How can I get Heroku's SSL functionality, certs:auto, to work for my non-www domain? - ssl

Supposedly, this command should automagically setup SSL for your domain:
heroku certs:auto:enable
This worked fine for my domain "" but not "". Is there something special I have to do for this? Here's the output:
➜ ExamPleGit.clean git:(master) heroku certs:auto
=== Automatic Certificate Management is enabled on example
Certificate details:
Common Name(s):
Expires At: 2018-01-22 15:04 UTC
Issuer: /C=US/O=Let's Encrypt/CN=Let's Encrypt Authority X3
Starts At: 2017-10-24 15:04 UTC
Subject: /
SSL certificate is verified by a root authority.
Domain Status
────────────── ──────────── DNS Verified Failing
=== Some domains are failing validation, please verify that your DNS matches: heroku domains
➜ ExamPleGit.clean git:(master) heroku domains
=== example Heroku Domain
=== example Custom Domains
Domain Name DNS Record Type DNS Target
────────────── ─────────────── ──────────────────────────── CNAME ALIAS or ANAME

The way I fixed this was to simply redirect all traffic from -> in my domain providers control panel, so I didn't need to worry about SSL for that URL. For Namecheap, go to the Advanced DNS settings of your domain and add this entry:
URL Redirect Record #
Once that is done, then you can then setup node or PHP (via .htaccess file) to force all http -> https and give yourself an SSL secure site.


Traefik V2 & Cloudflare : SSL error subdomain ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH

I want to deploy a Traefik with SSL using a wildcard certificate.
My domain is:
My applications are :
I want to create for each application an entry in the cloudflare dns.
For that I made :
A -> sub- >
CNAME -> portainer.sub ->
CNAME -> traefik.sub ->
Traefik starts normally without errors.
The nslookup command also returns a correct answer.
The problem is that when I access my applications, I get an error like: ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH
No certificate visible in the "Connection not secure" lock location
FYI: If I delete my two entries and do a CNAME:
CNAME -> *.sub ->
then I have access to my applications, but I lose all the advantage of the cloudflare proxy which does not support proxification via *....
Thanks for your help!
Traefik logs :
time="2021-03-12T21:33:33Z" level=debug msg="legolog: [INFO] [, *] acme: Validations succeeded; requesting certificates"
time="2021-03-12T21:33:38Z" level=debug msg="legolog: [INFO] [] Server responded with a certificate."
time="2021-03-12T21:33:38Z" level=debug msg="Certificates obtained for domains [ *]" providerName=mydnschallenge.acme
Traefik configuration :
Due to cloudflare policy(free subscription), it is not possible to do
You can only do

Heroku ACM https only works on herokuapp

I have a React app running on a professional Heroku dyno. It has a custom domain with naked redirect, registered via GoDaddy.
Based on the Heroku instructions and other StackOverflow posts I've read, I thought I had everything configured properly. And indeed when I go to I get the correct behavior. However, when I go to, I still get:
Your connection is not private. Attackers might be trying to steal your information.
heroku domains is:
=== myapp Heroku Domain
=== myapp Custom Domains
Domain Name DNS Record Type DNS Target CNAME
That DNS address is what I've set my CNAME in GoDaddy to point to:
CNAME www 1 Hour
heroku certs is:
Name Common Name(s) Expires Trusted Type
────────────────── ────────────────── ──────────────────── ─────── ────
tyrannosaurs-66282 2020-08-15 10:32 UTC True ACM
Finally, my heroku certs:auto is:
=== Automatic Certificate Management is enabled on myapp
Certificate details:
Common Name(s):
Expires At: 2020-08-15 10:32 UTC
Issuer: /C=US/O=Let's Encrypt/CN=Let's Encrypt Authority X3
Starts At: 2020-05-17 10:32 UTC
Subject: /
SSL certificate is verified by a root authority.
Domain Status
────────────────── ─────────── Cert issued
From what I can tell, everything is set up correctly. What am I missing?
One thing that could potentially be an issue: I originally tried to set up SSL manually by registering my site on Let's Encrypt. But stopped and switched to ACM after Heroku kept redirecting to va-acm, preventing confirmation.
Never mind, it did work, just takes a while to propagate. Leaving this Q up as a reference point so folks know what the correct configuration is.
Also, https always works for herokupapp. Has nothing to do with your ACM/DNS configuration.

Dokku + letsencrypt: able to get ssl for subdomain, but not root domain

I am using server side CLI to get an SSL for my web app (following these instructions:
After following the setup I ran:
root#taaalk:~# dokku letsencrypt taaalk
=====> Let's Encrypt taaalk
-----> Updating letsencrypt docker image...
0.1.0: Pulling from dokku/letsencrypt
Digest: sha256:af5f8529c407645e97821ad28eba328f4c59b83b2141334f899303c49fc07823
Status: Image is up to date for dokku/letsencrypt:0.1.0
Done updating
-----> Enabling ACME proxy for taaalk...
[ ok ] Reloading nginx configuration (via systemctl): nginx.service.
-----> Getting letsencrypt certificate for taaalk...
- Domain ''
darkhttpd/1.12, copyright (c) 2003-2016 Emil Mikulic.
listening on:
2020-04-28 23:12:10,728:INFO:__main__:1317: Generating new account key
2020-04-28 23:12:11,686:INFO:__main__:1343: By using simp_le, you implicitly agree to the CA's terms of service:
2020-04-28 23:12:12,017:INFO:__main__:1406: Generating new certificate private key
2020-04-28 23:12:14,753:ERROR:__main__:1388: CA marked some of the authorizations as invalid, which likely means it could not access Did you set correct path in -d or --default_root? Are all your domains accessible from the internet? Please check your domains' DNS entries, your host's network/firewall setup and your webserver config. If a domain's DNS entry has both A and AAAA fields set up, some CAs such as Let's Encrypt will perform the challenge validation over IPv6. If your DNS provider does not answer correctly to CAA records request, Let's Encrypt won't issue a certificate for your domain (see Failing authorizations:
2020-04-28 23:12:14,757:INFO:__main__:396: Saving account_key.json
2020-04-28 23:12:14,758:INFO:__main__:396: Saving account_reg.json
Challenge validation has failed, see error log.
Debugging tips: -v improves output verbosity. Help is available under --help.
-----> Certificate retrieval failed!
-----> Disabling ACME proxy for taaalk...
[ ok ] Reloading nginx configuration (via systemctl): nginx.service.
So it's easier to read the error was:
2020-04-28 23:12:14,753:ERROR:__main__:1388: CA marked some of the authorizations as invalid, which likely means it could not access Did you set correct path in -d or --default_root? Are all your domains accessible from the internet? Please check your domains' DNS entries, your host's network/firewall setup and your webserver config. If a domain's DNS entry has both A and AAAA fields set up, some CAs such as Let's Encrypt will perform the challenge validation over IPv6. If your DNS provider does not answer correctly to CAA records request, Let's Encrypt won't issue a certificate for your domain (see Failing authorizations:
I did a lot of googling around and the most promising post I found on the subject was this one:
In the post it suggested checking my Dokku domain misconfiguration and missing network listeners.
I ran dokku domains:report to check for the misconfiguration. This returned:
root#taaalk:~# dokku domains:report
=====> taaalk domains information
Domains app enabled: true
Domains app vhosts:
Domains global enabled: true
Domains global vhosts:
And I then ran dokku network:report to check for missing listeners:
root#taaalk:~# dokku network:report
=====> taaalk network information
Network attach post create:
Network attach post deploy:
Network bind all interfaces: false
Network web listeners:
After talking things through with a friend we tried adding an 'A' record to my DNS with the host ''.
I then ran:
root#taaalk:~# dokku letsencrypt taaalk
=====> Let's Encrypt taaalk
-----> Updating letsencrypt docker image...
0.1.0: Pulling from dokku/letsencrypt
Digest: sha256:af5f8529c407645e97821ad28eba328f4c59b83b2141334f899303c49fc07823
Status: Image is up to date for dokku/letsencrypt:0.1.0
Done updating
-----> Enabling ACME proxy for taaalk...
[ ok ] Reloading nginx configuration (via systemctl): nginx.service.
-----> Getting letsencrypt certificate for taaalk...
- Domain ''
darkhttpd/1.12, copyright (c) 2003-2016 Emil Mikulic.
listening on:
2020-04-30 13:39:58,623:INFO:__main__:1406: Generating new certificate private key
2020-04-30 13:40:03,879:INFO:__main__:396: Saving fullchain.pem
2020-04-30 13:40:03,880:INFO:__main__:396: Saving chain.pem
2020-04-30 13:40:03,880:INFO:__main__:396: Saving cert.pem
2020-04-30 13:40:03,880:INFO:__main__:396: Saving key.pem
-----> Certificate retrieved successfully.
-----> Installing let's encrypt certificates
-----> Unsetting DOKKU_PROXY_PORT
-----> Setting config vars
DOKKU_PROXY_PORT_MAP: http:80:5000
-----> Setting config vars
DOKKU_PROXY_PORT_MAP: http:80:5000 https:443:5000
-----> Configuring built-in template)
-----> Creating https nginx.conf
Enabling HSTS
Reloading nginx
-----> Configuring built-in template)
-----> Creating https nginx.conf
Enabling HSTS
Reloading nginx
-----> Disabling ACME proxy for taaalk...
[ ok ] Reloading nginx configuration (via systemctl): nginx.service.
Which was successful.
However, now has an SSL, but does not.
I don't know where to go from here. I feel it makes sense to change the vhost from to, but I am not sure if this is correct or how to do it. The Dokku documentation does not seem to cover changing the vhost name:
Thank you for any help
I changed the vhost to, so I now have:
root#taaalk:~# dokku domains:report
=====> taaalk domains information
Domains app enabled: true
Domains app vhosts:
Domains global enabled: true
Domains global vhosts:
However, I still get the following error:
root#taaalk:~# dokku letsencrypt taaalk
=====> Let's Encrypt taaalk
-----> Updating letsencrypt docker image...
0.1.0: Pulling from dokku/letsencrypt
Digest: sha256:af5f8529c407645e97821ad28eba328f4c59b83b2141334f899303c49fc07823
Status: Image is up to date for dokku/letsencrypt:0.1.0
Done updating
-----> Enabling ACME proxy for taaalk...
[ ok ] Reloading nginx configuration (via systemctl): nginx.service.
-----> Getting letsencrypt certificate for taaalk...
- Domain ''
darkhttpd/1.12, copyright (c) 2003-2016 Emil Mikulic.
listening on:
2020-04-30 17:01:12,996:INFO:__main__:1406: Generating new certificate private key
2020-04-30 17:01:46,068:ERROR:__main__:1388: CA marked some of the authorizations as invalid, which likely means it could not access Did you set correct path in -d or --default_root? Are all your domains accessible from the internet? Please check your domains' DNS entries, your host's network/firewall setup and your webserver config. If a domain's DNS entry has both A and AAAA fields set up, some CAs such as Let's Encrypt will perform the challenge validation over IPv6. If your DNS provider does not answer correctly to CAA records request, Let's Encrypt won't issue a certificate for your domain (see Failing authorizations:
Challenge validation has failed, see error log.
Debugging tips: -v improves output verbosity. Help is available under --help.
-----> Certificate retrieval failed!
-----> Disabling ACME proxy for taaalk...
[ ok ] Reloading nginx configuration (via systemctl): nginx.service.
Again, reproduced below for ease of reading:
2020-04-30 17:01:46,068:ERROR:__main__:1388: CA marked some of the authorizations as invalid, which likely means it could not access Did you set correct path in -d or --default_root? Are all your domains accessible from the internet? Please check your domains' DNS entries, your host's network/firewall setup and your webserver config. If a domain's DNS entry has both A and AAAA fields set up, some CAs such as Let's Encrypt will perform the challenge validation over IPv6. If your DNS provider does not answer correctly to CAA records request, Let's Encrypt won't issue a certificate for your domain (see Failing authorizations:
Challenge validation has failed, see error log.
The fix was quite simple. First I made A records for both www. and root for my url pointing at my server.
I then set my vhosts to be both and with dokku domains:add taaalk, etc...
I then removed all the certs associated with with dokku certs:remove taaalk.
I then ran dokku letsencrypt taaalk and everything worked fine.
To anyone looking on who tried what Joshua did and still didn't get letsencrypt to generate certs:
My problem was that I didn't have any port mapping for port 80 on dokku, so letsencrypt was unable to communicate with the server to authorise the new cert, giving this error:
ERROR:__main__:1388: CA marked some of the authorizations as invalid, which likely means it could not access Did you set correct path in -d or --default_root? Are all your domains accessible from the internet? Please check your domains' DNS entries, your host's network/firewall setup and your webserver config. If a domain's DNS entry has both A and AAAA fields set up, some CAs such as Let's Encrypt will perform the challenge validation over IPv6. If your DNS provider does not answer correctly to CAA records request, Let's Encrypt won't issue a certificate for your domain (see Failing authorizations:
Challenge validation has failed, see error log.
Silly me - I had removed the port http 80 mapping in dokku as I thought it was unnecessary.
To fix the problem I just added the port mapping again:
dokku proxy:ports-add myapp http:80:4000
(Note: my app connects to port 4000 hence above, your port may be different)
And then ran dokku letsencrypt:
dokku letsencrypt myapp
This sequence is important, setting the proxy ports correctly allows letsencrypt to connect and autorenew the TLS certs again.

Heroku, Keep getting SSL certficate error from Google Web Master Tool

I keep getting ssl certificate error from google web master tool like below.
Dear Webmaster, The host name of your site,, does not match any of the "Subject Names" in your SSL certificate, which were:
This will cause many web browsers to block users from accessing your site, or to display a security warning message when your site is accessed. To correct this problem, please get a new SSL certificate by a Certificate Authority (CA) with a "Subject Name" or "Subject Alternative DNS Names" that matches your host name. Thanks, The Google Web Crawling Team
I set ssl to my heroku app by following instructions of Heroku dev center.
I also am using rack_rewrite for 301 redirect for redirecting from naked domain to www subdomain.
It seems everything is going fine from browser, when I access naked domain, it will redirect to without any SSL error.
output from heroku are like below
heroku certs --remote production
Endpoint Common Name(s) Expires Trusted
---------------------- ---------------------------------- -------------------- -------, 2013-08-05 00:20 PHT True
heroku certs:info --remote production
Fetching information on SSL endpoint done
Certificate details:
subject: /serialNumber=XXXXXXXXXX (c)12/OU=Domain Control Validated - RapidSSL(R)/
start date: (some date)
expire date: (some date)
common name(s):,
issuer: /serialNumber=XXXXXXXXXXX (c)12/OU=Domain Control Validated - RapidSSL(R)/
SSL certificate is verified by a root authority.
domain settings
Type NAME TTL Points to
ALIAS 3600
CNAME 3600
Why I keep getting the error from Google?
Naked Domains are not supported. See the documentation section at Heroku Endpoint SSL

Heroku SSL - Updating DNS Entries

I've recently added SSL Endpoint plugin for Heroku in order to enable SSL. I've purchased and uploaded certificates successfully, which I've verified by heroku certs command:
Endpoint Common Name(s) Expires Trusted
------------------------ --------------------------------- -------------------- ------- 2013-08-09 12:26 EST True
The step where I got stuck is configuring DNS (I'm using Zerigo DNS provider/plugin for Heroku):
Currently, I have the following DNS config:
On top of that I have a number of A records for which point to various IP addresses. All the configuration was auto generated by executing the following command:
heroku domains:add
Any tips on the DNS config for this scenario would be appreciated.
You want the CNAME to point to not