isEqual(obj1,obj2) - lodash

I'm using Lodash in a project where I need to compare two objects, one an original version and the other a possibly modified version of it, which I need to test to see if it's 'dirty' (i.e., has been modified at all).
Clearly, Lodash's _.isEqual() would seem to be the perfect candidate for this. Except it's telling me the two objects are not equal even though I'm pretty certain they are. If I do a JSON.stringify on both objects, the strings are equal, so how can it even be possible that the two objects are not equal?


Dict vs Record in elm

While implementing a simple app I ran into the problem of trying to update a nested record. I found a solution online but it really seems like a whole lot of bloated code.
As I was looking for alternatives I found Dictionaries. This seem like a solution to that problem -- If I use a dictionary inside of a record I can avoid all that bloated code and get nested updates.
Seeing dictionaries and records next to each other made me wonder, why would I use a record instead of a dictionary, or vice versa? The two seem really similar to me, so I am not sure I see the advantage of one or the other. Of course I can see that there is a difference in syntax, but is that all ?
I learned somewhere that the access time complexity of Dict is O(log(n)) -- does it do a binary search on the keys ? -- but I can't find the access time complexity for record, but I am wondering if that is O(1) and that is one of the advantages.
Either way, they both seem to map to 1 single data structure in other languages (e.g Python's dictionaries, JS objects, Java hash-tables), why do we need two in elm ?
Dicts and records might seem very similar when coming from JavaScript, but in a statically typed language they are actually very different. I think just about the only property they have in common is that they are both key-value containers.
The biggest differences, I think, are that Dicts are homogeneous, meaning values must be of the same type, and "dynamically" keyed and sized, meaning keys are not statically checked (ie. at compile-time) and that key-value pairs can be added at runtime. Records on the other hand includes the key names and value types in the record type, which means they can hold values of different types, but also can't have keys added or removed at runtime without changing the type itself.
The benefits of easily being able to insert and update a Dict is something you pay for when you try to get it back out. Dict.get returns a Maybe which you'll then have to handle, because the type doesn't give any guarantee that it contains anything at all. You also won't get a compiler error if you mistype the name of a key.
Overall, a Dict forsakes most of the benefits of static typing. I think a good rule of thumb is that if you know the key names, you should most likely go with records. If you don't, go with Dict.
You also seem about right regarding performance, but I think that's a secondary concern. Record access should be equivalent to accessing the elements of an array by index, since so much information is known at compile time that it can essentially be compiled down to a fixed-size array.

constants for CIFilter names

are there constant strings for names of build in filters(CIColorControls, CIBloom, etc.) in Mac OS X?
There are constant strings like kCIInputEVKey, which you can use to avoid string literals like #"inputEV", but i can't find something similar for names of filters.
thx in advance!
It's hidden away, but there is a list of names of filters, and what they do:
Core Image Filter Keys - Apple Documentation
As you’ve probably found out already, there aren’t.
While I see that filters can be provided at runtime, so in order to get the full picture you have to query the list of available filters at runtime, I can only guess why there isn’t a canonical set of filters that are guaranteed to exist — after all, that’s what introducing such constants boils down to.
Most (if not all) filters that were introduced in 10.4 are still around, so it’s not too unsafe a bet to rely on them sticking around. That said, you should probably always account for a failed lookup…

Arrays in Visual Basic

In declaring an array in VB, would you ever leave the zero element empty and adjust the code to make it more user friendly?
This is for Visual Basic 2008
No, I wouldn't do that. It seems like it might help maintainability, but that's a very short-sighted view.
Think about it this way. It only takes each programmer who has to understand and maintain the code a short amount of time to get comfortable with zero-indexed arrays. But if you're using one-based arrays, which are unlike those found in almost all other VB.NET code, and in fact almost every other common programming language, it will take everyone on the team much longer. They'll be constantly making mistakes, tripping up because their natural assumptions aren't accurate in this one special case.
I know how it feels. When I worked in VB 6, I loved one-based arrays. They were very natural for the type of data that I was storing, and I used them all over the place. Perfectly documentable here, because you have an explicit syntax to specify the upper and lower bounds of the array. That's not the case in VB.NET (which is a newer, but incompatible version of the Visual Basic language), where all arrays have to be zero-indexed. I had a hard time switching to VB.NET's zero-based arrays for the first couple of days. After that initial period of adjustment, I can honestly say I've never looked back.
Some might argue that leaving the first element of every array empty would consume extra memory needlessly. While that's obviously true, I think it's a secondary reason behind the one I presented above. Good developers write code for others to read, so I commend you for considering how to make your code logical and understandable. You're on the right path by asking this question. But in the long run, I don't think this decision is a good one.
There might be a handful of exceptions in very specific cases, depending on the type of data that you're storing in the array. But again, failing to do this across the board seems like it would hurt readability in the aggregate, rather than helping it. It's not particularly counter-intuitive to simply write the following, once you've learned how arrays are indexed:
For i As Integer = 0 To (myArray.Length - 1)
'Do work
And remember that in VB.NET, you can also use the For Each statement to iterate through your array elements, which many people find more readable. For example:
For Each i As Integer In myArray
'Do work
First, it is about programmer friendly, not user friendly. User will never know the code is 0-based or 1-based.
Second, 0-based is the default and will be used more and more.
Third, 0-based is more natural to computer. From the very element, it has two status, 0 and 1, not 1 and 2.
I have upgraded a couple of VB6 projects to vb.net. To modify to 0-based array in the beginning is better than to debug the code a later time.
Most of my VB.Net arrays are 0-based and every element is used. That's usual in VB.Net and code mustn't surprise the reader. Readability is vital.
Any exceptions? Maybe if I had a program ported from VB6, so it used 0-based arrays with unused initial elements, and it needed a small change, I might match the pattern of the existing code. Least surprise again.
99 times out of 100 the question shouldn't arise because you should be using List(Of T) rather than an array!
Who are the "users" that are going to see the array indexes? Any good developer will be able to handle a zero-indexed array and no real user should ever see them. If the user has to interact with the array, then make an actually user-friendly system for doing so (text or a 1-based virtual index or whatever is called for).
In visual basic is it possible to declare an array starting from 1, if you find inconvenient to use a 0 based array.
Dim array(1 to 10) as Integer
It is just a matter of tastes. I use 1 based arrays in visual basic but 0 based arrays in C ;)

Insert items into alphabetical sections in tableview

So, I have an array of various names and I have populated the table with section headers
Is it correct to find the first char of my data and then subsequently put it in the correct section, or is there a way to do it using a faster method.
I believe what I am doing is wrong as I am thinking of making an A array for example and then find every element starting with 'A' and insert it inside. But this is a bit crazy as then, I would need to create A-Z arrays which I seriously do not think that is the correct way.
I'm sorry if this is posted in the documentations but I don't seem to be able to find it.
Any help from you guys in this matter?
Well I actually did it this way, too and I don't see any reasons why this shouldn't be done, as it decouples the fetching / sorting process from refreshing the tableview, which in turn keeps loading and scrolling the tableview smooth.
Having A-Z arrays is not a big issue memorywise since they're just holding references to your data objects anyway and not the data itself. But it allows you fast access to your data objects without the need for expensive comparison operations.
Just make sure your arrays are kept up to date if data objects are added or deleted.

How can I get top terms for a subset of documents in a Lucene index?

I know its possible to get the top terms within a Lucene Index, but is there a way to get the top terms based on a subset of a Lucene index?
I.e. What are the top terms in the Index for documents within a certain date range?
Ideally there'd be a utility somewhere to do this, but I'm not aware of one. However, it's not too hard to do this "by hand" in a reasonably efficient way. I'll assume that you already have a Query and/or Filter object that you can use to define the subset of interest.
First, build a list in memory of all of the document IDs in your index subset. You can use IndexSearcher.search(Query, Filter, HitCollector) to do this very quickly; the HitCollector documentation includes an example that seems like it ought to work, or you can use some other container to store your doc IDs.
Next, initialize an empty HashMap (or whatever) to map terms to total frequency, and populate the map by invoking one of the IndexReader.getTermFreqVector methods for every document and field of interest. The three-argument form seems simpler, but either should be just fine. For the three-argument form, you'd make a TermVectorMapper whose map method checks if term is in the map, associates it with frequency if not, or adds frequency to the existing value if so. Be sure to use the same TermVectorMapper object across all of the calls to getTermFreqVector in this pass, rather than instantiating a new one for each document in the loop. You can also speed things up quite a bit by overriding isIgnoringPositions() and isIgnoringOffsets(); your object should return true for both of those. It looks like your TermVectorMapper might also be forced to define a setExpectations method, but that one doesn't need to do anything.
Once you've built your map, just sort the map items by descending frequency and read off however many top terms you like. If you know in advance how many terms you want, you might prefer to do some kind of fancy heap-based algorithm to find the top k items in linear time instead of using an O(n log n) sort. I imagine the plain old sort will be plenty fast in practice. But it's up to you.
If you prefer, you can combine the first two stages by having your HitCollector invoke getTermFreqVector directly. This should certainly produce equally correct results, and intuitively seems like it would be simpler and better, but the docs seem to warn that doing so is likely to be quite a bit slower than the two-pass approach (on same page as the HitCollector example above). Or I could be misinterpreting their warning. If you're feeling ambitious you could try it both ways, compare, and let us know.
Counting up the TermVectors will work, but will be slow if there are a lot of documents to iterate. Also note if you mean docFreq by top terms, then don't use the count in the TermFreqVector just count the terms as binary.
Alternatively, you could iterate the terms like facet counts. Use a cached filter for every term; their BitSets can be used for a fast intersection count.