Run WSL command in non-interactive mode (Fall Creators Update) - windows-subsystem-for-linux

Before Fall Creators Update I could run Ubuntu binaries in one-liner via such command:
%WinDir%\system32\bash.exe -c "echo 123"
But after the update, I can't find how to do the same thing with MarketPlace-installed distro. Is there a way to run such commands in cmd.exe?

Why can't? Bash.exe and wsl.exe always run your default distro.
Change default distro by wslconfig.exe
Or use ubuntu.exe to run Ubuntu, opensuse.exe to run OpenSUSE.
to see all your distro launcher.


WSL2 Clock is out of sync with Windows

WSL2 clock goes out of sync after resuming from sleep/hibernate.
A workaround was shared on GitHub sudo hwclock -s to resync clock in WSL, but you have to do this every time you resume from sleep/hibernate.
UPDATE: THIS BUG IS FIXED, just check for updates! See the Clock Sync fix
In case anyone finds this via search and doesn't notice that there is actually a solution listed in the question, you can fix WSL clock drift via.
sudo hwclock -s
If you just need to do it occasionally, this is a fine solution. If you need to do it more frequently, consider #piouson's solution
The fix is now in WSL2 Linux kernel and newer! Note you may need to install WSL2 from the Windows Store to get the latest kernel version per this thread with Craig from Microsoft.
Older Answer
sudo hwclock -s gets you kind of there, but for some reason doesn't get the exact time - I often find it's a minute or so in the future!
sudo ntpdate should get you the correct time.
But this is all because of a bug in the Linux kernel which should be included in a Windows update at some point...
There are a number of hacks referenced in the the GitHub issue which can work around this, mostly, but not always, in my experience...
just restart wsl, it works fine for me
wsl --shutdown
in PowerShell
UPDATE: as mentioned by drkvogel, the Clock Sync fix was released in WSL2 kernel version
At time of writing, this GitHub Issue was open for the bug.
The workaround I chose for my situation (single distro in WSL2) is to use Windows Task Scheduler to run hwclock in WSL whenever Windows resyncs hardware clock.
Windows: Open PowerShell as Administrator
schtasks /create /tn WSLClockSync /tr "wsl.exe sudo hwclock -s" /sc onevent /ec system /mo "*[System[Provider[#Name='Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-General'] and (EventID=1)]]"
Set-ScheduledTask WSLClockSync -Settings (New-ScheduledTaskSettingsSet -AllowStartIfOnBatteries)
WSL2: Run sudo visudo and add hwclock to sudoers to skip password prompt
# bottom of my file looks like this
#includedir /etc/sudoers.d
<username> ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/usr/sbin/hwclock, /usr/bin/apt update, /usr/bin/apt upgrade
See image for how to get Event XPath from Windows Event filtering. Use as provided to let task scheduler auto-display scheduled triggers.
Use cron to schedule sudo hwclock -s
As others said before sudo hwclock -s syncs the clock,
but you will need to do this after every sleep/hibernate.
Solution is to add an hourly cron task to sync the clock.
Open crontab with sudo (must open with sudo since the command uses sudo):
sudo crontab -e
and add this code with a new line after the task (it's a cron requirement):
#hourly hwclock -s
You must either set PATH since root-cron do not has it or use absolute paths e.g. /usr/sbin/hwclock.
cron troubleshooting:
To verify cron is working you may add a dummy task (don't forget to add a new line):
* * * * * date > /tmp/log.txt
If no file is created, verify cron is working: pgrep cron.
If no PID shows, start cron with: sudo service cron start.
To learn cron timing method: cron timing generator
Necro'ing this: As of May 2022, this issue persists to a degree.
There are two components.
First, Windows time sync needs to be decent to start with. It's not, out of the box, on machines that aren't domain-joined.
Change w32time to start automatically. In Administrator cmd, but not PowerShell, sc triggerinfo w32time start/networkon stop/networkoff. Verify with sc qtriggerinfo w32time. To get into cmd that way, you can start Admin PowerShell and then just type cmd.
Make a few changes in regedit.
In Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\w32time\Config, set MaxPollInterval to hex c, decimal 12.
Check Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\w32time\Parameters\NtpServer. If it ends in 0x9 you are done. If it ends in 0x1 you need to adjust SpecialPollInterval in Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\w32time\TimeProviders\NtpClient to read 3600
Reboot, then from Powershell run w32tm /query /status /verbose to verify that w32time service did start. If it didn't, check triggers again. If all else fails, set it to Automatic Delayed startup
Second, WSL2 needs to actually stay in sync. MS will likely release another kernel fix. In the meantime a scheduled task can bring it back into sync periodically:
schtasks /Create /TN WSL2TimeSync /TR "wsl -u root hwclock -s" /SC ONEVENT /EC System /MO "*[System[Provider[#Name='Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Power'] and (EventID=107 or EventID=507) or Provider[#Name='Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-General'] and (EventID=1)]]" /F
This GitHub Issue was closed
You can also run the below command in Powershell Terminal so sync it.
wsl.exe sudo hwclock -s
You can manually update the WSL2 kernel to 5.10.16 by following the method in this comment: #5650 (comment). I have fixed the issue by this method.
I've added this to Windows Task Scheduler, set to run every 12 hours:
wsl.exe -d ubuntu -u root -- ntpdate
To install ntpdate:
sudo apt install ntpdate
For me this issue seems to be happening when the system goes to sleep. So I have registered a bash command to call whenever, it goes out of sync. I did it by adding a file and sourced it in ~/.bashrc.
# Sync wsl time
sync_date () {
echo -e "${RED}sudo ntpdate $TIME_SERVER ${NC}"
sudo ntpdate $TIME_SERVER
source ~/Linux/
Note that I have added a bit of color and some customizations (TIME_SERVER: [windows time server is other option]).
You can sync the time using sync_date command in cli.

Why doesn't htop show my docker-processes using wsl2

Building my container using docker and wsl2 I wanted to see what happens. Running htop in wsl only shows the CPU usage, but none processes running in my containers.
The only information searching for htop, docker and wsl2, the only thing I could find was this archived and unrelated reddit-thread:
Docker does not run in your default WSL-distro, but in a special Docker-Wsl-distro. Running wsl -l shows the installed distros:
Ubuntu (Standard)
Docker desktop is based on alpine and you can run top right out of the box:
wsl -d docker-desktop top
If you want htop, you need to install it first:
wsl -d docker-desktop apk update
wsl -d docker-desktop apk add htop
wsl -d docker-desktop htop
will now give you a nice overview of what is happening in your docker-containers:
I agree with #Morty.
The following commands give you the list for windows
wsl -l
Then you can run either of the following command
wsl -d docker-desktop ps
wsl -d docker-desktop top

Unison fails with "ill-formed message" error, same remote & local versions

I'm trying to get unison working after upgrading to Mac OS X Catalina. Unfortunately, macports installs a more recent version of ocaml (4.08.1), which means that the unison 2.51.2 release won't compile.
Well, that's no problem, I just update to git master on unison, and recompile. Unfortunately, this fails at sync time because the version of ocaml used to compile on the mac (4.08.1) is different from the one used to compile on the other machine (4.07.1). Sigh. Okay, use opam magic to install 4.07.1 on my machine. Everything should be fine, right? No!
Here's the error:
Connected [//zzzmyhost//home/clements/unison-home -> //zzzmyotherhost//Users/clements/clements]
Looking for changes
Uncaught exception Failure("input_value: ill-formed message")
Raised at file "/private/tmp/unison/src/lwt/", line 126, characters 16-23
Called from file "/private/tmp/unison/src/lwt/generic/", line 102, characters 8-23
Called from file "/private/tmp/unison/src/" (inlined), line 2105, characters 2-69
Called from file "/private/tmp/unison/src/", line 978, characters 16-56
Called from file "/private/tmp/unison/src/", line 1066, characters 6-90
Called from file "/private/tmp/unison/src/", line 1088, characters 19-66
Called from file "/private/tmp/unison/src/", line 1144, characters 21-43
What's going on?
Sigh... the problem here (very non-obvious) is actually with a corrupted/wrong-format syncronization file, created when doing the failed sync in the earlier test.
The solution is just to go into ~/Library/Application Support/Unison (on a UNIX machine this path would presumably live in ~/.unison and delete the archive file that's causing the problem (probably the most recent one). In a pinch, just delete all of the archive files and start over.
I've got the same problem between Windows and Ubuntu 20.04 after upgrading from Ubuntu 18.04. I tried the binary from Ubuntu 18.04 in 20.04, which still fails, so the incompatibility is likely inside one of the dependencies.
As a workaround I created a Docker image based on Ubuntu 18.04:
FROM ubuntu:18.04
RUN apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade -y
RUN apt-get install unison -y
RUN useradd martin --home /home/martin
WORKDIR /home/martin
USER martin
Building it with docker build -t unison:18.04 .
And then I added a wrapper to ~/bin/unison-2.48.4-docker:
docker run --rm -i \
-v /home/martin/dirtosync:/home/martin/dirtosync \
-v /home/martin/.unison:/home/martin/.unison \
--hostname $(hostname) \
unison:18.04 unison "$#"
Setting the --hostname is important, since the hostname is part of the archive file.
Inside the profile on my Windows machine I configured:
servercmd = ~/bin/unison-2.48.4-docker
In my setup with two windows clients and one Ubuntu 18.04 server, connected by ssh, the problem startet with a second server running on Ubuntu 20.04. Neither the old server nor the windows clients could sync with the new machine.
My solution: Copying the binary from Ubuntu 18.04 to a new directory in the Ubuntu 20.04 machine. This new file is referenced in the "authorized_keys" file of ssh on the new machine.
So far, everything works great with unison 2.48.4.

"docker run -dti" with a dumb terminal

updated: added the missing docker attach.
Hi am trying to run a docker container, with -dti. but I cannot access with a terminal set to dumb. is there a way to change this (it is currently set to xterm, even though my ssh client is dumb)
create the container
docker run -dti --name test -v /my-folder alpine /bin/ash
docker attach test
apk --update add nodejs
cd /my-folder
npm install -g gulp
the last command always contains ascii escape chars to move the cursor.
I have tried "export TERM=dumb" inside the running container, but it does not work.
is there a way to "run" this using the dumb terminal?
I am running this from a script on another computer, via (dumb) ssh.
using the -t which sets this, however removing effects the command prompt (the prompt is not shown)
possible solution 1 remove the -t and keep the -i. To see if the command has completed echo out a known token (ENDENDEND). ie
docker run -di --name test -v /my-folder alpine /bin/ash
docker attach test
apk --update add nodejs;echo ENDENDEND
cd /my-folder;echo ENDENDEND
npm install -g gulp;echo ENDENDEND
not pretty, but it works (there is no ascii in the results)
Possible solution 2 use the journal, docker can log out to the linux journal, this can be gathered as commands are executed in the container. (I have yet to fully test this one out. however the log seems to be a nicer output of what happened)
Yep -t is the problem.
However if you want to see the entire process when running a command, maybe this way is better:
docker run -di --name test -v/my-folder alpine /bin/ash
docker exec -it test /bin/ash
finally you need to kill the container after all jobs finished.
docker run -d means "Run container in background and print container ID"
not start the container as a daemon
I was hitting this issue on OSx running docker, i had to do 2 things to stop the terminal/ascii/ansi escape sequences.
remove the "t" option on the docker run command (from docker run -it ... to docker run -i...)
ensure to force bash or sh shells used on osx when running the command from a script file, not the default zsh
the escape sequences were not always visible on the terminal
even so, they still usually caused content corruption, even with SED brought to bear
they always were shown in my editor

how to set up the psql command in cygwin?

I have a local dev site on my machine with Apache server and PostgreSQL 9.1 database. As I'm using Windows, I also installed Cygwin. I want to access to database and make some queries via Cygwin insead of pgAdmin III, but it tells me that psql command not found. How should I set up the psql command in cygwin?
As of today, you just have to install postgresql-client package in cygwin:
Run your cygwin setup.exe file (this can be run multiple times to
add more packages).
Type postgresql into the search box, select postgresql-client and
press "next" to install.
Now you can open Cygwin terminal and type psql to run!
The best combo for Cygwin on Windows, I've found, is the normal Windows Postgres installation combined with Cygwin psql.
Cygwin psql (and other command-line tools) can be compiled from source fairly easily. Here's the steps for 9.2.4:
$ wget
$ tar xjf postgresql-9.2.4.tar.bz2
$ cd postgresql-9.2.4/
$ ./configure
$ cd src/bin/psql
$ make
This creates a psql.exe binary that works well with Cygwin. However, by default, it tries to connect to the local instance using a Unix socket instead of TCP. So use -h to specify the hostname and force TCP, for example:
$ ./psql -h localhost -U postgres
Move this psql.exe to someplace on your path (e.g. ~/bin) and possibly wrap in a script to add '-h localhost' for convenience when no other arguments supplied.
The source could be modified to change the default, but that takes actual work ;)
If I understand your question correctly you are running cygwin because you want to run queries against PostgreSQL via bash and psql on Windows, right?
Cygwin can run Windows binaries from bash, so install the native Windows builds and make sure psql.exe is in the PATH You should be able to copy the executable if necessary.
There is no need to install a native Cygwin build of PostgreSQL. Just use the existing psql tool, and make sure you can access the Windows-native psql.exe.